• Published 22nd Oct 2012
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Shut The Blinds - The Rainbow Blunderbolt

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The Empty Room

Chapter twelve: The Empty Room

In the rays of dull sunlight shining down onto the gravel of Ponyville’s streets, Twilight Sparkle trotted ever onwards toward the hospital.

This was an interesting day for the unicorn. For it was the day that Rainbow Dash would be coming home with her, and she was rather excited about it. She could imagine that Rainbow was excited to get out of the cramped room, and Twilight would be happy to see her friend on a regular basis again. Not only that, but she was anxious to have some company. After moving to Ponyville, she had become more open, and valued the company of other ponies. But, she still enjoyed some solitude with a good book from time to time. Spike was out doing his own thing most days, and ponies coming to the library were becoming scarce. That was probably because summertime was quickly approaching. Ponies were out and about having fun, and the last thing that they probably wanted to do was stay cooped up indoors with a book. How ponies managed to do this was beyond Twilight’s range of understanding, and that was quite a feat. Even though she loved her friends, she loved books too, and the thought of reading one on a warm summer day was all too pleasant for her. But, some ponies just thought differently.

After finding the book Rarity had requested, she stayed up all night to read it, in the hopes of becoming well-versed in pegasus wings. Luckily, the book had done its job quite well. Twilight now knew how she was going to help Rainbow Dash, and now she just needed to pull it off.

Another thing the book had mentioned was, to her surprise, blind pegasi.

“If a pegasus should become blind due to an unfortunate incident, then be warned that individual may become reclusive, distant, and antisocial, especially if flying was a major part of that pony’s life.”

Gee, book. Thanks for stating something that she already knew.

“However, the various methods listed in this book will explain how to help that pony deal with their disability, and even, to an extent, regain their ability to fly.”

And explain it did. From air currents to feathers, that book had it all. But, to the books credit, it had done her a huge amount of good, much to her relief. Rarity was right, this book would help Rainbow Dash, that Twilight was sure of. It was almost like an experiment. Except there was one inconsistent variable within the equation.

Rainbow Dash.

Would Rainbow Dash cooperate? Would the methods mentioned in the book even work? What if it was all just a bunch of lies? Well, it probably wouldn’t be published if it was, but still. There was no guarantee, but she had to try.

The time seemed to fly by as she quickly trotted into the hospital through the front doors. It was the same old sight to her as she walked in, the same old desk at the front of the room, the same old chairs lined up against the sides, there was really nothing interesting about the dreary room at all. The only thing that even held her attention was the different ponies that would come in day after day to visit their loved ones. Much like she was doing.

Today there were only four ponies in the waiting room. Three looked like they were there together, and one was slightly off to the side, kicking his back hooves under the chair he was seated in and looking bored out of his mind. Twilight couldn’t blame him. Hospitals weren’t really interesting places.

Barely sparing a glance at her fellow hospital-goers, she strode over to the desk at the front of the room. There was some pony other than Nurse Redheart seated at the comfy-looking chair today. That wasn’t all that surprising though. Many nurses rotated shifts when they were waiting that dreadfully long week for Rainbow Dash to wake up, so she was used to it, although she was reluctant to admit it. She had had enough hospital visits to last a lifetime and beyond.

The replacement was a bored looking earth pony who had her head stuck in some files. Twilight wasn’t very impressed by the nurse. In her opinion, whatever pony that was at the desk should at least pretend to be interested in their work, but she could imagine that working at a hospital took a toll on any pony’s sense of excitement.

“Excuse me?” she called out once she had reached the desk.

The young nurse barely spared her a glance. “Yes? What can I do for you?”

“I’m here to pick up some pony,” she answered.

Now the nurse looked up at her.

The look was uncomfortable, but Twilight acted like she barely noticed. She was here for Rainbow Dash’s sake. But, no matter how many times she told herself that, it was hard to avoid the chill running down her spine as the unnamed nurse glared at her, investigating her. It felt like the nurse was making sure she was worthy for a gladiator battle, or something like that.



“I need your name.”

“Oh. Sorry.” The look the nurse gave Twilight was not that of an amused pony. Deciding she should make it easier on both of them, she began to give the answers the nurse was looking for.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m here to pick up Rainbow Dash,” she said, adding the last part in to save the nurse’s valuable time.

“Ah, yes. Redheart mentioned that you would be picking her up this morning,” the nurse said, finally smiling. However, the smile was not friendly, nor was it something Twilight liked. It was small and cynical. Twilight would be happy when it wasn’t focused on her any longer. The nurse’s head disappeared from Twilight’s vision as she began to look for something under the desk. It took her quite a while to find whatever she was looking for, because, about five minutes later, the nurse’s head returned with a piece of paper and a pen. She spat it down on the desk and looked back at Twilight.

“Sign here,” she said in a bored fashion, nudging the pen towards Twilight.

Twilight looked at it, quickly reading the paper over. “What’s it for?”

“Just legal things. It says that you accept the fact that Rainbow Dash is in your care and yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s not my job to read these things, you know,” the nurse said, curling her mouth into a distasteful snarl.

Twilight eyed the nurse cautiously. The sooner she left this mare behind, the better she would feel. To speed up that process, she took the pen in her magic and signed her name neatly on the line designated for just that. As soon as she finished, she set the pen back down onto the desk.

“Thank you,” the nurse said, rolling the pen back towards her and looking over the piece of paper carefully. She then got up out of the desk and stood up before Twilight.

“Follow me please,” she requested. She waved another nurse over, most likely to take her place at the desk. It seemed fair enough to Twilight. Wouldn’t want to leave the waiting room unattended. The main thing that confused her was why the nurse had gotten up from the desk in the first place. She already knew where her friend’s room was, and she didn’t need to be led around. She sighed in annoyance. For some reason, she was getting very irritated today. She knew that it wasn’t right, but she still felt the strong feeling anxiousness and annoyance rising up in her stomach every time something seemed off to her. Maybe it was just because she was anxious to see Rainbow Dash and wanted to speed things along. That seemed too utterly plausible.

“I know where her room is,” Twilight began, wanting to get to the bottom of the matter.

“Oh, I’m sure. I’m just doing some last minute preparations so she can leave,” the nurse answered, beginning to walk down the hall leading to Rainbow Dash’s room.

Twilight’s mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. She quickly trotted forward and began to walk parallel to the nurse. The two said nothing as they walked down the hall. It wasn’t a completely awkward silence, but it was certainly uncomfortable. But, the nurse seemed rather content to not have to talk to her, and, Twilight had to admit, she did too. It was one thing to talk to a friend, but another thing to talk to a pony that she didn’t feel comfortable with. So, they kept silent.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached Rainbow Dash’s room. Without hesitation, Twilight grabbed the doorknob with her magic and opened the door. The first thing she saw was, of course Rainbow Dash, but this time, the pegasus had the bandages off her eyes. Now, all that remained in her eyes was a dull, glazed-over look. Twilight’s heart fell to her stomach in sadness. It made the fact that her friend was blind even more omni-present than it had been before. The once vibrant magenta had turned dull, and the spark that had once taken up the iris and the pupil was gone. Everything about them looked dead, but she tried not to let that get to her.

“Hey, Rainbow,” she called out.

The blind pony jumped a bit in surprise, but called out, “Hey, Twilight.”

Twilight walked up to the bed touched Rainbow’s hoof lightly with her own.

“Ready to go?” she asked cheerfully.

“You have no idea,” Rainbow muttered back jokingly, her mouth forming into a weary smile.

Twilight let out a small chuckle before she heard a small groaning sound from behind her. She rolled her eyes and turned her head in the nurse’s direction. And, sure enough, there she was, tapping her front hoof and eyeing her with an evil expression.

“Well, I just have to get the doctor. I’ll be back in a minute,” the nurse said, almost skipping out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

Twilight stuck her tongue out at the open door and mimicked the nurse rudely.

“What was that all about?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising her eyebrow in confusion.

“Just some pony who needs an attitude adjustment…” Twilight muttered. But, maybe it wasn’t just the nurse who needed to lighten up. She sighed dejectedly and turned back to her friend. “So, how are you?” she asked, hoping to start a decent conversation.

“Pretty good…I’m kinda tired though,” Rainbow answered, looking down a bit. “I haven’t been sleeping all that well…” By the tone of her voice, Twilight thought that the pegasus was trying to tell her something.

“Oh? Do you want to talk about it at all?” she asked cautiously, deciding to tread lightly with this particular subject.

“Nah, I’m sure it’ll go away sooner or later,” Rainbow Dash replied, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

Why did Twilight have a sneaking suspicion that Rainbow Dash wasn’t telling her the whole situation? However, it wouldn’t surprise her if that was indeed the case. But, she decided not to press the issue any further. She would let Rainbow tell her on her own time. For now, she could wait.

“If you’re sure,” she said simply. “So, you got those bandages off, huh?”

“Yep. Good thing too. Stupid things were driving me nuts,” the pegasus replied, seemingly happy for the change of subject.

Twilight giggled briefly and nodded, even though she knew Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be able to see the action.
“When can we get out of this place?” Rainbow asked.

“As soon as the nurse comes back,” Twilight answered.

“Well, she better hurry it up,” Rainbow groaned, leaning back into her bed and crossing her front legs over her chest in annoyance. Twilight could understand what the pegasus was feeling right about now. If she was in her friend’s position, she would be feeling the same way. Impatient and anxious to get back to the outside world again. Luckily, that would be coming very soon.

“Ah, Ms. Sparkle. Good to see you again,” a masculine voice said from across the room.

To her relief, it wasn’t the nurse that came in the room. It was the doctor that tended to Rainbow Dash the last time she was in the hospital. He walked into the room and stood beside the unicorn.

“Good to see you too,” she answered. “So, is she ready to go home?” Twilight noticed that one of Rainbow’s ears perked up when she said this, as if she was interested in something. But, it was hard to read what the blind pony was feeling just from subtle body language. Still, if anything, it was rather amusing. The pegasus’ head had been directed up at the ceiling of the room, so she couldn’t see what expression her face held. Twilight could imagine it, though. Stoic, smug, and just a bit interested. However, she was snapped out of her train of thought by the doctor’s voice.

“I believe so. Everything is looking good,” he replied, investigating Rainbow Dash once more. But, as soon as he touched her hooves…

“Hey, hooves off, buddy.”

“Quite sorry, Ms. Dash,” he apologized before turning back to Twilight. “You two can leave whenever you’re ready. Good day, and take care of yourself now, Rainbow Dash.”


The doctor snorted and gave his last goodbye to Twilight before wandering out of the room. After Twilight watched him leave, she looked back at her friend. To her surprise, Rainbow Dash was already inching herself out of the bed. With a small gasp, Twilight rushed to her friend’s side. However, just before she touched Rainbow, she stopped. This was Rainbow Dash she was looking at. Not some foal that needed a helping hoof all the time.

“Do you need any help?” she asked, backing up to her original position.

“No, I’m fine,” Rainbow Dash answered, getting out of the bed on her own. After she was on all fours, she turned her head in Twilight’s direction. “Okay, now I might need a little help.”

The unicorn chuckled and walked over to Rainbow Dash. Once she stood beside her, Rainbow Dash opened her wing and laid it against Twilight’s back. Once she felt the feathered appendage, Twilight felt a rush of…something shoot through her from the tip of her horn to the bottom of her hooves. It felt a little like electricity, but she would imagine that electricity would hurt a lot more than what she felt right now. If she had to describe it, it was like….enjoyable electricity? No, that wasn’t right either.

She shook her head and focused on helping her friend.

“Are you ready?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I am,” Rainbow Dash answered, taking a deep breath.

Without another word, they began walking quickly down the hall. Twilight could honestly say that she wasn’t surprised with how fast they were moving. It was Rainbow Dash, after all. But, she chalked it mostly up to the pegasus being excited to get out of the building she was housed in for the last week and two days. As they made their way down the hall, Twilight noticed a few ponies giving them odd looks. She assumed that Rainbow Dash noticed them as well, because she could feel the pegasus beside her tense up as they passed each judgmental stare. It was then that she realized they weren’t giving her the glares, they were giving them to Rainbow Dash. A wave of sympathy washed over her.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered to the pegasus as they reached the end of the hallway. “We’re almost there.”

A small grunt was all she got in response.

The same nurse from before gave them a sympathetic look as they passed her, much to Twilight’s surprise. She nodded in return once before finally exiting the building.

As soon as Rainbow Dash felt the fresh air on her body, she brightened up. Her mouth curled into a small smile and Twilight noticed that she had a spring in her step that wasn’t there when they were in the dreary hospital. But, it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked curiously as they walked further down the road leading to the center of the town.

“…” The hardened expression on the pegasus’ face refused to give away any details about what exactly she was feeling at the moment. “Nothing. Can we get going now?” she asked quickly, her ears flickering about.

Twilight felt disappointed for a few seconds. But, she decided to let it go for the time being. What mattered now was getting to library. They both knew the way there by heart, so Rainbow didn’t really need to be led to there, but, as they got closer, the pegasus began to get faster. Twilight wondered why, but then she saw the way that the ponies around them stared at them. Their faces reflected shock, confusion, and pity. One emotion of which she knew Rainbow hated.

“Is she…?”

“I think she is.”

That’s when the whispers started.

“Is that why she disappeared for a week?”

“Why is she being led around?”

“Don’t stare, dear.”

“Oh, the poor thing.”

“I feel bad for her.”

Twilight felt Rainbow Dash becoming tenser and tenser as they passed through the hard wall of pity. She saw the pegasus was gritting her teeth and a few tears escaping from her tightly shut eyes. Twilight moved herself closer to the blind pegasus, almost acting like a shield, and whispered in her ear, “We’re almost at the Library.”

“I know,” Rainbow hissed, her ears flattening against her skull. Her voice sounded strained, as if it pained her just to get the words out so Twilight could hear them. And, by the sound of her voice, it was obvious to Twilight that Rainbow Dash didn’t want to talk anymore.

Abiding by her friend’s wishes, the unicorn stayed silent.

It was a relief to both of them when they finally got to the library. As soon as Twilight shut the door, Rainbow Dash snapped her wing back to its resting place and backed away from the door. A deep frown had formed on her face and Twilight could clearly tell that she had been silently crying by the moisture on the pegasus’ cheeks. This was quite a surprise to her, since Rainbow Dash rarely cried. In fact, Twilight didn’t think she had ever seen Rainbow Dash cry. If it wasn’t for this, Twilight might have thought that Rainbow Dash just didn’t have any tear ducts. But, like most things, she was proven wrong. It just went to show how deeply the little walk had hit her.

“Oh, Dash…” she said, trotting up to her ailing friend. She attempted to give her a hug, but her hooves were quickly stopped by Rainbow Dash’s own.

“I’m fine. I just got a little emotional there…sorry, that was really uncool,” Rainbow Dash blurted out, wiping her eyes with her front hooves.

“It wasn’t uncool, Rainbow. Every pony gets a little emotional sometimes,” Twilight assured. Just then, the conversation was halted by Spike waltzing into the room.

“Rainbow Dash! You’re back!” Spike cried, running up to the pegasus and hugging her front leg.

Rainbow grunted a bit as he latched onto her leg, but smiled nonetheless. “Hey, Spike,” she smiled.

“Oh man, Rainbow, I missed you so much! It was really lonely without you,” the baby dragon babbled, letting go of her leg and standing in front of her. But, his sentence stopped when he saw her eyes. His smile fell from his face and his body seemed to droop downward. “So, you really are…blind?” he asked cautiously.

Twilight felt the need to face hoof.

“Yep, I’m blind,” Rainbow sighed. She looked like she wanted to slap him, not that Twilight could blame her, though. She was in the same metaphorical boat. “But, I’m still the coolest pony in Equestria. No dumb disability is gonna change that,” she added on, puffing out her chest as she said this.

Spike didn’t look so sure of that.

“Um, Spike, could you take Rainbow Dash to her room please?” Twilight requested quickly, sensing the awkwardness in the room.

“You got me a room?” Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

“Yeah! You should have seen her the other day, running around trying to get organized. Ordered a bed and everything,” Spike told her, much to Twilight’s dismay. Rainbow Dash blushed and smiled wearily.

“I could have just slept on the couch, ya know,” Rainbow Dash said, laughing nervously. “But, thanks, Twilight.”

“No problem, Rainbow,” Twilight answered.

“Come on, I’ll take you to it,” Spike said, putting a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. She nodded and let her wing wrap around Spike’s back as he led her slowly to the upper floor of the Library. Twilight watched them go nervously, biting her lip as she watched them go up the stairs. She almost bit through it when Rainbow Dash tripped and was about to fall face first on the stair that she was on. Luckily, she caught herself and resumed walking, laughing the rest of the way about how she was going to hate stairs from now on. Eventually, and with a few more slips, they made their way to the upper level of the Library.

Twilight released a sigh of relief as she watched them safely go into the guest room. Well, it was Rainbow Dash’s room now, so she supposed that she couldn’t call it that anymore. But, at least it was being lived in, instead of being an empty room that annoyed her most of the time. Come to think of it, Spike had been wanting to do something with that room for a while now. Well, at least he got his wish.

With nothing else to do, Twilight walked to her desk and picked up, “Pegasus Wings And Other Things” and turned to the page she had bookmarked. It was one that described a way to help a blind individual fly by air currents. She had decided that this was the best way that she could help Rainbow fly again. It was, by far, the easiest, but it was also the one that would help Rainbow Dash most of all. Taking another look up the stairs, she sat down on her back haunches, put her face on the table and began to read.