• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 27,258 Views, 1,417 Comments

Shut The Blinds - The Rainbow Blunderbolt

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“…Your loyal subject, Rainbow Dash. That sound good, Twi?”

“It’s perfect, Dash.”

Rainbow Dash sighed as she felt Twilight nuzzle her cheek affectionately. Over the last few weeks, the two had been growing closer and closer, and with their relationship growing stronger as each day passed, they could now officially call themselves a couple. But, as amazing as it had been to the both of them, it hadn’t been the easiest of experiences. Still, the pair had been through more trying times.

And, while their new relationship had blossomed, Rainbow Dash had been getting much better at flying blind. She had been awesome at it before, if she said so herself, but now she was even better, and that was all thanks to Twilight. Well, her other friends had helped as well, but Twilight had done the most. Each day they had kept working on what they had once thought to be impossible, and each day they kept improving at it. Rainbow Dash wasn’t perfect yet, and she was nowhere near at the level she once was, but she could happily say that she was steadily getting there. Even so, she still had those occasional times when she would miss something and end up with her face in a tree trunk or buried in a hole in the ground. But that didn’t stop her.

To add to the situation, Ponyville had started to accept that she was now blind, and they had begun to think much less of it than before. Now, it had become part of the norm. However, there were those occasional odd glances or the whispered remark. Luckily Rainbow Dash had learned not to pay too much attention to that minority.

Overall, things were returning to normal in Equestria (or as normal as they could be) and Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle couldn’t be happier.

Rainbow Dash sat carefully on her stomach, holding Tank in between her front hooves. She had been asked by Twilight if she could possibly write a letter to Princess Celestia about what she had learned throughout this whole experience. At first she had asked why.

“Because, Dash,” Twilight had said. “I’m sure that Princess Celestia would love to hear what you have to say about this little lesson on friendship.”

Ever the loyal one, the pegasus accepted. And, since she couldn’t exactly write one herself, Twilight had taken on the role of writing it whilst Rainbow Dash dictated what she wanted the letter to say. But, the unicorn was glad to do it.

“Wow, Dash,” Twilight said as she scanned over the scroll. “I didn’t know you could be so literate.”

“What can I say?” Rainbow Dash laughed, tossing her bangs off her face. “I’m full of surprises.”

Twilight grinned and moved a bit closer to Rainbow Dash. “I know,” she whispered slyly as she felt the wing of the blind pegasus wrap around her tenderly. “And that’s why I love you.”

The sentence sent a rush down Rainbow Dash’s spine. That became even more intense as she felt her fillyfriend nibble gently on her ear. Twilight did this sometimes, and it was always a pleasurable experience for Rainbow Dash. Not just because her ears were rather sensitive, but because it was a little gesture of Twilight’s feelings for her. All too soon, she felt the pressure from before disappear, but that wasn’t to say Twilight went anywhere.

“Well, that was painless enough. Now, all we have to do is send it,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah…” Twilight agreed absentmindedly.

Rainbow Dash winced when she heard the silence that followed. Of course she said that. Of course she said the one thing that would cause Twilight to stay silent for an extensively long period of time. Quickly, she went into damage control mode.

“Uh, say, Twilight…do you want to do…something?” she asked quickly, hoping the awkward offer would break the tension.

Twilight glanced at the pegasus suspiciously for a few tense moments. But, she let the gaze drop almost as quickly as it had come around. She rolled the scroll up and put it on the desk just in front of the couch they were both seated in.

“No, not particularly,” Twilight assured. “Why do you ask?”

Rainbow Dash let out an audible sigh of relief and Twilight felt the pegasus deflate just a bit. It was actually amusing when she did that.

“No reason,” the pegasus answered breezily as she shrugged her shoulders. “Just thought it was getting cramped in here, that’s all.”

“Well, do you want to do something?” Twilight asked.

“Nah, I’m fine.”

Twilight decided to leave it at that. She let her head rest on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder carefully, just enjoying the company of her beloved. It was an odd thought that she was dating Rainbow Dash. Never did she think that they would ever go beyond friendship, but she was certainly glad that they had taken the chance. Rainbow Dash made her feel genuinely loved, and she adored the pegasus for that. But there were so many other reasons why she loved Rainbow Dash. If she wanted to, and if she had the desire to, she could probably write a book about what the many dazzling features the pegasus had to offer, but that could be saved for another day.

“Hey, Rainbow?” Twilight asked suddenly as she felt the pegasus rest her chin softly on her forehead.


“I love you.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled softly and pulled her fillyfriend closer. No matter how cheesy this may have looked, or how cheesy it may have felt, it never got old to her.

“Love you too, Twi,” she replied softly, giving the unicorn a soft kiss on the forehead.

Just as silence had taken over the Library, a careful albeit excited knock was heard. Twilight groaned and gently got to her feet. Rainbow Dash helped her by lifting her wing up and stretching it. The sudden air from Twilight’s movements felt good to her sensitive feathers and she kept it outstretched even as she heard Twilight slowly walk away from her. She only put it down when she felt Tank gently nudge her chin. Rainbow Dash sighed and let him nuzzle it.

Tank had just recently been dropped off by Fluttershy at Rainbow Dash’s request. As far as the pegasus was concerned, it was much too long since she had last been with her faithful pet. She had silently swore that she would never neglect her pet again after such a long period of being away from him.

Soon, she heard a door slam and hoofsteps walking back to her.

“Who was it?” she asked curiously.

“Just the mail pony,” Twilight grumbled as she plopped back onto the couch and once again snuggled up to Rainbow Dash.

“He got backed up again?” Rainbow Dash wondered out loud. “What time is it?”

“About seven in the morning,” Twilight sighed. “The mail service usually comes around six.”

That was certainly interesting, but still not all that unexpected.

“Again?” Rainbow Dash asked as she pulled Twilight closer to her with her wing once again. “This is, like, the third time this week. And I still can’t believe you got me up this early.”

“It’s not that early,” Twilight grumbled.

She could feel the bitter annoyance radiating off Twilight in waves. For some pony who was used to being so organized and liked things to be both on time and right when they were delivered, the delays of the mail pony must be driving her crazy. It didn’t take a genius to know that.

“But, that’s the worst part of it,” Twilight replied in annoyance. She slapped her head into her front hooves and closed her eyes. “I would probably be a bit more understanding if this hadn’t become a regular thing for the mail service.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t keep in a lighthearted chuckle. Twilight, whether or not she believed it, was cute when she was agitated.

“Don’t worry,” Rainbow Dash soothed as she nuzzled Twilight’s cheek. “I’m sure that this is just a one-time thing; they’ll get back on time soon…hopefully.”

Unfortunately, Twilight didn’t seem to be swayed so easily.

“I’m not so sure, Rainbow,” Twilight told her skeptically. “From the patterns that they’ve shown this week, and not to mention last week and the week before that, the possibility that they’ll get any sense of time back is incredibly unlikely.”

The pegasus rolled her dull eyes and patted Twilight front hoof gently.

“Have you ever heard of speaking in plain English, Twilight?” she teased.

“Shut up,” Twilight replied.

Rainbow Dash laughed and moved her hoof away. She was thinking about suggesting that they go out and get some dinner from a local eatery. That always helped cheer Twilight up when she was irritable like this. There was no reason for it not to work now.

“Why don’t we…”

She was interrupted.

A sharp knock was heard.

“Oh come on!” Twilight groaned as she got up off the couch once again in an agitated rush. She raced over to the door, fully expecting the mail pony from before to come forward and admit that he had forgotten to give her something. Again. “If this is that stupid mail pony, Dash, Celestia help me I will…”

Twilight trailed off unexpectedly as Rainbow Dash heard the door swing open.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow with curiosity when she didn’t hear an enraged Twilight tell the innocent mail pony to screw off.

“Hey, Twilight?” she called out. “Who’s at the door?”

“Oh, is that you, Rainbow?” a strange voice asked. “Didn’t think that you’d be up so early.”

Her jaw fell to the floor.

“So,” Spike asked nonchalantly as he stood in the doorway of the Library completely unharmed, save for a few minor scratches. “What’d I miss?”

Comments ( 169 )

With that, I can finally mark this as complete.

Here's a good little mood-setter.

To all the FANTASTIC readers of this, I cannot thank you all enough. It was only because of you that I got so far and actually finished this. Not to mention you guys were the people who got me to update every week without fail, a feat I've never accomplished until now. So, thanks. And, I know some people will be standing up in their chairs going, "THANK GOD THIS PIECE OF CRAP IS FINISHED!" and I've probably disappointed so many more people than I've made happy. But, thanks for staying with me.


Jaz #2 · Feb 24th, 2013 · · 3 ·

Quick note, haven't read everything yet. First few sentences:

"You're loyal subject" should be "Your..." and immediately after Twilight says "Prefect."

Looking forward to reading it all, be done in a few.


It's a pity this ended so soon. I enjoyed the story, and the ending feels like you just gave up partway through. Will look forward to whatever you write next, if you continue writing. Thanks for the read.

"Of course, she said the once thing"
one thing
Nice ending.

:moustache: gentlemen

Neoco #5 · Feb 24th, 2013 · · 1 ·

I felt like this could've been stretched a little longer

I like it!

There better be something with Spike soon...

Nooooooo, why did it have to end??:raritycry:

Awesome sauce!

I'm so happy you did this, because it drove me to turn back and delve into the mind of the blind. Planning on a series of one shots involving different ponies and them becoming blind and how they cope.

I only say this because I wouldn't have started the work if I hadn't been reading this so much!

So, thank you, and I can't wait to see your next works! :twilightsmile:

WAHHHHH???? Spike!!!!! He's alive!:pinkiegasp: but, but what happened:rainbowderp: is THAT dragon dead, crippled, alive, unknown, what too many questions.

NOOOO You HAVE to write in some "Spike Appendices!" YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!! YOU MUST!!!

so the ending is rushed, a lot of people will notice i am sure, but does that matter? besides the whole future being untold, which is a common drop off of a completed story. the protagonist gets the girl and everything goes good for as far as we know. what i think people will complain about here is spike never getting to tell his tail, which they are right but wrong. this story followed rainbow dash and her problems and her story. spike leaving was a big deal, kind because it was for dash. it was part of the rising action. him coming back resolved his story arc that was needed to finish the story with no mystery. his tail of what happen to him is irrelevant to the love story this is. so while people might want to know.....that's kinda a different story and I'm cool with it ending this way. it is a story that CAN be told, but if not one can just fill in the blank in there head if need be. unless i got this wrong, author feel free to point this out, this is simply conclusion i have come too.

I'll have you know that I loved reading this story, it was really good. The final part of the end chapter felt a little but unfinished, but I think that could be remedied with a couple chapters detailing what Spike went through on this little adventure, for closure. (Final rating: 4/5; Great story, ending left a bit to be desired. Overall great job!)


Okay, there NEEDS to be an extra chapter or two for telling how Spike's trip went as well as how he responds to the change in their lives while he was away. :rainbowlaugh:

Good grief that ending was priceless! :ajsmug:

I think a little more needs to be told, but for the most part a cute ending... until suddenly Spike. WHAT HAPPENED!? WHERE'S THE DRAGON!? SPIKKKKEEEEEEE!!! :rainbowwild:

Well we have an untold story. Will be keeping an eye out for it.

I guess it had to end sometime... But good run!

Spike needs to tell us all about it now.

Ya so what happens with the dragon now? That is kind of one of the things I was most looking forward to seeing answered, so this being how it ends is a massive dissapointment:ajbemused:

EPILOGUE?! :rainbowhuh:

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! :twilightoops:

Aww yuss. Excellent story!

C wat I did thar?

no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... *sigh*

fine. I can't believe it's already over. It was a really excellent fic. It doesn't necessarily feel unfinished... I just want moar I suppose. oh well.

This really was a great fic, it truly was. I would ask for more chapters, but you pretty much took care of the plot, the conclusion, and all that good stuff. Job well done.

Me encanto el final... pero que vivio spike? XD :twilightsmile:

As many others have said in various ways in previous chapters, this story had a lot of unused potential. It was a good, unique story, but it could've been much better.

Also, as others have said here, this final chapter could've been longer too. And surely, there is going to be a sequel, correct? To ignore the whole reason as to why Dash lost her sight in the first place would just be silly.

welp...that happened

Arrrggg. this is the end? There is so much more I'd love to see expanded upon

But as a whole this was an amazing fic

i can see an after story that expand on rainbow's and Twilight's relationship, and a side story that follows spike's journey. good conclusion to a great story, though it could have been a lot longer. it felt as though it was just starting out. :pinkiehappy:

Is this the prelude for a sequel/side story?

Pulling a Red Thrush Private School and ending it all of a sudden?

All in favor for a squeal say "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO :moustache: "

Well, that was quite an ending. Glad to see Spike's okay.

This was a good story. And it was all based off a few pictures from a Tumblr. I hope Spike's reappearance means a sequel's on the way.:twilightsmile:

This was a very nice story. I really liked it a lot. Continue onward my good author and create more fanfiction for the public (please).

Awesome! I won't read any sequel to this, because that's how I roll, so in my mind it's done forever. Very good job.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I love this fic so much.... No words describe the squees that have been had at this fiction

Lol cue awsome light music for the heros epic return from his completed epic mission!

2169536 Why did you get some thumbs down for con crit?

Heck, I'll give ya a thumbs up. There's nothing more valuable then someone who takes the time to try and help the writer, no matter how minor the error is. I'll even thank you for being an awesome person. Even if it is not my place to do so.

Thank you.



Ah, truth be told I had no idea I was getting thumbs down or whatever. The two easy mistakes I pointed out I did because they were both clustered at the start, and since I clicked on the story the moment the update came out I figured it was a good chance he could correct it before anyone got to it if he wanted. Thanks for the support.

I like this author and would love to see more from him, but the ending to this just unfortunately felt like he ran out of ideas or passion for the story. If he ran out of passion I'm somewhat glad he ended it, as there is nothing worse than seeing someone try to limp along for the sake of others when their heart isn't in it anymore. Still, it was left open enough that a continuation can be done, as many have suggested, using Spike's story and the telling of it to flesh everything out more. Spike the protagonist is pretty rare, even on this site as far as I've seen (at least good Spike stories are), and I think the set up from this story could give Spike one of his best roles yet.

yeah, they totally forgot about him.

"So, what'd I miss"
"Oh, well Rainbow can fly on her own now, and oh yeah, me and Rainbow are dating now." :twilightsmile:
"By the way did you find that dragon?"

Personally, I loved this fic, the emotions, the experiences, it was all brilliant. As I've said before I loved the way that blindness was described and the fact that Rainbow developed a sense of empathy. As someone with a vision impairment myself, I very much approve of this story.

So you're going to write a sequel telling what happened with Spike and what he found out, right? RIGHT?!? :pinkiecrazy:

I heard there would be Twidash... except for the part where they accept each other, there is no actual Twidash here. No relationship building, trials and tribulations. And nothing about Spike's journey. I'm feeling just a bit short-changed here, come on.

Sequel please, focusing on Spike's journey, with cut-away chapters to Twidash getting their relationship up and running.


Sucks that this is over sequeal?

Dear The rainbow Blunderbolt,

Trust me when I say that you have probably made more happy than disappointed. This is one of the best stories I have read. No really I'm not joking. For a while I have been reading the stories on this site with out an account because I never saw the need for one but when i read your story, I had to get an account and leave you a message. Now I don't know if you'll get this or if you'll care what I (a random reader) has to say about you story (considering I haven't wrote any), but I'd like to say thanks for writing a beautiful piece of art. Never stop writing Rainbow, you have a gift and should show it! :twilightsmile: Thanks for this, I must say it was time well spent.
From a new follower,

Dude this was great but it needs a spin off or a sequel about spike's adventure :moustache:

2169521 And here I was, at the beginning of the story, getting ready to chew you out about forgetting Spike like everyone else usually does. :facehoof:

That's actually a really good ending to the story

The pegasus rolled her dull eyes and patted Twilight's front hoof gently.


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