• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 27,257 Views, 1,417 Comments

Shut The Blinds - The Rainbow Blunderbolt

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Thus Begins The Journey...

Chapter nine: Thus Begins The Journey…

“Now where did I put it?” Rarity asked herself, throwing an article of clothing over her head as she searched for the book she had promised herself she would find.

She had buried her head in her closet about twenty minutes ago to look for that book she knew would help Rainbow Dash. But, as the minutes passed and more things were emptied out of her closet, it appeared that luck didn’t appear to be on her side today. And, to make matters worse, her bedroom was getting messier by the second. Her usual organization strategies were completely blown out of proportion by the ever-growing pile of junk she had strewn around the room in her search. Unfinished dresses were flung carelessly over mannequins, accessories were on window sills, and books and magazines were in places they had no place being. Out of all the messes she had ever made, this one was by far one of the worst. Even Discord, Celestia forbid he ever returned, wouldn’t quite know what to do with all this chaos. Still, it did show how far she was going to help a friend and she could always clean it up later.

As she leaned deeper into her messy closet, a fond memory resurfaced to her subconscious. It was when she was just a filly. She had just received her cutie mark, and she was eager to put her special talent to good use. The young filly had been snooping around her mother’s things, trying to find something that might possibly help her with her newest creation. Rarity hadn’t meant any harm, and certainly didn’t want to cause any trouble; she, like all other fillies her age, was just curious. Luckily for her, she was able to stay out of trouble and had found something…rather interesting.

“Pegasus Wings And Other Things,” the title of the blue book decorated with clouds read. “A Guide To The Very Basics Of Pegasi And Aerodynamics.”

It was an eye-catching title, to say the least, with flashy art work to match. Even though she thought the cover was imaginative, what use did she have for it?

Just as she was about to put it back where she had found it, a thought came to her. For her to become a true designer, she needed to be well-versed with all body types ponies had to offer. Unicorns and earth ponies weren’t that different in size and structure, although there were some minute differences, she thought. But what about pegasi? She assumed that they were practically the same, but she could definitely look into the subject a little bit more, just to be sure. And who knew? Maybe one day this book would be her saving grace.

“Saving grace indeed,” she thought as she flung another dress over her head.

As her mind dug deeper into the suppressed memory, she began to remember what she did with the book the night she had found it. It was almost like it happened just yesterday.

She had read the book eagerly throughout the night. Even though she was tired in the morning, she was convinced it was worth it. It turned out that it was, in fact, worth it. She had an idea of how pegasus bodies worked and how to design dresses for them. Now all she needed practice. However, so much knowledge had been crammed into her head that it was actually quite unbelievable. Never before had she realized just how sensitive wings were, or how each individual feather and muscle worked in sync to make some of the most graceful movements imaginable. It was almost too much for her young, underdeveloped brain. But, she could deal with it, she told herself.

There was only one concern she had. What would other ponies think? A unicorn having a book about pegasi? It was rather odd, but Rarity could care less. She believed that she could use this book one day. She just knew it.

Looking back at it now, it had certainly been a bounty of good luck that she happened to come across that book. Now, all she needed to do was channel that luck again. But she still didn’t quite understand one thing.

Why did her mother even have that book in the first place?

The more she thought about it, the less sense it made.

At this point, she was getting rather frustrated. The book couldn’t have just grown two legs and walked away! It had to be in there.

“I know I put it in here somewhere…” she mumbled irritably.

“Put what in here somewhere?” a squeaky voice interrupted her, causing her current train of thought to come to a crashing halt.

Of course…

She turned her head around to see the cutie mark crusaders standing expectantly in the doorway of Rarity’s bedroom. Suppressing a groan, she moved her head back to the closet.

“Of all the times you could have interrupted, Sweetie Belle…” Rarity grumbled inwardly. Without looking back at them, she called out, “just a book, Sweetie Belle.”

For the sake of a change of scenery, she turned away from the closet and began to inspect the books on the floor. Maybe she had accidentally missed it and thrown it on the ground by accident. That seemed logical, she supposed.

“What kind of book?” Scootaloo asked eagerly, flapping her miniscule wings.

“Just a book about pegasuses - pegasi,” she answered simply, quickly becoming distracted by the many books lying across the floor.

“Pegasuses? What would you – ?” Applebloom started.

“Pega-SI,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, emphasizing the last syllable of the word.

“…” Applebloom looked unimpressed with her friend, but continued with her question anyway. “Why would you need a book on PEGASI?” As she finished the last word, she turned back to Sweetie Belle struck her tongue out at her friend, who was quick to return it.

Rarity sighed irritably and looked at the three fillies. It seemed that they had begun to clump into her room and were presently standing just in front of her. For a brief moment she wondered how they did that, but decided to let it go. This book business might have been getting to her a bit more than she had first expected.

“Oh, oh, oh! Is it for Fluttershy?” Sweetie Belle guessed eagerly. She was sitting down on her back haunches and was excitedly holding her right front leg erect in the air.

Rarity rolled her eyes in annoyance. “No, Sweetie Belle. It is not for Fluttershy,” she answered, continuing her search.

“Is it for Pinkie Pie?” Scootaloo asked. Her tone of voice was just as eager as Sweetie Belle’s.

“She’s not even a pegasus, you do-do!”


“Stop calling me that!”


“Well maybe if it weren’t so true then I wouldn’t – ”

“Girls, please!” Rarity exclaimed, stopping the argument instantly. Two guilty pairs of eyes stared back at her firm ones.

“Sorry, Rarity…” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle replied quietly, lowering their heads slightly.

“It’s quite alright, girls. Now…” Her voice trailed off at she looked at Scootaloo.

Oh no…

She was so distracted with everything that had gone on the past few days that she had forgotten about Scootaloo. In fact, every pony had seemed to have forgotten about the little pegasus. The little pegasus practically worshipped the ground Rainbow Dash walked on. To Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash was the absolute best thing that had ever graced Equestria itself. What would happen when she found out that her idol was blind? Rarity shuddered inwardly, dreading what the little pegasus might do with that knowledge.

She was tempted to get it over with right then and there and tell her about it, but that might not have been the best decision at the moment. Thinking quickly, she formulated a plan. It wasn’t a very good plan, mind you, but it was still a plan nonetheless. Now all she had to do was execute that plan. It shouldn’t be too hard, she told herself.

“Scootaloo, Applebloom…” she began cautiously. “Can you please…how shall I put this…could you two possibly step outside the boutique for just a few minutes?” she requested. Step number one was complete.

The three fillies looked at her with curious eyes. “Why?” they all seemed to be thinking.

“I just remembered that I have a very important client coming in and I need Sweetie Belle to help me clean this mess up before she gets here,” she answered quickly. It was just a little white lie. But she was a very good liar, if she said so herself.

“Well, we could help,” Applebloom offered, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“No, no, that’s not necessary. I just need Sweetie Belle’s help,” Rarity assured the two confused fillies. “But thank you for the offer.”

“Aww…” Scootaloo and Applebloom moaned sadly.

“Do we really have to?” Scootaloo asked miserably, looking up at Rarity with pleading eyes. Rarity felt herself become a bit disheartened. Just how did she expect to say no to that face?

“No. You have to do this, Rarity. You’ve said no to this kind of thing before…” she told herself firmly, remembering all the times Sweetie Belle had made that face and she had refused whatever it was that her little sister wanted. Convincing herself that this decision was for the greater good, she continued.

“Yes, I’m afraid that you two have to go,” Rarity confirmed gently. The tone in her voice told the two that the matter was not open for any further discussion.

Both fillies looked at each other and nodded. Slowly, they turned around and walked out of the room sadly. By their slow, small strides, it seemed as though each step they took was a huge burden. Rarity felt a bit guilty knowing that she was the reason for their misery, but was firmly planted in her belief that this had to be done. As soon as they were out of sight and she had heard the front door to the boutique slam shut, she slammed her own door shut and faced Sweetie Belle. Her younger sister had a confused expression plastered on her face and looked at Rarity quizzically.

“What was that for?” Sweetie Belle asked suspiciously. “I don’t remember you having any clients coming in today.”

“You’re right. I don’t have any pony coming in today, but I needed to get them out of here for the time being,” Rarity said, looking at Sweetie Belle.

Upon seeing her sister’s serious gaze, Sweetie Belle gulped and braced herself for whatever news Rarity was about to tell her.

Before she started, Rarity let out a long sigh. “Do you promise not to tell Scootaloo or Applebloom after I tell you this?” she asked. “Especially Scootaloo?”

“Why shouldn’t I tell them?” Sweetie Belle asked cautiously, dawning a curious expression.

“Just trust me on this, Sweetie Belle. Please.”


“Thank you. Now,” Rarity began. “Did you hear about Rainbow Dash at all this week?”

Sweetie Belle looked confused. “No…why? What happened to her? Is she okay?” she asked, becoming increasingly worried for Rainbow Dash.

Rarity inhaled deeply through her nose then exhaled through her mouth. This might take a bit more explaining than it was worth.

“I’ll be getting to that shortly. But first, do you know what the term ‘blind’ means?” she asked patiently. She was uncertain that Sweetie Belle actually knew what the concept meant. Her sister had probably heard of it before, but she could be wrong.

“Um…” Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes in thought as she contemplated the word her sister had given her. “It means…you can’t…hear?” she guessed uncertainly.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Good guess, Sweetie Belle. The term you’re thinking of would be deaf. Being blind means that you can’t see,” she explained slowly.

Sweetie Belle’s mouth formed into a little ‘o’ shape and she nodded.

“Oh…okay…” she mumbled quietly. She furrowed her brow for a brief moment ad looked back at her older sister. “But…what does that have to do with Rainbow Dash?” she asked, not quite connecting the dots.

“Well…” She might as well get this over with. “Last week there was an event that happened at Fluttershy’s, one thing led to another, and now Rainbow Dash is…”

Something in Sweetie Belle’s mind clicked and the pieces all fell into place for her. “You mean…Rainbow Dash can’t see?” she asked in disbelief, her eyes widening.

“Yes. I’m afraid that is correct,” Rarity confirmed sadly.

“But…she’s going to get better, right?” Sweetie Belle asked hopefully. Rarity longed for her sister’s innocent obliviousness. It would be so nice if she could have that feeling of joy that only came with youth, that wonderful carelessness about the world with no concept of worries or sorrow. Before her mind drifted off however, she caught herself and kept her attention where it was needed at that moment.

“I’m afraid she won’t be, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity sighed, shaking her head.

The young unicorn blinked once, her eyes starting to water. Rarity’s sisterly instincts kicked in and she quickly wrapped her sister up into a gentle hug. As she did so, Sweetie Belle made no objection and allowed herself to be cradled by her big sister. Nothing about this situation seemed fair to her. Rainbow Dash not being able to see again? Sweetie Belle could hardly believe it. For a few seconds, she didn’t believe it, it must be some kind of cruel joke, she told herself. But, as much as she told herself that, she knew that it was unfortunately true.

“But…that’s not fair…” she mumbled, pushing her head into her sisters chest. “Poor Rainbow Dash…”

Rarity held onto her sister tightly. “I know, dear…I know,” she soothed, stroking her hoof through her sister’s mane comfortingly.

They stayed like that for a while. Every minute or so Rarity could hear Sweetie Belle sniffle into her front legs. She cringed inwardly as the tears stained her perfect coat, but she could always take a long shower after. Besides, it wasn’t very messy right now. Therefore, it wouldn’t take as long to clean up. If she was helping her sister feel better, then what was a small stain on her coat? Surprisingly, between the sniffles, Rarity heard a small mumble.

“But there’s one thing I don’t understand,” Sweetie Belle said uncertainly.

“And what is that?” Rarity replied, looking down at her sister. Her green eyes were tearful, but other than that they looked perfectly normal.

“Why didn’t you tell Scootaloo and Applebloom?” Sweetie belle asked.

“Because it simply wasn’t my place to tell them,” Rarity answered simply, wiping her sister’s eyes gently. “But don’t worry, they’ll be told when the time is right. I’m just telling you now so it won’t come as so much of a shock later on.” She gently let Sweetie Belle out of her front legs and resumed her search.

“Oooooh!” Sweetie Belle gasped, realizing something Rarity hadn’t seemed to tell her. “Is THAT why you’re looking for that book?” she asked.

Rarity turned her head around and winked at her sister playfully, proving her sister’s statement correct. Sweetie Belle responded to the gesture by smiling widely. Rarity smiled. Her sister was so cute sometimes. But, she could think about that later. For now, she just had to find that book. Speaking of that, maybe her sister could help her with that.

“Sweetie Belle?” she asked.

“Yes, Rarity?” the filly replied eagerly, trotting up to her sister’s side.

“If you happen to find a book called “Pegasus Wings And Other Things” would you be so kind as to give it to me?” she asked. “It has a blue cover.” That part was added on in case Sweetie Bell needed her to be a bit more descriptive with her offer.

Her sister, much to her relief, nodded vigorously. “Of course!” she agreed.

“Thank you so much,” Rarity said gratefully, pulling her sister into another, shorter, hug. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“You’re welcome, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle said, hugging her sister back tightly. She let go after a few moments and looked at the elder unicorn with pleading eyes. “Can I go now? Scootaloo, Applebloom, and I are trying to get our cutie marks in lion taming!” she said excitedly.

Rarity felt her body freeze at the mention of Sweetie Belle’s idea. She gazed dangerously down at Sweetie Belle and narrowed her eyes. The cutie mark crusaders had come up with some moronic ideas in the past, but this blew them all out of the water.

“How about no.”



“Okay…” Sweetie Belle said begrudgingly. She plodded sullenly to the door, but suddenly brightened up when she reached it. “Oh! I know! Cutie mark crusaders crocodile hunters yay!”

Rarity felt the fur on the back of her neck stand on end. She pivoted on one of her front hooves and turned to face the door where Sweetie Belle had just been. Unfortunately for her, it seemed that her younger sister had vanished into thin air. She grumbled in annoyance. Scratch that lion tamer…thing…that they were thinking of previously. This new idea was, by far, the stupidest thing her sister had come up with. But, there were probably a lot more to come.

She was about to go back to her search, when images of worst case scenarios danced around in her mind relentlessly. Maybe she should go…no, Applejack could handle all the dirty work if it came to that…still…

On second thought, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Quickly cantering through the door of her room, she rapidly made her way down the long hallway. As she was doing so, scenes of her sister getting eaten by a hungry crocodile in numerous ways played in her mind over and over again. And if she knew Sweetie Belle, those scenes would most likely become reality if some pony didn’t intervene quickly. Unfortunately, it seemed that the responsibility to make sure the fillies were kept out of trouble rested squarely on her shoulders.

As she reached the end of the hall and was just about to run down the steps in front of her, she seemed to have missed the small puddle of water just resting at the top of the stairs. If she didn’t know any better, it looked like it was placed there just so she could trip on it.

And that was exactly what she did.

“Oh, horse apples,” she grumbled in annoyance as she toppled down the small flight of steps.

It didn’t hurt exactly, she was rather used to it. She had fallen down this particular staircase many times before (more times than she would care to admit), so as she finished tumbling down in the least graceful way possible, she was able to dust herself off immediately and kept running after her sister.

It was just as she reached the front door of Carousel Boutique that she saw her sisters curly, pink and purple tail flick around the door from the corner of her eye.

“Girls!” Rarity heard her sister say eagerly as she finally reached the outside world. The two other members of the cutie mark crusaders were now in her line of vision.

“Forget the lion tamer idea! Let’s go -!” Sweetie Belle’s sentence was cut off when her big sister closed her mouth with her magic.

“To the library!” Rarity butted in, smiling widely.

“The library?” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, who was now free of the bonds closing her mouth, echoed incredulously.

“What’s so great about a dumb old library?” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Why, Scootaloo, lots of things!” Rarity assured, pushing the fillies in the direction of aforementioned place. “Besides, I need to see if they have a book I’m looking for.”

“Oh! Is it the book for Rain -?” Sweetie Belle’s mouth was abruptly shut once again, courtesy of her big sister.

“YES, Sweetie Belle. That’s the one,” Rarity said crossly, eyeing her sister in a disappointed manner. Once Sweetie Belle had shrugged her shoulders apologetically, Rarity let go of her magical grasp.

“Come along now, girls,” Rarity said. “There’s not a moment to spare.” The girls nodded, rather reluctantly, but to Rarity it was their signal of approval. Soon, they were off.

The alabaster unicorn’s thoughts quickly turned grim as they walked to their destination. Sweetie Belle and her friends were whispering loudly to each other about pointless things, such as ideas for getting their cutie marks, but Rarity was able to tune their conversation out. What if Twilight didn’t have the book she was looking for? What would she do then? She knew she was being rather silly, but it was always good to be prepared, she told herself. And besides, what kind of library didn’t have one particular book you were looking for?



