• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 2,418 Views, 109 Comments

To Scratch A Fire - Guardsmare Sade

The flight didn't go as well as she was hoping. Whoops?

  • ...

Two Months and Counting.

Vinyl sat on the couch with her head in her hooves worrying about what Spitfire would think of her after she found out what was wrong with her.

“Oh why did this have to happen today? Of all days?”

“hmm?” Spitfire said as she walked into the lounge room from the kitchen, holding a tray with two cups of coffee on top of it in her mouth.

“Oh, Um... Nothing, Spits” Vinyl said, startled at Spitfires sudden entrance.

“Alright, I guess I’ll take your word for it Vinyl." She said as she placed the tray on the small wooden table in the middle of the room, moving one cup of coffee from it to just in front of Vinyl and the other in front of her.

“I suppose I should start talking then huh? But where to begin....”

“How about you start at the beginning and when you come to the end, you stop.”

“Gee! Thanks Spits! That clears the whole thing up!” Vinyl leaned down to the cup and slurped up a good gulp of it.

“Vinyl, that’s adorable! You drink your coffee like a small child!”

“Shut up Spits!”

“Anyway, we’re here for your story, not your habits.” She said while lifting the cup of coffee to her mouth, blowing on it a little to cool it down and taking a sip.

“I suppose you’re right. I’ll try to keep it short and simple.”

“As long as you tell me what’s going on”

“Well it happened around two months ago when I came here for a small gig. Apparently a few people from neighbouring towns came here to Ponyville for some sort of function, can’t quite remember what it was, but anyway, there was a little alcohol at the function. I’ll tell ya, some of them ponies were not kind drunks. So I was doing my job, playing music, you know, the usual stuff, until one pony, came up to me and started abusing me! Something to do with the music I was playing was disrespectful to his wife who had passed away or something. I tried to tell him that I had no idea what he was talking about, but he wouldn’t listen. He kept going on about it and trying to stop the music, I got kind of annoyed when he wouldn’t stop, so I kicked him off the stage.”

“I don’t blame you Vinyl, I hate it when someone doesn’t listen and starts making a fuss over something small.”

“Hmm... Anyway, so when I kicked him off the stage, he fell into a group of others, they didn’t take too kindly to somepony falling into them, so they started yelling at him, and he started yelling at them, then everyone started yelling at each other, and before I knew it, the whole place was in a sort of bar room brawl, after that all I can remember is a large broken bottle hurtling toward me, then nothing. I woke up two days later in the hospital, they told me what had happened. They did the whole, Do you know where you are, do you know WHO you are... problem was, I failed all of the questions. I didn’t know who I was, or where I was... I had lost my memory, I think they called it Anesuma.”

“It’s Amnesia Vinyl, and oh my gosh! Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just let me finish! Anyway since then the doctors want me to stay here in Ponyville. After a while, it all started to come back to me. I remembered my name, where I lived and my profession. I’ve remembered almost everything.”


“Yeah, almost, there are a few things I don’t remember. Like my parents, my relatives or any of my friends except the ones I’ve met here. To be honest, I’m a little worried, because when I was in the hospital, no one came for me. No one. I’m scared that the reason why I can’t remember my friends or family might be because I don’t have any! That scares me Spits!” Vinyl was beginning to tear up and break down, her words began to stutter as she tried to hold back the emotions.

“It’s ok, it’s ok! Let it go.” Spitfire grabbed Vinyl in her hooves and began to pet her mane.
Vinyl broke down and began to cry hysterically in the embrace of Spitfire. Holding Vinyl, Spitfire did the best to comfort the upset unicorn.

“I-I don’t w-want to be all al-lone in the wor-l-ld” Vinyl struggled to say out from behind her tears.

“It’s alright, Let it out! I can’t imagine what it would be like. It’s alright. I’m here for you Vinyl. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here for you.” She continued to reassure Vinyl.

After about an hour of crying, Vinyl finally fell asleep on Spitfires’ lap. Gently moving Vinyls’ head off her lap and onto a pillow without waking her she stood up. She headed down the hall to the linen cupboard and grabbed a blanket and took it back to Vinyl. Not having needed one the night before because the two had slept together, they had each other’s body warmth to keep them from freezing.

Spitfire placed the blanket over Vinyl and stepped out of the lounge room and headed for the front door. Grabbing a pen and paper, she scribbled a small note that read

‘Vinyl, I’m off to the post office for a little while, I’ll be back shortly and I’ll bring some breakfast. Love Spitfire.’

After reading over it again, she scribbled out Love and wrote under it ‘from’ and figured it would be good enough. Trotting over to the lounge, she placed the note on the table next to Vinyls’ cold half drunk cup of coffee.

“She’s defiantly cute while she’s sleeping.” Spitfire trotted back over to the front door, and grabbed a scarf that was hanging over the hat rack. “I’m sure Vinyl won’t mind if I borrow this for a while.” Giving one last glance over at the sleeping unicorn, Spitfire smiled and opened the door, only to be met with a hoof to the head.

“Oh! Sorry Spizzy! How did you know I was about to knock on the door? You must be psychic! I didn’t know you were psychic! How long have you been psychic for Spiz-“

Spitfire rubbed the top of her head with one hoof and slammed the other on Skitzs’ mouth shutting her up.

“Shut up Skitz! You’re too loud! Vinyl is asleep! Out, out, out! Move!” Spitfire pushed Skitz out into the yard and stepped outside. Closing the door behind her, still holding one hoof to Skitzs’ mouth. “Right. What are you doing here? I thought you went off training with the Shadowbolts?”

“I did Silly! Our training sessions only last an hour and a half in winter! It’s to stop our insides from freezing up and making us ice sculptures on the inside. But when I think about it, I think it would be awesome! We could be like Ice ponies!”

“Skitz, that wouldn’t even work!”

“Oh, sorry, so where ya headed Spizzy? Huh?”

“Just off to the post office, I need to have a chat with the coach about... The problem I’m in.”

“What sort of problem would that be?”

“I’ll tell you about it later Skitz, alright? Just stop flying upside down!”


“It’s freaking me out!”


“Because it's not normal!”


“Skitz! I swear to Celestia that if you don’t knock it off, I will pull you to the ground myself!”

“Fine.” Skitz landed next to Spitfire and began to trot along with her, the unnatural smile not once leaving her face.