• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 2,417 Views, 109 Comments

To Scratch A Fire - Guardsmare Sade

The flight didn't go as well as she was hoping. Whoops?

  • ...

Head Over Hoofs

After many more drinks, the three sat in silence. Vinyl in an affectionate mood, stood up and hugged Spitfire. Spitfire turned her head to look at the clearly hammered pony with a look of surprise.

"Say Spits, How about me and you go out and play a prank on our old pal Twilight Spiral."

"Who?" Spitfire asked.

"You know! The book pony girl in the tree!"

Spitfire facehoofed and gave a grunt of annoyance.

"It’s Sparkle, Vinyl! Not Spiral. It’s bad enough that you get her name wrong, but having me, someone who has only been here a day, remind you what your friends’ names are, is downright embarrassing.


The unicorn goes back to her stool and continues drinking, Spitfire does the same.
Noticing that Skitz hadn't been making a lot of noise lately, she looked over to see the blue pegasus slumped over, her head on the bar and a scornful look slung across her usually over the top happy face.

Spitfire noticed that Skitz was mumbling something under her breath, she tried to listen in.

"Stupid Spizzy, getting married and not even inviting her best friend! Didn't even tell her best friend! I'm thinking that if Skitz ever found out she would be angry with Spizzy for not inviting her. She wouldn't like that. Not. One. Bit. I would think that she would just go off and not invite Spizzy to something important! Yeah! That’s what Skitz will do! That’s what I need to do!"

A little worried with what she had just heard come from Skitz mouth, she decided it was time to go. Vinyl was hammered, Skitz was hammered and getting scary, she herself felt a little tipsy on top of it all.

"Right, Vinyl I think it’s time to go. You're drunk, Skitz is scaring me, and Brolly is probably going to ask me for more bits than I have for all these drinks."

"Righto Spizzy Spits Spitty Spitoo!"

Spitfire immediately slammed her face on the bar, unamused with Vinyl using so many horrible nick names in one go.

"Right. How much do I owe yo-" Spitfire stopped mid-sentence. She patted her pockets, she realized she hadn't been carrying her Cash bag.
"Shoot! It must have fallen out sometime today. Oh no!"

"Don’t sweat it miss. I'll just pop it on Vinnys' tab, like I always do." Brolly gave a small chuckle. "When she pays that off, I'll be able to retire immediately!"

Spitfires’ eyes widened at how much Vinyl owes the bartender.

"That would be much appreciated."

The stallion gave her a warm smile as she picked Vinyl up off the stool. With the injuries and the weight of Vinyl, Spitfire was in a bit of a Pickle.

"Umm, you wouldn't be able to give me a hand would you Brolly? She doesn't live far but I can’t carry her all the way there on my own."

"I'm sorry miss. I can't. I can't leave the bar during open hours."

"I understand."

An idea dawned on her, not a very good idea, but an idea none the less. One that may cause her to regret it later, but right now it was the only thing she could think of.

"Skitz, Can you help me please?"

"Pfft, why should I help you? You didn't even invite me to your wedding! I'm your best friend! You didn't even tell me!" Skitz now moving onto the idea that Spitfire was already married.

"I’m not married Skitz, I’m not getting married nor is this my marefriend! I didn't tell you anything because there was nothing to tell you!"

"Oh? you're not getting married? OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE NOT! I'm so sorry it didn't work out between you two. I guess all couples aren't meant to last! Sure I'll help you!"
Skitzs' sudden mood change from angry to sympathetic put Spitfire off a little. As did when it suddenly changed again into another angry mood.

"But if you ever decide something big and not tell me again! I will end you! Got that Spizzy! Right, let’s go!" Her foul scary mood had once again shifted to a cheery one, the scornful look on her had been replaced by one of genuine happiness.

The two helped the very drunk unicorn out of the bar and down the street, Spitfire keeping a close eye on Skitz in case she tried anything weird. The two trudged through the snow, the ice and the dirt. It was dark and cold outside, it would have to be very late at night for it to be this dark.

The three ponies finally reached the house.

"So this is where you're staying huh? I guess I'll have to come and visit now that I know where you are! There won’t be a long period of time in between us seeing each other ever again."

Spitfire knew at this moment that this was the part of her idea that she would come to regret.

"Thanks Skitz, I can take it from here. You can go home now if you want. I'll take Vinyl in and put her to bed."

"You're not my mum! You can’t tell me when my bed time ish!" Vinyl struggled to say.

"Sure thing Spizzy! I'll see you soon! Very soon!" With that said Skitz let go of Vinyl and flew off laughing.

Vinyl's weight suddenly all on Spitfire was almost too much for her and her battered body. But making an effort she pushed forward, through the snow in the front yard of the house. After reaching the front door, she rummaged around in Vinyl's knapsack trying to find her keys. After a small battle with the oddities Spitfire had found them, unlocked the door and began entering the dark, cold house.

Taking Vinyl to her room up the stairs was clearly impossible for Spitfire, The couch in the lounge room would have to do tonight.

"C'mon Vinyl, you're heavy. Work with me here. I need to get you onto the couch."
Spitfire Wobbled and limped over to the couch, Staggering in near darkness of the house with only a small light coming in through the window from a lamp post outside.

Spitfire staggered forward after something had gotten wrapped around her hooves, most likely a shirt. It had sent her barreling forward onto the couch. With her quick thinking she was able to move Vinyl in the right way so that they both landed on top of the couch.

Vinyl, laying on her back opened her eyes to see a panting Spitfire on top of her, oblivious to the fact that Spitfire had only landed there due to the trip. She smiled at Spitfire, a small blush racing across her cheeks. Vinyl leaned forward and pressed her muzzle against Spitfires.

A bright red blush crossed her cheeks as well as she pressed back into Vinyl, both sharing a deep, passionate kiss.