• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 2,418 Views, 109 Comments

To Scratch A Fire - Guardsmare Sade

The flight didn't go as well as she was hoping. Whoops?

  • ...

Like a Mixing Table.

The door swung open, allowing a large breath of icy cold air to swiftly push passed Spitfire into the lightly lit hallway. Snow drifted passed her as she stepped through the open doorway, closing the door behind her.

Her eyes narrowed into the lounge room that was slightly to her left, looking for any sign of Vinyl. A large sigh of relief pushed passed her lips as she noticed white hooves dangling over the edge of the lounge. Moving slightly forward, keeping her noise to a minimum while on the hard wood floors, she crept into the carpeted lounge room.

Another sigh of relief was let out as she saw that the note that she had written was still where she had left it, unopened and unexamined by Vinyl.
Spitfire moved toward it, watching the note as though it would vanish if she so much as blinked.

Lifting the letter, she moved into the kitchen, to dispose of the note that she had written.
The note that incriminated her.

As she moved toward the kitchen, her front hooves caught the edge of a sweater, tumbling around to keep her balance, her tail swiped across Vinyl’s nose. Spitfires attempts at stability failed and she was sent spiralling down to the floor, the letter still in her mouth.

A small yawn and creaking from behind her could be heard as she gained her bearings.

“Uh... wha...? S-Spits? Is that? Did... Am I... I don’t get it” Vinyl managed to slur from her sudden end to her slumber. “Wh.. What are you doing on the floor with my jumper wrapped around your legs and some paper in your mouth? Did I miss some sort of party?” she continued, quickly gaining alertness.

Spitfire realised that she had been busted, her attempt at stealth had failed and Vinyl had awoken before she was able to throw the note in the trash.

Spitfire quickly scrambled to her hooves and stood up, the sweater still tangled around one of her front legs. The note pressed in her mouth as the thought about what to do.
Turning around to face Vinyl, she sucked in the note and swallowed it without a second though.

“Oh! You’re up Vinyl. I thought you would sleep forever, I was just about to go to the kitchen to make us another cup of tea or coffee, I hadn’t quite decided yet.” Spitfire lied. She was a poor liar and Vinyl could see it.

“Uh-huh” Vinyl replied, obviously not convinced, even in her sleepish stupor. “And then what was with the note that you sucked down just a moment ago?” She asked.

“Oh, you know... Nurse Redheart said that a page of paper a day will help me recover.” Spitfire said, sweat dripping down her face, eyes darting left to right in a guilty action.

“Uh, Spits? I was there you know... And she didn’t say anything about paper...” Vinyl announced, obviously seeing the guilt in Spitfires eyes now.

“You’re not going to drop this are you Vinyl?” Spitfire asked, lowering her head and looking to the left as though she had just lost a bet.

Vinyl gave a slight giggle, Spitfire found her giggles rather cute and attractive.
A large grin crossed Vinyls’ face as she shook her head.

“Nope. Spill it. What was it? Why did you eat it? And I would like coffee. White, four sugars.”

It took Spitfire a moment to figure out why Vinyl had placed an order of coffee, until she realised what she had said earlier.

“You sure like your coffee sweet Vinyl, I can’t have more than two sugars in mine.” She replied, avoiding answering the questions.

Vinyl just shrugged as she watched Spitfire trot off into the kitchen.

Yet another sigh of relief passed through Spitfire as she was able to get away without answering the questions vinyl was throwing her way.

“I guess eating the note made it seem more suspicious now that I think about it.” She said quietly, tapping her hoof on her chin.

“What?” vinyl called from the other room, clearly hearing something that she thought was directed to her.

“Oh, just thinking out loud about whether I want tea or coffee.” Spitfire lied.

She put the kettle on got out two mugs that she had found and cleaned earlier in the morning when she had made the drinks for Vinyl and herself.

After a small tile, Spitfire re-entered the lounge room with sweet cup of coffee for Vinyl and a cup of tea for herself. Placing the tray with the drinks upon it onto the coffee table, she looked at Vinyls’ eyes. They were red and puffy from when she had been crying earlier.

She took a seat next to Vinyl without saying anything. Vinyl leaned up against Spitfire almost immediately after she had sat down. It was more of Vinyls’ half hearted hug than anything.

Spitfire leaned back into Vinyl. Both supporting each other as they sat there for what seemed like an eternity, neither saying a word, making a move or drinking their drinks.

After a long while of silence, Vinyl spoke up

“So... what was with the paper that you felt the need to digest?” she asked.

“Damn.” Spitfire announced. She was sure that she had gotten out of answering it. “It was a note. That’s all. Nothing important, nothing big. Just a note.” She said. She was pleased, with herself, telling Vinyl the truth, and yet not telling her anything.

As pride got the better of her, it all came shambling down when Vinyl asked a follow up question.

“What was the note about? Who was it to? Did you write it?”

Spitfire sighed, she had given up, she was never a good liar, and she didn’t much like the feeling that came with keeping secrets from others.

“It was a note to you, yes I wrote it and the note was telling you that I would be back shortly.” Spitfire recounted all the events of the morning, starting from when Vinyl had fallen asleep to the moment when Vinyl had been awoken by a tail to the face.

“I see, so you thought I would freak out about how you weren’t there? And I would feel all sad and upset over you going to find out about why you were suspended?” Vinyl asked. “I’m not that heartless, Spits.” Vinyl giggled.

A red streak rushed across Spitfires’ face as she watched vinyl giggle away. For such a ‘cool’ persona that Vinyl had, her giggle was quite girly and cute.
Spitfire was glad that her yellow coat hid her blush well.

Vinyl sat up and stretched her front hooves out. She leaned down and took a sip from her ice cold coffee the same way that she had done it earlier.
Spitfire giggled as she did when Vinyl had done it the first time.

“Spits” Vinyl said, looking at Spitfire in the eyes. “I know what the note said; I read it and put it back.” A cheeky grin crossed Vinyls’ face as she admitted the fact.

Spitfire slammed her hoof into her face.

“You mean to tell me, that the whole time; you’ve been playing me like a fiddle?” Spitfire asked, her voice slightly mumbled from her hoof still embedded in her face.

Vinyls’ grin grew even wider.

“I would say more like a DJ Mix Table.” Vinyl answered.

Both ponies giggled as they leaned into each other again.

Comments ( 7 )

Woo! Thanks for the new part to this :twilightsmile:
So umm... new part coming out, like, tomorrow? Please? :twilightsheepish:

AHH, I read it, then realized I don't remember what's going on earlier, therefore, I MUST REREAD.
Anyway, good job.

Edit: Caught up for the most part, everything makes much more sense now.
And I agree with Vinyl up there, new part soon please.

1965676, yeah.. sorry. this was my first story of this kind, I wasn't as good then as I am now.

6007224 I actually thought I was the first to ever put these two together in media, but about a week after posting the second chapter, I found a vinyl scratch / spitfire shipping picture pre-dating my story by a few months, and the more I looked the more I found. I thought I was original in my pairing, but I was mistaken.

So...links to those stories. if this one is dead?

6852694 Was just a picture. sorry. :P I've not found any stories between these two, but I'm sure they're out there.

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