• Published 10th Nov 2012
  • 7,520 Views, 73 Comments

Dear Princess Celestia... - LittleAngelStocking

Twilight Sparkle is dying. She has lived a full, happy life, but now her time has finally come.

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One Last Letter

Dear Princess Celestia…

It is my time now, Princess. I’m not scared, we all have to die sometime, but I wanted to send you one last letter before my passing.

Today I learned that even when something seems very scary, something inevitable, with the help of your very best friends you can overcome your fears and face it head on, even if they are just as scared as you are.

I remember my first day of school. I was nervous, scared – it was the first time I’d had to do something like that without my brother or parents by my side.

I didn’t make any friends, but I didn’t have any bullies, and as long as I had my books it was fine by me. I was never confident that I would pass my tests, or get good grades; but I always did – and then the next day I’d be terrified all over again that I would fail.

I’d always come home with my good grades, report cards all decorated with smiley faces and stars. My parents would always be so proud. Shining Armor always cheered me on, telling me I could do anything if I put my mind to it.

I studied magic for as long as I can remember. Even when Cadance would foalsit me I’d always want her to teach me – being a princess and a winged unicorn at that…

She didn’t know much other than levitation and love spells. Kind of funny, really.

So I studied long and hard, learning everything I could from simple levitation to more complex spells.

And so my parents decided to enroll me in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. I’d never studied harder; I wanted to be the best I could possibly be.

The day I stood before that egg, with those professors watching me… I remember what I felt like it was yesterday. My stomach went from butterflies, to tying knots and then doing flip-flops. I don’t think I’d ever been so nervous.

I was devastated when I thought I’d failed, but then – it all happened so quickly. First the ground was shaking; then everything went hazy, and my magic went absolutely crazy.

I remember power surging through me; being unable to control it, I felt… magical.

And then it was over. Just like that.

And not only did I earn my Cutie-Mark, but you made me your student as well. Of all the other little unicorns, you picked me.

When Shining Armor heard, he actually shed a tear. Can you believe it?

I was both excited and sad when I heard I’d be moving into the Castle with you. On the one side, I’d be leaving my family. On the other, I was moving into the castle – living with Princess Celestia! Not as a maid, or cook or cleaner or a servant of any kind – but as your personal student!

I never got bored, that was for sure. Thousands of books, studying magic, and spending time with you always kept me entertained – and I think I sort of felt I had no right to be bored.

You know, at first I looked at you as not only a Princess, but a teacher. You were my teacher, and Princess of all of Equestria. But as I grew up, I came to look at you as a sort of second mother – at first we had the normal teacher-student relationship… but you’d tuck me into bed when I was sad, read me bedtime stories and sing lullabies.

You would pretend to be mad at me while trying not to laugh when I got into trouble. Remember when I was trying to sneak a snack out of the kitchens and fell face first into the cake the cook had prepared, and you walked in on me? I thought you were going to send me to the moon or something, but you just busted out laughing and wouldn’t stop!

The cook was angry, but he didn’t yell at me or anything – though I was sure he really wanted to!

Remember when Shining Armor got appointed captain of the Royal Guard? I was so happy for him – I got to see him much more often, and he was always so cheerful.

Our parents must have been so proud.

I’d never heard of there ever being a second Princess – I mean, there was Cadance, but I mean a Princess who raised the Moon. For my whole life you’d been the Princess of the Day and Night – it was just you.

Thinking back on it, you must have been so lonely. One thousand years without your sister… sorry, I shouldn’t be bringing it up.

I remember when you sent me to Ponyville to make sure everything was going well for the Summer Sun Celebration.

That’s the very same day I met all the ponies I now call my best friends.

I didn’t care about having friends at first; I don’t think I wanted friends. Everypony in Canterlot who ever wanted to hang out, or invited me over to parties or sleepovers I just brushed off. I wish I could go back and tell them how sorry I am.

The night that Nightmare Moon returned was easily the best day of my life. I met five amazing ponies, all of them destined to be my friend… and you got your beloved sister back.

The trials of the Everfree were… trying.

But we passed them, together, as friends and stopped Nightmare Moon.

Thinking back… Did you know I was going to be the Element of Magic all along? Did you take me in as your student because you knew?

Pinkie Pie was the first pony I’d met. She was just walking down the street, and the moment she saw me she jumps into the air, gasps like she’s seen a headless horse, and gallops off mid-air. I still don’t know how she does it.

She always knows how to cheer ponies up. She’s always laughing, and making ponies smile. And even the more serious things… she makes them seem not so bad, without being insensitive. She really is the Element of Laughter. I remember when if first learned about her ‘Pinkie Sense.’ I didn’t believe her, even when all of her predictions came true. It was her that taught me that just because we can’t prove something, doesn’t make it any less true. She was the one who taught me to laugh in the face of my fears.

Applejack was the next pony I met; she was preparing the food for the celebration. Her whole family was there… I still haven’t memorized them all.

The invited me for lunch, but when I said no Apple Bloom used those big ‘puppy dog’ eyes. How could I say no to that?

So I ate. Way too much. They all put something in front of me, and I didn’t want to offend anypony!

Applejack… Element of Honesty. She never gave up, no matter what was thrown at her. Be it a threat to her crops, or a threat to her family or friends; she was as honorable as you are eternal.

I remember when she had to harvest the apples all on her own. She refused to let us help, and ended up half-crazed from sleep deprivation. She fed half of Ponyville cupcakes filled with worms and other undesirables. Yuck!

Ah, Rainbow Dash. Brash, bold, loyal. I met her when she crash-landed me into a mud-puddle that was in the middle of the street for some reason.

It was her who helped me earn my Cutie-Mark. She helped all of my friends earn their Cutie-marks, all because of her Sonic Rainboom. Isn’t it funny how those things turn out?

She had a heart of gold. She was… honorable; in a… unique way. She bragged, she was stubborn, but she was always there for us. I remember when she labeled herself a hero, after saving ponies lives several times. She was so blinded by her own pride, AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and I dressed up as the ‘Mare Do Well.’

I’m honestly surprised the Wonderbolts never recruited her. Fastest flyer in Equestria, an Element of Harmony, and the only pony to ever perform a Sonic Rainboom. You’d think they’d have been all over her.

Rarity to this day continues to be beautiful, and generous as can be. The moment she saw me for the first time, she dragged me back to her dressing room and dressed me in all sorts of things. All because my hair was messy.

You know, I think I still have marks where the corset hugged me too tightly. Ouch!

She tends to overreact about small things… (I forgot the plates! This is the worst possible thing!) but I think that’s part of what made her so endearing. I remember back when she offered to make Gala dresses for all of us. We were… ungrateful. I still feel bad about that.

But she went and made us the dresses we wanted, and they were, to be frank, hideous. But she made them for us anyway. That’s the Element of Generosity, for you.

Fluttershy. Fluttershy was the sweetest, kindest, softest pony I’d ever met. She was so shy when I first spoke to her; she mumbled and hid behind her mane. It was actually Spike who coaxed her out of her… ‘shyness’ just by being him. Apparently she’s always wanted to see a baby dragon. She always had some problem to get over, she was always scared. And when she tried to be tough, she got too tough and then felt sorry and was shy again. A never-ending cycle it seems. She was kind; I don’t think there’s an animal existing that she wouldn’t be able to turn into a teddy bear! Figuratively, of course.

I hope this doesn’t hit Spike too hard. He’s known my time has been getting closer, but I think he’s shut it out. Refused to believe it.

Spike has always been the most reliable little guy; even when he felt neglected. My Number One Assistant. He’s always been there even when it seemed nopony else was.

I really hope this doesn’t affect him too much. I hope he will be able to move on. Friends never truly die. Not if you keep them forever in your heart.

Well, I’m feeling rather tired I can barely keep my eyes open and my magic feels like its fading. I’m going to lie down… close my eyes. I love you Celestia, my Princess, my teacher. My friend. Goodnight.

Your Faithful student, Twilight Spar---

Comments ( 73 )

That ending really struck a chord. :raritycry:
Loved it! Have a thumb! :twilightsmile:

Great job! :pinkiehappy:

At the ending I cried so bad even worse than how I cried at the end of doctor who which is really saying something:raritycry:

This is a great story that made me emotional which is also a good thing bravo!:raritywink:

This concept is used to hell and back. I can tell you right now that this is nothing original, but the ending had enough feels to cushion that blow.

Oh my god.
That was so sad...
*upvote* :fluttercry:

1590916 Has it really been done before? I figured it has, but...
Oh well, :derpyderp2:

She died before she could finish writing her name.:raritycry::fluttershbad: How sad!

Beautiful, it really is. The narration is easily attributed to Twilight, and writing one last letter to the Princess is very much something that seems in character.

I also love that so many stories focus on their favorite pony finding a way to avoid death, or follow out beautifully only for the author to go back and say 'But it's OK because...' Don't get me wrong, I enjoy those stories too, as long as they're written well, but seeing one like this where it's short, simple, and sweet is heartwarming.

I personally think Celestia would be proud to the point of tears of her little pony, and while this is far too sad and mature a concept to ever be an episode, this is really a wonderful ending note, and this will forever be, I think, what I see Twilight doing, and writing, last.

So with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face,
Thank you.

I know right? That is just sad. :fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry::raritydespair:

Amazing story here. I loved it and was getting sad at parts of it.

No tears are shed manlier, than the tears of a Marine. You have my vote.

This was a really great and sad story, and the part with Twilight writing her name just got sadder. :fluttercry:
You did a great job writing this. :twilightsmile:

DEM FEELS. THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD PLANNED. BUT DEM FEELS!!!!:applecry::fluttercry::raritydespair:

(Translation: Good job! It was sad, but it was beautiful!)


Not even with my best background music did I even get teary-eyed.
But it was pretty touching, so you get my vote. :twilightsmile:

Why do keep reading sad stories?
I'm going to break my feels if I keep this up.
Great story though! I'm glad I read it, even though it did sucker punch me right in the heart.

Well, my health bar is going down rapidlyI can barely keep my eyes open and my stamina bar feels like its fading. I’m going to wait here for 4 hours… and leave my controller. I love you my wife, my Daughter, my Son. My King. Goodnight.

Your Faithful Guard, Eli---

i was crying during the whole thing, but that ending was like a giant wave of sadness and tears :raritycry: :fluttercry: :raritydespair::fluttershbad:

I do want to say that the story is something I've never seen before, but info tells me it is unoriginal. Either way, the way this was written is very "in-character". I do not really admire it a ton, i will give it no vote. I will not give it a bad rating because it really wasn't that bad, but at the same time it wasn't all that great either. BRAVO on your work though, i know that the writer does have talent. :twilightsmile:
I hope to see a sadder story sometime, one to at least make me shed one tear.

I saw the title...not sure my computer could handle a flood of manly tears, how sad is it?

I have read many fics like this but this one is really touching. I love how you did the opposite with the wonder bolts and dash. The ending was sad too. Very well done.

manly tears *sniff* oh god,that ending! :raritydespair:

Yeah, these ones get me every time... Nicely written and a perfect size. Well done capturing the moment.

I... I.... Waaaaaaahhaaaaa :raritydespair: :applecry: :raritycry: :fluttershysad: :pinkiesad2:

That ending was beautiful :fluttercry:

Oh my Celestia, this was amazing! Well done, truly, truly, well done. I cried really freakin' hard, more so at the end. 10 out of 10 my friend.

OUCH! MY FUCKING FEELS! :fluttercry:

That comment also made me feel sadder.

:applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritydespair: wow......i enjoyed it a lot. to me i could feel the feelings. Great job.

Grab my thumb,great story!:fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2:

I can imagine that neither the sun nor the moon rose for a long day after this letter was received; some ponies touch even the hearts of the gods.

That was beautiful and sad good job :fluttershysad:

tears was shed over this letter .. up'd n fav'd

maybe a follow-up where one reads about celestia recieving the letter ? .. just a idea ..

1591653 Thank you for your criticism; sometimes I actually doubt I'm really that great when I get completely positive comments :derpytongue2: Alas, I do have another sadfic idea, hopefully a more original one. If not original, then I'll try to make it worth it :twilightblush:


sniff... That was beautiful. Nothing more to say. Just....beautiful.

1591564 Beautiful song too. Read the story to it, multiplied the feels by x10 to the power of 149845.

:raritycry: my feels I haven't cried this much sense I read my little dashie I am :raritycry: tears of joy and sadness.

1591564 that song, fits this story far too well :fluttercry:

This... this is the sort of shit that turns people into Final Fantasy villains that want to end all suffering by destroying everything. :fluttercry:

It was soooooo sad :'( but kinda happy at the same time it was something I could see twilight doing though kinda broke my heart :( :fluttercry:

I put music with the fanfic reading I dunno how well it actually works with it but I found it fitting for something so sad :') hope you guys like it though ^^ keep up the awesome work dude ^^

Oh God, the feels, they're everywhere, they're coming to get us... no, n o! #urk#


I shed manly tears over this:raritycry:

1618632 Thank you so much, I'm grinning like a complete moron right now. :heart: That's beautiful

I finally read it.....:raritycry::raritydespair:
I am glad I read it though, I enjoyed it greatly.
Also, dat ending ;~;

Ijust found this story by accident, and it's purely sad. I actually heard music from this:

as I read it.:fluttercry::raritydespair: I think it fits nicely. But anyway, great story.

many cords upon the tapestry, some long, others short. Many paths upon the road of life, but in truth all share the same fate. A beautiful reminder that one we will all meet in the long tommorow

Did you intend to brutaly murder my feels?:raritycry:

2148222 Who, me?

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