• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 16,856 Views, 482 Comments

A Dragon's Wake - Cold Spike

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforseen consequenes..

  • ...

Chapter 13: Sharing

Spyro walked home in silence and took his time. Thoughts kept swirling in his head on what to do about Trixie. Twilight had already informed him on his duties involving her and that he was to keep Trixie in the dark about their secret deal. He wasn't sure what to do about Pinkie. Was he supposed to tell her? He assumed that most ponies did not take too kindly to Trixie, but he wasn't sure if Pinkie was one of them.

"Hey, Son! How was your day?" Pinkie asked while counting up the bits in the register.

"…Weird. It was weird."

"Like good weird? Or silly weird or bad weird maybe?"

"Um, the first one? Hey, have you ever heard of a pony named Trixie?" the dragon child asked hesitantly. Pinkie actually started to ponder this, mentally running through all the names she knew.

"Nope! She must be from out of town. Why? You made a new friend?!"

"Uh, yes I did. She's a traveling, um, show mare?"

Pinkie's eyes widened. "That's cool. Oh, we need to throw her a party… wait, we never threw you a party…" Pinkie's voice grew low and she suddenly grew a bit sad.

"That's okay and I don't think a party is gonna work out so well for her…"

"Why not?" Pinkie tilted her head to the side.

"Uh…" He knew exactly why not because everypony in this town and many others hated her guts. No one would give her a chance except maybe Twilight and Pinkie, but she had been acting like a mother to him and he figured telling her story to Pinkie was not in his best interests. "Because… she gets scared of other ponies. It's why she wanted to be friends with me!" A lie, but it held some truth at least… Was she afraid of other ponies at this point? He could only assume so.

"Oh. Well, I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable…" Pinkie muttered.

"Well, she is pretty neat though. She's teaching me magic like Twilight!"

"Really? Oh, what else do you know now?" Pinkie asked excitedly and sat down on a seat in front of him, waiting patiently. He hesitated and figured what he was about to do was a bad idea, but he could not for the life of him remember why. He shrugged and used some magic to levitate a napkin in the air and then made it disappear before her very eyes.

Pinkie's eyes went from excitement to confusion to realization and finally to anger. A certain alarm clock struck inside her head as everything came crashing down and for once she was actually angry.


He was still tucked into bed, but as a punishment he had no bedtime story that night, not that he cared. The bedtime stories from her were random anyway and not something he really looked forward to. He was just glad that Pinkie stopped being mad just before she went to sleep, but he couldn't sleep one bit.

How do I help Trixie? That was the question that was plaguing him. He knew perfectly well his standing in the town and it was not great. It wasn't as bad as Trixie, but he was no Twilight Sparkle. His first idea was to make friends with as many ponies as possible and then maybe he could convince them to accept her and move on from there. He shook his head and figured a plan like that could take too long. His second idea was to get Trixie back on stage. It seemed slightly less complicated and certainly possible, but he had no clue how her shows worked or what they were like.

I've never been to a magic show before… He thought back to the events and places the caretakers would take him and the other kids to at the orphanage and a magic show was never a part of them. He then had another idea, but he would need to ask Twilight about it which meant he would need to get to sleep.

WHY CAN'T I SLEEP?! he screamed in his head and groaned loudly. He then looked up and noticed Pinkie was asleep and decided to test the waters. Here goes nothing.

"Hey, Pinkie? Pinkie!" He nudged his mother, but she was still in dreamland. He then made a bold choice. "Mom!" She bolted upright and looked in every single direction but where Spyro was standing.

"What is it?! Is the house on fire?! Oh my gosh—"

"No. I just can't sleep."

She blinked a few times and grew concerned. "Nightmares?"

"No. I just can't sleep so how would I have nightmares?" he challenged.

"Well… alright one bedtime story, but no cupcake tomorrow for that little stunt you pulled!"


He was surprised to find that, halfway into the story, he was actually dozing off and before he knew it, he was asleep.

The morning flew by and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the library.

"Hey, Twilight?" Spyro called out after running inside.

"Spyro? It's a bit early…" She yawned and waited for the inevitable question or need for help or to be asked to learn a new spell.

"You know that spell you used to look into my memories?"

"I can't teach you that, Spyro—"

"I don't want to learn it. I was just wondering, could it be used to see those memories like a movie projector?"

She considered this for a moment before nodding slowly. "I suppose so. You mean for, like, an audience to see memories displayed on a screen?"


"Then yes. I guess the spell could be modified to do that, but why?"

"I want to help Trixie with her shows…"

"Oh! Uh, hmm…" Twilight got lost in her thoughts once more, but Spyro felt it was necessary this time to let her think. "Yes, I could see how that might help. But, Spyro, I'm not exactly sure how to get other ponies to trust her again. Putting on a show with Trixie in the name is not going to be a walk in the park."

Spyro frowned at hearing this but then perked up once more. "What if I put on the show but we use Trixie's magic and then when it’s all over we reveal her or something?"

"Uh, Spyro, that's kind of like—"

"Tricking them?" he offered and smirked.

"Yes! That is exactly like tricking ponies!"

He stood there with a dumbfounded expression. "So, what's wrong with that?"

"Spyro, that's lying and that is wrong. You know that!"

"It's lying for a good reason!" he countered.

"That may be so, but I don't think it will turn out well in the end, no matter how amazed those ponies are or not…"

He groaned and collapsed on the floor. "So, basically you’re saying that we're screwed and Trixie is going to be lonely for the rest of her life?"

"…Screwed? What does that mean?"

"I heard an older kid say it once at the orphanage. Means she's sunk?" he offered.

"Oh, and no she's not screwed. We just have to figure out a way around this without lying!"

He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest. "And how do we do that?"

"Through legal means. You did give me an idea and for it to work you will have to star in the show, but Trixie's name will be there."

"And what's the idea?"

"Well, Trixie's shows tend to focus on adults or in some cases families, but from what I can tell there were barely any colts or fillies in the audience. Now, I'm guessing some of those movies in your head and video games will be a big hit with children and it might be a nice change of pace for Trixie. It's just an idea, but it could help."

"So can I show them The Terminator?!"

She deadpanned, "No, nothing that violent. We can discuss this later though. Trixie's breakfast is on the counter."

Spyro sighed and gathered up a picnic basket that Twilight had prepared. He left without saying goodbye and stormed out until he was halfway to Trixie's campsite and sighed once more.

Should I even tell her? She seemed pretty upset about performing… After debating with himself for a while, he decided on a small plan. He was not going to tell her anything but maybe hint to it as best as he could.

"Trixie?" he called out after finding her campsite.

"By the river…" she yelled.

He found the mare dunking her head in the river as water rushed past her neckline. It reminded him of a scene from a movie that he couldn't quite remember clearly. All he knew was the protagonist was on her own and had to bathe in a river similar to this one. Her head came out as she panted for breath a few times before turning back to him.

"I, uh, brought you some food!"

"Excellent, thank you…" She used a bit of magic and levitated the picnic out of his claws. A few moments later, he found himself sitting awkwardly in silence with her while she ate away.

"Trixie? Do you know any magic that involves the brain?" Spyro asked after rewording his question in his head a few times. He tried to think of a subtle way, but he knew he wasn't good at that kind of stuff.

"That is an odd question. Why?" she asked almost dismissively.

"Uh, the princess cast this spell on me a while back…" He paused and noticed that she choked on her food upon hearing the princess, but he kept going. "…that allowed her to look into my memories of films from my world and games… Can you do that too?"

She considered what he was asking for a moment, staring into his eyes with a piercing gaze as her brain ran on autopilot. Whatever Spyro was telling her, he was not lying, she decided. Then she considered a spell she knew and then smirked.

"I do. I used to use it in… shows. Why?"

"Can you cast it on me? How does it work? Same as hers?"

"I highly doubt I could replicate any spell that the princess can cast, ahem, but I suppose a demonstration wouldn't hurt…" she replied and Spyro actually heard a hint of excitement in her voice. "Now, stand still…"

He obliged and she began to cast her spell by pointing her horn down at his head. He didn't feel any different at all. The spell lasted for all of one minute before her horn died out.

"What happe… Whoa!" Spyro flinched back and heard his voice and someone else that he almost recognized talking in sync with his. He looked around and then spotted something that did not belong in their world.

A human was floating above them, someone Spyro very much recognized. Trixie was confused despite it being her spell that summoned him here.

"Superman?" Spyro asked in disbelief, the voice of the hero talking in sync with his once more.

"Spyro, what is this?"

"I don't… I… What spell was that?!"

"It is a spell I use during some of my shows. I cast it on a pony, or in this case a very odd dragon, and it creates an illusion of something or someone that is from their mind. That illusion becomes a puppet to control. In this case you are the puppet master, but what I don't understand is what kind of creature this is?"

"He's a human, but he's not real… I've only ever seen him in that movie before."

"A human. You mentioned that before, but now I'm beginning to think you weren't lying were you?"

"I never was. So you believe me?"

She looked to Spyro and up to the Superman illusion. He wore strange garments with an even stranger design. The S on his chest no doubt signified his name, Superman, which did not roll off her tongue very nicely. He was flying in the air with a cape blowing in a nonexistent breeze.

"I suppose so, yes. You… you really are from another world?" Trixie questioned in wonder.

"Yeah… yeah I am. Is that okay?"

"I suppose so… Just very odd. Tell me, what does this Superman do? What can he do?"

"Anything, everything really. He can stop bad guys without breaking a sweat, fly into outer space without needing to breathe, pretty much nothing can stop him except Kryptonite. He's a superhero!"

"I see. Well, demonstrate for me, go on then."


"You are in control of Superman, this illusion. Anything he can do, that is if you have seen him do it, you can make him do by just moving around with your body or thinking it."

"But I've never seen him before except in that one movie… does that matter?"

"You mean a film? No, it shouldn’t. Please hurry. The illusion wears off in ten minutes or so."

"Uh, okay…" Spyro gave a few experimental punches with his arm into the air and Superman followed but was awkwardly still flying in place. "Why is he—"

"You need to think his actions and he will play them out. I know you can do this. It's not that hard."

"Okay…" He tried to think of scenes from the movie, but most of them were distant memories at this point. The only thing he did remember clearly was his voice (the one of the actor) and his appearance. Eventually he settled on something that he considered basic for superhero standards, but it did the job. Superman flew up into the sky and then flew right back down after changing directions. The tights-clad hero then swooped down and went back to his default flying pose.

"Excellent. It's been a while since I cast that spell. I was afraid it wouldn't work right."

"So can it make illusions of anything from my brain?"

"From your mind, yes. I suppose it defaulted to this Superman because it chose at random since you were not thinking of anything at the time."

"Can we do Batman?!"

Trixie deadpanned, "…Who exactly names these superheroes?"

"Uh… I don't know. So can you cast it on me again?!"

"Very well, but this is the last time for today. It is very taxing on my horn…"


She cast the spell and Spyro did his best to imagine the caped crusader. Slowly, the form of a very burly man took shape. He wore a black cape and was completely dressed in black with the exception of his belt which was an odd shade of yellow.

Trixie stood there and examined the superhero for all of two seconds before falling down and bursting into laughter. Spyro was dumbfounded. What was so funny about a giant man wearing black tights? He was supposed to look cool, not look silly!

"Stop laughing!" Spyro demanded with Batman's deep intimidating voice mimicking the same words. It only made Trixie laugh even harder.

"Oh, is this Batman wearing tights?! Oh, this is funny…" She giggled a few more times and tried to compose herself. Spyro narrowed his eyes and noticed that Batman was doing the same.

That's when Spyro had a neat idea. He only hoped it would work. He had seen Batman do it dozens of times in the movies and TV shows, but there was never a clear spot to pull one out. He shrugged and positioned his right arm over where a belt would go and pretended to reach in. He focused on the thought and, without warning, tossed his arm towards Trixie. The fake Batman did the same and, pretty soon, a type of metal bat was whirling towards her at high speeds. She shrieked and fell down before feeling silly as the Batarang went right through her and disappeared.

Spyro smirked and walked up to her. "Never mess with Batman."

"Yes, well… he still looks silly."

"He does not!" Spyro insisted, but was ignored.

"Oh, if only I had you during my old shows… hmm."

Spyro tapped his claws together nervously after seeing the mare get a far off look in her eyes. "Trixie, what was it like to put on shows?"

Trixie looked at him as if he was the craziest dragon in all of Equestria, which he may well have been. She began speaking in a calm and collected manner. He noticed it was like her depressed rant earlier about losing her job and place in society… only this time, she seemed happy. "When I first started doing it, well, I was a nervous wreck. It's weird because as a filly I was always fine in crowds, not the least bit like that at all. But I guess when you grow you start to notice things. You notice… judgment from the crowd. So I started a persona, The Great and Powerful Trixie," she boasted in a playful tone. "It helped a lot. It actually made me seem powerful. It allowed me to focus on making each and every show spectacular instead of focusing on the crowd. I guess after a while it got a little out of hand and I started to believe I could do anything," she admitted shamefully. Spyro noticed her far off look had returned. She was still there but again detached.

"What if you…" He bit his lip as she turned her head back to him. "…start off again slower? You know… maybe start some shows for just kids?"

"…You mean children?" Her voice was dripping with venom.

"Well, yeah! They're easy to please and you won't need a persona, just my memories!"

She narrowed her eyes. "You want to be part of my shows?" She scoffed.

"And what's wrong with that?" he challenged with his arms crossed.

"Many things. For one, a good show requires more than just one assistant… although I will admit my last show, the one in Ponyville… I was lacking my other assistants who seemed to just run off."

"What about those two kids?"

"They were replacements…" she admitted, her voice sounding bitter.

"Well, I could find you new assistants. And I'll be your main attraction!"

She raised an eyebrow. "I highly doubt Superman will win over an audience, even if they are young."

"I got plenty of things in my head!" He knocked his head a few times playfully. "We can practice and put together a planned out show."

Trixie stared at him for a long while after that until finally she huffed. "I wouldn't even know where to start anymore. We can't just lie to ponies and pretend I'm not there. The very second that these children’s families read about a show with my name in it, well, it will all be over."

"I- I can help with that too, but you have to trust me. Uh, do you trust me?"

"I do, I suppose…" she replied slowly.

"Great! Can you wait here? I'll just be right back with someone that can help."

"Very well," she replied. Trixie's mind ran through a million scenarios. She had a good idea on who was coming and she had absolutely no idea what to say to her.

Spyro nodded and left. He figured lying to Trixie about Twilight's help was pointless. She had to find out sometime. He made a near mad dash for the library like a child who couldn't wait to tell an adult that something big had happened. Trixie trusted him so he figured that was big enough.

"Twilight?" he called out into the library after running in.

"Yes?" Her reply came from behind a book she was reading. Spyro jumped and saw her right behind him. He was not sure how he had missed her, but he shook the thought aside.

"Yeah, uh, I sort of got Trixie to agree to our plan, but you need to drop what you’re doing and go greet her… though she doesn't know you’re coming…" He admitted the last part shamefully.

She sighed. "What did I tell you about lying?"

"Uh, that it's awesome to lie if it’s for a good cause?" he offered with a sheepish grin.

"No! I… Argh!" She fumed and stomped a hoof down on the floorboard.

"Just calm down! I got her this far and I'm sure she can't be that mad…"

"Spyro, that is not the point! This whole reason I'm doing this is to help Trixie trust ponies again, and by deceiving her like this you have completely eradicated any chance of doing so!" Twilight exclaimed. "I told you not to lie and what do you do? You lied! Spyro—"

"Okay… I give up," Spyro declared and Twilight tilted her head curiously. "I don't even know what I'm doing anymore, Twilight! Heck, I barely knew what I was doing back at the orphanage!"

"Well, I didn't mean to—"

"I mean, I wake up on an island of all places as a dragon and I thought I was dreaming! I really thought I was in a dream!"


"I travel all over the place with a dragon friend who I barely talk to anymore. And I finally get a mom, a mom, Twilight! I barely talk to her and I don't know how to treat her or how to feel and, I don't know what I'm doing anymore! I was trying to have fun and your magic lessons were helping, but I don't even go to school anymore! We had school at the orphanage, with other students and it makes me feel like I'm getting away with something bad—"

He was interrupted and wrapped tightly in a hug. Twilight had noticed that the dragon was on the verge of tears and felt she had to do something.

"Calm down. I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry."

"I…" He stopped talking and buried his head into her chest and cried for a while.

"It’s going to be okay. You do know what you’re doing, you know. You’re not a failure and you’re a pretty smart colt, err, boy. I understand why you lied, but, well, that doesn't matter anymore. Have you been feeling guilty lately?"

"Well, yeah. Just because I didn't have parents doesn't mean I didn't have guardians. We had school and I sort of liked going there. And I know I'm new at this, but I barely talk to Pinkie and it just feels… weird."

"I see. We've been treating you like a dragon, but I can see you’re no different from a little colt. Dragons are very resilient and resourceful creatures. They have feelings of course, but they mature at different rates than us ponies. They are much faster at it. I don't know if we can enroll you in a school, but I'm sure we can try."

"Thank you. If I go to school can we still do magic lessons?"

"Yes." She stopped their hug and both sighed. "We better go greet Trixie."

"But she's gonna be mad now."

"Yes, but I'm sure I can calm her down. You are coming as well."


"Trixie?" Twilight called out with Spyro perched on her back. They had neared a stream, the very same one that Trixie visited often. Only there was no Trixie in sight.

"That is The Great and Powerful Trixie to you!" a voice called out and she revealed herself by walking away from a tree. The two stared at each other before Spyro broke the silence.

"Uh, so, surprise?" he said nervously.

"Spyro, why have you deceived me?"

"I- uh…" His eyes darted back and forth a few times before Twilight spoke up for him.

"This was my idea, Trixie. Spyro was just my pawn in a sense…"

"I see. What do you hope to gain by helping me?"

"Friendship," she replied simply.

"You expect me to believe that?"

Twilight laughed a bit. "You gained his friendship. Why not mine?"

"That is different! He was… he was…"


Trixie gritted her teeth and cursed under her breath.

"Trixie?" Spyro questioned her in concern.

"What?" she snapped at him.

"Twilight's not trying to trick you or do anything bad. She just wants to help, you did say you trusted me," he snapped back with his arms crossed.

She huffed. "I… do."

"So will you trust her?" Spyro pointed to Twilight who now held a stoic expression on her face.

Trixie darted her eyes slowly between the two. Spyro had given her a thumbs up while Twilight's stoic expression remained. Finally, she succumbed.

"Fine. You win, Twilight."

"Uh, I wasn't trying to win anything. I just want a friendship. That's all."

Trixie looked up and saw that Twilight was smiling. She then finally smiled at the other mare. "Fine."