• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 16,873 Views, 482 Comments

A Dragon's Wake - Cold Spike

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforseen consequenes..

  • ...

Chapter 4: Welcome to Equestria

The following two weeks of sail were awkward to say the least. Odd days would be spent with the captain and even days were spent in their room reading. Just from books alone Spyro found out plenty about Equestria. It talked about how the princesses controlled the sun and moon and how the lunar princess was recently rescued from something called the Elements of Harmony. The more he read, the more foreign the place felt to him when compared to his world. But it also started to feel far more like a fairy tale that had come true. He tried to entertain himself after nonfiction became too convoluted and boring, but, overall, the rest of the trip was excruciatingly dull.

Questions were still buzzing in Spyro's head, but he knew once they arrived that some of them would be answered. He had gotten quite used to pony food, but he still craved those gemstones more than anything. He knew Claws was feeling the same way, but the captain was stern with their allowed supply. By the end of the journey, tempers were wearing thin, but the very second they heard that Equestria was near, they calmed down.


"Ya, Claws?"

"What do we, you know, say to the princess when we meet her?"

"Um, I don't know. Are you worried that saying the wrong thing will get us killed or something?"

"Well, yes."

"Well, then keep your cool and only speak when she wants you to, I guess. I've never met royalty before, so, honestly, I have no clue what to say to her. The captain said she was nice."

After a while, the ship came to a full stop. It was halfway through the day already. Spyro wondered where the captain had gone to. He hadn't seen him all day but he figured he was busy. A loud knock on the door answered his question, though.

"Dragons? Please come with me. We have arrived at our destination. I will be escorting the both of you to the castle." The captain sounded tired but seemed to be in better spirits than during the rest of the trip.

They agreed, not wanting to upset the captain. They were both just glad to get off the ship. The ship seemed creepy with most of the ponies gone as if it were deserted. They walked back up to the deck where they noticed a type of drawbridge-like structure was now lying on top of the ship. They quickly crossed it to land. There was a small town near the massive shipyard, but the two dragons were unable to explore as they were being taken through via carriage. They climbed in and, without warning, the carriage was off in the air. To the dragons’ amazement, it was being carried by several pegasus ponies.

"We got word back from the princess this morning. She is very interested in meeting you two," the captain said.

"She is? Is that good?" Spyro asked nervously.

"Oh, we shall see. You never know what's on her mind. In my day, I have heard every crazy punishment carried out by her command," the captain said, snickering to himself and leaving the two dragons sharing uneasy looks.

"What kind of punishments?"

"Oh…" He paused when he noticed that both dragons were sweating and hanging on his every word. "…this and that."

Before they could question him further, they heard several of the pegasus ponies call out. They were nearing the castle already after only a matter of minutes. They looked out the window to the most impressive and odd-looking castle they had ever seen. Canterlot Castle had no normalcy to it; not only was it hanging on the edge of a cliff (which in its own right seemed insane) but most of the castle and its weight was hanging off the side. They landed in a courtyard and both dragons were told to wait inside.

"Spyro! You said she wasn't evil, but he just mentioned crazy punishments!"

"Well, maybe he was just joking."

"Who jokes about that kind of stuff?"

"The crazy captain?"

"THAT’S NOT HELPING!" Claws yelled so loud that the guards from the castle came rushing over.

"Quiet, you two."

Claws was about to protest, but the massive build of the ponies and their sickening glare told him to think better of it. With a heavy sigh, they both waited in silence for the captain to return.

After a few minutes, they saw the captain returning with two guards trailing behind.

"Right then, you two will follow these guards to meet with the princess. I will be returning to my ship. So I guess this is goodbye."

"Oh, goodbye, captain! It was nice meeting you," Spyro said as politely as he could.

Claws just remained silent.

"Yes, it was nice knowing you two as well," he replied with another snicker as he re-entered the carriage.

The dragons left the carriage and waited with the guards. In a flash, the carriage was out of sight. Both dragons shared more uneasy looks considering the way the captain phrased his departing.

"You two follow us, and don't try anything in the castle," one of the guards said. He waited for them both to nod and then they set off on their short journey.

They followed the guards, trailing nervously behind. The castle was filled with tons of ponies going about their business. It seemed to have an endless series of corridors, rooms and paths. Getting lost in the massive structure seemed like an easy thing to do. After climbing an almost endless series of staircases, they had finally arrived at a massive circular room. A tall door with the emblem of the sun was on the other side of the room. They presumed that the princess was waiting inside.

"Wait here." Both guards left their side and went to knock on the door. It opened slightly. They saw the guards speak some quiet words and heard something in response. After a few minutes of conversing, the door was slammed shut and the guards returned to their side.

"The princess will see you in ten minutes time. You both will wait here. We will be downstairs in case you think about trying anything." The tone of voice they were using was enough to convince them to not argue. So the guards left, leaving them both waiting in front of the massive sun-door. The silence let them hear a quiet conversation going on inside the room; clearly the princess was not alone.

"Who do you think she’s talking to?" Claws asked, trying to converse to get over his nerves.

"Um, I don't know. Another pony?"

"Well duh, but… Nevermind."

"You’re nervous aren't you?"

"Duh. Aren't you?"

"Well, I'm kind of excited." Spyro smiled sheepishly back at him.


"I don't know. I never met a princess before, like I said. She sounds kind of cool."

"But what if she throws us in a dungeon or something?"

"I really doubt that will happen, but if it does, we can maybe use our fire on the bars."

"I don't think our fire is powerful enough to break out of a heavily guarded prison, Spyro."

"Well, we just have to really hope that she doesn't do that."

Claws groaned to himself but agreed, so they waited in silence. From the sound of the conversation, she was talking to a male pony. Sure enough, after ten minutes, the doors opened to reveal a white unicorn pony with a huge horn. He had a blue mane mixed in with other shades of blue and on his flank was a shield of some sort. He looked at the two dragons and smiled.

"The princess will see you now," he replied while motioning them to enter her quarters. They slowly followed and, to their surprise, the door was closed by the unicorn after he left. Standing on the other side of the room was a winged unicorn pony whose size made Captain Sailing Winds look small. They both gulped and slowly walked over to her, waiting for a response. At first, she began to study them. She showed no smile for the first few moments but, slowly, she began to speak.

"I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, young dragons."

"Yeah, I read about you and your sister on the ship. It said you and princess Luna rule together?" Spyro said, much to the horror of Claws. He looked like he thought Spyro had just committed a crime against nature.

"That is correct, but you seem to have skipped ahead passed introductions," she said while giggling.

"Oh, right. I'm Spyro and this is Claws."

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you both," she said while offering a hoof to shake their claws. Claws did so nervously and Spyro did so while smiling.

"So are there any kings or queens? And if you're a princess then do you have a prince?"

"Well, no, it does not work that way in our kingdom."

"That’s how it works in all the fairy tales I've read."

"Well, this is not a fairy tale, I'm afraid. But now I'm curious, if you are both from the Dragon Lands then where did you get to read such books?" She was now looking down at Spyro and ignoring Claws.

"My caretakers used to read them to me at the orphanage all the time."

She stared at him for a few seconds before continuing.

"And where on that dragon island would there be an orphanage, Spyro?"

"Um…" He smiled up at her sheepishly. In truth, he wasn't quite sure how to say he was probably from another world so he didn't. He wanted to try and tell the captain or Claws several times, but every time he attempted a conversation it was like his brain was telling him to stop.

"From what the captain has told me, you were both banned, correct?" Her voice was stern but seemed motherly.

They simply nodded.

"And you both figured a life over here was safer, no?"

"Well, we didn't want to die. It just seemed like a good idea at the time." Another sheepish smile from the two of them.

"Well, if I was in your position at the time, I would have done the same. But you two living among ponies as dragons is not the easiest life."

"But unicorn ponies sound awesome! Oh, since you’re one I wanted to ask, can your magic teleport you?"

Celestia stood still for a while after his question. She, of course, already knew the answer, but it was the way he phrased it that made her blood run cold. That very question was spoken by one in the past, and he used those exact same words. She stared down at Spyro, deep in concentration and thought. He was worried that he said something stupid so he remained silent and looked down at his feet. It couldn't be a mere coincidence that this young dragon knew so much about the modern comforts that ponies all shared and seemed so curious. His friend, Claws, was silent the entire time, acting just like she expected any other dragon to act in his situation, but Spyro did not.

"Unicorns can teleport, but it is very difficult magic. Myself, Princess Luna, and my personal student, Twilight sparkle, are the only known ponies in modern times to have perfected using the spell. Star Swirl the Bearded, however, was the first to perfect the spell. You remind me of him." She considered him for a while longer and then turned around to gaze out her balcony and continue her speech.

"As I was saying, there are very few dragons in our lands. And living among ponies will be difficult. I know because of Spike. He is a dragon of your age who lives with my student down in Ponyville. He is mostly happy, but being the only one of his kind living there, he can often get quite lonely."

"How come he lives with her? Did he run away too?"

"No, his egg was discovered under circumstances that I would rather not discuss. According to the ponies that found his egg, it was considered a dud. They decided to use it for a test that my student aced. This was before I had become her teacher. Twilight was never meant to do much with the egg during the test, just show what she could do with her magic, but something happened. It’s a long story, but in the end she hatched the egg herself and, thus, Spike was born here in Equestria."

"So, she’s like his mom?"

Celestia was again taken aback by how Spyro spoke. True, Spike had never really called Twilight Mother, but she would like to think that Twilight was a good parent to him.

"Well, yes, Twilight is like a mother to Spike. She did raise him after all." She seemed to stare off into space for a moment before continuing. "For now though, we have a problem that needs addressing; what to do with the both of you."

They both shared another set of uneasy looks and simply waited. The princess was considering what she could do with the two dragons. Her first thought was to send them both to live in Ponyville under the careful eye of her most beloved student. It would do Spike some good to make friends with dragons that could at least hold a conversation, and they seemed nice enough. She would also have to consider the implication of those actions, not that Twilight wouldn't agree to it, but it wasn't fair to just drop in her lap two new dragons to take care of.

"We could live with Twilight and this Spike?"

Celestia's train of thought was interrupted by his suggestion. It was like he was reading her mind. "Yes, I have considered this. You both will need a home, however, it would be best to discuss this with her first, perhaps her friends as well."

"I don't need to be taken care of, I'm ten years old," Spyro said, crossing his arms.

Claws looked back at him and gave him a crazy look. "Spyro, I'm older than you and I'm not even ten. What are you talking about?"

"Well, uh, grrrr, nevermind."

Celestia looked back to Spyro. It was truly an odd thing to lie about, but she never sensed him lying. Everything Spyro said just seemed far too weird for a dragon to ever converse about, especially one that was not raised by ponies. If he had been Spike, it would have made sense. Any who grew up on the dragon islands, especially such a young drake, should not have had such knowledge. Curiosity got the better of her.

"Claws? Do you mind waiting just outside? I need to speak with Spyro privately if you will." She spoke calmly and gave him a warm, motherly smile. Claws agreed without hesitation but gave one long look at Spyro and hoped he would be okay.

"Did I do something wrong?" Spyro asked in a panic.

"You did nothing wrong, but I want to try something, Spyro. I want you to take some deep breaths and clear your mind for me. Can you do that?"

"Um, okay." He sat down and obeyed. After ten deep breaths, he followed up by clearing all thoughts from his mind.

Celestia approached him and her horn started to glow as bright as the sun. She pointed her horn down towards his head and in an instant he was out like a light. Celestia closed her eyes, deep in concentration. Floods of images began to pour into her mind. She saw another world filled with strange bipedal creatures. She saw massive cities and countless personal memories pertaining to Spyro. Although she hated herself for doing it, she had to find out as much as possible about Spyro's life. After twenty minutes of prodding, she got what she needed. Spyro was not a dragon at all but something called a human, an orphaned child in his world that somehow was brought here in the form of a younger dragon. What concerned her the most was the lack of information pertaining to his presence and how he came to be in her world. This meant that sending him back would either be impossible or too dangerous to even try. If Spyro's mind did not know how he came to be here then it was hopeless to try and question him. With a heavy sigh, she ended the spell. Below her, Spyro slept, dreaming now of his world.

She wept for him and the loss of his world, a few tears forming in her eyes. Celestia shook them off and used her magic to gently levitate his body onto her back, then she walked over to her bedchambers and let the small drake sleep. She composed herself and brought Claws back inside.

"Claws, Spyro here is exhausted and chose to sleep after… well a rather exhausting spell was used on him. It's a long story, but do not worry for your friend. He will be fine. I must go see my sister, Luna. Please remain here with him in my quarters. Feel free to rest as well. There are some gemstones on that table over there. Do you agree to stay?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Good. I will be back soon."

"Luna, we have work to do," she muttered to herself and, to Claws’ amazement, flew out the window, extending her wings.

Princess Luna was peacefully resting in her private chambers waiting to initiate her duties of raising the moon. Rude or early wake ups were very uncommon as of recent. There were exceptions such as her sister needing her aid. However, due to the important nature of raising the moon and tending to the nights sky, well… you better have a very good reason for waking up Princess Luna early.

Slowly, Celestia descended her flight and landed quietly on the balcony of Princess Luna's private room. Inside, she could see her sister snoozing, unaware of the personal battle her elder sister was fighting in her mind. Secrets were very common among royalty, even between sisters.

Even Luna did not know about Star Swirl, but she did not need to.

Celestia knew that coming clean so her sister could aid her was the best course of action. But the truth was just so freaky, she couldn't bring herself to wake Luna. So she sat down at the balcony and gazed at the ever-setting sun. It would be soon that her sister would wake up anyway, but for the moment, she felt it best to stall the inevitable. She kept thinking about memories long past over the centuries when she first met Star Swirl. The implications of that young dragon… that young 'human' being tossed into her lap. Why Star Swirl had ended up in her castle and why that young child had ended up in the Dragon Lands instead no longer mattered.

Losing everything from your own world just seemed like too much to bare. Celestia knew it was only a matter of time before Spyro figured everything out; she could already sense his magical daze wavering. She could only imagine one of her own little ponies being transported to a strange land as a strange creature, never to return to Equestria. The thought of her own personal student turning into one of those humans and being forced to stay in another world due to circumstances beyond her control was simply unspeakable. Shaking those thoughts aside, she began to focus on Spyro.

Clearly, in his 'human' form he was a young child, but from the looks of his 'dragon' form he seemed much younger. This made sense. Star Swirl would never explain why but he lost at least twenty years when he came to them. Then again, they could never fully explain how it all happened. Spyro still had vast knowledge of his world, but he seemed (at least for now) content in being a dragon. Returning him was, of course, impossible, even if they knew how he came to be, the sheer amount of magic required to send one across dimensional planes was beyond even a being such as Discord. Yet here he is. Sure it bothered her that she did not know how Star Swirl and now how Spyro came to be, but there was no use changing the past.

She began to tear up when imagining what that poor child had lost and was about to lose. The only bright side to this whole mess was the child's history; he appeared to have no known 'human' family and no relatives to speak of which made her job slightly easier. She hated herself for trying to find something to make her feel better about the problem. No, she needed to focus. She needed to wake her sister.

But the sun had another twenty minutes so, again, she sank down in thought. This child was about to lose everything that made him what he was, and to make matters worse it would leave him a tad confused through the process. Both dragons had no home to go to and they could not be treated as prisoners, being so young. The only mares she could think of to take care of the dragons, at least the ones that properly came to mind, were the Elements of Harmony, but she had called on them for so much. Fluttershy no doubt could take in at least one if she was not too afraid. Even so, she had other options. It just didn't feel right to simply ask Twilight to take care of two new dragons so they needed to plan, but in order to plan she would need to finally wake her sister.

And what of the mental toll his long life would put on him? Clearly 'humans' did not live as long as dragons, from what Star Swirl has informed her of. All of it just seemed like too much for one to accept, but maybe she was thinking too much on it?


This was a very serious issue that needed to be handled delicately. With a heavy sigh, she walked up to her sister and started to gently nudge her awake.

"Tia? Why has th…" She paused to correct her language. "What is wrong?"

"Luna, we need to talk, after you raise the moon, of course." The serious tone her sister gave her told her everything she needed to know, something big was up.

"Very well. Excuse me for a moment."

With that, Princess Luna walked off to her balcony and prepared the spell that was cast each and every night. With a loud humming noise and a dark blue color illuminating from her horn, the sun was set. A few seconds later, the moon started to rise. With that spell done, she went to cast another. In an instant all the stars in the night were sparkling as she refreshed the nights sky.

"Now then, what must we speak of?"

"It concerns one of the dragons that we accidently picked up."

"Ahh, the stowaways. What of them?" Luna said dryly.

Oh nothing, just one of them is from another dimension.

"Well, do you remember Star Swirl the Bearded?"

"Of course. A very gifted unicorn for his time, but how does he concern those dragons?"

"Do you remember it strange that Star Swirl had no origin to speak of, no parents or family?"

"Well, it was a bit odd, but we had always assumed that he was uncomfortable when speaking of private matters."

"Do you not think it strange that he had no relatives to speak of even after his passing?" Celestia questioned with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"Dearest sister, what are you getting at?"

"My sister, for centuries I have kept a secret from you regarding Star Swirl, for he was such a special case that it warranted secrecy. It pained me to keep something from you, but now it makes sense to talk about, considering recent events. Star Swirl the Bearded was from another dimension. Across the veil if you will."

"I do not understand. Crossing the veil for anything even resembling matter should be impossible."

"And yet, Star Swirl did it, although we could never figure out how so we could never send him back. Before he came to Equestria, he was not a unicorn, he was something called a human."

"That is a bit difficult to believe, dear sister." She paused when she noticed Celestia giving her a menacing look. "But I do, regardless." She added the last part in rather quickly.

Celestia sighed. "This matter also concerns one of the dragons."

Luna’s eyes widened in shock. Celestia took a deep breath and started to speak.

Celestia returned to find both dragons resting on her bed. Spyro was spiraled out just as she left him, but Claws was on the other side, sleeping peacefully.

"I shall not move you two, but where do I sleep?" Celestia chuckled a bit and went to her desk to prepare her letter. She knew sleep would soon come for Spike so she made haste to write down as much as she possibly could.

With a quick spell, her newly written scroll was sent. With a huff of irritation, she grabbed a few blankets and pillows and decided to rest on the floor. It was the least she could do for Spyro to leave him to a restful and peaceful night.

"Good night, you two. Rest well, Spyro, for tomorrow is not going to be an easy day for you."

With a loud burp, a peacefully resting purple dragon was woken up. A scroll now lay before him and, with a huff of irritation, he ran up to show his caretaker the message.

"Hey, Twilight, we got a message from the Princess," the dragon said casually.

"THE PRINCESS? SPIKE! WHERE IS IT?" Twilight asked in hysterics. She was now grabbing him with both her front hooves and rapidly shaking the young dragon.

"Um, in my claw?"

"Oh, right. Sorry, Spike. Let me just read this," Twilight said while using her magic to levitate the scroll away.

My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

Two weeks ago during the Dragon Lands expedition, there were a series of stowaway's, two very young dragons. Apparently, they were banished from the island and decided it was best to stow away as they feared for their lives. They are both perfectly safe and sound, currently sleeping in my private quarters. The first dragon, known as Claws, is roughly Spike's age, if maybe a bit older, and should make a good companion. But it is his younger friend that concerns me. His name is Spyro and he appears to be no older than five. I cannot say much in this letter for I would rather talk with you and your closest friends, or the elements, in person although this technically does not require the use of the elements.

This issue is not a matter of the falling of a kingdom or stopping somepony as powerful as Discord. No, this concerns both dragons, but young Spyro has the most to lose here. It pains me to see such bad things happen to one so young. I know I have asked so very much from you and your friends, but now I must ask again. Tomorrow, I expect you and your friends to take the train to Canterlot (tell them not to worry there cost for the ride up and any missing work will be repaid). I need all of you here to discuss what shall happen with both dragons. They will be living with one of your friends from now on, should your friend choose to accept them. I do not wish to burden you, my student, so please try and convince at least one of them to take in one of the two dragons.

Again, I'm sorry that you must be brought here under such circumstances and that I must forcefully drop the two dragons in your lives, but you must understand they have nowhere else to go. And please bring Spike along, this concerns him as well.

Your Faithful Teacher,
Princess Celestia

"Two new dragons? Wow. But that sure sounded like a weird way to write that letter, Twi. What do you think is going on with this Spyro?" Spike asked while re-reading the letter.

"I don't know, I need to go wake the girls; it sounded urgent. I guess we can all sleep in the library tonight and head there first thing in the morning," Twilight said while walking to the library door.

"I'll get some refreshments and sleeping bags out," Spike said while grumbling to himself.

"Thank you, Spike. I'll be back soon!" And with that, she darted out of the library.

It was already dark out, so Twilight had to move quickly to ensure that her friends would still be awake. Pinkie Pie was her first stop; she wagered using her special ability to… well do the impossible would be enough to gather her friends in a hurry. Twilight found Sugarcube Corner in a hurry just as they were about to close. She opened the door with her magic and ran in, looking for her friend.

"TWILIGHT! Hey! Wait it's closing time. Did you really want cupcakes this late?" Her energetic pink friend asked with concern.

"No, Pinkie. I'm here because I need you to gather the girls and bring them to the library."

"Oh, AWESOME! We can have a sleepove…" Pinkie stopped talking suddenly to think. "Wait, Twilight, why so sudden?"

"I just got a letter from the princess. It's concerning two very young dragons and she needs our help."

"Okie dokie loki! I will gather them as quickly as possible," Pinkie said, giving a comical salute and darting out of the store.

"Oh, Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie was now sitting down in the middle of town deep in concentration.

Okay, let's see. Rainbow Dash will be the last one, but if I plan it just right with my party cannon, I can launch us all at once and nab her. I will have to work double time to pick up Rarity and swing around to get AJ without hesitation. Fluttershy will, of course, be the easiest and second to last. OKAY READY GO! Wait? Why am I talking in my head? OH WELL!

In a random whirl of motion, Pinkie Pie started dashing at the speed of sound into Rarity's boutique and instantly bounced on her bed, waking her up.

"PINKIE? What are yo—"

"NO TIME! TWILIGHT BABY DRAGONS PRINCESS LEAVE NOW!" Pinkie Pie immediately grabbed Rarity and, without warning, darted out of her home. Ignoring Rarity's protests, she whipped around to go to Applejack's farm.

Following the same pattern, Pinkie Pie darted into Applejack's home uninvited and jumped on her bed in the same manner as she had to Rarity.


"NO TIME! BABY DRAGONS PRINCESS LEAVE NOW!" Using her ridiculous strength, Pinkie Pie lifted up Applejack, again without warning, and was now carrying two ponies against their will, again ignoring their protests.

With their third and final stop being at Fluttershy's cottage, she did the exact same thing, but instead of giving an explanation she simply shrugged and picked up the light pegasus pony and prepared them for her party cannon, aiming it at Rainbow Dash's cloud-home.

"Darling what in Celestia's name do you think you are—" Rarity never did finish that sentence. In an instant, the cannon exploded, sending them through a cloud-home while Pinkie grabbed the final pony she needed. Reaching the end of their fall, the five ponies all landed in front of Twilight's library with a loud thud.

Pinkie simply smirked to herself and stood up, unharmed, looking down at her four other friends who were all now looking pretty dizzy.


Pinkie Pie picked them up again and ran into the library. She sat each one of them down on the couch while they still struggled to shake off the dizziness.

"TWILIGHT! ALL HERE!" Pinkie Pie beamed with happiness.

"Oh good, you are all…" She paused to look at the state her friends were in. "Pinkie! Did you even tell them what this was about before grabbing them?"

"Of course I did, you silly filly. Right girls?" Pinkie turned to her friends who were all now glaring daggers down at her. With a quiet, "Whoops," she gave them all one big sheepish smile.

"Sorry about that everypony. Please read this letter from the princess, it will clear everything up." Twilight levitated the scroll up and they all began to read.

After a few minutes, they all composed themselves and began speaking.

"I don't get it, Twi, it sounds like this isn't, like, a huge problem or they are destroying the planet. Why does she need us to deal with two baby dragons?" Rainbow Dash questioned her friend.

"That's just it, I'm not entirely sure, Dash, but it sounds to me like they are homeless, which would make sense. But it certainly does seem suspicious."

"Well, ah reckon if the princess needs us then she needs us."

"I, um, wouldn't mind a little dragon living with me... if that 's okay with him."

"WHAT?! Fluttershy, you said you were afraid of dragons!" Rainbow Dash was now flying too close for comfort in front of her friend.

"Well, yes, but not baby dragons. Especially if they have nowhere to go."

"Oh, right."

"So, she wants us to be there tomorrow?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, Rarity. I have sleeping bags here so we can spend the night and get there as soon as possible. Is this all okay with everypony?"

"As long as we get back soon, ah reckon it's fine."

"Yes. Far be it from me to turn down a decree from the princess.

"Of course it's fine with me! I get to throw a party for two, count 'em, two baby dragons!" Pinkie Pie jumped up in the air with glee.

"Eh, I had nothing better to do tomorrow."

"Angel should be fine on his own. So, yes, this is fine, Twilight."

"Okay, good. Everypony, let's get some rest," Twilight said with the rest of her friends agreeing.