• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 16,873 Views, 482 Comments

A Dragon's Wake - Cold Spike

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforseen consequenes..

  • ...

Chapter 9: Meet the Crusaders

Spyro had spent a good ten minutes trying to explain to Pinkie how it seemed ridiculous to sleep in a basket, of all things. But she silenced him with the simple words, "Please give it a try. For me?" It was at that moment that he realized saying no might disappoint her and that was the last thing on his list. With a heavy sigh, he had climbed in and found it to be comfortable yet embarrassing. Pinkie had given him a hug and wished him a good night and was out like a light in no time at all. Spyro, however, was not. He did not feel all that sleepy. There was something more that Pinkie hesitated to do during the hug. Spyro nearly lost it then and there.

I think she just tried to kiss me… the dragon child thought while quietly studying her sleeping habits. She snored, but it was quiet and, for the most part, not annoying. His basket was close enough to her but still on the ground.

Why did she do that? The child was racking his brain, trying to desperately discern the reasoning for the kiss. He continued to stare at her. She seemed happy.

I pushed her away… What if I made her mad?! But she seems happy… He finally decided to just drop it and get some rest. Within minutes, he was also out like a light.

He woke up somewhat late in the day and noticed certain pink pony missing from her bed. He yawned and then set off downstairs but noticed it seemed like a madhouse. It was a bakery, after all, and Pinkie did live and work there. He spotted her hard at work. He wasn't sure what to say or do, but a quick glance made it clear that dozens of ponies used the bakery for their breakfast destination. Hesitantly, he tapped on Pinkie's leg to get her attention while she was busy managing several cooking appliances and not looking the least bit tired.

"Oh, good morning, Spyro. I left a bowl of gems for ya just right over there." She pointed to an empty table and, sure enough, there was one large bowl of gems and a glass of orange juice. He noticed it was the only unused table, but he shrugged and went over to eat.

He noticed several glances from pony families but decided it was best to just act casual. Casual meant eating his bowl of gems as quickly as possible and then asking Pinkie what he should do next.

"Well, I would go see Twilight for your first magic lesson. That is, if she isn't too busy. She should be at the library, the giant tree. You can't miss it. Just be back by closing time around seven, got it?"

"Sure. Um, later, Pinkie!"

He could not get out of there fast enough. He felt all eyes upon him and even though he kept telling himself not to care, he did. He really cared. Outside, the ponies seemed much friendlier going about their business. Everyone seemed cheerful. They seemed to be mostly ignoring him, which he welcomed. It didn't take long for him to spot the library. Standing in front of it, he couldn't help but stare.

"Wow…" That lasted about twenty seconds before he gently opened the door and ran inside.

Inside, he found Twilight and Spike still enjoying breakfast. He shrugged and entered the kitchen without warning.

"Oh, Spyro, good morning. I take it that the Cakes took to you well?"

"Yeah. Mrs. Cake is pretty nice. I just wish I didn't have to sleep in a basket…" he said, mumbling off in the end. "So, I'm here for my magic lesson." He smiled expectantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Spyro, but I have far too much to do right now to start anything. Let's see, can you come back at around two?"

"Um, sure." He was about to walk away, but then he paused and sighed and then awkwardly turned back to her. "Twilight, what am I supposed to do in town?"

She finished what she was chewing on and then spoke. "Well, I would go and check out the park. Maybe try and meet some ponies?" He was about to nod and leave again when he paused one last time and let out an exasperated sigh while looking at his nails.

"What if I want to climb some trees? What about my nails?"

"Why would you want to climb trees?" she asked while putting emphasis on the word trees like it was the oddest thing she had ever heard.

"Ponies don't climb trees?"

"No, no we do not. Do humans do that a lot?"

"I do, yeah. But my nails might, um, break and—"

"Oh, that's right! Celestia sent me a letter on a new spell for those nails of yours. It should harden them right up and then you should be fine. Though I still don't know why you would want to climb a tree." Without warning, she concentrated on her horn and let out a soft hissing sound and a lavender colored glow that absorbed into his claws and nails. They pulsated for a bit and the then magic wore off. "There, now they should handle anything. Now go play, but make sure not to get too excited…"

"I'll be fine. I wish you two would stop worrying so much!"

Spyro ran off before Twilight could ask who the other worrying pony was, but it didn't take long for her to figure it out.

He made it to the park in no time at all. He spotted dozens upon dozens of young ponies out playing various games, but he had only one prospect on his mind. He spotted a nice tall tree off in the distance and gave an experimental swipe with his claws. The swipe left one long dent into the tree and, to his delight, his new magical claws were faring just fine.

"COOL!" He wasted no time and eagerly began to climb to the highest point on the tree. In under a minute, he was looking down at all the children ponies playing. He sat down on a branch after making sure that his tail would not get in the way and then continued to watch the other ponies play, unsure what to do next. He failed to notice three particular fillies making their way towards the tree after spotting his form in it.

"Hey, other dragon!"

He turned around, still hanging onto the branch and spotted three fillies looking straight up at him. Curious as to what they wanted, he took both of his feet and used them to swing himself upside down like a monkey to face them, still hanging onto the branch.


"Uhh, why are you hanging like that, you look like a monkey," the white unicorn replied, causing a few snickers from the other two. Spyro just rolled his eyes.

"Cause I'm bored and climbing trees can be fun."

"Uh huh. We were wondering if you wanted to play with us. Claws, the new dragon that lives with Apple Bloom, doesn't want to…"

"That certainly sounds like Claws. What did you want to play?"

"Well, we were hoping you could help us find our cutie marks!" the white unicorn squeaked out. Spyro dropped onto his head by accident after slipping.

"Ow. What's a cutie mark?" He stood up and dusted himself off. All three fillies looked at each other, giving odd glances and then turned back to Spyro.

"You don't know what a cutie mark is? How can that be?"

"Uhh, I'm new to Equestria?" He shrugged.

The orange pegasus sighed but began to explain. "A cutie mark is a special mark that appears on your flank when a pony discovers his or her special talent, duh!"

Spyro looked around and noticed all sorts of ponies with those weird marks on their flanks, but then turned back and noticed that these three fillies had none.

"Can dragons get cutie marks?" This question caused the three fillies to break down in a fit of laughter. Spyro did not find it amusing. "Stop laughing! How the heck am I supposed to know?!" They immediately stopped when they noticed he wasn't joking and he was feeling a tad hurt.

"Ah'm sorry, Mr. Dragon. We thought you were telling a joke or somethin'. We're real sorry, right, girls?" They both nodded and gave him their best adorable-looking triple smile. What they failed to factor in is that smile did not work on other children. He just sighed.

"Whatever," he replied while rolling his eyes.

"Hey, we said we were sorry, sheesh. So do you wanna play with us or what?" Spyro could tell that the orange pegasus was losing her patience.

"I guess so. I'm Spyro, by the way." He offered his claw in what he hoped was a universal gesture, but the three fillies simply stared at it.

"Why are your nails like that?" He inspected his claws again. The three fillies did not take their eyes off them.

"Oh, I have unicorn magic now. It—"

"Magic?! A dragon has magic? Show us!" All of them going from childlike curiosity to this pure excitement caught him off guard, but he remembered what both Pinkie and Twilight had said.

"Uhhh, Twilight told me not to until she can teach me how to control it…"

They all gave downcast looks at hearing this. "Oh, well, can you still help us today to find our cutie marks?"

"Sure. Just one little problem."


"I don't know your names," the dragon replied and then giggled a bit.

"Oh, I'm Sweetie Belle!"


"Ah'm Apple Bloom!"

"And we are THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" the three replied in a unified scream. The dragon, however, was able to keep his emotions under control.

"Ow. So you just go around and try to find your special talents?"

The three nodded. Spyro tapped his chin for a while and pondered on this.

"What have you tried so far?" They all looked at each other and groaned.

"EVERYTHING! We're out of ideas! You got any?"

Spyro slowly took in his surroundings again. He spotted the park. He spotted several other buildings, but, finally, he spotted a dark-looking forest. "Hey, what about that forest? We can try to explore in it. Can you get a cutie mark for that?"

Scootaloo groaned. "We tried something like that once and it didn't end well. Fluttershy ended up saving us."

"Well, Apple Bloom, do you think Zecora would have something for us to do?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Ah guess so. Maybe she can help ya with your magic, Spyro. She is a potions expert, after all!"

The dragon studied his claws one last time. It was true that he wanted to use his magic. The prospect of hurting someone sounded terrible. Pinkie did admit she was lying, but his magic seemed far too overpowered and out of control. "Do you think she can brew up a potion that makes it weaker? The first time I tried to use it, um…" He trailed off, hoping that they got the message.

"Well, only one way to find out!" Sweetie Belle squeaked out. They all nodded and started their short journey into the forest.

After ten minutes of walking in silence, Apple Bloom couldn't help but take a few glances back towards the young dragon. He was walking just behind with both of his claws draped behind his back in a casual manner. He was taking in the sights of the forest, but none of it really phased him. To Apple Bloom and her young friends, on their first visit to the forest, it was quite the opposite.

"Uh, Spyro?" The farm filly spoke almost timidly.


"Claws was saying a few things about you… Did ya… We're you always a dragon?"

"Nope." He said it so quickly that not only did it cause all three fillies to stop in their tracks, but it caused him to chuckle. To him, hiding that simple fact was like lying and he was not fond of liars.

"So it is true. You used to be a hu-man thing!" Apple Bloom accused, her eyes wide in shock.

"You mean a human? Yes, I used to be one. Does it matter?"

"Well I…" She stopped and turned to her friends who simply shrugged and shook their heads. "I suppose not, but how'd ya end up as a dragon? Claws told me about the journey you both took, but why this?" She gestured to his dragon body. For a moment, he was dumbstruck.

"I have no idea, and you know what?" They shook their heads, admitting that they did not know what he was getting at. "I don't care." He continued walking past them for a little while but stopped when he got a good distance away. "You coming or what?!" They quickly ran up, leading the way once more, but the conversation continued.

"So, that's it? You now have a dragon body and you don't care about your old life?" Scootaloo asked, vaguely putting facts together. She was told very little of the two dragons, but Apple Bloom had insisted that Spyro's story was real before they met him earlier in the day.

"I lived in an orphanage, in a world without magic. I think I'm good," he finished with a smirk.

The three fillies gave each other uneasy looks but nodded.

"So, uh, how is livin' with Pinkie?" Apple Bloom questioned, causing him to glance down at her.

"Good? How is it supposed to be?"

"Crazy," Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Exciting!" Sweetie Belle Squeaked.

"What they said."

"Well, it's not. I was hoping it would be! This sucks…"

"Uh, right. So, Pinkie is not being Pinkie?" One of them asked. He had still not gotten used to their voices and was not aware who was speaking, not that he cared at the moment. His thoughts we're lost somewhere else.

"I guess…" They all sighed and figured it was pointless to keep talking. Eventually, the odd house in question came into view.

"Zecora! Are ya in there?" They all waited for a few moments until a Zebra came walking out, causing the Apple filly to jump up and take her in a rib-crunching hug. "Hi, Zecora!"

"It's good to see you, Apple Bloom! And who is this you've brought to my room?" Spyro looked her over and decided almost immediately that whatever she was (he assuming that she was in fact a zebra) he liked her and let out a smile.

"Oh, this is Spyro."

"Hey," was all he said in reply.

The Zebra regarded him for a moment, until she decided to speak. "Why, a dragon! What a strange sight to see. Why is he traveling with you three?"

"Well, he's our new friend. Plus, Pinkie adopted him," Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you could make me a potion to help me control my magic. You do make potions, right?" Zecora was taken aback by both questions but for separate reasons.

"As for potions, I have many, not few; but for learning magic, there is no potion to brew. Although I find it strange you should ask. I am quite able to assist in your task. But why, I must ask, would a dragon need such a flask?"

Spyro sighed and then gently raised his claws and walked forward, he then showed off his tiny unicorn horns and her eyes widened.

"Unicorn horns are what I see? Are my eyes playing tricks? How can this be?"

"Sort of," he interrupted and sighed. "The only time I've used it so far is when I nearly destroyed a dinner table. So, can you help me and make my magic not so powerful for a while?"

"Although using such power requires training intense, it is easy to brew up a magic defense."

"Good, 'cause Twilight said she would start training me around two, but I don't want to go all haywire and blow up something."

"So… can you teach me how to use this magic? I don't see a horn on you though…"

The zebra chuckled at hearing this. "You look for a horn? A novice-like turn. I will teach you the basics and the things you should learn. For though magic looks easy and quick to the eyes, the complexities surely would give you a surprise. To start your training, you must not be faint, and master patience, endurance, and most of all, restraint."

Spyro had to think on this for a while until he smiled up at her and spoke. "So, how do we start?"

"Would you like to join him, you curious three? Step one in the process is learning to breathe."

They all nodded except Spyro who groaned, but did as the zebra commanded. They had spent several hours doing various exercises and 'practicing' calming techniques, although Spyro was growing bored with it, as was Scootaloo. Eventually, it was nearing one o'clock and they had to bid the zebra farewell. Together, they walked aimlessly into the forest along the same path they came from, only much slower. Eventually, the sound of four occupants slowly became five. None of the three fillies or the human-turned-dragon wanted to admit it. They had all hoped it was their imagination. But out of the blue, they heard a much louder noise, the noise of a howl. They all darted around and spotted a creature of nightmares. Standing before them, was a manticore.

It let loose a mighty roar that seemed to shake very ground they stood on. They were all rooted in place, stricken with fear. The beast walked forward, its stinger ready to strike. Spyro saw this and knew what was going to happen. He knew this was the end and he also knew that standing still was not the best way to respond.

This is my chance… but can I even do it? His thoughts were interrupted as the tail of the beast had immediately chosen him as the prime target. Without thinking, he brought up his right claw and tried to will magic into existence. He had barely any training and barely any hope, but somehow, his right claw responded. The tail was frozen in place and, for a moment, everything was going to be alright. The three fillies and dragon simply stared on with awe until, finally, his emotions twitched. He willed new life into his newfound magic and the tail moved backwards, striking the beast in the back. For a moment, time ceased to move for anyone, not for the fillies, not for the dragon, not even for the beast. Until finally, the manticore fell with a loud thump, laying still, dead. Spyro's eyes were wider than any dinner plate imaginable. The three fillies turned their heads to him. Finally, one spoke up.

"S-Sp-Spyro, are you okay?" Scootaloo asked, her voice dripping with concern.

He turned to them, still in shock, his emotions empty. He nodded slowly and slowly turned around to walk out of the forsaken forest. The fillies followed closely behind, unwilling to say anything to confront their friend in his desperate time of need. Somewhere in the deepest regions of his mind, one thought lingered on.

I killed something. I'm… a killer…

When they were safely out of the forest, they all stopped close to a certain cottage. They each tried to say something. First, Scootaloo wanted to speak her mind but the cold stare of their new dragon friend caused her to keep her mouth shut. Next, Apple Bloom wanted to thank him for saving them all but thought better on it. Which left Sweetie Belle who, without thinking, jumped up and hugged the dragon into submission. The other two fillies did the same. Spyro did not fight back but he did not move.

"Thank you for saving us, Spyro. But, uh, are you alright there? You haven't said anything…" Sweetie Belle's words trailed off and the three fillies kept the hug, hoping upon hope that the comforting act would bring back the dragon they'd met.

"I—" His words choked in his mouth, the fillies unraveled their hug and tried to let him speak. "I killed it." It was a simple sentence and yet it had so much meaning. To the three fillies, it was a reminder of their fear. To Spyro, it was a loss of innocence. The fillies turned to each other, silently trying to figure out exactly where to take the young dragon, their thoughts practically synchronized as one.

"Pinkie." They immediately began pushing him in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, the dragon only faintly aware of his surroundings as his head drooped low to the ground. They entered the shop and spotted the pink mare working with a few customers. Spyro did not dare look up. He waited just behind them as the fillies silently argued on who was to tell the party pony. Eventually, they shoved Sweetie Belle up front, leaving the unicorn standing just beside Pinkie with two fillies nervously pawing the ground.

"Sweetie Belle! What's up?" The party pony was busy messing with the cash register with several customers still waiting for their orders. The unicorn noticed this but knew she had to speak up.

"Hey, Pinkie, um, can we talk in the back? You know, when you’re not busy…" Pinkie looked down at her and then examined her friends faces and nodded. She then turned to address the crowds.

"Sorry, folks, little emergency so I will be on break for ten minutes!" Ignoring the boos of protests, she immediately grabbed the three fillies and quite literally stuffed them back in the kitchen. Not seeing Spyro just standing there, she joined the crusaders.

"Okay, so what's wrong?" Her head turned from side to side, trying to get one of them to speak up.

"WetookSpyrointotheEverfreeForestandafterZecorawewereattackedbyamanitocoreandSpyrosavedusby…" one filly screamed out, trying to be heard among the two other voices.

"NowSpyroisallfreakedoutandyouadoptedhimand…" a second filly said. Before the third one could yammer on, Pinkie had placed a hoof in each of their mouths before falling down comically and straightening herself up.

"Remind me not to do that again. Now, would one of you please talk? I can't understand any of you."

"Look, we took Spyro to go meet Zecora and it was neat. She taught us some breathing exercises and such to help him with his magic. But then we were attacked by a manticore on the way back—"

"Oh my goodness! You’re all okay, right?"

They all nodded and then Sweetie Belle took over for Scootaloo. "Spyro, uh, used his magic to stop it and now the manticore is dead and now he's freaking out…" Pinkie's eyes went wider for a moment and then she took in a deep breath.

"Girls, where is he?" They immediately pointed to just outside the kitchen. Pinkie looked on at her new son with worry and regret. He was simply staring at the ground, unmoving and lifeless. The pink mare then looked at the waiting customers and then back to her son. She sighed and addressed the girls. "You three, please head home. I will take care of Spyro. He'll be fine." They all nodded, unaffected by the change in the party pony's demeanor. Pinkie then trotted upstairs for a moment to find her employer who was busy writing through business and tax forms. "Um, Mrs. Cake?"

"Oh, yes, Pinkie, what is it?" Stress was coming off of her voice, causing the pink pony to become more unnerved for what she was about to ask.

"I'm sorry, but I need to take the rest of the day off…"

"But why, dear? Is something the matter?!"

Pinkie flinched. Obviously, her boss was stressed from the day’s events, but she held her ground. "Something happened with Spyro and I need to go talk with him. He… I'm sorry, but can I—"

"Yes, my dear, go talk with your son. I'm sorry for nearly snapping. Will he be alright?"

"We'll see."

Then, in an instant, she walked downstairs, scooped up her son and left for her room. The door was gently closed and the little dragon was placed on her bed. She looked into his eyes, there were no tears, no bloodshot lasting effects, just shock.

"Spyro," she said with no response from the dragon. He simply looked down at his feet.

"Spyro," she said slightly louder, still getting nothing.


This time he flinched and looked up at her, his eyes almost misty, but unsure what to do. I can't cry. I can't disappoint her… But…

Pinkie immediately grabbed him into a nearly bone crunching hug. The dragon returned it and tried to speak.

"I'm so—" He hiccupped once and that was the crack that broke the dam. Everything he was holding in immediately burst through his seams. The first tear that fell down, she immediately recognized and instinctively pulled him in closer.

"It's going to be okay. You were just trying to protect your friends." She began to gently stroke the ends of his scales and spikes, just now realizing how different he was from a colt pony. She was hoping that her stroking motions would calm him down, but it almost did the opposite so she opted to talk it out.

"Spyro, I need you to tell me how you feel."

"I-I don't kn-know. I killed it. I just wanted to be a hero. But I don—" He broke down yet again, his eyes drenching her pink coat into a mess.

"Shh. I want you to take a deep breath for me, okay?"

He nodded. His first try was interrupted by all sorts of hiccups and coughing. She gave a sad smile and opted for him to try again.

"That's it. In and out, in and out."

His shuddering breaths were slowing down to a regular pace, but his eyes would not tilt up to hers.

"Feeling better?"

He nodded, but only because he felt slightly better about his current predicament. He didn't hate being comforted or being pitied. Those things did not bother him. No. He always tried to remain happy in hopeful situations, the orphanage included. At the very least, he would try and remain casual in situations that were not befitting to him. But he was not happy and felt scared, afraid but not alone.

"Good. It's going to be alright. You’re alive and so are the crusaders."

"I don't want to use magic anymore, Pinkie."

Pinkie stared at him for a long while. She knew her son was hurting, but she had no real way to actually comfort him. Until a small idea came to mind. "Spyro, I need you to come with me. I think I know something that might help."

He gave her a skeptical look but nodded and gently climbed onto her back, too emotionally spent to walk. He hung his head low and clutched her back gently for some comfort. On the way out she nodded to Mrs. Cake who simply gave a side glance smile. The walk was slow with Pinkie glancing back at him every couple seconds.

"Pinkie, where are we going?" She narrowed her eyes, not showing them to him.

"To somepony who can make you happy again."