• Published 3rd Sep 2011
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The Story of Reik: The Communist Revolutionary: MLP - Reik

The story of Reik. A pony trying to spread Communism across Equestria.

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Chapter 1: The Communist Manifesto

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster and journeyman, in a word oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the struggling class.”

THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, the small iron bound book rested at Reik's hooves. The words, practically memorized, flowed across the square in a perfectly rehearsed routine. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need!” his strong voice carried across the square. As usual many a pony stared in utter confusion and awe and as usual, Reik was determined to continue. He was a revolutionary; He was in his element, this was his cause. “Celestia’s regime is the cause of stagnation in Equestria, why should the many feed the few? Why should the few profit and gain through the work and labor of the many? Think for a moment of a grand community, owned in common, where all ponies would be equal.” His grand address came to a sudden stop. Not due to fright or some other disability that he was well above. No it was the crowd. They stared at him with confusion, and barely suppressed embarrassment. Something suddenly snapped, his jaw clenched with suppressed anger. Without further words, address, and pause he closed the book, placed it into its tattered bag and began to follow the narrow stone street out of the village. As he left, many curious eyes followed him. They made no attempt to hide their stares, most of which were cast upon the red hammer and sickle that rested on his black flank.

REIK CONTINUED ALONG the dirt road, the sun slowly sank in the distance, casting long, claw like shadows across his path. He was used to this routine, attempting to inform the masses that current life, although good, could be so much better and then being ignored or laughed at. But today was different, he had never kept track of how many times he had been in this situation but this was the first time that he felt something other than humiliation and annoyance. The feelings of rage and malice were all that occupied his being. Since he was a colt, Reik had journeyed across this land, speaking in squares, homes and any other place where he could be heard. He had tried to help these ponies, tried to show them that the status quo could improve. In his vision for a new Equestria, workers could self-manage; there would be no classes, no superiors. He travelled across Equestria to arm his fellow pony with that most precious of weapons, knowledge, and what was he repaid with? What was his reward? Nothing, it sickened and angered him. But never once did he think to stop. His faith in his cause had always been strong. Stronger than any form of doubt or corruption: even his banishment had done nothing but strengthen his resolve. Reik continued along his path and quickly, he became lost in thought as he remembered the events that lead to his outcast.

REIK NEVER UNDERSTOOD why others needed to socialize. To him, it was a waste of time and energy. Why have others when you had yourself? His younger days were spent in his home studies, buried in books. Eventually, the writings ran out and he was forced to look elsewhere. His parents didn’t question or halt his departure, sometimes he doubted if they ever cared that he left. He traveled to one of the great cities that dotted Equestria. He didn’t bother to learn its name, or learn of the ponies that occupied it. All that mattered was its great library. Books and scrolls became his only companions. Reik never understood nor questioned where this lifestyle manifested; it had always just been a part of his life.

His lust for information was infinite; never did he dwell on one subject for too long. Science, history, math, he was familiar with each, but one particular subject had caught his attention. Social science and philosophy had taken up a large portion of his studies. Over time they became his only subject of interest. He was digging around in books regarding those subjects when she came for him; Celestia had requested in person that he become her political advisor for the royal castle. She apparently had been observing his progresses and studies. She said his skills and talent where unsurpassed by any other pony in the realm, and that his assistance would be greatly appreciated and benefiting. Reik could not remember a day where he had been happier. He must have smiled the entire trip to the castle.

The princess’s judgment had been impeccable. His skill in political science had proved invaluable, through negotiation and social organization, he helped Equestria flourish and thrive. But over the course of his occupation of office, after seeing the difficulties and problems that arouse under the current law, he began to feel the waters of doubt slowly rise.

Reik had seen a recurring problem in Equestria: the problem of classes. There were the oppressors, and the oppressed. The oppressor owned the means of production, the tools, the buildings, the products, and what have the oppressed? They were forced into poverty by the oppressor and where inevitably forced to rely upon the oppressor, else they fall into poverty. If only the many could work to feed the many, if they could manage themselves. Over time he began to design a new economic, social, and political system, a system that would solve all problems, where all would be equal. Over time, he wrote his observations into a small journal, one that he would soon dub, “The Communist Manifesto”. Over time, the notes became more and more heretical; especially the method of which his system would be established.

Revolution was the only option, the oppressor controlled all aspects of society, and the oppressed could never get their voices heard. The oppressed needed to be perfectly unified for the post revolution world, and what better way than in an armed organization? Revolution was the only road that led to a new Equestria that was run for the worker, and run by the worker. It was unfortunate but a necessity. But how to bring about the revolution? How to ensure its success? It was a curious task, to think of ways to bring about the downfall of the government he worked to uphold. But it had to be done, he loved his government but change was a must for it to properly serve the ponies under it. These where the problems he was contemplating when the guards came for him.

The royal guards where always suspicious of Reik ever since a small outburst of his regarding the current economy and possible, heretical, solutions. Over time, they became more and more direct about their suspicions. Eventually the guards felt it necessary to search his study; they came upon his journal and after seeing what was written upon its pages they charged him with inciting rebellion. His trial was short, the guard’s commander presented Reik with the journal and asked if the words within it where his. Reik proudly declared it was the truth, and was promptly forced outside the castle walls, banished and never to return. He demanded for an appeal to be heard by the princess, but his pleas where met with threats of imprisonment. With nothing but his small iron bound book he fled into hiding.

THE THUNDER BROUGHT Reik out of his sleep. It had been several hours since he stopped to make camp in the cave and the darkness of the night was at its denouement. The hastily built fire at the entrance of the cave was nearly exhausted. Reik felt a sudden spike of fear when he couldn’t locate the manifesto. He exhaled heavily when he found it a short distant from the mouth of the cave. He pulled the book into a tight embrace before drifting back to sleep. The book was dear to him, more than any other object or being, more than his own life. Someday it would change all of Equestria.