• Published 3rd Sep 2011
  • 5,623 Views, 93 Comments

The Story of Reik: The Communist Revolutionary: MLP - Reik

The story of Reik. A pony trying to spread Communism across Equestria.

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Chapter 25: Public Relations

AN AURA OF fog covered the glass of the cold window with each expended breath. Only to retreat several seconds later. Reik's head was placed firmly against the small window in the conference room for the past few minutes. Ignoring the numbing cold on his forehead, he gazed out the window at his world, if he could really call it his world.

Aside from the token guard patrol, or the rare charge of a wagon off to gather or deliver goods, the square of Ponyville expanded before him in a dark and empty expanse. Even though he had ordered numerous lamps be constructed throughout the territory, shadows still lapped at every nook and cranny, like missed corners of a poorly painted toy. Peeping over the black horizon, which was exposed only due to the numerous lights built on its surface, stood the Apple family farm, though calling it that would be far from correct. What little hill that was exposed by the artificial light was barren and snow covered. Although he felt no remorse for its removal, the black pony could feel a small nibble of sadness at the sight of the destroyed wilderness: having walked through it only days ago, he knew that the destruction of such a great wonder would torment those who had known it well.

As he looked on and examined the world through the thin layer of glass, his spirit continued to drop, sinking deeper into the sea of doubt at the pit of his mind.

*Is this not what you wanted?*

That voice. A constant torment, the product of a faulty mind that never once ceased to remind him that his cherished intellect was blemished, damaged: Imaginary friends where for colts and fillys, not revolutionaries.

**This is the price of change**

*Will you still say that when this picture stays the same for weeks, months, and years?**
With a short recoil and sharp thrust into the window, the voice was expelled from his mind, at the expense of a sharp spike of pain, bringing about a low grunt from the black pony. Although it was gone, the phrased echoed in his mind. What if it lasted forever? Little advances had been made and the ponies where in a worse state than they were before. No, he corrected himself quickly. The end goal was invaluable. Agriculture was not reliant upon seasonal changes, but controlled completely by the farmers. The eternal darkness was an unforeseen flaw, the critically small territory was unexpected, and the revolution was both rushed and undermanned. Things where not going according to plan, that was all.

For the situation at hoof, things had been going quite well. The loyalty of his comrades was strong and unwavering. The farm was almost on schedule, all that was needed was the cooperation of the citizens of Ponyville.

Reik never planned to march into Canterlot on the shoulders of thousands of followers, embraced with acceptance, or understood with perfect clarity. He had expected difficulties with the local populace converting to a socialist system and ultimately a communistic one. But he had not planned for this level of incompatibility. Although the followed directions and marched without resistance, this was not to last. The efficiency and brutality of the takeover and the dominating stature of the guards was the only thing keeping the citizens marching. Once they fully recovered from the shock and came to grips with their predicament, they would revolt. Worse still, repercussions for aggression for the change where nigh impossible. Control over the guards was thin, and further coercion attempts on the populace would only increase antagonisms. The sudden thought train was halted as it passed over the topic of guard control.

The talisman was a cruel, unusual thing. It made his teeth itch to be near it, and the few times he had utilized it, he didn't feel complete control over it, as if some aspects of its operation where independent of his command. The device seemed to have a mind of its own, an agenda of its own. It was heavy in his hoof and its glow seemed increasingly sickly with each passing hour.

Feeling its weight in his pocket increase, Reik withdrew it from his coat and gazed at its surface. Indeed, it glowed with a cruel green that conveyed the essence of insidiousness and deviancy. Shivering slightly and pulling his gaze from it, a task he found oddly difficult, the black stallion paced the room to its corner, where a short stool laid, and deposited the stone on its face. Keeping himself from looking at it, he removed his cap and dumped it onto the stool, so as to conceal the talisman.
Immediately he felt relieved, moving sluggishly over to the center table and occupying one of its chairs. Reik was tired. He had not slept for more than an hour at a time, he had not slept in a bed, and he was in near constant activity with the management of the territory. This moment was one of few where he could simply relax, withdraw, and rest. His head began to feel heavy, his breathing slowed. Without thought, his head dropped to the table, eyes slowly blinking shut. All issues, predicaments, plans, all worldly responsibilities began to fade as tiredness swept over him. The world grew quiet and peaceful; the embrace of sleep was at hoof.

"We had an appointment comrade commissar?"

His realm of peace fell away in an instant as the cold voice sounded in the room. His head shot up in an instant, eyes fluttering open. The voice quickly registered as belonging to Magnus. Mental cogs spun and a memory was fished out. Yes, he remembered, they were due to meet and discuss the public's cooperation with the party.

"If you would like me to come at another time comrade..." His voice once unnerved Reik, it still did to others, but with constant interaction, he had since grown accustomed to the monotone voice. "No, no, I'm fine, take a seat." rubbing his forehead, the black stallion adjusted himself in his seat to a more presentable position and awaited Magnus to start the discussion. While it would have been a better choice to appoint a native of Ponyville for the job of public relations, the job needed one of cunning, and intelligence. Although Reik had ensured his higher level of intelligence than the rest of the drones, he considered himself fortunate to have found such a pony like Magnus. A criminal, but a clever one at that. This one had been locked away within the dungeons of Canterlot, and for just reason. This one had infiltrated Ponyville, and started an expansive criminal network in Canterlot. He had escaped the law numerous times, manipulated crooked guards and other ponies, and gathered a small fortune within several months. His skills in manipulation and control were tried and tested, they would be needed if the masses of Ponyville where to be properly directed for their own survival.

"Go ahead comrade." Reik groaned. With a nod, Magnus spoke quickly. "We are at a crucial point in the operation, progress has been made, and this is beneficial to our primary goal: the completion of the artificial farm. However, the public views us with distaste, not only due to the general notion of change, but radical change at that, and due to the violent upheaval of their past system. They view us as a violent invasive force using them for our own gains." Reik held up a hoof to stop him, at which he immediately paused. "How do you know this comrade?" Magnus responded quickly in the same monotone voice. " I have overheard several conversations and have discussed with other commissars on the subject. We are viewed as an invasive force. Until we can provide that we are superior to the past system, their cooperation will no longer be guaranteed. We must appeal to them."

This Reik already knew and with a nod, Magnus continued. "So, we need to get the farm in operation as soon as possible, the sooner they are fed, the sooner we can move forward. Until then, we need to show our superiority to the past in another way. We need to demonize the past system. Point out its flaws while at the same time pointing where we have improved on it." Reik reclined in his seat. "And how should we go about this exactly?" Magnus responded while taking a step closer. "Time is against us, so until we can more accurately gauge the system, I propose the use of propaganda images, and addresses to the public." A headache began to throb in his head and Reik nodded in agreement with a false smile. "Good comrade, I assume you can handle the images?" Magnus stiffened his posture and nodded. "Of course comrade commissar." Reik wanted this to be over, it could all be handled by Magnus easily, right now, fatigue was taking its toll, he needed rest. "Good, now could we cut this meeting short, I need you to continue with the operation on the farm."

"Of course comrade commissar." With the a short nod, Magnus stepped out of the room, his hoofs sounding like a metronome as they moved out the door. Slapping his head onto the table once the stallion had left the room. Reik let himself slip into unconsciousness once more, this time, uninterrupted.