• Published 3rd Sep 2011
  • 5,632 Views, 93 Comments

The Story of Reik: The Communist Revolutionary: MLP - Reik

The story of Reik. A pony trying to spread Communism across Equestria.

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Chapter 16: Wrath

“PLEASE, EVERYPONY REMAIN calm, we are professionals.” Reik said as he stepped over Pinkie Pie’s prone form, Vladimir at his side still holding the smoking talisman. All the activity within Sugar cube corner ground to a halt as the pair entered, not a single voice was heard, and every pony near the revolutionaries took a step back until a large circle formed around the intruders. Reik looked over the face of every occupant, he didn’t know what either of his targets looked like but he figured that a dose of intimidation never hurt anypony. A few whimpers could be heard and a small grin spread across Reik’s face.

*Pleasure at the terror of innocents, you’re such a hero of the masses Reik*

**Their terror is a given, but soon they will see it was all necessary**

“Princess Celestia has fled, Canterlot is destroyed, and the rein of the bourgeois is at an end.” Reik took great pleasure in his speech. All those years, all those years of pain and suffering, all those storms he had faced; now they would all rain down this night. Franz was right for once, he did take a small essence of pleasure at the terror of the ponies before him, not enough to deem him a sadist he thought but enough to make him grin. Let them tremble Reik thought, if there was an honest worker among them then they would have joined him like George, Vladimir, and Iris, they wouldn’t have stood by silently as he was forced into exile, they wouldn’t have just watched as such a great injustice took place. Let this rabble of blind ponies tremble at the revolution, let them be afraid, for their entire existence is about to be turned upside down. Reik brought himself to full height, puffing out his chest.

“Now, where is-” Reik suddenly stopped, the names escaped him. He dug though the pockets of his coat until he found the manifest, lifting it out of its place and scanning its face, Reik cleared his throat and spoke again. “Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, no harm will come to them I assure you all, I just require something they happen to have.”

TWILIGHT PANICKED AS she struggled to keep Rainbow Dash grounded. The blue pony squirmed under Twilights form, struggling to escape her grasp and lash out at the one who had attacked Pinkie.

“Let me go!” Rainbow Dash cried out. “Did you see what he did to her!?” Twilight wrapped her leg around Dashes abdomen, trying to keep her friend away from the ponies she knew very well where beyond what anypony here could possibly hope to combat. Dash struggled against the protective measure.

“Yes, but you can’t win this fight, none of us can, we have to-” Twilight was stopped in mid-speech by a sharp kick to her lower jaw. Dash escaped her friends grasp and raced over the crowd towards the intruders.

REIK SIDESTEPPED THE blue pony’s attack. Her hoof, extended in an aggressive assault, flew past his head, missing him by barley an inch. She swung around for another assault but before she could pull herself into a more advantageous position, she was on the ground. Her wings would not cooperate, they were numb and as she turned her head to examine the now useless appendages, she could make out a small incision along her back; it was just a small inch long cut between her wings. She turned her head to the black pony standing before her. The black pony didn’t address her immediately, instead wiping the crimson blood from a strange looking curved blade onto his coat. It was only after a very thorough cleaning that he finally pocketed the weapon and looked down upon the crippled pegasus.

“It’s been awhile since I looked over pony anatomy so my sincerest apologies if the cut was too deep.” Reik lowered his head until his and hers where but inches apart, he looked at her as if expecting an answer yet the blue pony lied before him motionless, a shocked grimace on her face. “Oh, it’s not permanent if you’re wondering; just a few cut tendons, nothing that won’t heal in a few weeks but now I’m getting a tad off topic, would your name happen to be Rainbow Dash?” Reik spoke in a kind and nurturing tone, ironic for the context of the situation. When the blue pony just opened and closed her mouth for several seconds, surprised and insensible he spoke again in the same kind tone. “Please, time is very much against me and my comrade, what is your name?” Rainbow Dash finally recovered some sense, in a state of shock and fear she answered, all thoughts of resistance cowered under the dominating emotion of fear. “Rainbow Dash, I-I’m R-Rainbow Dash.” Nodding with a smile, Reik brought his head up and looked to the tall form of Vladimir who had until now been standing near the door, keeping at bay any would be escapes. With a long nod, Reik turned his back to his comrade and faced the crowd. He spoke quickly and with a slightly threatening tone. “Where is Twilight Sparkle, I would like to avoid hunting her down, and I’m starting to think that is what I’ll have to, but if you’d like to spare us all the pain, please step forward.” A bright flash quickly followed the bold statement, after which the room fell into an even greater sense of despair. Some had a look of terror and disgust, some looked away, and some simply broke into tears. A sudden feeling of remorse overcame Reik’s mind.

*Having second thoughts are we?*

**Perhaps I was a little hasty, let’s put an end to this.**

Reik looked to Vladimir, who was currently checking the unconscious blue pony for extensive injury. With a short glare that efficiently transferred the message, Vladimir rose and tossed Reik the talisman. Catching it between his teeth, Reik felt a sudden surge of power; it cooked his internal organs and made his hair stand up. Nothing was beyond his grasp, everything was at his mercy, and the world was his. The stone filled him with a sense of invincibility,.


The subconscious phrase caught Reik off guard; it pulled him out of his delusion and back into reality. Yes he thought, I will not sink to the level of tyrants, its power is only borrowed, borrowed so that I may better this world, not cast it into darkness. Reik suddenly became aware of how tired he really was, his limbs screamed in frozen agony and the cold assaulted his form. The previous surge of anger and hate was smothered by the gripping cold. The revolutionary pushed thoughts of doubt and fear to the back of his head, yes they would come to light in the future he knew that much but now was no time for such emotions. As the black pony broke into a run towards the back of the room, he called out to his friend, his voice was shaking and exhausted.

“Get the others, and make your way to the town’s center.” Vladimir nodded and quickly disappeared through the front door of Sugar cube corner.

TWILIGHT GASPED AS the cold assaulted her. She charged out the back door of Sugarcube corner and into the freezing landscape of Ponyville. Her mind raced, answers, plans, options, they all seemed to disappear as reason was overwhelmed by fear. Soon she was no longer looking for a destination; she was simply trying to flee the doomed village. It was over, Ponyville was lost, and they would have to retreat, regroup. No, it was pointless; she would freeze before she escaped. Her pace slowly stopped until finally she collapsed into the snow. It was over for Twilight, she lay in the snow, tears welling behind her closed eyes. Acknowledging her failure and the darkness that had now descended upon her home and friends, Twilight silently wept. The world grew dark around her, intensifying her misery.

“I’m sorry things have to be this way.” The voice was distant and estranged. Twilight slowly looked up to see the black pony that held a glowing talisman between his teeth. It still made no sense, nothing made sense, so many questions, so much she did not know. Twilight lowered her head into the snow, accepting her fate.

“Please, soon things will be better, better than they ever where and you will see that it was all necessary.” The voice was sad and mournful. When Twilight did not respond, when she only continued to lie in the dark snow, Reik gripped the talisman and shut his eyes. The flash was not as intense as when Vladimir had utilized the stone. Through closed eyes, Reik could tell the flash was small and minimal. When the light dissipated, the stone felt as if it would nearly explode with power. It felt as if at any moment the power the black pony held between his jaws would rush out and annihilate all of Ponyville and even Equestria. Yet despite that power, Reik felt distant from it, as if it really wasn’t his. He felt like tossing the corrupt item away, yet in his mind he knew that such a thing would be madness. A gentle sigh could be heard under the rush of the freezing wind.

“I’m sorry.” The words came out in a whisper, unlike all the other grand addresses Reik had dealt the inhabitants of Ponyville and Canterlot, the phrase came out as if it had come from the maw of a doubtful child. Raising his head and pocketing the small talisman, Reik looked down the empty street. The wind suddenly slowed, lessening until finally stopping altogether. A distant sound could be heard, like the roar of a crumbling mountain. As Reik pulled the stone once more out of its place, he narrowed his vision, trying to make out the source of the sound. Like a ghost out of a child’s nightmare, a hundred royal guardsmen roared out of the darkness. They charged down the street in a mob of disharmony. Reik could make out no evidence of rule in the mob, no officers, no ring leader, perhaps a last ditch effort by the guardsmen left behind to save Ponyville. Reik looked upon the warriors with a sense of envy. How it is to be a follower, how simple and easy, and how terrible it is to lead.

“And now the greatest crime of all.” Reik mumbled as he raised the talisman above his head. The guards came closer and closer until they where upon him. He waited until the last second to unleash the power of the stone, wanting to stall the inevitable for just a few seconds more. Looking back on all the actions, both his and the ones he had caused, instead of pride he felt only shame. As the stone activated and illuminated the surrounding area, bathing the buildings in a shower of light, Reik mentally begged forgiveness from his conscience and his peers yet deep down already knew he would never have it.

IRIS STARRED AT the trembling ground with a look of curiosity while the brown pony George stood behind her, looking around in fear. They had just exited the home when the ground started shaking, as the stood in the cold; Iris noted the peculiar nature of her surroundings. The wind had slowed to a halt, the cold increased to a level unknown this early in the winter, and all sounds of nature, the birds, bears, and trees, they made no sounds, as if they had all been simultaneously silenced. The ground suddenly parted a few feet from the pair. A mound of earth grew out of the split, and as the mound grew, so too did the crack. The mound grew taller and wider, until, on both sides it stretched into the distant night beyond. The bound grew until it stood twelve feet high. Once the wall had stopped it growth and when the earth stopped shaking, a net, made up of the outlines of massive geometric shapes illuminated the sky. The net appeared for only a second, but Iris could tell it still stood, invisible to the eyes of the average pony, but as solid and impenetrable as granite. George started shaking uncontrollably once the whole ordeal had climaxed, he looked as if he would collapse from shock and fear. Iris looked to the small pony and spoke in a casual tone.

“Unless I’m mistaken, I think we won.” George looked to the red pegasus with pleading eyes. His voice was shaking and cautious.

“What d-do you mean?” Iris shook her head and smiled. “Breathe you old colt, you’ll work yourself into a heart attack.” George regained some of his sense at the remark and silently stood beside Iris, looking at the great wall that stretched far beyond his peripheral vision. Until now the two had resided in Iris’s home, Iris looking over and drawing plans for great machines of industry and agriculture and George watching and pretending to understand. A sudden roar brought the two out of their pause.

“Comrades, we go to the village square, the town is ours!” Vladimir roared as he stormed out of the forest. Despite several large cuts across his flank, the twigs and branches sticking out of his armor, the grey pony wore of an expression of glee. Iris, waiting for this moment for the past few hours, ran into her home and quickly returned with a bag with scrolls sticking out of its opening and a set of goggles, with an odd assortment of lenses, some flipped into few and other not, hanging around her neck. The three ponies where quickly rushing into the forest, towards the town and their leader.

REIK MUMBLED TO himself as he rested on the steps of the pavilion at the center of Ponyville. The communist manifesto rested at his hooves, a pencil griped between his teeth racing across its blank pages. Satisfied with his work, he closed the book and pocketed the pencil. The black pony raised his head, looking to the large pony, clad in the golden armor of the royal guards that stood before him.

“Not much of a talker are you comrade.” Reik said casually. The guards, like all the others around him, simply stood in place, his eyes glazed over and pitch black. The cold had slowly lessened to a more manageable level and Reik savored the low temperature, he had always loved the cold, while others would hide in their homes, he would dance in the freezing winter like one would dance in the falling rain. Looking across the ocean of motionless soldiers, Reik thought of the whole situation as kind of ironic, he really hadn’t changed anything drastic. They were zombies under Celestia, now they were zombies under him. It was all just a simple change of hooves really. He thought of the term ‘under’ with distaste, this was all just a transition period, soon they would be free and all of Equestria would be unified under the banner of love and peace. But that was in the future, and if it were to become a reality Reik would have to focus on the present. The black pony shoved the journal into its large pocket and rose. Looking over the ocean of guardsmen, Reik had since dismissed any feelings of regret, it was a necessity, and within a short time, it would all be worth it. The stone felt heavy in Reik’s coat pocket, it begged his attention, and it called out to him. Cursing the stone, Reik pushed the talisman out of his thoughts, instead thinking of how to go about managing the new Ponyville, according to the operation handbook, upon completion of the revolution, all further actions should be done according to the manifesto, yet the manifesto was a tad sketchy on establishing a legitimate government. Reik drew mental plans for an election, an election for officers in the new government. A commune he would call it, the Ponyville Commune, yes that would do nicely. Looking up from his thoughts, Reik was pleased to see three ponies walking down the snow covered street towards the pavilion. At first they wore expressions of suspicion upon seeing so many guards, yet after looking upon Reik amidst the warriors, casually holding the talisman in his hooves, they broke out into cheers and smiles. Reik admired their enthusiasm, secretly wishing his own could somehow match theirs.