• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 6,488 Views, 148 Comments

The Element of Magic - Blue Dragon

What if Twilight met different element bearers? How different would things end up?

  • ...

DJ P0N-3 the Wubmaster

Octavia loved this song. It was very meaningful, and nopony else had ever heard the melody. Well, Twilight had accidentally happened upon her playing it, but that hardly counted. Besides, she’d only heard a couple of measures.

But this song… It was passed down to her just before her teacher’s untimely death. Octavia made sure to play it before every concert and when she had a chance. He was a great stallion that really knew what he was talking about.

The earth pony pushed thoughts of her mentor to the back of her mind and simply played her emotions out on the violin. It too, was given to her by the same stallion, and usually only played it to give tribute to him with this song. At any other point in time, she’d simply play the cello.

“Hey, Octavia!” The gray pony immediately stopped her playing and frowned. Lyra was here. She was a good pony and fun to be around, but not for long periods of time. Octavia always found herself annoyed at the unicorn, but managed to keep any sore feelings inside. She didn’t want to hurt the mare’s feelings, even if Lyra was going overboard with her obsession.

“Hello, Lyra,” she spoke simply, “What are you doing here?” She glanced over at her surroundings meaningfully. She’d picked the park for a reason—so nopony would be able to listen.

“I saw you, so of course I came over!” Lyra smiled, “You’re gonna play more, right?”

Octavia felt the corner of her lips dip down slightly. “I’m afraid not. I...have a previous engagement that I must attend to.” The musician gently put her violin in its case.

“Really? Well, I won’t hold you back, then!” Lyra took a step away with a smile, “But where is it?”

Octavia had gotten away in record time. She wasn’t able to think of anything to answer Lyra’s question, and could only make out a hasty apology. However, the unicorn was looking for her.

“Hey, Bon Bon! Do you know where Octy is?” Lyra asked with a giggle, “She kinda just bailed on me. I don’t know where she went!”

Bon Bon, that traitorously honest mare, glanced over towards Town Hall. “Didn’t she just trot over to Town Hall? I’m pretty sure I saw her go around it.”

“Thanks, Bon Bon! You’re the best!” Lyra smiled before following after Octavia. The gray pony didn’t get a chance to escape.

“Hey, Octavia! So, is that engagement of yours here in Town Hall? Getting married in the center of town would make sense!”

“N-No, I’m not getting married…” Octavia blushed slightly at the ridiculous thought.

“You lied? Well, that’s not very nice!” Lyra tapped her hoof on the ground.

“It isn’t a lie—an engagement doesn’t have to be marriage. It can also be an appointment or meeting…” Octavia explained, still slightly flustered.

“So you actually had something you needed to do?” Lyra asked with a straight face. The other mare hesitated, and that was enough for the turquoise unicorn. “Good! ‘Cause I actually needed you for something, if you don’t mind!”

Octavia didn’t have a choice in the matter.

The gray mare didn’t think Lyra had this side to her. The unicorn had taken her to an orphanage. It may have been naïve, but Octavia didn’t think Ponyville would have one. Well, it was hidden away in the corner of town, but still.

The little foals were coloring at the moment, but seemed to be having fun. They hadn’t noticed the two mares intruding in their small little home. It really tugged on the gray pony’s heartstrings.

“You see, Octavia,” Lyra smiled towards her, “when I told all these foals that you were my friend, they really wanted to hear you play! As soon as I found out that there was an orphanage in Ponyville, I just had to come. You know? I’ve visited them every couple of days for a year now! They really are great kids. Do you think you could play for them? It would definitely make their day!”

Octavia really wasn’t expecting this. The fact that Lyra came to an orphanage to help little foals on a regular basis gave her a new respect for the unicorn. “Yes, of course I will.”

Lyra’s smile widened even more. “Oh, cool! Hey, everypony! Octavia’s here to play for you all, like I promised! Gather around!”

All the little foals, minus one, rushed over giddily. The filly remained by the table, entirely focused on her drawing. Octavia recalled that she was sitting alone beforehoof.

“Lemon Daze, c’mere!” Lyra said with a grin, “Octavia’s gonna play for everypony!”

The so-called ‘Lemon Daze’ looked up from her picture at last. She stared at Octavia for a minute before breaking out into a huge smile.

The Octavia? Your musician friend?” The filly babbled quickly. She stuffed her drawing into a saddlebag and hurriedly trotted over. Her coat was a sleek white that contrasted well with her blue eyes and yellow mane. As she got closer, Octavia could see two beamed eighth notes on the filly’s blue saddlebag.

She stayed near the back of the crowd, however. The other foals didn't seem to be particularly nice to the filly, but they weren't mean, either. Mostly, they just ignored her. That too, was a harsh blow to the older mare.

"Are you ready, Octy?" Lyra turned towards the musician. When around the orphans, she seemed a lot more mature. Octavia undid the clasps of her violin's case and pulled it out. Normally she would've preferred the cello, especially for audience performances, but she didn't have a choice this time. Besides, her special talent was broad enough to include all instruments if she practiced enough.

Octavia checked if the violin was ready by playing the simple "A" string, and deemed it out of pitch. She twisted the fine-tuners at the tail of the instrument a few clicks clockwise before trying again. It was perfect this time. She looked back up at her silenced audience before getting settled for playing.

"This piece is titled, 'Summer,' first composed by Antonio Vivaldi." Octavia drew the bow across the strings slowly at first, but the song called for a fast pace. She lost herself in the music and let it engulf her thoughts entirely. She heard the foals' awed gasps at certain points, but she didn't pay much attention to them. The gray pony didn't need a copy of the composition--a classic such as this should be memorized.

The song reached its peak and neared its end. Octavia played it perfectly, as she'd done plenty of times before. However, this performance seemed much more meaningful. As she hit the last note, she let it draw out, unlike the rest of the jerky, fast-paced ones. When she finished and opened her eyes, all the foals (and Lyra), were staring at her wide-eyed.

One filly in particular, Lemon Daze, clapped her hooves excitedly. "That was great!" Everypony followed her example and began stomping the ground in approval. Octavia automatically liked the little filly, smiling at her.

She played as many solos for the violin as she could remember, and even took requests from the foals. She didn't know how long she'd been playing until some of the younger ones were yawning.

Lyra stopped Octavia with a grin. "Looks like it's getting kinda late. How about we let them sleep?" The colts were quick to protest. However, what seemed to be their caretaker, swooped in from the crowd.

"Yes, they probably should be getting some sleep..." The pink mare turned towards Octavia, "Thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to them, and it gave me the chance to relax. Taking care of so many foals can get a little hectic, I'm sure you understand. Once again, thank you!"

The young earth pony turned towards the orphans, "Say goodbye to Lyra and her friend, and then off to bed!" Some of them grumbled in response, obviously upset to have to leave. They still complied, though.

"Goodbye, Lyra and Octavia..." The main herd made their way to what seemed to be their bedrooms. Lemon Daze waited before dashing up to Octavia with a smile.

"You'll come back, right? Please, Miss Octavia?" The small foal begged. The display was entirely too cute for Octavia's taste.

"Of course I will. Have a good night, Lemon Daze." The white pony's grin was so large it looked like it hurt. She hugged the gray mare tightly.

"Oh, thank you! I hope you have a good night too, Octavia! I mean, Miss Octavia... You're so cool! Bye!" The filly giggled before rushing to the same room all the others had taken, not tired at all. Octavia just noticed that Lemon Daze didn't have a cutie mark.

The pink pony blinked before addressing Octavia. "Lemon Daze seems to have taken a shine to you. I've never seen her so happy, and never have I seen her speak so much in one day!" Upon seeing the gray pony's skeptical look, she elaborated, "You see, the other foals don't usually let her play in their games, so she's secluded herself. That saddlebag of hers was given to her just before her mother's death. Lemon Daze's parents were always travelling, playing music in different cities, so she didn't see them very much. It all happened so fast that night... I shouldn't say so much about her past..."

The musician felt a pang in her chest, but decided to change the subject. "Does she go to school?"

The caretaker seemed relieved to not have to talk about something so dreadful. "Oh, yeah! Ms. Cheerilee's class, actually."

Lyra smiled, entering the conversation. "It's a great class, Octy! Derpy's filly, Dinky, is in it too!"

The three mares smiled at each other, falling into a mutual silence. Octavia took this as her cue to leave. She threw the violin case's strap over her shoulder and gave the newly met pony a hoofshake. "It was lovely to meet you, and I'd like to come again. Would that be alright?"

"Oh, yes!" She babbled, "Anytime. The foals absolutely loved your playing, and any help I can get around here is appreciated. Have a good night, girls!"

"Thanks for letting us come by, Berry Punch! What you do for all these foals is incredible." Lyra mentioned slyly.

"Well, I'm just a volunteer, but thanks!" Berry Punch smiled as she led the other two towards the door. "Be safe on the way home, and come back when you can!"

The young mare promptly closed the door. Octavia adjusted the strap before beginning her walk. Lyra prodded her with a forehoof.

"What did you think?"

"...It was very unexpected, but I liked playing for them. How often do you see the foals?" Octavia questioned as they fell in step with each other.

"Every couple of days. You see, they help me with my jokes, too. They love them and think they're sooo funny. Probably where I got the inspiration!" Lyra laughed quietly. It was already dark out, so it was only natural to keep your voice down.

"We should go together." Octavia said suddenly. Lyra's smile brightened.

"I knew you'd come through!"

Everyday, Lyra would meet Octavia in the park and they'd make their way to Ponyville's Orphanage for the Less Fortunate. She'd alternate between bringing her cello and her violin, and sometimes she'd rent out other instruments for the foals. Octavia grew to adore the little ones, and felt herself become closer friends with Lyra. It was something new they had in common--the love to help others. Lyra Heartstrings seemed to have many layers in her personality, and after this discovery, Octavia wanted to know what else she may be hiding from everypony else. And, most of all, did Bon Bon know about Lyra's daily ventures to the orphanage?

Regardless of that answer, Octavia was enjoying herself very much. Unlike back in Canterlot, she looked forward to each performance, despite the lack of bits in return. Once, Berry Punch had offered money, but Octavia wouldn't take it. She had enough to pay for rent at the moment, anyway. And if she needed any, she could do a quick performance on the curb. Her apartment was very cheap for a single pony.

However, she wasn't expecting anypony to visit. Least of all, her.

"...Vinyl?" The DJ pony whirled around with her suitcase in hoof. The unicorn mare had an electrifying blue mane and tail, along with her white coat and, from memory, Octavia knew her eyes were ruby-colored. Usually, she'd cover them up with large goggle-like glasses, though.

"Hey, Octavia! It's been awhile!" Vinyl Scratch pushed her glasses up with a smirk.

"How did you...?" The gray mare began quietly.

"Wellll, it's a long story! I was just mindin' my own business back in Canterlot, doing my thing as the infamous DJ P0N-3, when I figured out my buddy Octy wasn't in town. I remembered how you had to do a gig here in Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, and when you didn't come back for so long, I just had to come check up on you!"

The DJ sauntered over to the earth pony and threw a hoof over her shoulder casually. "So what's been goin' on?"

Octavia wasn't sure what to say, exactly. Vinyl had been her first real friend, but their friendship had lots of ups and downs. Back in Canterlot, they'd been roommates (how that ever happened, Octavia would never know) and occasionally helped each other with their music. However, those moments were far and very in between.

So, Octavia told her everything.

Lyra had waited a whole fifteen minutes at the park. When Octavia never came, she made her way to the musician's apartment. The unicorn was glad to have somepony go to the orphanage everyday with her, if only for a few minutes. It really could make a pony feel important, and Lyra cared deeply for those little foals. Lyra couldn't wait to see Octavia again!

What she wasn't expecting, however, was some DJ pony to be standing outside the doorstep talking with her.

"Hey, Octavia! Who's your friend?" Lyra trotted up next to them with a smile. If she was a new pony, maybe she could be her friend!

"This is Vinyl Scratch, my friend from Canterlot. Vinyl, this is Lyra Heartstrings." Octavia hesitantly introduced the two mares. The smooth looking unicorn thrust out a hoof with a crooked smile.

"Nice to meet you, Lyra! You can call me Vinyl, DJ P0N-3, or sexy if you want!" Her teasing tone wasn't lost on Lyra. She automatically didn't like her.

"Vinyl..." Octavia began her reprimand, but Lyra was quick to interrupt.

"Well, hello Vinyl! The name's Lyra Heartstrings, but my friends call me perfect!" The white-coated unicorn let out a snort. The turquoise mare's dislike for her only grew.

"Haha, you're good, Little Miss Perfect! I like you already." The DJ turned back to the earth pony, "But yeah, Octy, you'll be comin' back to Canterlot soon, right? Lots of your old clients have been asking me about you."

Lyra could sense Octavia's anxiety. "I've decided to stay here."

"Woah!" Vinyl took her goggles off entirely and gave the earth pony a skeptical look. "Are you serious? I've had a couple of gigs here in Ponyville, and it's not really your kinda place, Octy. Music-wise, it's more of like, Fiddlesticks' kind of thing. Country and stuff."

"It's a nice town!" Lyra had a smile, "The ponies here might be a little 'close-minded' when it comes to some stuff, but we love to make friends and have fun."

"Riiight," Vinyl looked back at the other unicorn, "So, Little Miss Perfect, you ever been to Canterlot?"

Lyra felt annoyed immediately, but managed to keep her cool. "Yeah, I actually have."

The DJ changed moods entirely, as if she were switching up the music. "It's an awesome city, right? Other than all the snobby nobles, anyway! If you find the right place to do a gig, you can meet some pretty cool ponies hangin' around. Did I tell you I'm a DJ?"

The turquoise mare only smiled before returning her attention to her friend. "Octavia, we're a little late in getting to our engagement, as you would've said it, so we should get going! Vinyl Scratch, it was nice meeting you, but me and Octy gotta go do some very important stuff right now. See you later!"

Lyra was already dragging Octavia away when Vinyl stopped her. "Hey, hey, what's the big hurry? Actually, I was hoping I could hang out with her while I'm here. You know, to catch up and stuff. Could you call a rain check for me?"

"Well... Okay. I'll come back tomorrow though, alright? I'm sure the foals will be fine for a day." Lyra said halfheartedly. Octavia nodded.

"Yes, it'd be best for me to speak with Vinyl today. Sorry, Lyra. We can surely reschedule, right?"

Lyra agreed, and slowly walked away from the two ponies. After a few steps, she glanced back and saw how close they seemed to be. After they'd started talking more, Octavia looked really happy with this DJ. What did that mean?

"I'd forgotten how much I missed you." Octavia said with a smile. After making so many new friends, she'd barely thought about the DJ.

"Aww, don't get all mushy on me, now. But for the record, I missed you a lot, too." The unicorn set her luggage down inside of Octavia's not-so-spacious apartment. "You know what, Octy? Why don't we play that song. For old time's sake!"

The earth pony stared at her rambunctious friend. "You don't mean...?"

Vinyl Scratch laughed. "Now you get it! Remember how fun it was to combine our two different types of music? Ha, I'm surprised we haven't done more with it!"

"Honestly, Vinyl, it sounded horrid! The only words I can think of to describe it is a dog's scratching on marble flooring while barking in an obnoxious manner." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"It wasn't that bad!" Octavia gave her a look. "Okay, it was a little weird, but it was awesome. Come on, let's give it another go!"

Octavia let out a sigh, and reluctantly got out her cello. Vinyl rummaged through her stuff and got out some DJ equipment. The earth pony had no idea how she was able to fit so much stuff in such a small amount of space.

"Alright, ev-er-y-po-ny! DJ P0N-3 is in the house with her back-up musician, Octavia! Get ready to hear the best tune ever!"

"Vinyl, must you say that when it's just us?"

"Yup! It's a DJ's code anytime he or she is scratching up the song. Let's do this." She flipped her glasses back down and picked a track that she'd be working with. Octavia didn't really like Vinyl's music, but she respected her for what she did. The unicorn seemed to have the same unspoken appreciation for her own music.

And, as they began trying to mix the two very different sounds... It sounded like a dog's paws trying to find purchase on a marble floor while barking obnoxiously. Yes, it was exactly how Octavia had remembered it.

However, she continued playing, even if it was giving her a headache. Doing the song with her old friend seemed to rekindle the friendship much more, and the feeling of longing increased. It went on much longer than the first time they'd played the tune.

What did finally stop them, though, was somepony throwing a rock at the window, breaking it. "Turn that awful noise off!"

Octavia blushed in embarrassment when Vinyl trotted over to the broken window with a constant smirk. "I liked it. You didn't have to go and throw a rock, did you?"

The stranger puffed out his chest arrogantly. "It was causing an earthquake and was givin' me a splitting headache! I have half a mind to call the police ponies for public disturbance."

Vinyl giggled. "That was a good joke! Splitting your head, then saying you have half a mind? That was awesome," she smiled. "Anyway dude, DJ's out the house, so if you got complaints, talk to my buddy Octy here! She lives in this apartment, by the way."

The unicorn used her magic to stop the musician from making a hasty escape and levitated her over towards the window. "She's cool and will take care of any problems you have."

The DJ then walked away from the carnage, laughing as she heard the stallion's enraged yell.

"Vinyl..." Octavia turned back to her friend, "Must you be like this?"

"Aw, come on, he was bein' rude. And look, now you have to pay for the window!" Vinyl tapped a hoof to her chin and said thoughtfully, "Although, only the best gigs end up with broken windows. Must mean we were a hit!"

Octavia would never understand Vinyl's way of thinking.

Lyra didn't understand what was so appealing about the DJ. She'd decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, though, and did the only logical thing a pony could in this situation.

She stalked them.

Well, that was a very crude way of saying it. It was more like she was following them with very noble thoughts in mind. She was worried for Octavia's safety--that was all!

But the thought that Vinyl Scratch was more important to Octavia than she was bothered her. Over the course of all the visits to the orphanage, they'd gotten pretty close. Of course, Bon Bon was Lyra's best friend, but that was something else entirely. But... Did Octavia feel this way when she saw Lyra with Bon Bon?

It'd been three days since the DJ had shown up. Each morning, Octavia would be more and more attached to the unicorn and would pay less attention to Lyra. The turquoise mare fought for more time with her, but Vinyl won every time. It was very frustrating, and it made her feel less important. Even worse, the foals at Ponyville's Orphanage for the Less Fortunate were starting to get restless. Lemon Daze wasn't speaking very much and was sad almost constantly. None of the other kids would talk to her.

And because of all that, the DJ wasn't making a very good impression on the turquoise mare. She seemed to be more trouble than she was worth. First of all, she somehow caused Octavia's window to break, and lots of ponies were complaining about her. The orphans were out of control without something to entertain them, and Berry Punch was having sleepless nights. Also, Vinyl was taking up all of Octavia's time, and the others were starting to feel neglected, too. Furthermore, Lyra had seen the DJ passively insult some of the ponies around town! Although it wasn't meant to be taken that way, (such as when she'd called Lyra 'Little Miss Perfect') it was definitely received as such. It was enough to get Lyra to take action. Or, more specifically, talk to somepony.

"Bon Bon! What do you think about that DJ?" Lyra asked as she paced in her best friend's shop. The candy mare wasn't paying very much attention, as she was currently eyeing her new creation very carefully, wondering if it needed anything else.

"She's okay." She spoke absently. Lyra gave her a look.

"But she's causing trouble for everypony around town, especially for the foals at Ponyville's Orphanage for the Less Fortunate. They really miss Octavia over there, and it's Vinyl's fault for taking up all her time!"

Bon Bon glanced at the unicorn. "Lyra, mare up! You're acting immature... Vinyl Scratch is only visiting, after all. She'll be gone soon enough, and then you'll be able to hang out with Octavia again. You know she's a good pony; she won't just forget about you."

Lyra took a few deep breaths. "But Lemon Daze asks me everyday if Octavia's going to come. I feel so bad when I have to tell her she isn't. You know how little fillies get that one look on their face!" Lyra smacked her face with a hoof.

"Lemon Daze?" Bon Bon questioned curiously.

"She's a little filly at the orphanage. Real sweet, and shy around the ponies her age. Kinda like you were when you were a filly."


"Yeah, but she's a bigger fan all around than you used to be." Bon Bon blushed.

"I was only a little filly then! Besides, it was one of your silly jokes that introduced me to the things I obsessed over." Lyra froze as the gears in her head started to spin.

"Wait... I got it! Thanks, Bon Bon! I know exactly how to deal with the DJ!"

It was the perfect plan. Bon Bon was totally right--Lemon Daze was a huge filly fan. All Lyra had to do was ask Berry Punch if she could take the little filly out to see Octavia, and bam! Vinyl Scratch would be out of town in a hurry, and Octavia would spend her time with Lyra.

"I can't wait to see Octavia, Lyra! I'm soo excited! It's been a really long time. How come she didn't go see us?" The foal trotted even faster than the unicorn did.

"A friend of hers came to visit. Her name is Vinyl Scratch, or DJ P0N-3. She's famous and lives in Canterlot!" She exclaimed. Lemon Daze gasped in excitement.


"Yes, really. And she's super close to Octavia, so they had to meet up. I wanted you to meet her, too. Her DJ music is legendary! I'm sure it'll help you with that composition of yours. Yup, I know what you work on during coloring time every day."

The filly blushed in embarrassment at being found out. "Is she really that good?"

"Probably even better than Octy is!"


"Really, really."

Lemon Daze beamed. "I can't wait to meet her, either! She'll be totally awesome then! Are we almost there? Are we? Are we?"

Lyra laughed. "Actually, they're right over there! Vinyl Scratch is the one with the blue mane and goggles on."

"Woah, she looks soo cool!"

"She sure is. Go on, say hi!" Lyra watched as the foal cantered up to the two ponies, tripping in her excitement. This was going better than she'd hoped!

"...Lemon Daze? What are you doing away from the orphanage?" Octavia inquired, glancing down at the giddy filly.

"Lyra took me to see you and your friend! Is it true, Octavia?" Both Octavia and Vinyl exchanged a confused look.

"Is what true?"

"That your friend is Vinyl Scratch! The legendary DJ pony from Canterlot, whose music could even rival yours?" Lemon Daze looked over towards the electric-blue maned mare with sparkles in her eyes. The DJ visibly gulped.

Lyra trotted up to them with a practiced apologetic expression. "Sorry! She kinda just ran off when she saw you. You wouldn't believe how much she missed you, Octy!"

Octavia glanced between the advancing filly and Lyra. "...I see..."

"Hi, Vinyl Scratch! My name is Lemon Daze, and you're really cool! Do you think you could be my friend?" Vinyl obviously wasn't used to a younger fan.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat, kid."

The miniature pony gasped. "You say cool stuff, too! Could you come to the orphanage tomorrow? Oh, and the next day? And the next? And the next? And the ..." She continued to rattle off the same question over and over again. Vinyl's head was spinning.

"Uh..." She looked over at Octavia for help, who shrugged. "I think I'm gonna head back to Canterlot, now! It was great seeing you Octy, and you come visit me next time!"

"And the next? And the next? And the next? And the ..."

"And don't bring this little filly, okay?"

"And the next? And the next? And the next? And the ..."

"Okay! DJ P0N-3 is out of the house!" The white unicorn cantered off, grabbed her luggage, and ran for the train station. Lemon Daze followed, echoing the same question. Lyra let out a hearty laugh.

Octavia cracked a smile, too. "Well, I guess I won't be seeing Vinyl for a while..."

"Nope! Lemon Daze'll probably scare her away."

Octavia let out a small laugh. Lyra smiled, happy to have the earth pony on her side now.

"How's about we get Lemon Daze and head back to the orphanage? I'm sure everypony wants to see you again."

"That sounds wonderful."

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned something very interesting from my two friends, Lyra and Octavia. They taught me that you shouldn't spend all of your time with just one friend, or you'll make the rest feel insignificant. It's important to treat all of your friends the same way and never give one special treatment, or else you'll end up hurting somepony's feelings.

Your Most Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

Who the hay could make Vinyl Scratch a bad pony? I certainly couldn't! I adore her as a character, and I just couldn't make her a bully like Gilda. Anyway...

Why did this take so long to get out, you may ask? I created a visual. No really, I did it myself! Lemon Daze turned out pretty good, in my opinion, for a non-artistic person. I hope you feel the same, and that maybe it added to the quality. I'm no judge, though. Tell me what you think! The point of adding her was because I wasn't sure if many of you knew who she was. And if you didn't, I hope the actual photo helped you! :)

Moving on, this chapter was a step away from the series. I definitely tried to give it more spin with originality and creativity, so let me know how I did with that. I hope it wasn't a bad idea to add an orphanage. /: