• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 6,493 Views, 148 Comments

The Element of Magic - Blue Dragon

What if Twilight met different element bearers? How different would things end up?

  • ...

A Fleeting Moment

"Spitfire, seriously, what is up with you?" Fleetfoot said as she took a sip of her drink. The younger Wonderbolt had asked Spitfire out to lunch, apparently needing to talk to her about something. Initially Spitfire had been cautious, but now she was just curious. Fleetfoot had even chosen the most underground tavern in all of Canterlot for the occasion.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about," Spitfire replied, resting her hooves on the table in front of her.

"I think you do know, Spits." Fleetfoot pushed her drink aside and leaned forward. "You've been late to every one of our practices these past few weeks and even to our shows! The team's losing confidence in you. You don't even act like yourself anymore!"

"Huh? How so?" Spitfire asked. She was truly confused by the statement, as she hadn't noticed anything amiss in her own behavior. Fleetfoot sighed in an exaggerated manner.

"You used to have this fire inside of you!" The other mare waved aimlessly in the air. "A passion for flying! It was something that inspired all of us to keep up with you, to keep going even when things got rough! Now, you barely show up for team bonding sessions in favor of those... those ponies you met on a whim!"

"What are you trying to say?" Spitfire swallowed thickly, narrowing her eyes. Fleetfoot settled down in her seat.

"I mean no disrespect, ma'am, but I think you should consider getting your act together or give up your career as captain of the Wonderbolts."

The statement hung in the air, thick enough to weigh down on the ponies who were within earshot. Spitfire had almost seen it coming, but the knowledge did nothing to soften the blow. Fleetfoot was a comrade and one of her closest allies on the team, second only to Soarin'.

The team had felt pretty distant lately...

Spitfire stood from her seat and placed her bits neatly on the table. She said, "We'll continue this discussion later."

She walked away calmly, with an air of confidence that only she could maintain. Inside, however, was a completely different story. She was afraid she might throw up if she took flight, and she could hardly think past the lightheadedness that had come over her suddenly.

Giving up being a Wonderbolt, huh... Spitfire glanced up at the sky, that beautiful sky that had taken her heart so, and wondered. Weird... And I thought I wouldn't care that much. Must be getting soft.

The afternoon sun shone brightly, casting its light over all of Canterlot. It was a wonderful sight to behold; one that always made Spitfire speechless. There were no words that could possibly convey the warmth that gripped one's heart as they gazed at such a sight.

Spitfire shed her disguise (her trademark trench coat) and stretched her wings.

"Look! It's Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts!" somepony shouted at the top of their lungs, jabbing a hoof toward Spitfire. Ponies all around turned to look at her, awed by her presence.

"Time for me to fly." Spitfire saluted casually to the passersby and took off. A stormy trail followed her path, which always surprised her. It didn't make much sense for a pony of her fur color to have such a gray after-image, but she'd stopped wondering about it ages ago. Besides, she had a whole lot of thinking to do.

A nearby cloud soon caught her attention and Spitfire descended onto it. It was an amazing feeling, to have such a fluffy substance holding up your weight. It would've been enough to make other, non-flying ponies jealous, had they ever experienced it.

Spitfire let out a gusty breath and let her tense shoulders unwind. It'd been a while since it was just her. "I wonder if all of the team feels that way."

She frowned, letting her eyes stray to her flank and, more precisely, her cutie mark. "Did I make a mistake by coming to Ponyville?"

A longer silence followed, in which she couldn't come up with an answer. This was so unlike her. Maybe Fleetfoot was right; she really had changed. The old Spitfire would've scoffed in Fleetfoot's face and told her she wouldn't dream of leaving the Wonderbolts, that she was out of her mind for even suggesting it. The old Spitfire would've been offended by such an accusation, maybe even condemning Fleetfoot to some sort of punishment.

But that wasn't what happened. Spitfire remained sulking on a cloud as Fleetfoot sat at her chair undisturbed. Spitfire really had gone soft.

"...Maybe I should get back to Ponyville and get some sleep. Things'll work themselves out later." Spitfire flew in the direction of Ponyville, taking her time. A heavy heart is a burden that wings can't easily carry.

"A letter for Spits?" Derpy stared at the parchment in her hooves. She'd been delivering the mail as usual when she'd come across it. It wasn't unusual for Spitfire to get fan-mail (which always seemed to come in rainbow envelopes), but this looked a lot more professional. It was rolled up neatly, completely symmetrical, with a sparkling gold ribbon. The return address read: "From the desk of Fleetfoot, the renowned Wonderbolt".

"Woah, this looks real important!" Derpy swallowed nervously. "Really professional..."

Derpy got to thinking. This letter looked like it could be Spitfire's death sentence! Or what if it was an acceptance letter to colleg--No, Derpy, remember: This is from a Wonderbolt, she chided herself. But still, why the heck is it so formal? Spits... wouldn't mind if I took a peek, would she?

Derpy flapped her wings idly, weighing her curiosity against her morals.

Soon the pegasus had undone the ribbon holding the parchment together, eagerly rolling it open. After all, she was doing this with Spitfire's best interest in mind! If it was bad, she could help comfort her rather than simply deliver the bad news!

To Spitfire, My Beloved Captain:

I'm so happy to hear that you've come to a decision. I knew nothing could keep you grounded for very long! The team is overjoyed that you've come back to your senses and realized what's truly important. Soarin' and I will swing by in a few hours to help you move your things. (You know how efficient those mail-ponies are when it comes to priority shipping.)

Your Humble Teammate and Loyal Friend,


Derpy dropped the letter in her shock, only to have to scramble after it a few moments later. She couldn't believe what she'd just read... Spitfire was leaving? Come to think of it, she hadn't left her cloud home ever since that trip she took to Canterlot! Oh no, oh no, oh no...!

Instead of heading to Spitfire's home like she was initially, Derpy turned around and blazed in the direction of another of her friends' homes--the one closest to her location. It just so happened that the easiest way inside was through the window. She crashed through it with little grace, face-planting on the wooden floor with glass surrounding her.

"Woah!" Lyra Heartstrings stood at the door, her eyes wide in shock. "Derpy? Are you okay? ...On second thought, you wait here; let me go grab a camera."

"No time for that, Lyra!" Derpy exclaimed, jumping up to her hooves. She waved the letter in Lyra's face. "Spitfire's leaving Ponyville!"

"What?! Let me see that!" Lyra snatched the parchment from the pegasus' hooves and buried her muzzle into its elegant writing. "She can't be! There's no way she'd just--"

"But it's written right there!"

Lyra swallowed as she read what the note said, and soon her eyes were as wide and panicked as the other mare's. "T-there's got to be a mistake. You sure this isn't meant for the other Spitfire who's captain of the Wonderbolts? The one who lives like, right next door and has a firey lookin' mane?"

Derpy smacked a hoof against Lyra's head. "No time for jokes! Action! Now!"

"Where to then, Cap'n?" Lyra placed the tupperware she was holding down on her blanket before becoming aware of the glass littering her floor. "Also, you gonna fix that?"

Derpy waved a hoof in the air. "Of course! But we have a problem on our hooves. C'mon, let's go!" Derpy wrapped her hooves around Lyra's mid-section and hefted her into the air.

"Hey, I can walk, ya know!" Lyra grumbled, though the smile on her face spoke volumes louder than her words. She forced a serious expression on her face as they ascended out of her home. "Okay, we should totally go see Bon Bon next! She'll know what to do!"

"Yeah!" Derpy agreed, zooming off in the vague direction of Bon Bon's store.

"...Have you spoken with Spitfire yet?" Bon Bon said, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, not exactly... but that letter's proof enough!" Derpy replied in defense. She grabbed the letter back and shoved it into her mailmare bag.

"Maybe so, but still..." Bon Bon frowned as she continued washing dishes. "Don't you think you should've asked Spitfire about it?"

Derpy's wings flared out. "But if she really is thinking about leaving then we need all the help we can get to change her mind! C'mon, Lyra!"

The pegasus grabbed Lyra's hoof and pulled her back toward the store's entrance. Lyra shrugged toward the earth pony before the light of day blinded her.

"Hey, look, there's Octavia! I know she'll help out!" Derpy rushed over toward the aforementioned pony, leaving Lyra behind. The unicorn walked over calmly, watching as Derpy spazzed about the way she did when she'd spoken with Bon Bon. Octavia was startled by what had seemed to be a random pony shaking her by the shoulders, but once the supposed stranger's words had registered she only looked shocked.

Octavia pushed Derpy off of her and fixed her with a blank stare. "You're sure?"

Lyra walked up to the two and opened up Derpy's bag. She levitated the letter out and showed it to Octavia. "Yeah, that thing's pretty straightforward!"

Octavia read through the letter. "My, my... She did seem distant the last time I spoke with her."

"When did you see her?" Derpy asked, surprised. She gently put the letter back in her bag as she spoke. "She hasn't left home for the past week!"

"No," Octavia corrected. "She has. I saw her at the nearby Packing Mule--that store downtown where you buy all the necessities for travel. She was carrying a lot of boxes. She only said she was going on vacation, so I didn't think much of it."

"She was buying boxes! Who packs their things in boxes to go on a vacation?!" Lyra exclaimed, slapping a hoof against her face. "Why were you at the Packing Mule, anyway?"

"Er... Well..."

Derpy gasped, pointing a hoof up at the sky. The two ponies beside her followed her gaze. "Ohmygosh, look! Those ponies are wearing Wonderbolt suits! T-they're here to take Spitfire!"

Lyra jumped at the sight. "We've gotta do something!"

Derpy started flapping harder. "I'll distract them! You two go get Twilight and meet me at Spitfire's place!" Before either pony had a chance to stop her, Derpy flew up and intercepted the two Wonderbolts. Soarin' yelped in surprise while Fleetfoot only paused for a moment.

"Pardon us, stranger; we didn't mean to get in your way. If you'll excuse us..." Fleetfoot made to fly around Derpy, but the gray mare suddenly grabbed hold of the other's shouders.

"You're Fleetfoot, aren't you?!"


A short silence followed her response. Derpy hadn't thought that far ahead, but she was able to play it off easily. Her eyes lolled around as she grinned. "...I'm your biggest fan! This is a dream come true!"

Soarin' chuckled. "Wow, looks like the newbie's finally getting some fans!"

Fleetfoot glared at him before playfully swatting him in the head. "Hey! I've been on the team for a couple of years now; I hardly think I'm a newbie."

This was going better than Derpy had expected. They were doing all the stalling she was planning on doing. It was a good thing, too. She wasn't the best candidate for this type of mission.

"Can I, uh, have your autograph?" Derpy asked as their conversation died down. Fleetfoot smiled.

"Sure. Have a pen and some paper?"

"Of course!" Derpy stuffed a hoof into her mailmare bag and dug around in it for a few seconds. Soon she had produced some parchment and a quill. She handed them to the Wonderbolt.

Fleetfoot's expression twisted into confusion as she stared down at the piece of paper.

"Is somethin' wrong, Fleetfoot?" Soarin' asked as he took note of the uncomfortable silence. Fleetfoot looked up at Derpy.

"Where did you get this?"

It was then that Derpy realized that she had made a terrible mistake. She had given Fleetfoot the very same letter that she had penned herself. Oh, how could she have been so stupid?

"Uh..." Derpy glanced around uncertainly. "I'm a mailmare. See my bag? I was just on my way to deliver that when I saw my most favorite-est Wonderbolt. I had to stop and say hello, you know?"

"But it's opened..." Fleetfoot said as she examined the paper. "And it looks as if it's been crumpled up. This was supposed to get to Spitfire's place hours ago! Whatever happened to quality service?"

"I'm sorry..." Derpy said finally, hanging her head. The berating pony sighed.

"S'alright. Here, you can keep it. It has my autograph and all." Fleetfoot handed the letter back to Derpy, who smiled gratefully before gingerly pushing it back into her bag.

Soarin' looked around. "What'dya say we get a move on? Don't want to keep the boss waitin' and all."

"Good point. Well, see you around, Miss...?" Fleetfoot began, watching Derpy carefully. The cross-eyed pegasus saluted.

"Derpy! Derpy Hooves."

"Well then, Miss Derpy Hooves, it was a pleasure meeting you. May our paths cross again in the future." The two Wonderbolts continued their flight toward Spitfire's home. Derpy's gaze drifted to the land below, where she spotted her friends gathered together. Octavia and Lyra hadn't only gotten Twilight, but they'd brought Bon Bon along too.

Derpy swooped down to meet them. "Have you guys got a plan? They're on their way in there now!"

"Will somepony please tell me what's going on now?" Twilight exclaimed, looking around at the group with a glare. Spike sat atop her back undisturbed. Apparently nopony had deemed it necessary to clue her in.

Bon Bon decided to respond. "These ponies have got it in their heads that Spitfire's leaving Ponyville!"

"What?!" Twilight's eyes had widened considerably. "Why the hay would she--"

"There she is!" Lyra said suddenly, pointing a hoof up at the sky. Everypony looked up at once to see their good friend. Spitfire looked the way she always did, but with a streak less confidence. Her shoulders weren't as set back as they normally were, and her mane looked much more tame than the roaring fire it usually imitated.

Fleetfoot and Soarin' spoke with her, and both gave her a hug after a while. It looked like it lifted her spirits.

"What's going on?" Octavia questioned. She gripped her foreleg.

"I don't know... Wait, they're going inside!" Derpy said as one of her eyes followed the three pegasi. "...And coming back out with... boxes?"

"She really is leaving! I can't believe this... Why wouldn't she tell us?" Twilight lamented. She fell back on her flank and stared at her hooves, looking like she was about to cry. Lyra placed one of her own hooves on her fellow unicorn's shoulder and smiled encouragingly.

"I'm sure she was planning on it."

Twilight hugged Lyra, who returned it. Everypony else continued staring up into the sky, each with varying levels of fright in their eyes. It wasn’t long until one of them snapped.

“Hey, Spitfire!” Bon Bon shouted. The Wonderbolt’s head snapped over. Spitfire’s speed was but a shadow of its former glory as she flew down to meet them.

“Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” Spitfire said, giving them a nervous smile. Her Wonderbolt costume felt out of place.

We should be asking you that!” Bon Bon jabbed a hoof at her chest. “The question most certainly is what’s going on up there?”

Spitfire sighed in defeat before taking a seat on the ground. “...I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told all of you about this, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

Spike slid off Twilight’s back and walked over to Spitfire, confusion burning in his green eyes. “I don’t get it... It’s not like you’re leaving us forever, right?”

When Spitfire didn’t attempt to refute his words, the dragon gasped. He recoiled back as if struck. “But we’re your friends!”

“I know, Spike.” Spitfire leveled her weary gaze at her smallest friend. “But something’s come up. The team needs me. I can’t keep shirking off work, especially since I’m captain. Twilight, you should understand duty more than anything, what with your relations with the princess.”

Twilight frowned, tears evident in her eyes. “Spitfire… There’s got to be another way. We don’t have to say goodbye here.”

“But…” Spitfire began.

“Stop being so stubborn!” Lyra interrupted. She appeared to be the angriest of the bunch. “Seriously, you’re the pony everypony looks up to! Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, star among stars! If you can’t persevere, then nopony can. Get it?”

Soarin’ and Fleetfoot flew down next to Spitfire and set the boxes they were carrying down. “Everything alright?” the stallion questioned, his nervous gaze combing over the group of upset mares. When Fleetfoot had landed, her eyes were drawn to Derpy, her supposed number one fan. Derpy smiled nervously.

Fleetfoot turned her curious eyes on Spitfire. “Do you know these ponies, captain?”

“Yeah, these are my friends.” Understanding flitted through the other Wonderbolt’s eyes. She looked back at the crew, seeming to silently judge each one. Still, she seemed stumped by Derpy’s placement.

“Spits, we should probably get going,” Soarin’ reminded as he looked up at the sun. “It’s getting late.”

Spitfire nodded slowly before she stood up and prepped her wings for flight. Her friends had trouble finding the right words to say, but their window of opportunity was swiftly closing. Finally, Octavia decided to give it a shot.

“Spitfire.” The one word was enough to halt the Wonderbolt’s ascent. “If I may be so bold… You’re making a mistake. Possibly the largest you ever have.”

For some reason, the normally stoic pony’s words struck Spitfire more than the other’s. Her anger finally flared out--the very same fire that had been absent these past few days.

“What do you expect me to do? Give up being a Wonderbolt?! Being a part of the team has been my dream since I was a filly and now that I’ve finally reached it, I can’t just walk away! If living in Ponyville means giving up my career, I’m afraid the choice should be obvious.” Octavia’s poker face hadn’t wavered in the least, and she didn’t even take a step back. A lesser pony would’ve run for their lives at this point.

“What point is there in a life full of nothing but duty? The fact that you cannot reach a final decision should prove how much both options mean to you.”

Spitfire bit back a response, opting for silence. She stared down at her hooves for a while. Then, she looked back up and met Octavia’s gaze. “...I know you’re right, but I don’t want to admit it. Friendship means a lot more to me than it used to.”

She sighed heavily. “Fleetfoot.” The Wonderbolt turned toward her fellow flyer. “...I think you should take my place as captain.”

Gasps could be heard all around. Fleetfoot’s eyes bugged out of her head. “Are… Are you being serious right now?”

“Y-you can’t do that!” exclaimed Derpy at once. But Spitfire hadn’t paid her any mind, as she only had eyes for Fleetfoot now.

“Spitfire…” Fleetfoot began, still stunned. “I’m… flattered, really. But I’m afraid I can’t accept. We’re friends. I know I may have been a bit harsh with you earlier… but none of us want you to relinquish your position or leave. We just want the real you to come back to us.”

Spitfire didn’t say anything. Instead, Lyra took the chance to speak up.

“Isn’t there some way we can compromise so that Spitfire doesn’t have to leave Ponyville, but she can still be an active part of the team?”

Everypony remained silent, and for the moment it seemed like there really was no way for this problem to work out. Spitfire couldn't continue on this way, leading two lives; it was evident that it was starting to affect her well-being. But at the same time... both were too important to give up. If Spitfire chose one above the other, she knew she would regret it. That's what made this so hard.

Soarin’, who’d been quiet for a while, suddenly grinned. He glanced between both Fleetfoot and Spitfire. “I think I may have a solution you'll both enjoy!”

The bearers of the elements stood cheering in the stands for the Wonderbolts, who were performing some tricky aerial maneuvers for the viewers’ pleasure. All the strangers around them hollered for their favorite flyer, while some only ‘wowed’ on occasion.

Spitfire sure is lookin’ good up there,” Bon Bon commented, nudging the trench coat wearing pony next to her playfully.

“I have to agree. Just look at that mane! It’s to dye for,” Lyra joined in with a snicker.

“Come on, guys. I swear the two of you still act like you’re fillies.” Spitfire grinned lopsidedly at her friends, who giggled. “Anyway, do you really think she can stand in for me?”

Twilight joined in the conversation. “I’m sure she’ll be fine as long as she doesn’t try to speak. It’s a good thing Octavia had experience with make up though. If she hadn’t, I doubt it would’ve turned out so well.”

“And her mane was already styled a lot like Spitfire’s!” Derpy said entirely too loud, causing the others to shush her. She blushed bashfully, apologizing for her outburst.

Octavia gave the trench-coated pony a hug. “I’m just glad you won’t be leaving.” Octavia’s statement led to all the other ponies joining into what had become a group hug. Above, the Wonderbolts flew in perfect synchronization, with Fleetfoot (in a very believable Spitfire disguise) in the lead. She looked genuinely happy to be leading the pack.

They’d come to an agreement that Fleetfoot could be Spitfire’s stand in whenever she needed it. Spitfire was still the captain, but now she wasn’t on such a tight leash. This compromise pleased everyone but Soarin’, who whined that he wanted to be captain-for-a-day.

Well... Maybe someday.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a very important lesson about friendship. If something is truly important to you, your friends will be there to help with whatever they can. True friends will stand beside you no matter where your decisions will lead you, but they’ll do their best to help lead you in the right direction. My friend Spitfire taught me this lesson today.

AND you shouldn’t go snooping in other ponies’ things!

Derpy! That’s not the main point of the--Spike, don’t write that! What am I going to do with you? Ugh, just go ahead and send it.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

My sincerest apologies for the wait on this chapter. I know it's not as long as usual, but I am fond of it. I won't take the time to write out why it took so long because it will only seem like an excuse, and I know none of you want to read that. Anyway, I completely ignored the show while writing this and kept it original, the way most of you have been wanting from the start. I hope you enjoyed it, and you definitely won't have to wait as long for the next chapter. If nothing else, that is my promise.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season as well.

Comments ( 13 )

All I am thinking is Yay Octavia and Yay Derpy!!!!!!!

Dinky so cute :raritystarry:

Still it kinda feels wierd to have one of the "Mane 6" with a child. It's like she'll be calling the other five "Aunty" before long...


Yeah, I can agree with you on that. But even so, it'll also provide more opportunities for me to differ from the show completely.

On second thought, that gives me an idea. Thank you. :twilightsmile:


I hope you've been enjoying the story so far. :pinkiesmile:

Interesting concept! Also I'm your 150th like! :pinkiehappy:

This story is really cool! One thing's for sure, you can expect me to keep up with this story from now on. A very interesting concept and twist to the original show.

Very good so far, and I look forward to future updates.

~ Super-Brony12

oh how i hope for an update soon! :fluttershysad:

Soarin’, who’d been quiet for a while, suddenly grinned. He glanced between both Fleetfoot and Spitfire. “I think I may have a solution you'll both enjoy!”


“I have to agree. Just look at that mane! It’s to dye for,” Lyra joined in with a snicker.

Ah, I see.

They’d come to an agreement that Fleetfoot could be Spitfire’s stand in whenever she needed it. Spitfire was still the captain, but now she wasn’t on such a tight leash. This compromise pleased everyone but Soarin’, who whined that he wanted to be captain-for-a-day.

That works.

Of course Octavia is classy like Octavia. They are the same pony, after all.

hope to read more soon

If you needed a Spitfire double, why not use Blaze? They look almost exactly alike.

I loved the story and the development of all the characters. :derpytongue2::pinkiesmile::trixieshiftleft::twilightblush:
Just the right amount of humor too.

really good story.... sucks that it seems to be dead...

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