• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 6,492 Views, 148 Comments

The Element of Magic - Blue Dragon

What if Twilight met different element bearers? How different would things end up?

  • ...

Think Before You Spit Fire

"Soarin'! Stop that cloud!" Spitfire shouted to be heard over the storm. It was hard enough to remain airborne when it was this windy, but the Wonderbolts captain did her best to guide her fellow pegasi. Cloudsdale rarely messed up like this. Somepony had screwed up the weather machine, and all of Equestria was suffering from it.

Ponyville was being assaulted with heavy winds, rain, thunder, and pretty much everything imaginable in a thunderstorm. Las Pegasus was surrounded by blinding rainbows and blistering heat while Dodge Junction was covered in snow and hail. Trottingham's entire city was drowning in fog.

"Will do, captain!" Spitfire's second-in-command replied as he gave chase to the rogue thundercloud. Every pegasus in Equestria was trying to get the weather under control, but it was nearly impossible. Each city had a Wonderbolt representative to help out, while Soarin' was wherever somepony needed an extra hoof.

This isn't gonna work... Spitfire thought as she bucked another cloud, but it did little to quell the storm. The entire sky was overcast, and with one cloud's disappearance another took its place.

Soarin'! Go see if Fleetfoot needs your help in Hoofington!" The male pony did his best to salute before flying off. She then turned back to her other pegasi, who couldn't even keep themselves rightside up. "Come on, everypony! Ponyville needs all the help it can get!"

Each pony did his or her best to keep going, but many couldn't keep up with the strain. Unicorns did what they could with their magic while earth ponies tried to save their crops. Spitfire dashed down to where she knew her unicorn friend would be.

"Twilight, how are the other teams doing? What're our statistics?" The yellow pegasus could hear rustling papers, and watched as they blew away for the umpteenth time that day.

"Ugh, not again!" Spitfire could hear the hysteria in Twilight's voice, knowing that those papers were forever lost. Twilight sighed. "Everypony's up to their muzzles with problems! Everypony needs a helping hoof, but nopony has one to spare! We have a three to one ratio, where every one in three ponies is getting injured! If things don't look up any time soon, it'll be hours until nopony's left to take care of this mess!"

Twilight's mane was frazzled and sticking up as she tried to get everything organized and help out with the storm at the same time. Any papers she'd brought with her had either blown away or been soaked thoroughly, so they weren't much help. Spitfire was about to say something before somepony on the weather team had interrupted her.

"Captain Spitfire! We have a major problem on our hooves!" A shaky rainbow-maned pegasus screamed as she touched down next to the Wonderbolt. "A tornado's headed straight for us! Derpy Hooves, sir! S-She created it!"

"What?!" Spitfire shrieked as her gaze darted to the huge twister. "If it hits, the entire town will be destroyed! Can't you stop it, Twilight?!"

"I-I'm trying!" The unicorn squeaked back, but her magic had obviously been weakened from use. Spitfire cursed before racing up to try and stop the tornado in the way she'd done so many times at Wonderbolt Camp to save the trainees. The pegasus calculated the velocity of the twister before going in the opposite direction. The tornado slowed, but it was still on a collision course straight for Ponyville. Spitfire lunged into it for more power, and upon entry, sighted the pony responsible for this.

"DERPY! WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING?!" Spitfire tackled Derpy out of the tornado, which dissipated without somepony keeping it going. Lightning struck the same moment the Wonderbolts captain pinned the cross-eyed pegasus to the ground. "What were you doing?! You put everypony in danger!" She hissed, glaring at Derpy.

"I-I was just trying to help!" Derpy squeaked under the mare's heavy gaze.

"Help? HELP?!" Spitfire stomped her hoof into the ground just to the side of Derpy's head. "I've had enough of your help! Never have I known a pony more... more ridiculous! I've tried not to say anything, but this is too much! I'm tired of you screwing everything up!"

Derpy recoiled into the ground, teary-eyed. "D-Do you really feel that way about me?"

Spitfire glared at her pegasus friend before looking up at the casualties caused by Derpy's tornado. Almost all of her forces had been downed by it. "I can't believe this..." She was angry at Derpy for hurting so many ponies, despite her trying to "just help." However, Derpy was a friend, and yelling at friends wasn't cool.

Even so, Spitfire didn't feel the need to apologize. She hadn't done anything wrong. Thunder boomed above, reminding her of the daunting task ahead of her. This was suicide. She gritted her teeth before flying up and continuing to fix the weather, even though she was the only one left.

Her muscles ached and her wings beat as hard as they could, but her eyes felt heavy. Even she couldn't keep going in this weather. When it became too much, her wings seized up and she fell to the earth.

When Spitfire opened her eyes next, she was laying in an unfamiliar bed in an unknown room. The walls were wooden looking, and she could hear the storm going on outside.

"Oh, good... You're awake." Twilight said from somewhere to Spitfire's left. The Wonderbolt realized that this must've been the library.

"What... What happened?" As Spitfire became more aware of her surroundings, she began to remember exactly what had happened before she'd passed out. "Oh no! I-I gotta get back out there!"

The pegasus jumped up and flexed her wings out, before feeling a sharp pain in her left one. Immediately, the wing drew itself close to her body, and she grimaced at the pain.

"Spitfire! You need to rest! You fell on your wing, and Nurse Redheart said you needed at least a week before getting back on it. Some of the other Wonderbolts are out there right now, and things are looking up. Cloudsdale sent out a newsletter stating that the weather machine should be fixed within the next couple of hours. Really, you don't have to worry any longer."

That's funny coming from you, huh... Spitfire continued to climb out of bed despite Twilight's protests. "It's just my wing, right? I can still walk."

"I suppose..." Twilight conceded, though it was obvious she'd have preferred Spitfire staying in bed.

"Hey, Twilight Spark? I heard something; Is Spitfire awake?" Derpy poked her head into Twilight's bedroom. Spitfire found herself glaring at the gray pony. There'd always been something about that pegasus that really bothered her. Maybe it was her bubbly attitude, or her "I was just trying to help" line that everypony seemed to accept. Spitfire had to work hard to get where she was today, and for somepony to just get by making mistakes was wrong. It was against the captain's nature. Or perhaps it was her eyes. However bad that may have seemed, her condition was no excuse.

The three ponies remained in an awkward silence. There was tension (perhaps only on Spitfire's side) between the two pegasi, and being around Twilight was already weird enough for the athlete. She'd done what she had to for her friend, and she wasn't ashamed of that. However, if you've ever done something that seemed perfectly normal to you, but made your friend feel awkward, it embarrassed you and just made the entire atmosphere reek of awkwardness. It was just one of those things that were contagious.

"Twilight..." Spitfire said under her breath, "What's she doing here?"

Twilight's brows knit closely together, but she still answered the question. "What do you mean by that? Ponyville's head weather representative--I think her name was Rainbow Dash--banned Derpy from helping out with the storm any more than she already had. And, seeing as how I was the only pony free at the time, ended up helping the two of you. At least I know Equestria isn't falling into despair without me."

Somehow, Derpy had entered the conversation. "Actually, the Princess herself had to order Twilight to go back inside--she was about to fall over."

"...Regardless, we're all here and nopony's allowed outside! So, I was thinking, and the perfect idea to spend our time..." Twilight pulled out a suspiciously large book from behind her back. "Would be a makeshift sleepover!"

Spitfire's heart dropped. "S-Sleepover?"

Derpy clapped her hooves together. "Oh boy, that sounds like fun!"

The Wonderbolt gulped, but upon seeing the look on Twilight's face, realized that she wouldn't be able to get out of this. However, she needed some sort of closure before even trying to get this to work. "Twilight... Can I talk to Derpy for a sec? Alone?"

Twilight's shoulders slumped slightly and her eyes lowered. "Oh, sure. You girls just come on down when you're finished, then. I'll look over the book..."

The unicorn's steps were slow and they dragged across the ground up until she'd left the room. It had the perfect amount of sadness to make Spitfire feel guilty. She didn't dwell on that thought for very long, however. When she looked back at Derpy, she was surprised to see the bubbly mare giving her a stern look.

"Uh..." The captain began, too surprised really to say anything.

"I know what you're going to say, and I accept your apology. I mean, it makes sense that you'd yell at me outta nowhere under that much stress. It was wrong, but you're Derpy's friend and I'm always getting yelled at." Derpy smiled genuinely. "I'll see you down the stairs."

Spitfire's jaw dropped as she watched the mare leave the room. That was not what she was going to say at all. For the pegasus to assume something like that--without giving Spitfire a chance to speak--was messed up. It made her really mad. What made it worse was that she'd been so sincere about it. She didn't even take responsibility for her mistakes!

The yellow pony ground her teeth together in frustration. She'd been roped into a sleepover with two ponies she wasn't exactly the most comfortable around. And then there was the pain from her wing--all Derpy's fault, no doubt--and the terrible weather that barred her into this situation. Not fair... Not fair at all.

The Wonderbolt waited a few more seconds for her anger to cool before making her way to the door. She'd calmly explain to the cross-eyed pegasus that tornados were dangerous to ponies who weren't in the loop (literally), and make the best of this situation. As long as Derpy didn't say something stupid, Spitfire wouldn't get hostile. Her temper was a force to be reckoned with when it flared, and she tended to lose control when it did.

Spitfire took one more moment to herself before trotting down the stairs. Twilight was grinning like a filly as she read through the book, and Derpy was reading over her shoulder. Well, what Spitfire assumed was reading. When the unicorn felt both pegasi's presence, she finally set the book down.

"Okay, we're all set! It says here that the first thing we should do is have some dinner, so we don't get hungry during the activities." she smiled.

Not wanting to cause her friend any unnecessary trouble, Spitfire was quick to intervene. "Nah, I'm f--"

"That'd be nice!" Derpy grinned, completely defeating the purpose behind Spitfire's words. "I'll make something for us."

Generosity! Well, that certainly was something good about Derpy. The gray pegasus bounded over to Spitfire excitedly. "You guys like salads, right?"

"Actually--" Spitfire began, but was interrupted by the other pony.

"Good!" Derpy hadn't given either mare a chance to stop her before taking off into the kitchen. The Wonderbolt glared after her. There she went again with the assumptions.

Seconds later, she returned with three bowls of salad, drowning in dressing. "Why, thank you, Derpy!" Twilight said as she began digging into the meal. Spitfire was less than grateful, and regarded her salad with a glance. It looked like a huge green trashy monster drowning in goo. When nopony was paying attention, Spitfire scraped it off into the trash.

As the other two ponies finished up, they began the next "must" for a sleepover: sharing secrets. Apparently, sharing secrets made you closer friends.

Twilight went first. "...I've never fallen in love with anypony before."

Both Derpy and Spitfire's mouths dropped, and an embarrassed blush spread across her muzzle. She tried to explain herself. "I mean, you girls know you were my first friends, and I've never even thought about it. Expanding my knowledge was all that was on my mind back in Canterlot."

"Wow... I guess I'll go next, then!" For some reason, just her tone was beginning to annoy Spitfire. "I got with a doctor once! Hehe, it's true! That's how Dinky was born." the mare giggled out. Without missing a beat, the Wonderbolt continued with their "secrets" game.

"I really hate how some ponies make assumptions when they clearly don't know what they're talking about." Derpy gasped. Spitfire thought that maybe she'd offended her (and finally gotten it through her thick skull), but her words confused the yellow pegasus.

"Me too!"

Spitfire resisted the urge to slam her head into the table in front of her. I swear, this mare is the most air-headed, ditziest, idiotic and utterly INFURIATING mare I have ever known!

Twilight seemed to notice the sudden heat coming off Spitfire in waves. When she got angry, ponies had reported, her mane tended to look like real fire and she a flying demon. Though she didn't seem to really understand what was going on, Twilight was smart enough to know that she needed to somehow defuse the situation.

"Let's move on to the next activity, shall we?" Spitfire glanced at the door, and wondered if her chances were better off out there. As if to answer her unspoken question, thunder boomed in the distance and lightning went off, effectively killing the electricity. Without the normal buzz of the lights, the rain seemed louder as it pounded against the library.

Silence and darkness reigned.

Ugh... I didn't even think 'are things gonna get worse...' complained Spitfire in her mind as she cursed the world.

"Well... I guess this sets the perfect scene for scary stories, heh..." Twilight giggled slightly.

"I'll go first." Spitfire said immediately, not wanting to give Derpy a chance to jump in. The pegasus waited expectantly. When nothing happened, she cleared her throat. "Uh... Twi? I need a light."

"Oh! Right. Just give me a sec." Spitfire heard rumbling sounds as Twilight got up in search of a light. Soon, she returned with a flashlight flickered on. "Here." she tossed the light to the pegasus.

Spitfire thought for a second about what story she was going to tell when Derpy caught her eye again. She was apparently trying to think of a scary story herself, as her tongue was sticking out and she looked like she was concentrating. Maybe it was just all that had already happened that night, but the Wonderbolt was annoyed by this display. Then, a brilliant (or so she thought) idea came to her. Perhaps she could open Derpy's eyes with this "scary" story.

Spitfire pointed the flashlight toward her face and began her tale. "There was once a mare named Ditzy. True to her name, she was clumsy and always made mistakes. She always forgot... Well, everything. However, everypony loved her, so she didn't ever get what she had comin' to her. Because of everypony's forgiveness and overall kindness to her, she assumed everypony would act like that. Here's where the story really takes off."

The Wonderbolt tried to split her gaze evenly between the two ponies, but it was a little difficult. Twilight kept trying to figure out her ulterior motive or something while Derpy was just smiling the way she always did. "Anyway... One day, another pony came into town. Her name was... uh... Firestorm. Yeah. She didn't take nothing from nopony--"

"Anything from anypony," corrected Twilight with a frown. Spitfire took this in stride.

"She didn't take anything from anypony, so they were bound to have trouble. Ditzy and Firestorm ran into each other later, and things were cool. At least, until Ditzy started doing what she was best at. Her assumptions annoyed Firestorm until she'd had enough. Little did they know, somepony else was watching them. Or... some ghost."

A chill ran through the air. Spitfire couldn't suppress the smirk that rose to her muzzle from her spot-on storytelling.

"...And then... it reached its ghostly hoof out to the two ponies, still unaware of its presence. And... BOOM!" Spitfire flickered the flashlight off and on while stomping the ground loudly to mimic the sound of a thunder clap. Twilight and Derpy, who were clinging to each other, jumped. "Neither pony was ever seen again, but rumor has it that Firestorm and Ditzy still wander through Equestria in search of ponies who make assumptions..."

"W-why would they do that?" Derpy asked in a hushed tone. Spitfire cast her a glance.

"Because... They think it'd be unfair for just them to be punished for it. They think they're spreading justice." Spitfire could see both ponies shivering. Though she'd come up with the story on the spot, it appeared to have the desired effect. Perhaps it'd worked a bit too well.

"Uh... How about we just forget the scary stories?" Twilight said, glancing hopefully at her two friends.

"L-let's just go to bed!" Derpy shrieked, unable to stop her chattering teeth.

"Yeah... We can't really do anything else with the electricity out..." agreed Twilight. She stood up shakily. "Okay, everypony, follow me." Her horn lit up with an illumination spell. Both Spitfire and Derpy trotted up the stairs behind Twilight, making sure not to trip on the steps. The Wonderbolt decided that she'd just forget about everything that'd happened that night. Maybe Derpy wouldn't be so annoying in the morning.

Everypony stood awkwardly at the door. "Uh... Do you guys think we could share my bed? I'm still a little creeped out..."

"We don't mind!" Derpy chirped. Despite it being completely true, it annoyed Spitfire so much that she'd speak for her like that. Now that Spitfire knew about this flaw of Derpy's, it stood out more than anything else. She couldn't just forget about it--it was kind of like that annoying itch that you could never seem to scratch the right way.

Ignoring her warring mind, the captain crawled onto the bed. She then noticed a certain dragon assistant's empty basket. "Hey... Where did Spike go?"

Twilight got onto her bed too. "Oh, well, Derpy was worried about her daughter Dinky, so I sent him to spend the night at her home."

"...In this weather?" Spitfire exclaimed. "How do you know he even made it that far?!"

"Relax." Twilight smiled. "You forget who I am. I teleported him straight there. Anyway... We should really get some sleep now. Everypony's had a long day."

And, as fate would have it, Derpy was already asleep.

And snoring.

Spitfire hadn't ever slept in the same bed as other ponies, as she did value her personal space, so this was new. Despite her being on the opposite side of the bed, (Twilight was in the middle) Derpy's chainsaw buzz could rival that of Soarin's. On long road trips, boy, could that pony snore up a storm!

The captain sighed in annoyance and rolled over to face her friend. She whispered quietly, "Twilight... Are you awake?"

"...Yeah. What's up?" Up close, the unicorn really did look exhausted. Though she didn't really show it earlier, maybe all that magic really had taken a toll on her. Not even the Princesses could handle that much magical strain.

"Just Derpy's snoring, I guess... I can't sleep." Spitfire's mind just then decided to replay the moment from when Trixie was in town. The one... Well, you know. The captain wished she wasn't so close to her. Unfortunately for her, Twilightt seemed to notice.

"Hey... What's wrong?" Spitfire hesitated. Her own answer surprised her.

"...Look... Twilight. Things have been weird between us since Trixie showed up. I need to know if we're still friends... 'Cause if we aren't, I'm sorry for acting out like that."

Twilight stared at her in disbelief for several seconds before the realization set in. "You're... serious?" The Wonderbolt only nodded. "Spifire... I was just... surprised. Of course we're still friends! I mean, it was just your loyal instinct to help me. We can just put this behind us and forget it happened. Thanks for going to that extent, though..."

They both shared a mutual smile. Finally, for the first time that day, Spitfire felt content. That lasted for about half a second before something weird happened. First, Twilight's window shattered. Then, somepony jumped in, along with pounding rain. Apparently, the weather machine was still having problems.

Then, out of nowhere, Spitfire's side went cold. Twilight was gone.

Spitfire almost bit her tongue in shock as she watched the shadow disappear out the window. Immediately, she hopped up and raced to the window. The captain was about to lunge out and fly after the mysterious pony, but upon flexing her wings, realized that she wouldn't be able to so much as glide on her hurt appendage.

The Wonderbolt's heart raced from the adrenaline. She didn't know what to do--her friend had just been ponynapped and she couldn't do anything about it! Then, Derpy's snore reminded her that she wasn't the only pegasus in the room.

So, Spitfire cantered over to Derpy and shook her roughly. "Get up, Derpy!!! Twilight's been taken!"

The pegasus' eyes opened groggily. "W-wha?"

"Twilight's gone!"

Derpy stared at her for a whole second before jumping up. "HUH?!" Spitfire cantered back to the window.

"Come on! Can you fly with cargo?" The other pegasus quickly joined her, peering out at the darkness. Thunder boomed, but Spitfire knew that she could find the culprit if they left right now.

"Yeah, easy peasy!" she exclaimed. Spitfire tried to figure out which position would be easiest for flight. She could hold on right behind the wing joint, but that could be dangerous if she fell off. Another way would consist of Derpy holding Spitfire in her forehooves, but that was even more dangerous if she couldn't handle the weight. Time was ticking, too.

Riding on her back it is, then... Spitfire hopped onto Derpy, trying to keep her weight distributed evenly. She wrapped her hooves around the mare's belly for security. "Okay, let's go."

Derpy flapped her wings a few times before jumping out the window. She was able to stay afloat, but she couldn't go very fast. Spitfire scanned ahead, trying to figure out where the ponynapper had gone to. While the weather wasn't completely normal, it had gotten better. Rain was minimal, and lightning brightened up the sky enough to see where they were going. However, it was still unpredictable.

A huge gust erupted out of nowhere, surprising both pegasi. Spitfire's grip had lessened just before the blow, and it had taken its toll on her. The wind blew her off her friend and spiraling to the ground.

"Spitfire!" shouted Derpy from somewhere above her. Oh sweet Celestia, NO! Spitfire forced both her wings open, immediately feeling the pain. Well, it was either that or death. So, Spitfire flapped her wings hard, but it wasn't enough. It was a natural body reaction to when a pony was in pain--obviously, she couldn't force her hurt wing to perform as well as she would've liked.

Oh please, Derpy, don't assume I'm already dead or something!

Then, forehooves wrapped around her chest, haulting her fall. Spitfire could hear Derpy grunt as she tried to keep herself aloft.

"Oh man, I could kiss you right now, I feel so relieved!" Spitfire said, allowing her wings to fold back.

"Not yet... I...can't keep this up..." Derpy panted out, and the Wonderbolt was suddenly aware of just how high up they were. Whether or not she'd been disoriented during her fall or something, it looked like they were higher than before. If Derpy's wings gave out now, they'd surely plummet to their deaths.

So, Wonderbolt captain mode was initiated.

"Derpy! Keep those wings flapping! Don't assume for one second that we'll die! Twilight needs us. Don't give up, trainee! Get to that turbulance--it'll give us momentum!" Spitfire hated feeling like dead weight, so she decided to navigate. The Wonderbolt knew from experience that when you were pushed to the limit, your vision tended to get a little splotchy.

Derpy reached the different air current, which immediately pulled them downward in a nose dive. "I-I can't do this!" squeaked Derpy. Her eyes were even more wild than usual.

"You have to, Derpy!" Spitfire screamed over the howling wind, "You have to do this! You're the only one who can do this right now! Don't you give up on me!" The flaming pegasus could feel the other quivering, and her iron grip shaky, but she stayed in the speedy vortex. "Look! I see Twilight! Quick, dive right, DIVE RIGHT!"

Derpy forced herself out of the loop, but something happened. Her wings had closed up on themselves. Spitfire felt that scary moment of zero gravity, and watched the shadowy Twilight fly upwards as she fell down.

"I'm sorry! I-I couldn't do it!" Derpy shrieked. Tears were streaming from her eyes as they both free fell.

"You can still do it! You gotta force your wings open!"

"N-No! I can't...! Stop assuming I can do all these things when I just can't! I've never flown in weather like this before today, so don't expect me to be able to fly like a Wonderbolt!!!"

Spitfire swallowed thickly--quite the achievement as wind was tearing at her. Had she really been a hypocrite this whole time? Had the ghost of assumptions claimed Twilight to punish the two guilty ponies? And... was this the end?

"Y-You've been assuming things all day, Derpy! You can't just say it was all me when you're just as guilty! If we die here, if Twilight dies, then we're both to blame, got it?!" Spitfire could just barely see Derpy nodding. "But that's not going to happen! I won't let it end like this, and neither should you!"

The Wonderbolt forced her wings open again, but they did no good. Hope was burning a hole in her stomach, but it seemed useless. They were so close now--any second they'd be turned into pancakes. Finally, the adrenaline kicked in. Spitfire couldn't feel anything.


The Wonderbolt grabbed Derpy and flapped her wings as hard as she could. They were going up again. She wasn't sure how long it would last, but knew it wouldn't be long. She had to make this count.

"S-Spitfire...! You can't fly! I-I'll help!" Derpy began pumping her wings, causing them to move at an even more rapid rate. This was... This was going to work.

"That's enough." A voice suddenly said. Out of nowhere, the bad weather disappeared, and was replaced with a very beautiful moon. Huge wings enveloped Spitfire, and all she could see was white.

Minutes later, she was on the ground. Princess Celestia and Twilight were standing in front of her--both with sheepish expressions. Spitfire was confused, and apparently, so was Derpy.

"What's... What's going on here?" Spitfire was so surprised that she forgot to bow to the Princess. Twilight answered her.

"I... I noticed that you two weren't really getting along. I asked the Princess to help me get you two to make up. Things got kinda out of hoof, though..."

"The weather..." Derpy barely made out. She still looked like she was crying.

"It was resolved a few hours ago." Twilight said.

"But when did you get the chance to talk to the Princess?" The Wonderbolt asked. She couldn't believe what was happening here. It almost seemed like the Princess had played a prank on her.

"Remember when the electricity went off? That was real, by the way." Twilight scuffed her hooves. Spitfire felt pain shoot through her wing--so that was real, too.

"I can't believe this..." muttered Spitfire.

"Well... It worked, didn't it?"

Later, Princess Celestia returned to the castle, apologizing for her "uncouth" behavior, but she said she had fun regardless. Both Spitfire and Derpy promised to never make assumptions again, and that they'd never let something like that mess with their friendship again. Derpy had admitted that Spitfire's rough demeanor and commands bothered her a little, but they both made up.

The minute they got back into Twilight's bed, they all slept soundly. After all, they were friends.

Author's Note:

So, I know this took a long time, but I feel like I did a lot better with this than the previous one. Perhaps a big fault would be the likeness to the episode, but I feel like it wasn't too big of a problem. Or maybe the sudden ending, but I think I did better with that than previously. Anyway, I'd like to know how I did. I did think and work on this chapter for a long time. Thanks for reading! :)