• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,977 Views, 51 Comments

Amnesia: The Small Horse - Ultimauser50

Twilight Fluttershy Applejack Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Amnesia the Dark Descent The Small Horse

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The story begins with you and the Straw Hat Crew sailing across the sea. You were just a pirate/ brony/pegasister that loved adventure. You enjoyed your time with the Straw Hat Crew, they were interesting, and slightly ‘touched’ in the head. But it didn’t bother you as it would anyone else.

“LAND HOOOOO!!” shouted Usopp.

You run to the nearest window and take a look and you see, true to Usopp’s words the ship was indeed docking on a remote island. You run to the deck of the ship as the entire crew disembarks from the ship. As you walk towards the island Luffy jumps down from his ship and lands next to you and asks.

“Go on Chief Wiggum! Tell me what happened?”

Even though that wasn’t your name you ignore it and you pull out a map and show it to Luffy. “Well sir, we’ve been following the hints we’ve been receiving from pirates across the sea, and all of there hints have lead us here.”

“Right! Begin searching immediately! If this ‘Ultimate Treasure’ can bring me one giant step closer to becoming king of the pirates then let’s find it quickly and move out!”

“Yes sir!” You salute Luffy and continue towards the island. As you make your way off the dock you run into Zolo (or Zoro as some call him.). “Hey Zolo, how goes it.”

“Trust the Nobile Warrior. I can hear with my ears…”

That sentence didn’t even BEGIN to make sense to you, and you quickly push it to the back of your mind. “Umm…okay?” You quickly walk away and run into Sanji and Nami. Seeing on how they got a fire started already, it makes you curious if they found out anything about the ‘Ultimate Treasure’. So, being full of curiosity you walk over to them.

“Hey Sanji, have you found anything yet?”

“Hey! Remember me?”

“Uhh…yeah, I just said your name.”

“It will rain soon. The map is hidden.”

Those last two sentences made little to zip amount of sense. You looked up to the sky and saw not one cloud, just a sky as blue as the sea and the bright shinning sun. ‘What the hell is on about now?’ you thought. ‘There isn’t even one cloud in the sky. He must’ve been drinking too much stake sauce again.’ Then as you thought about Sanji’s second sentence you notice that there’s nothing in your pocket. You quickly begin searching your pockets for the map you had moments ago only to make a horrible discovery: The map is gone. ‘Great! This is just great! I lost the map! If Luffy finds out, I’m gonna get a Gum Gum Pistol straight to the moon! I just need to hurry up and find the treasure before Luffy finds out!’ You then bolt past Sanji and Nami, as you run you notice a purple pony that you know very will. Twilight Sparkle! “Awesome! It’s Twi- No, I can’t get distracted, if I disappoint Luffy I’ll-Aw who am I kidding?!” A chance to talk to one of the Mane 6 doesn’t happen everyday, even to a pirate brony/pegasister. Knowing that talking to Twilight was more important you drop everything and charge right at Twilight stopping directly in front of her. “Hi Twilight! It’s a privilege to meet you! I started writing letters to Princess Celestia because of you!”

“Thanks, that’s nice to hear.”

“Well, I wish I could talk more, but if I don’t find the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ soon, then the last letter I wrote to Celestia will be the last one I’ll EVER write.”

“Wait! Take me with you! I want to live in the cave there!”

Twilight points to the cave behind her which surprises you, you never really noticed that cave before. You’re not sure why she would want to live in the cave but you shrug it off and agree to help her. As the two of you make your way inside the cave you begin to hear music.

“Where’s that music coming from Twi? I didn’t know there was anyone living in here.”

“That must be Vegeta’s dance class starting.”

You’re hit with massive confusion. Vegeta? THE Vegeta is here? And much less, giving dance classes? Just what the hell kind of back wards universe did you end up? Anyway, you and Twilight eventually make it to a door deep within’ the cave, you try to open it but it’s locked.

“Don’t worry, I have the key.” Twilight then levitated a key out of seemingly nowhere and unlocked the door. As the two of you walked in your eyes nearly popped outta your head as you saw what was going on. True to Twilight’s words Vegeta was INDEED giving dance lessons but he wasn’t alone. Along with him helping him teach was Goku and Frezia…FREZIA?!?! “What…the…actual…fuck?!” you ask yourself.

“By the way, thanks for helping me out.”

“Uh…N-No prob Twi.”

Twilight walks off leaving you with your thoughts, something then poses you to look back at Vegeta’s ‘dance class’ and you see that the three are teaching four monkey’s that look like Abu (from Aladdin) how to dance. You head to the kitchen to try to find a drink that could make sense of the situation, but all you find and take is one Laudanum and two Sanity Potions, which you felt like drinking after the spectacle that took place before you. You slowly make your way back to the front door but you notice a giant bottle of Laudanum, with your curiosity eating away at you, you walk towards it but as soon as you’re a few feet from it the room instantly grows very bright and 4 knights armors appear in front you saying “Helloooo.” which causes you to scream and fall on your back. You quickly snap back to reality and see that the giant Laudanum bottle, much like the armor was just a figment of your imagination. You slowly stand back up startled and shaky

“Wh-What the hell was that?” You slowly walk back into the main room and walk upstairs to see if there would be anything up there that would lead you to the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ but all you find is an item labeled ‘Power Source’ at the end of the tag it reads ‘Property of Vegeta’ so with curiosity eating away at you again you run down stares quickly and head towards Vegeta. “Yo Vegeta? What’s this ‘Power Source’ for?”

Frezia and Goku look at you with shocked looks on there faces and Frezia is the first to speak. “Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?!”

“It’s over 9000!!!!!!”

“What 9000?! There’s no way that can be right!”

Then as if nothing happened the three instantly went back to the dance class again leaving you dumbfounded. But this time your confusion doesn’t last long as you notice a giant object land on the table upstairs. You’d think after all that’s happened you’d just be smart and walk out now right? Nope! Curiosity (which I’m surprised hasn’t got you killed yet.) once again eats you up as you head up the stairs to get a better view. But once you reach the top your met by a bizarre creature that gives you a powerful headache the longer you look at it, you run past it narrowly avoiding it’s swing as you dash towards the table and grab what looks like a giant apple. Not wanting to think about it for too long you throw the apple down stares and you jump after it slamming hard onto a table on your back. You slowly roll over and see a McDonalds happy meal and you grab a fry as you slowly get up and pick up the apple. “Okay? So, I-I found a giant apple. Now what?”

“Oh, I see you’re ready to leave.” said Goku. “Just open the door with the apple.” Goku points to the door next to the stares and you just give Goku a ‘what the fuck are you going on about?’ look.

But seeing as how things were taking a turn for the freaky you decide to go along with the plan. As soon as the giant apple makes contact with the door it blows up and apples fly out of the hallway and you collapse to the floor. You may not be a mental doctor but you can tell your head is not ‘normal’ anymore as you hear a constant ringing in your head. Using what ever willpower you had left you reached into your pocket and pulled out a sanity potion and slowly drank it. Your head finally began to clear out and you slowly rose to your feet.

“Guh! Wh-What the hell was that?! Ugh, whatever at least I can get out of this death trap. I’ll lose my mind if I stay here any longer.” You slowly made your way through the door way and walked into a dim light. As you made your way past it you find your self in a room where your surrounded by doors with some object on the other side of the room you couldn’t make out. “Okay, out of one room. And into another one that makes me wonder if Nami slipped any drugs in my juice. Where the hell am I now?” you try opening one door at a time, even the doors that made up the floor in the room but none of them would open. You then noticed the object in the room with you appears to be the head of some kind of alien, as you get closer the head charges at you but before it makes contact it poofs into dust. You jump back so hard that you land on your back and you notice a key in the air but to your horror you also notice the alien head is on the opposite side of the room and is closing in fast. So moving with all your force you quickly grab the key and run back to the door and unlock it quickly and slam the door shut behind you. “*huff* *huff* J-Just… wh-what the hell was that!? I-I can’t wait to get back to the ship. I-I’m done with treasure for one day.” You then take a look at the hallway you’re in and you notice that it’s dark, creepy, and has a green pulsating light. “Great, just great. If I live through this, I’m gonna quit the straw hat crew. At this point I’ll probably be lucky if I see my bed again.” You slowly inhale and exhale as you cautiously make your way down the eerie hallway and open the third door down the hallway and you see a note floating in the middle of the room. “*sigh* I KNOW I shouldn’t do this, but I need to find the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ for Captain Luffy or else I’m gonna get in trouble for not only losing the map, but also for failing to locate the treasure.”

You walk into the room and pick up the note and it reads My name was Gullivers Journey. I have seen more things, than you can bear. And I’ve got the biggest bean you’ve ever seen.

“Fascinating.” You say sarcastically.

A strange guy in a cloak came and said “Got some good things on sale, stranger!” He sold me a cage. I thought “A cage??”. “For what?” I said. No I can’t continue this letter. My head. PS. The “Hollowed Zerom Ygum” was by my side. He was searching for a horse and come guy called “Skahim Shiert”. But I don’t know what that means, because I’m Japanese.

“Clever.” You said, legitimately surprised at his clever rhyme.

He left for some unknown reasons. Bye.

And that was all the note had written on it. Leaving you with more question than answers like, Who was the man in the cloak, why did the cage seem so important, and was this guy high when he made the note? Your thoughts were cut short as you saw a key float in front of you. You grab it hoping it would help and as soon as you do the room turns red and a statue with the same head as that alien appears behind you saying “Hellooo.” The statue then charges at you trying to swing for your face, but thanks to your many adventures at sea, you quickly duck and roll out of the way and head towards the door. You try to open it, but to your dismay its locked, but thankfully you never put the key in your pocket so you quickly unlock the door and slam it shut behind you. “Sheesh! What the hell is wrong with this place?! When I get back to the ship I’m gonna ask Robin to do a look up on this island. It’s fucked up on many levels!” You quickly notice you still have the key in your hand and you walk down the hall. “Let’s see if the next room doesn’t hold anything that either doesn’t mindfuck me, or doesn’t try to kill me.” You walk to the last door in the hallway and try the lock to see if the key went to it. It did. You slowly opened the door and as you walk in you see a chubby man riding Twilight appear in front of you.

“Twilight? Who the hell is this?”

“I’m…not sure.” Twilight replied looking at the man with confusion.

“Was bist du denn für ein super erotischer kerl.”


“Moment ich kenn dich doch irgendwoher”

“What the fuck are you saying?!”

“woher kenn ich dich und warum biste überhaupt nackt?”

Classic Eggman then runs past the man.

“Uh oh, What the fuck?”

“I understood that, and I agree. What the fuck indeed.”

“Hier's noch nee kiste.” The man then throws a crate in front of you and you slowly pick it up.

“Uh Twi? Can you please try to make out what he’s saying?”

“Actually, I think I know what he’s saying. He’s say that ‘Ultimate Treasure’ you’re looking for, lies beyond the door in the room next door. And you need that crate to capture it.”

“Oh, well that’s the first thing to make sense all day. Thanks Twi, and I guess thanks to you too sir?”


Twilight then turned around and they both rode off into the darkness.

“If I’m not high I’m gonna see a doctor after all of this.” You then head outside the room. “Okay, Twi said the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ is in the next room. But I don’t have a key, how am I going to get into the next room?”

A body then slams through the door and hits the wall. It then quickly stands up and walks into room. You only stare at the door with a massive blank stare, trying hard to process what the flying fuck just happened. You snap out of it and slowly approach the door the creature went in. And its as you thought, the longer you look at it the stronger your headache becomes. So, with the speed of a thrown shoe you dash past the monster and before it has time to turn to you you’ve already opened the door and closed it shut behind you. You slowly opened up your eyes and you notice you were on a temple. The sky was pitch black and you weren’t even sure if you were on the island anymore. You slowly climbed the steep stares on the temple making sure not to fall off. You eventually made it to the top and you saw the entrance surrounded by poles with lit flames and a sign on the top of the entrance saying ‘Here lies the Ultimate Treasure.’ You sigh in relief knowing your adventure…if you can even call it that is drawing to an end. You make your way inside the temple and the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ appears to be Pinkie Pie. But there’s something different about her. Her eyes are white with a green spiral leading to the center and she’s running around the room. “So…Pinkie Pie was the ‘Ultimate Treasure’? Meh, at least it’s her, she’s totally worth it. Okay, Pinkie, you can stop running around and just hop in the crate, you’ll definitely be able to help Captain Luffy become king.”

But Pinkie Pie isn’t listening, she keeps running to and fro around the room. You wonder how to stop her until a voice appears in your head saying “Before catching the pony, you must weaken it, by hitting it’s head with anything.” “Umm…okay? That makes more sense than anything that’s happened today. Except for that explanation Twi gave me.” You quickly notice a big rock on top of a stone statue and you pick it up. You watch Pinkie Pie run around the room until you throw the rock, nailing her on her head. She falls to the ground and she turns into pink energy and she flies into your crate. You quickly close it shut and seal it. “Phew… finally, something goes my way today.”

You have finally found the Ultimate Treasure, bigger than anyone can imagine.

But what will come now?

Find out next time on “The Small Horse – The Escape.”