• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,977 Views, 51 Comments

Amnesia: The Small Horse - Ultimauser50

Twilight Fluttershy Applejack Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Amnesia the Dark Descent The Small Horse

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The Escape

Five months have passed since your last crazy, insane, fucked up adventure and true to your words, after delivering Luffy the Ultimate Treasure you told him you were gonna quit being a member of the Straw Hat Crew and just settle down so your life can become more…what’s the word…normal. After thinking on it, Luffy decided for you to keep the Ultimate Treasure so you could get your life started. It was a kind deed by Luffy, it got you your own castle on the beach side, but his kind deed quickly became your worst nightmare. Ever since the Ultimate Treasure was left in your possession, you’ve been noticing that the ‘visions’ you had back on the island were becoming more frequent and were rapidly getting worse. Noticing that this hasn’t happened since receiving the Ultimate Treasure, you have it shipped to the mainlands. After shipping Pinkie off, you believed that your ‘visions’ would end there, but you were deadly wrong. Your ‘visions’ only kept getting worse and more frequent than ever. You try your best to shrug it off and just tried getting by on Sanity Potions, but you just can’t take it anymore, so you head off in search for Pinkie Pie, hoping that she would be able to stop your ‘visions’.

Your adventure starts with you at your desk preparing for your trip, you grab your lantern and your two Large Oil Potions in your drawer. Before you head off you stare at the model ship on your desk and sigh. “Maybe leaving the Straw Hat Crew wasn’t such a good idea. Oh well, at least Luffy was a good sport about it.” you then head towards the front door of your room and try to open it but it’s locked. Again. “Damn it! Every freakin’ day this happens! Where did I put that Thorne Bone?” you walk back to your tray and find the Thorne Bone on a plate with other bones on it. “Ah, there you are.” You quickly unlock the door and head down the hall. As you walk down a creature appears in front of you. “Oh no. Not these damn visions again…I’ve gotta make a run for it!” with the speed of a…fast animal you dash past the monster narrowly avoiding a slash to the back. You book it at top speed quickly reaching the door at the end of the hallway, opening and quickly slamming it behind you. “Why is this happening? Am I really gonna have to take another Sanity Potion already?”

You look at the room you’re in and you notice the rats. “Damn it all! I just got the castle fumigated! How are these little punks getting into my castle?!” You walk to the end of the hall and two armored knights appear instantly saying “Hellooo.”

“What the fuck?!?!” you scream as you fall on your butt panting for air. You slowly get up and open the door and quickly move into the next room and run down the corridor, you stop when you see a door. “Umm… I don’t remember this door.” Which isn’t surprising since the castle is MASSIVE. Who could possibly remember all of those rooms? You try opening the door but it’s locked. “Okay? Well I guess I’ll just have to find the key.” you continue to run down the corridor until a strange creature instantly appears and disappears in front of you, causing you to jump back in pure shock. “Ugh! If this keeps up, I’m gonna have to take another dose of my Sanity Potions.” You notice a spare Sanity Potion and pick it up quickly. “Speaking of which, now, where is that key?” You open the closet and you see a dead figure along with an ear drum shattering shriek. Causing you to fall behind your desk covering your ears. After curling into a ball for a few minuets you slowly stand up to see that the dead figure is gone. “Sheesh, when will these horrific hallucinations going to end?” you then take a swift swig of your Sanity Potion and stand up. Man, Sanity Potions seem to be your drugs huh? Anyway, you quickly notice your behind your desk and you shuffle through the draws and you find…a…fire? What the fu-Anyway, you look closer into the flames and you notice a key. “Seriously? In the fire?” you slowly move your hand towards the flame and, surprisingly you grab the key without any burns, huh. Maybe your luck is finally- “I’M GOING TO RAPE YOU!!!” You jump up and scan the room to see just where the fuck that came from, but it seems you’re the only on in the room. “Just…why?” you then go back to looking through your desk and you find three more Large Oil Potions, and three Tinderboxes.

“Alright! Let’s get moving.” you run back down the corridor and Pinkie Pie instantly appears before you laughing a deep and disturbing laugh before disappearing. “What the-?! Was that-? No way, she’s across the mainlands. It’s impossible for her to-” then it hits you: What if she never left your side at all? I know, pretty creepy huh? Well…unless your into that sort of thing. Anyway back to the story, you walk back to the locked door and of course, use the key to unlock it. As you enter the room random shit pops right out of a box in the room along with some odd noise in the back ground. Shocking you so bad, that the room lights up and you nearly wet yourself. “Grr! Damn you, so called ‘Ultimate Treasure’.” You look at the random shit and you find a picklock amongst that random shit. “A, picklock? Shouldn’t this be in my pantry? Whatever, with all this random crap, I’m not gonna focus too long on one subject.” You continue proving how much of a drug addict you are by downing another Sanity Potion before leaving the room. You slowly walk down the rest of the corridor and you notice the shadow of a pig being hung up by a hook by its snout. You look at your window and notice it’s actually a miniature pig. “…For most people this would be either entertaining, funny, or both. But for me it actually raises two questions…one, why is there a miniature pig in my house, and two how is that even possible?!?!? Gah! Whatever!” you continue towards the door and try to open it but, due to item use convenience, it’s locked. “Ugh! Why are all these doors locked!? What am I, a paranoid?” you take out your picklock and make it live up to it’s name by…picking at the lock…get it? Get it? *ahem* anyway, you open the door thanks to your four years of lock picking knowledge from picklock collage…at picklock academy, located on picklock Drive just down the street from- “They get it! Just get on with it already!” Oh. Right. Sorry. Anyway, you open the door and before you even step into the room you hear a grunts moan (you know, the sound they make when they spot you). Having full knowledge what this means, you haul ass like no brony’s business into the next room.

After slamming the door behind you, you look at the room you ended up in and it’s…pretty fucked up. A ‘lamp’ I guess is hanging so low you could hit your head on it and burst into flames. And three doors, one across the room, and two on the ceiling. “…Just what the fuck kind of house did I buy?!?!” with the speed and grace of a blind hawk you dash across the room and try to pry open the door but due to serious trollage, it’s locked. “Oh, come on!!” you try opening the doors on the ceiling too, but nope. Man whoever sold you this house trolled you hard huh? After three minuets had passed you go back to prying open the first door. Then all of a sudden, BANG! The door above you bursts open spilling a countless amount of Tinderboxes (if you wanna prove me wrong, go to the map and count em’ all. I dare you!). Knowing that this was opportunity knocking at your door selling you glazed donuts, you pick up as many tinder boxes as you could carry (twelve in total). Amongst the spilled Tinderboxes you finally find the key and use it to get the hell outta that room. As you take your first like, what? Two…maybe three steps into the room and the main monster from iJustine-er excuse me I mean the monster from the Justine story of Amnesia drops out of the second door on the ceiling. Thinking faster than a 5th grader, you close the door behind you, lock it, and throw away the key. But of course, being as cheap an Amnesia is, the monster begins banging through the door. You slowly back up thinking all is lost, until your back hits an… “Upside down, closet?” Is now a really good time for questions? Just open it! “Alright! Fine!” you open the closet and find a Pokeball. “A…Pokeball?” you then notice out the corner of your eye a desk is sticking to the ceiling and you look at it with the most powerful WTF face you could pull off. “What is this? A horrible knock off of Spider-Man?” you ask as you walk up to the desk. Upon further inspection you notice a note. “What? How did that stick there?” you jump a few times but you finally reach the paper on the desk. It reads,

My name is “Manus”, Spidre Manus.

“How cheesy.”

Those are my last words. Hold onto them. Since the Pony was imported to this country, nothing was the same again.

“Wait, hold on! Pinkie is still here? Well, I guess that makes my trip that much shorter. But it also explains why these visions have been getting more powerful.”

The responsible person was punished. But some morons took place and they founded the CULT OF PONY.

“What? Much like this day, that doesn’t make sense.”

I know “Skahim Shiert” and the responsible “Cedrum Wardener”. They trained the animal, trained it to kill people. At least the “Hollowed Zerom Ygum” was able to control the Power beyond the Pony. I need to find him, but I can’t escape from here…

You stand there for a few seconds, and try your best to take in the information. “They trained Pinkie to kill people? Why? … And, and what’s this ‘Power beyond the Pony’? Maybe If I find this ‘Hollowed Zerom Ygum’ I can take control of this power and defeat Pinkie…But how am I gonna find this…Ygum? I don’t even know what a Ygum is.”

Then the monster we forgot even existed starts banging on the door harder causing the door to crack. You drop the note and dash towards the nearest door…which…has…Pikachu on it for…some…reason. Anyway, with your unrivaled Pokémon knowledge you throw your Pokeball at the door and it opens. As you run in you see the room is full of…floating keys. Huh, being quick about it you grab seven keys and quickly cycle through them until you unlock the door in front of you. You dash into the next room, hearing Pinkie Pie’s demonic laughter close behind you. “Get, out, of, my, LIFE!!” you try to open the next door but it’s locked too. You again cycle through your keys, but none of them go to this door. You look around the room until you see a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other. And, with the strength of a wrecking ball, you knock the boxes away from each other. You run to a closet, but due to your past experience, you ignore it and run into the door next to it. It seems this room has one thing, and only one thing to offer. Multiple drawers. Yes. Because this is tooootally what you’d find in a house. You rummage through the drawers and all that you find is a fish, a-wait a minuet…a fish? …Okaaay now where was I? Oh yeah! You found a fish, oil, nothing, nothing, more nothing, a funnel, and a baby arm? Anyway, realizing that this room is a giant waste of time, you head for the door, but on your way out you find the Rowdy Roddy Key (Don’t come at me about the name, I didn’t name this stuff). After taking the RRK a big explosion is heard causing you to jump.

You charge out the room and notice a corpse with a bag on his head. You slowly approach it and as you get about, two to three feet away from it, it instantly disappears and four pig carcasses land in front of you. “…I need a shot.” you pull out your Sanity Potion and take it all in one big gulp. Feeling better you walk up to the door and unlock it with the RRK and as the door swings open the Cheshire Cat appears in front of you causing you to launch yourself backwards out of fear. I’m telling you, if someone were recording that, they could’ve made a Fus-Ro-Dah parody out of your ‘fallout’… Eh? Did I get ya that time? Meh, probably not. Anyway back to the story. You rubbed your back for a few seconds trying to die down the pain. And as you slowly rise to your feet, you notice a grunt is in front of you. “Uhh…Hi?” The grunt says how do you do, by taking a swing at you. Huh, great manners huh? So again, with your years of vast adventuring with Luffy and the gang you gracefully dodge by ducking with your head between your legs, and ‘barrel rolling’ towards the door. “Nice hello, but I think it’s time we said, Goodbye.” You quickly open and slam the door behind you. You quickly find yourself in a dark stone corridor, so like any skilled explorer, you turn on your lantern and venture forth. “I have a bad feeling about this.” you say as you stumble across a huge dark room with a temple on the other side. Damn, did you even THINK about looking at the inside of the castle before buying it?! Seriously. “Would you just shut up and tell the rest of the story?!” Okay, okay. Sorry. Sheesh, no need to be so pushy. Anyway, you step onto the black…floor? I guess. And as soon as you do monsters appear all around you and they come at you, mustering up all your strength you haul ass over to the temple on the other side of the room, and you attempt to not wet yourself while running. Eventually you make it up to the temple and at the end of the walkway you meet none other than…the German guy.

He continues speaking to you in German, even though you can’t understand what he’s saying. “Yo dude, instead of speaking in a language I can’t understand, how about you turn on some subtitles before you speak! Could you at least do that?” Then out of nowhere Pinkie Pie appears next to him, and just like Sora in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, you’ve been hit by a powerful drowsiness and you collapse to the floor falling into a deep sleep.

Is this the end? Is this where you die? Or is there more to this story with no plot in sight? Find out next time. Thanks for reading guys.