• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,393 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 4 (revised)

Dear Journal,

I got permission from Cheerilee to actually do this over a course of a few days. So I don’t have to worry about grades on my journal assignment until I go back, so here is my trip with the CMC and our ‘sisters’. I can’t believe that Sweetie Belle got Rarity to come along, because she’s such a girly girl. She can be as evil as her sister though sometimes, but she’s been taught by the best, her own sister. Applebloom and I just looked at each other in disbelief. Remind me not to cross her path in a bad way. Still we all got to go, and I got to hang out with Rainbow Dash!

The time with the greatest flyer alive was awesome. I mean she showed me all kinds of cool things that I never knew! It did get off to a rocky start though; she told two scary camp stories that actually gave me nightmares! I was so afraid to tell her that Princess Luna said in a dream that I had to face my fears. I didn’t want to until I thought I heard the headless horse when I first woke up and I ran! Later it turned out to be Rainbow Dash’s version of a snore, but I was so gripped with fear that I didn’t know it at the time.

I ended up in a river because I was so scared and my idol saved me! I’m still puzzled how she knew though from ear plugs, a deafening snore, and in dead sleep. I think it’s probably something to do with Luna, and if it is thank you so much! I actually owed up to it, and turns out that Rainbow Dash said she was once scared of the same things as me. Once I actually settled down and thought about it, I did see how silly I was. I mean a headless horse can’t neigh, it would be dead! I’m such a silly filly sometimes. Rainbow Dash did say she would take me under her wing and it was the happiest moment of my life! I was so happy when she said yes.

It was even more amazing when she actually showed me and held me up when she was flying when we got to our destination. Feeling the wind in my hair, feeling my wings flap in the air, and above all having my favorite Pegasus there besides me is just so indescribable. It’s something you can only experience in the moment. It’s truly something that takes your breath away and only Pegasi can understand.

The best thing about that day though is that Rainbow Dash and I sat on a cloud overlooking the sky as Sweetiebelle, Rarity, Applebloom, and Applejack were playing around. Just sitting there with her was so awesome she gave me all sorts of pointers for ponies that wanted to tease me for not being able to fly (yet). I eventually told her about my home life, and she got sad. She gave me a hug though, which was really cool. Rainbow Dash isn’t just cool, she is what her element is loyalty.

“Scootaloo, if I had known about that sooner I would’ve actually done this sooner. You should tell ponies about this because you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this alone. Now you don’t have to! You have many ponies behind you know? Myself in that being first though, then the others of course I can’t have my number one fan being hurt by some bully right?” Rainbow Dash said to me, and I will never forget it.

She’s right though, I’m not alone anymore. I don’t blame my mom for what happened to me. I just wish she had acted sooner than she did… I have my fellow CMC, their friends and family and also I have Rainbow Dash. She’s the best sister I could have, I don’t care if she’s not blood related. She’s exactly what I wanted in a sister and more.

Cheerilee actually agreed to let me spend some time with Rainbow Dash! The only down side is that I have school and she has a job with the weather patrol in the morning. So it’s not as much time as I would like. I did ask Rainbow if she could tell my mom what happened and that she knows everything now because of me. I hope my mom won’t be mad at me for letting Dash know, because it hurts me more not talking about what my dad did to me. I actually started telling my fellow CMC and they just hugged me as we cried together. I filled in Cheerilee what she didn’t already know as I did say she could read my journal as long as she kept it between us and her from now on. She agreed, and smiled at me. I’m so lucky to have many friends that understand and are in my corner this time.

It’s Hearth Warming Eve soon, so that means awesome presents! I also get to see my mom hopefully. I got word that my dad got ahold of her and beat her up pretty bad since he’s still around the town somewhere. The police haven’t caught him yet. He’s a sneaky pony unfortunately that is working out in his favor. He can’t last forever though; some pony will find him and make him pay for what he’s done and still doing to my mom and me. I do miss my mom… I miss hearing her voice, her hugs, and her smell.

I never thought I’d miss her so much since she’s always gone when I’m at home. I guess it’s because I was surrounded by things that were hers in the house I lived in. I do know that I’ll be moving into a new house when my mom gets things settled once in for all. She doesn’t want me coming back to a home that was full of hate. I don’t blame her though; I actually look forward to that day. I just hope that it’s soon. Until then I have my friends and adopted sister to keep me company. I have to go now; Rainbow Dash wants to show me Daring Do books before she goes for the day. This is going to be so cool! I didn’t now she read books!

~ Scootaloo
Rainbow Dash’s Adopted Sister!
Rainbow Dash’s Adopted Sister!