• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,393 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 7

Dear Journal,

Today is a start of a new year, and it’s supposed to be great right? Yeah… about that I hear some rumors about Discord being released and given a second chance. I mean I can see what the power of friendship did for ponies like Trixie can do. I’m not sure if they are true or not, I hope not. I just remember last time that Discord got out it was because of Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and I were having petty arguments that set him free last time without meaning to. The cracking at the crotch was a bit weird too. It’s like he got some sort of pleasure of causing chaos and disharmony, well yeah I know he does but I mean some sort of pleasure from it. Okay that’s going a bit far, but he still makes me nervous.

Dad officially got picked up by local authorities not for abuse, but for setting the house on fire. Yeah, he burnt it down, and it’s on his head since he now has to pay the land lord off (from jail). I’d love to see that court hearing. Mom to told me that it’s just added to the list of what he’s going to be charged with since they got my testimony and other ponies as well. When the word finally got out, apparently it wasn’t just us that he had assaulted in some fashion. All of Ponyville hated him and feel sorry that I’m even his daughter, okay that’s going a bit too far but it seems like it at least. I hope that Ponyville hates him but doesn’t hate me. It would be unfair if they did, I mean it’s neither my fault nor my mom’s. He’s a changed stallion since his wings had to be amputated since he was an idiot to fly into a hurricane cloud. Stupid is lucky to be alive. He’s not the father I remember as a foal, and not the pony my mother married. He’s getting his punishment now; I just hope he doesn’t drop the soap… I heard that she showers are a bad place to be, especially if you beat up mares and foals. I’m not sure what they mean by that exactly, but I have a very good idea… and it goes beyond just beating up.

Rainbow Dash said she had to go out of town again due to Wonderbolt business, so I’m left with Fluttershy for now. I don’t mind her at all; in fact I look forward to it. The last time I stayed over at her place, I did cause a bit of trouble. I don’t think I will though. I will listen to her since she’s got ‘the stare’. I’d hate to be the animal, pony, or whatever to cross her path when she gives you that look. It’s right down scary coming from such a shy pony. They say the quiet ones you have to watch the most since they are the most common ones to crack. I don’t think Fluttershy will crack, but she’s surely no pony to mess with. Plus side I get to prank Angel when Fluttershy’s not looking. The little bunny runs over Fluttershy, and he’s not really clever enough sometimes if you catch him off guard. My fellow CMC and I prank him all the time when Fluttershy’s not looking. I think it makes him not take Fluttershy totally for granted. I mean I hope so, that’s why we do it. He’s such a spoiled bunny, and ungrateful too.

Speaking of ungrateful, Silver Sponge and Diamond Twit are at it again. They are pestering every pony to vote for them for the dumb Little Filly Pageant, Rarity wants to enter in Sweetie Belle. Probably just to parade her sister around as a walking advertisement for her store. I mean Sweetie is doing because she wants to please her sister, but I can see she really doesn’t like that sort of stuff. One of the categories is showing off your special talent which is hard for a blank flank. I’ve heard they secretly mock the blank flanks, and it’s horrible. I really do worry about Sweetie’s confidence with something like that. Lucky her she’s picked singing which she’s great at! I’m happy for her, and she’s always humming something. I hope she doesn’t get stage fright, which would be horrible.

I’ve picked up reading. It’s not so bad; I mean there are some pretty cool stories in Twilight’s Library. It’s a place I’ve actually have been coming a lot since I’ve been living with Rainbow Dash. It’s really quiet so I end up falling asleep there. I’ve also been sleeping a lot better since I’ve been sleeping on clouds. I mean you can’t get any softer than a cloud! Oh I never did wet the cloud either! Okay maybe once the first night when I had a really bad nightmare of my dad beating and killing my mom like he threatened one time when he was seriously drunk past his normal limit. Dash was cool about it, and said that even the toughest fillies sometimes wet the cloud when they are growing up. After what I’ve been through she said that it was understandable, so she’s not mad. I think that was Rainbow Dash for she used to do the same thing so she understands or Fluttershy did. I never can tell; I do know those two are really close… like more than best friends. It’s cool though, I kind of see myself like that with my CMC crew as we get older. Particularly with Sweetie Belle, she and I just click like she understands more than she lets on. Applebloom I love my earth pony friend but sometimes she’s a few apple short of a full barrel on some things but a great friend none the less.

I better get some sleep soon, since I have to help Fluttershy with the animals early in the morning before school. I don’t mind much I think she could really use more help around here and I’m happy to help. Hey it might even earn me my cutie mark! I don’t think I’m cut out for stuff like that but you never know! You just might be surprised. I’m starting to learn that there are more to things that what they appear. You have to look between the lines. I still hope I get to come back home (new home) with my mother soon. I really do miss her

~ Scootaloo
A tired filly.