• Published 26th Nov 2012
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Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 8

Dear Journal,

So I didn’t want to mention this before since it’s something that a mother usually talks to about with her daughter. Since I’m ‘coming to that age’ they said that Rainbow Dash had to give me ‘the talk’ because of the current situation. I’m not really allowed to see my mom that much due to the problems with my dad that are being solved as we speak now but back when this was happening he was still the picture. Why am I writing about it now? It’s been driving me crazy as in the back of my mind. Also we watched a film that every foal has to watch in class. It was the general “so your body is already going through changes or might soon” crap. I didn’t really want to pay attention or you had some sort of punishment like staying after school and watching it with the teacher. Who wants that? I sure didn’t so I had to watch.

You should have seen Dash’s face when she was told by Cheerilee that it was ‘required’ that the acting guardian or parent of the student to talk about the movie we saw in class today. I felt really bad for her but the look on her face was rather funny. It’s the “oh man, do I really have to?” face. I got the movie though, I mean yeah my body will go through changes and stuff as I get older. But honestly, why does it matter? It usually doesn’t happen until you get your cutie mark. Though there are the early bloomers that get it early and get their cutie mark. Yeah I have questions, but I don’t really feel comfortable asking them to anyone just yet. I mean… it’s my bod you know? It’s really embarrassing to ask such things to other ponies, like your parents or siblings. I don’t think adults get that sometimes, but at least they try I guess.

The conversation went like this with Rainbow Dash and me:
RD: Hey Squirt, you know about the…. Uh…
Me: Uh…. What Rainbow Dash? I don’t know what you’re getting at.
RD: You know that movie you saw in school today, you have any questions? I mean you know you can talk to me about such things right?
Me: Yeah I know I just don’t know how to ask them.
RD: oh… well you know when a stallion and mare love each other… they…

Yeah it pretty much went like that. She did go through the whole story (in detail) causing both of us to look at each other really awkwardly. It was pretty strange, but I guess it was home work for the ‘parent’ instead of the kid. I can’t imagine why it’s suddenly important that we know about such things now. I mean it’s kind of silly.

The really fun part is when I got to see my mom and she gave me the talk again. Ugh, she was so embarrassing. She was trying to have it during some sort of meeting of custody battles or something. Yeah, my dad’s trying to get custody of me through jail which is really stupid. I mean he’s currently being held in a place I can’t live in or want to live in. is he stupid or just crazy? I’m really starting to wonder about him. I’m glad my mom has pretty much abandoned him because he’ just really crazy! I mean my mom’s silly but I think she’s just got a lot on her mind right now. She has to find a new house, trying to deal with the death threats from my father, oh and other stuff I’m sure I don’t know about. I only know about the death threats because he was screaming at her the last time I was over before I was at Cheerilee’s.

Moving on to something less embarrassing! Rainbow Dash and I spent the day just walking around Ponyville while she hung out with her friends. Lucky for me Appleboom and Sweetie Belle tagged along with their sisters so I wasn’t bored. They went to the spa, a place I never thought I’d go. Sweetie Belle thought it would be a good idea for us to try something like the older ponies were doing. I really wasn’t up to get my hooves trimmed or whatever. The girly stuff really isn’t my thing. The massage was okay though; the mud mask (I was dared by Applebloom) was really weird to say the least. The cucumbers were a great snack though. I was happy when we finally got out of there it’s really not a place I could see myself. Applejack laughed and told me that you don’t know you might actually like it when I get older. Ponies taste change as they mature and grow. Yeah I’ve already noticed this though. When I was a baby I used to want to sleep with all of my stuffed animals to feel secure. Now I just want my Wonderbolt stuffed toys that don’t leave my room unless I’m going to a CMC sleep over!

There has to be something to this whole ‘growing up’ thing I’m not getting. I mean yeah I know I’m getting older, eventually I’ll get my cutie mark, get a job, and all of that stuff but why rush it? I mean I’m only a kid once. I really should enjoy myself before it’s too late and make memories with my friends and enjoy their company while I still can right? It’s not like we’re going to be living in the same town forever. Older ponies are really funny sometimes, they tell us not to grow up so fast but when we hit the age we are now they are in a rush to make us adults. I don’t know what to think right now. I mean I’ve had to mature faster than other ponies in my class and surely more mature than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They still act like we are in preschool days with the name calling and stupid chants. Yeah they get under my skin sometimes, but they are more annoying than anything anymore.

I better get some sleep since it’s late and I have school tomorrow. I still hear rumors about Discord as I made my way back to Fluttershy’s house. Well that’s some of the stuff I’ve been holding to myself for a while, it feels good to get it out at least on paper for now.

~ Scootaloo
An awkward feeling filly