• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 2,730 Views, 34 Comments

New World, Friends, and Life - Warrios

Michael is a human who just lives his life. Will he adapt to a land of ponies?

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Chapter 3: Introductions

Chapter 3: Introductions


I opened my eyes once I regained consciousness. I was staring at a wooden-like ceiling. I felt like I had just woken up from a really long nap. No lights were on in the room, but the light from the sunshine came through the window that was in the room, giving the room some light. I recognized I was in someone’s bedroom, although where exactly was I?

I managed to sit to an upright position, taking a better look around the room I was in. I sat on a regular bed, although it seemed a bit small. I felt like I was sitting in a child’s bed, but I still managed to lay my whole body in it. I looked down to see that I still had my clothes on. I was wearing my black t-shirt with the Razer ‘Plaster’ on it, along with my long black jeans and black shoes.

I tried to call out to someone, only to find my throat REALLY dry, almost like sand. I looked around and found a glass of water sitting on a table next to my bed, along with a lamp and some tissues. I grabbed the drink to find it warm. I shrugged, water is water, and brought it up to my lips. I drank this drink so fast I nearly choked on it. Once I drank the beverage. It was quite refreshing. I set it back on the table, letting out a belch as I did so.

“Excuse me…” I muttered.

Deciding to stretch my body, I extend my arms to my sides to complete my top stretch, then extending and bent my legs, also curving my back to complete the whole stretch. My eyes adjusted to the light in the room a bit, but my eyes were blurry. I didn’t have my glasses on anymore. I looked toward the table next to my bed, moved the box of tissues to find my glasses hiding behind them. I accidentally knocked over the glass I drank from, knocking it over. It shattered to pieces as it hit the floor.

Crap… Well, at least I can probably pay for it.

I heard the door open to the room I was in. I was expecting them to be the person, or people that helped me coming up check on their guest. When whoever came into view, it wasn’t a human.

It was a horse, but it was quite small to be one, possibly a pony? It was a colorful one, as if you were in a cartoon. It had a faded purple color coat with large intelligent eyes that were a shade of violet. Its hair style was like a regular women's hair style. It was straight and well tidy and shared its coloration with her dark blue, pink, and purple tail. A strange tattoo with a pink six-pointed star marked her flank.

A horn? Where have I heard that before . . .?

The pony looked at me quite puzzled, and ran out of the room.

…Aright then… I thought.

A few minutes later, the same pony came back with five more behind it, each one with a different coat color. One pony had a white coat with a shade of azure to its eyes, and a horn on its head. Its tail and mane were styled to be curled at the end with an indigo color. The tattoo on its flank was three blue diamonds.

The next two ponies were different. Neither had horns - but they did have folded wings resting on their sides. One had a cyan coat and her eyes were rose-colored. The mane and tail were rainbow-striped in an unkempt type of style. On its flank was a white cloud with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt. The second one had a yellow coat and its mane and tail were pink. Its mane was longer than the tail. Her mane draped to her right, and it soon parts into two bangs that curl at the end. One its flank was three butterflies with pink wings and turquoise bodies and antennas.

The last two of the ponies were normal, meaning they had no horns or wings. One's coat was orange and her mane and tail were blonde. Under her green eyes were some freckles. A brown Stetson hat was atop its head. I also noticed that her mane and tail were tied at the ends with her mane hanging past her shoulders with a red band. Lastly, the symbols on its flank consisted of three red apples. The other one seemed to be rather curious about me as she gazed at me. It had big eyes that were dark blue while her coat was a bright pink. Her tail and mane were more of a magenta color, and they seemed to be . . . poofy. On its flank were three balloons with two blue and one yellow.

As I observe them, I notice that they have eyelashes, making them look female. I also notice that since they have horns and wings which must mean that they are unicorns and pegasi.

Unicorns and pegasi?

Where the hell am I?

The ponies observed me as I did the same. The purple one seemed more interested, you can see the glint in her eyes. She trots up to the side of the bed and investigates my body. Then she began to speak.

Hold up!


“I don’t think I’ve ever read about anything like this before. I read through everything in my library, and have found nothing.” She said as she turned to the other ponies. My theory on them being females was correct, since her voice was feminine.

“He looks similar to a diamond dog, but he had no fur and wears clothes. Maybe he’s an ape?” the cyan pony said. She flew above me, glaring at me suspiciously as if I was going to try something. I was taken aback by her comment.

Did she just call me a… dog?

I feel quite offended…

The pink pony hops to the other side of the bed and starts to poke my arm, giggling and snorting like crazy. “It feels so soft with no fur!” getting annoyed pretty quick so I pulled my arm away from her, giving her an irritated glare.

“Leave him alone, Pinkie.”

I was staring at the six ponies that were in the room. Only three options were going through my head.


I’m in a room with six talking colorful ponies….

I must be either…

1. Going insane
2. I am dead, and have been sent to a crazy version of hell.
3. Dreaming a crazy ass dream

I think I am just dreaming…

So I did what most people did: I pinched myself on my arms, and it hurt slightly. I did something people probably wouldn't do to see if they were dreaming, I clenched my left hand into a fist and punched myself in the face.

And it hurt like hell.

There goes option three…

“Now why in the hay is he doing that?” the rainbow one asked.

The yellow pony flinched when my fist made contact with my face. She flew past the purple unicorn. “Oh no, please don’t hurt yourself.” She said, with a bit of panic and shyness in her voice. She was right in my face in a split second with a look of worry in her eyes. I quickly scoot back, with my back against the head board of the bed.

“Do you have a name?”

“…” I stayed silent.

“Umm… my name’s Fluttershy…”


“Can you speak?”


“Do you understand me?”

I kept my mouth shut. Only because I have never ever in my whole life heard of a talking animal that never talks in the first place. I inhaled and exhaled, letting my fear drain away so I can calm down. I was about to speak when my cell phone alarm went off. It was just an escalating beeping tone, but the others are freaking out by it.

“What’s that sound?”

“What in tarnation?”

“What the hay?!”

“I don’t know.” The purple unicorn replies. All six were looking around the room for the source of the beeping. I casually put my hand in my pocket taking my phone out and turned off the alarm. I looked around at the six. I chuckled a little since they were freaking out, staring at the black device I held in my hand. I was just about to put my phone back in my pocket when a purple aura glowed around my phone and it flew out of my hands.

“Hey!” I protested, trying to snatch it back. “Give that back that is a really expensive and fragile phone!” I leapt forward out of the bed with my arm extended to grab my phone from the air. The ponies shrieked, backpedaling as I made my move. I failed to grab my phone, falling face-first into the wooden floor.




I was now laying flat on my stomach, with the ponies now surrounding me. I groaned and put my hands on my now throbbing face. “Okay… not the greatest strategy I have come up with…” I mumbled as I sat to an upright position.

Looking around the ponies was now staring at me in fear. I guess my little actions made them think I was hostile. “Umm… I… apologize. I didn’t mean to jump at you.”

"So you can talk." The purple pony beamed as she was trotted toward me

“Yes I can, but I would be asking you all the same thing.” I said.

“What are you talking about silly?” The pink one said. “We have always been able to talk!” she spoke so fast I could only make out half of what she said.

“Uh-huh. Just tell me where I am and how I can get home.” I snarled. “Or the sooner I wake up, the better.”

“And where is this ‘home’, of yours?” the purple unicorn asked.

“Earth, duh.” I reply. “Where else would I live?”

“Sorry to tell you this, but you are on Earth.”

I started to laugh my ass off. “What’s so funny?” she asked, annoyed.

“Please, stop! You’re killing me.” I said between laughs. Once I calmed down, I looked back at the purple unicorn, which did not look happy. “You… You’re serious aren’t you?”

She nodded in response. “Ever heard of the state called Florida?” I asked. She shook her head. “The United States of America?” she shook her head again. The color drained from my face. “God… kill me now.” I muttered.

The seven of us sat in silence for awhile before I spoke again. “Soooo… What now?”

"Soo... I think introductions are in order, I'm Twilight Sparkle," says the purple one, “and these are my friends…”

She pointed the blue one with the wings. "That's Rainbow Dash."

She pointed at the yellow one. "Fluttershy."

The white one. "Rarity."

The pink one with the cotton candy mane. "Pinkie Pie."

And finally, the orange one. "And that's Applejack."

“Lovely names.” I compliment. “My name is Michael. Michael Scott, but you can just call me Mike.”

"Well I'm sure everypony has questions so how about we go in a circle. One question per pony?" Twilight suggests.

I shrug. “Cool with me.”

“Okay, I’ll go first. Oh, hold on…” Twilight closed her eyes and the horn atop her head started to glow in a purple aura. Then a second later there was a flash and a roll of paper, a feather which I presumed was a quill, and small jar that said ‘INK’ on the front. They were levitating in the air with the same purple glow. The paper unrolled itself and the container was set down, then the quill was dipped into it and began to write on the parchment. “Alright, so Michael…are you alright?”

“…The hell?” I said dumbfound as I gaped at the floating parchment and quill. “How are you doing that, Twilight?” I point to the levitating items.

She looked at me confused. “Magic.” She said simply.


“Magic.” She repeated. “Why?”

“Well… I have never seen somebody do magic before. Well, except for illusion type magic. It doesn’t exist where I’m from.”

Everyone in the room started at me in shock. I guess magic is a common thing in this world. Twilight was the first to speak up again. “Wow… so you don’t use magic…” she said as she scribbled on her parchment. “Okay… back to the questions: What are you?”

“We are called Homo-Sapiens or Humans for short.” I state simply.

“Oh me next, me next, please!” Pinkie Pie yells as she waves her hoof in the air. “Do you like parties?”

I chuckled. “Yes I do like parties, although I don’t go to many. I only go to parties I get invited to.” This seemed to really satisfy her by her smiling from ear to ear. “Rarity, do you want to go next?”

“Yes, I do. Where did you get your clothes? They are quite stunning.” Rarity asked, interested as she eyed my clothes.

“Well, these are my average everyday clothes. I don’t work anywhere fancy, do I don’t own any fancy-like clothes. This is my t-shirt.” I point to my shirt. “And these are my jeans.” I point to my jeans.

“What are you walking around on?" she asks, pointing at my shoes.

“These are my shoes.” I reply, reaching down and took off one of my shoes. “We wear these to protect our feet. We don’t have flat hooves like you all. We have appendages called fingers.” I shake my fingers to prove my point. “We use them to grasp things, big or small. Our feet…” I take off one of my socks. “We use them to walk, just like your hooves. We have toes on our feet instead of fingers. We wear shoes due to our feet being quite soft. Like if we were to go walking around in grass, we would wear shoes so we don't step on anything sharp or hazardous.” I finish, pointing and showing them my foot. I put the sock and shoe back on.

“Interesting…” I heard Twilight mumble.

“Well dear, you just must stop by my boutique so I can make you some more clothes!” Rarity beamed.

I smiled brightly. “I’ll keep that in mind.” I reply.

Rainbow Dash was next, who she spoke up immediately, speaking in a quite excited tone. “What was that black thing making all that noise?”

“That was my phone. That is an example of advanced modern technology that we have, since we have no magic.”

Rainbow looked at me funny, and so did the others. “Here… let me show you… May I have that back, please?”

Twilight’s horn glowed and my phone levitated back to me. I snatched it from the air. “Advanced Technology is probably something we have that you ponies don’t have. It comes in the form of machinery, devices, and ideas. Technology helps us with life easier, fun, and much more entertaining.”

I showed them my iPhone sliding the switch making the ‘click’ noise to access it. They were pretty amazed by this, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, which it probably was to them.

“Whoa…” I heard Rainbow Dash say.

I went ahead and explained to them pretty much what a phone was. I gave them a short version; showing them what it can do from contacting people long distances, to texting, and just plain old entertainment that you can play when you are bored to death.

“Um…can humans... um... fly?” asks Fluttershy, no lower than a whisper, hiding her face behind her mane.

“Well, we don’t have wings so we can’t fly in the air.” I reply. "But... We have these machines called airplanes. They are massive mechanical machines that fly though the air that can transport up to around maybe a few hundred passengers. It’s a lot isn't it? I flew on one of them to visit my uncle once.”

We talked for another few minutes each one giving their own questions about me or human society. I gladly answered their questions to my best top knowledge. Twilight excused herself from the room for a minute and she returned with something in her magical grasp. “Michael, what’s in this?” she asks as she levitates it to me.

“Hey, that’s my bag!” I snatch it from her magical grasp. I set it in my lap and opened it. “I use this to carry my stuff in… obviously.” I took a look inside and found my laptop. I took it out to show them. They looked interested in the strange flat device; expect Rainbow, who looked around the room for something else that was way more interesting. Once I opened it, they all get even closer to take a good look. Once I turned it on, they were looking it in awe. The screen came to life and I stared at the background and programs. It was me and some of my buddies back from high school in arms over shoulders smiling.

“Woah! That’s awesome!” Rainbow gawked at the laptop.

“How did you do that?” asked Twilight.

I went and explained on the kinds of machinery and devices humans made to make life easier, or more entertaining. I explained what the laptop was, and I told them it was a portable version of a computer. I explained them about some social network websites like Google and Youtube . There were a lot of ‘ohhh’ and ‘awwwww’s' from the group; and once again Rainbow was getting bored.

I decided to cheer her up a bit.

“Oh I almost forgot. It can play music, videos, and games.”

That got her attention. Her head perked up and look at me with interest.

“No way, seriously?!”

“Yup. Give me a minute. I’ll give you all a taste of what we humans call ‘music’”

I went to the music library and scrolled through songs. Scanning the lists for a good song, I decided on one of my favorite genres: Alternative Metal

I chose Breakdown, by Breaking Benjamin

“Whose ‘Breaking Benjamin?” Twilight asked.

“It’s the name of a band. There all types of bands out there. I love all types of music where I’m from.”

“Eh. Any song you will probably play will never beat and of Vinyl’s mixes. She’s really good.” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Just you wait…” I say.

I grinned as I went to play the song.

Now I predicted this sort of reaction from them. Once the song started, the sound of a piano playing emits from the speakers of the laptop. They looked at me confused. I just raised three fingers, counting down to the point where the song gets much better.


My laptop was on full volume, so the sudden instruments and lyrics startled them. Their faces scrunched up and they took a step back. I bobbed my head to the beat, just enjoying the music.

Let the fun and games begin...
She is spayed and broken in...
Skin is cold and white...
Such a lovely lonely night...

Rainbow Dash seemed to get used to it. She bobbed her head to the beat after a few seconds of loud instruments. I was singing along with the lyrics as they pass. The song soon ended, slowly fading out.

“That. Was. AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash yells throwing her hooves into the air.

"That's... interesting music you have their." says Twilight, who covered her hears through half of the music.

"It's... loud." Rarity comments. "How can you listen to such music without hurting your ears?"

I shrugged. "In today's era, there's a lot of loud music. You just get used to it after awhile."

“Do you have any more like that? Other songs?" asks Rainbow excitingly as she came just inches from my face.

I used a finger to push her back a little bit. “Maybe another time, there is more where that came from my rainbow-haired friend.”

She crossed her forlegs and pouted. “Aww…”

“That was just alternative rock my friend. I have others; Rap, Dance, Metal, Hip-hop and others.” I say.

“So. . . Michael, tell us more about you.” Twilight suggested.


After a couple hours of talking the others had to go home. We decided I can stay at Twilight’s place. They learned a lot about me; what I did for a living, what I liked, the usual.

I learned a lot from them too. I learned that Applejack lives on a farm that her family owns; they…ahem… buck apple trees and sell them to the town. She offered me a job and said I can come by whenever I want to start. Pinkie Pie owns a shop in the middle of town called Sugarcube Corner and said I should come by to try the sweets they sell. Rarity is a fashion designer and told me to come by to make me some new clothes to wear. I gladly accepted the offer. Rainbow Dash is responsible for maintaining the weather and clearing the skies in Ponyville. She is also a huge admirer of The Wonderbolts and dreams of one day joining their elite flying group. I learned that she attempted a so called “Sonic Rainboom” and succeeded. Fluttershy lives in a cottage near the Everfree and is an animal caretaker. I learned that Twilight owns the library and is the student of Princess Celestia and said she was going to write about me in one of her letters.

“So, Twilight I guess I will be sleeping in here?” I ask.

She nods “This will be your room. It’s not the best, but it is still cozy.” She points to another door that was next to my room. “That’s my room where my number one assistant, Spike, and I will be sleeping. You’ll meet him tomorrow. The last door is the bathroom.”

I nod as she explains everything to me. “Got it. I am going to take a shower tomorrow morning. I’m beat. G’night Twilight.”

“Good night Michael.” She replies.

I took the chance to take a better look around the room I was now going to sleep in. It’s an average room; clean, and looks nice. The bed was in the middle of the room and a window looking to the outside world. A nightstand sits next to it with a lamp. I put my bag next to the bed. I take off my shirt, and leave my pants on. I take my shoes and socks and place them under the bed. I take off my glasses and put them on the nightstand.

I take out my iPhone that has that I put back in my pocket minutes after explain what it was. I reach into my bag for my headphones. I go to my music library and set it to shuffle.

As I lay on my bed, I was wondering how I was going to get home. There was no logical explanation onto how I got here. Well, I can discuss it later. I'm tired, and I need some sleep. I turned off my iPhone and put it on the nightstand. I lay there looking at the bed for around five minutes.

Another thought came to mind before I drifted off to sleep: Aren't I forgetting something?

End of Chapter 3