• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 2,737 Views, 34 Comments

New World, Friends, and Life - Warrios

Michael is a human who just lives his life. Will he adapt to a land of ponies?

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Chapter 6: A Job, and a New Hobby

Chapter 6: A Job, and a New Hobby

I woke up this morning, feeling fantastic. The town of Ponyville seems to have gotten used to me. They are no longer uneasy of me; instead they see me as another one of their kind. I seemed to mesmerize the town a bit, since I was walking around with Twilight and my friends, and then Pinkie threw the ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ party. I got to know a lot of ponies, and they got to know me. It feels good to be welcomed.

I rolled off bed, do a quick stretch, and yawn. It’s going to be another day. I believe I might go visit Applejack’s place and start working. Pinkie said if I wanted another job, I can come work at Sugarcube Corner and help with the baking and orders. ‘I have to stop by Rarity’s and check to see if she has any clothes done…’ I hint myself.

I grab my shirt and my pants and head for the shower.

After my shower, I come down the stairs to the smell of something delicious hitting my nostrils. I guess somepony is cooking this morning… hey I’m getting used to the pony slang. I walk into the kitchen to find Twilight cooking breakfast. I walk up next to her and scratch behind her ears, which made her giggle.

“Good morning, Twilight.” I say.

“Morning, Michael.” she said.

“So, what’s for breakfast?” I ask. By the looks of what she’s cooking, it looks like pancakes. I love pancakes; they are so good, especially with syrup.

“I decided to make some pancakes, with no hay of course.” she replies.

“Well, they smell good, I’ll give you that.” I compliment. “Do you need any help? I need something to do this morning.”

“Some help would be delightful.”

We made pancakes for ourselves and for Spike, whenever he wakes up. Twilight decided to let him sleep in, since he is an excellent helper and number one assistant. I sit down at the table, and grab some syrup and just coat my pancakes. I look up to see Twilight giving me a disbelief look. “Uh… opps?” I say, embarrassed.

“Would you like more pancakes with your syrup?” she asks, giggling.

I roll my eyes. “Funny.”

I take my knife and fork and stab my fork into a pancake. I use my knife to cut a small piece, and I bring the food to my lips. When I take a bite, it was the most appetizing thing I have ever had. I can see Twilight glancing at me, I guess she wants to know if it was okay. I quickly grab another piece, and take another bite. “Twilight, these are the most appetizing pancakes I have ever eaten in my entire life.”

Twilight smiles. “Oh, stop it. You’re just saying that.”

I shake my head. “No, I’m serious.” I remember when I usually go to Denny’s for breakfast, and I just order some pancakes.

“This is better than what most restaurants make on my world.”

“Thanks, then.”

I smile and reply. “You’re Welcome.”

Spike comes down the stairs, yawning like crazy. Someone must have had a good sleep. He heads into the kitchen. I can hear the fridge open, glasses getting moved and then something getting poured. He comes out about two minutes later and joins us at the table.

“Good morning, Spike.” I say as he sits down. “How’d you sleep?”

“Eh…good.” he replies tiredly. He lets out another long yawn.

“Someone was up late last night.” I say with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I did stay up late, a little.”

We had a nice chat for around an hour. I help Twilight clean the dishes and clean up. I usually always help people clean. Either when I’m the guest or someone else is the guest.

“Well, I’m going to Applejacks.” I say. “I might as well start working.”

“Okay, Michael. See you later.” Twilight replies, with a sigh.

“I’ll be back.” I say in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tone of voice. Twilight gives me a flustered look. I just chuckle and head for the door. Before I walk out I grab a couple of books: ‘Equestrian History’, ‘History and Uses of Magic’, and ‘The Book to Equestrian Science’


As I walked through town, I was getting ‘Hello!’s and waves from everypony. I just smile and wave back. I watch as I walked, the ponies trotting back and forth doing their casual daily strolls to their jobs or going shopping, or just want to go for a walk. I can see Applejack’s farm up ahead so I hasten my pace.

I can see Applejack having a nice rest next to a tree, drinking from a glass of water. She smiles when she sees me approaching and waves me over with her hoof.

“G’ morning, Mike!” she says as she tips her at me in a greeting. “Ya’ here to start workin’ on the farm?”

I chuckle, and set the books down and do a quick stretch. “Eeyup! I never worked on a farm before; plus, I hear its good exercise.”

“Indeed it is!” she chuckles. “Let’s see how good ya’ are with those legs of yours.”

She walks toward a tree and beckons be move, which I oblige. She begins to explain how to buck a tree. ““Now apple bucking isn’t all about strength. It’s where ya’ deliver the kick. That’s what gets all the little apples out of the trees.” AJ demonstrates to me by using one of her back legs and kicked the truck of the tree. When she did so, rustles can be heard and a few dozen red fruit fell to the ground.

I walk up to the tree and begin to examine it. Human’s don’t have hard hooves like she does, but I had my shoes on, making the kick a little harder. Could it be the same?

“Let’s give it a try.”

I walk up to another tree that was next to the tree she bucked. I went into a ready stance for the kick; I stood on one leg and scent a fast kick to the very center of the tree, my flat foot hit the trunk; around five or so apples fell to the ground. I turned around, and looked at Applejack and shrugged.

She had an engrossed look on her face. She seemed pretty impressed. “Well ah’ll be, that’s pretty impressive for a beginner.” she states. “I believe we can keep ya’ around.”

“Let’s get to work then.” I say with a smile. She nods and we get to work.

After around ten more trees I got into the whole technique of kicking a tree to get the apples down. I didn’t really kick out that many apples due to human legs not being that strong as a pony’s. I was listening to music to pass the time. Big Mac came out and was impressed to see me working alongside Applejack buck, or in my case, kick the apples down. At some point, I was tired so she told me to help Big Mac with carrying the jugs of Apples to the barn. My shirt started to get wet from sweating so much so I took it off, showing off my toned chest. I put my shirt with my books, which were now on their porch and went back to work.

A few hours later they said I can go ahead and go home for the day, and to come back tomorrow around the same time. I thanked them and I went and walked to the park. I kept my shirt off only because I was still sweating like crazy, and my shirt was soaked with sweat. I don’t mind not wearing a shirt at all, doesn’t bother me. As I walked to the park, all the mares were eyeing me as I walked passed and started to whisper to each other.

I found a bench to sit down at. I sat, leaned back, relax and opened the book ‘Equestrian History’. I always had a side for reading, might as well get used to reading Equestrian books right? I learned a lot from books so this will be quiet easy. As I read, I learned about the three factions of ponies: The Earth pony, the Pegasi, and the Unicorn. I learned how they never really got along with each other, always arguing with each other. Then it started to snow, and the factions started to argue with each other.

There was also a section about a pony named Nightmare Moon, who was apparently, Princess Luna. ‘Hmmm… interesting…’ The section talked about how two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony across the land. Their subjects, the ponies, played in the day but "shunned" the night and slept through it, which made the younger unicorn grow bitter, eventually refusing to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. Her bitterness transformed her into a "Wicked mare of darkness", Nightmare Moon. So Princess Celestia harnessed the powers of the so called ‘Elements of Harmony’ to take down her sister and banished her to the moon. Wow that must have been hard; doing that to your own sister. Then Princess Celestia took responsibility of both the sun and the moon.

As I continued to read, I came across a entry called ‘Mare in the Moon’ which is when on the longest day of the 1000th year, the stars were going to aid Nightmare Moon’s escape and bring nighttime eternal. The day she returned, it was on a day called the ‘Summer Sun Celebration’. Princess Celestia suspiciously disappears. So, the day comes and she starts nighttime eternal. ‘What’s this…?’ I questionably thought as I read on.

…On the same day, Twilight Sparkle - Princess Celestia’s personal protégé - and her friends: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity attempt to find the Elements of Harmony and use their power to defeat Nightmare Moon. Along the way, Nightmare Moon tried to stop them in various ways.

The mares locate the Elements of Harmony in the old city ruins in the Everfree Forest. The six mares find each other’s friendships real, and each attain their own Element; they confront Nightmare Moon and transformed her back into Princess Luna, and her older sister, Princess Celestia, accepts her back with open hooves.

These six heroines, known as the Elements of Harmony, are remembered for saving Princess Luna and defeating Nightmare Moon. Applejack, earned the Element of Honesty. Pinkie Pie, earned the Element of Laughter. Rarity, earned the Element of Generosity. Rainbow Dash, earned the Element of Loyalty. Fluttershy, earned the Element of Kindness. Twilight Sparkle earned the most powerful of them all – the Element of Magic.

“Why wasn’t I told about this?...” I mumbled. I guess they either forgot to tell me, or they just didn’t want to. I should talk to Twilight about that later.

After around another hour, I decided it was around time to go to Rarity’s place and check up on my clothes. I closed the book with a loud ‘WHUMP!’ and started to my next destination.


I walked up to the door of the Carousel Boutique and opened the door. Her bell once again signaled that someone has entered her place with a ‘CHING’. I walked up to the counter and called out. “Hey Rarity! It’s Michael, you home?”

“Just a minute, darling!” I hear Rarity call out. From the inside, I hear chattering. It sounds Rarity was reasoning with another customer. My curiousness got the best of me, so I snuck up to the door way and took a closer listen to the conversations going on in the other room.

"…but, I've never felt this way before. I've read books about this kind of thing, but it's different when you experience it for real."

The first voice was obviously Rarity, which voice was easy to identify. The second voice sounds like Twilight. What are they talking about?

"Twilight, the real thing is different than what the books tell you. If you show those feelings now, you will more than likely ruin the only chance you have at happiness with him."

‘… Girl stuff.’ I thought. ‘Are they talking about a stallion that Twilight likes?’

"I guess you're right, Rarity. But when should I show my feelings towards him?"

"Darling, I couldn't tell you that. It would have to be a time when you're ready to tell him. But if you ask me, I would wait till he likes you before telling him."

I decided to stop eavesdropping and I walked back the counter resting the book on it. Twilight and Rarity come out from the other room, I smile.“Hey Rarity, and hello Twilight.”

They greeted me back happily. They also noticed that I was not wearing my shirt, which was hanging over my shoulder. I sighed. “Sorry, my shirt kind of got sweaty from working on the farm.”

“Don’t worry about it, darling.” she says with a smile.

“You have any clothes ready for me?” I ask. I then look down at my chest. “Or a shirt at least.” I would really love a new shirt by now.

“Of course!” she beams. “Wait, here I’ll go and get them.” Rarity heads back into the other room.

Twilight and I went ahead and had a chat while we waited for Rarity. A small little filly came down the stairs, oblivious that we were there and walked into the room Rarity was in. After around another minute, Rarity came back with two shirts and a pair of pants.

“These are what I have done so far. I plan on making a few more for you.” I take the shirts from her magical grasp. They are regular t-shirts. One was black, and the other was white. I grabbed the black one and put it on. Perfect fit.

“They’re perfect Rarity.” I pick her up and gave her a quick friendly hug. She did a small ‘eep!’ but accepted the hug.

“There's somepony I want you to meet.” she tells me. “Sweetie Belle! Quite hiding and come out and meet my friend, Michael!” Ahh, so the filly was acting? The same little filly that I saw come down the stairs came out from the other room. She looked a little nervous, probably because she has never seen anything like me before. I just smile, to show that I am a nice person.

“H-hello” she says. The little filly had a whiteish coat, her mane and tail was in a fancy-like style like Rarity’s, the colors were pink and light purple. She had big green eyes too.

“Hello, Sweetie Belle, my names Michael. I guess you’re Rarity’s sister?”

“Yes I am.”

“You don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m nice, I understand since I am a creature that everyone has never seen before.”

She jumped onto the couch that was in the room, sitting next to me and started to ask questions.

“What are you exactly?” she asks, curiosity in her voice.

“I am called a human. We walk on two legs, he don’t have fur like you all have; just hair on our heads.”

“How do you stay warm, then?”

“Well, we make ourselves clothes that keep us warm. On really cold days, like during the winter, we wear clothes called sweaters or jackets and those keep us warm during the winter.”

She kept asking questions for the next twenty or so minutes. All on what we do, what we can make and so on. I happily answered her questions, and her eyes seem to just be lit with curiosity.

“You know… my class has a show-and-tell tomorrow.” She says. “Can you be my show and tell, buddy?”

“Sweetie I don’t think that’s a-” Rarity was going to protest on her suggestion but I raised a hand to interrupt her.

“I don’t mind at all Rarity. I’m sure the little ones around the town are curious about me but their parents probably won’t let them near me.” I smiled back at Sweetie Belle. “I don’t mind being a part of the show-and-tell class. I’m sure your teacher won’t mind too.”

“Well… alright then.”

“Yay!” Sweetie Belle jumps and hugs me tightly. I laugh and hug her back.

“I’ll come by tomorrow and pick you up and we can walk to the school then.”


I approached Rarity’s place then next morning to get Sweetie Belle and go to her school for a show-and-tell. Before I can even reach the door, Sweetie Belle came out with a saddlebag on her back. She runs up to me, grinning from ear to ear.

“Good morning, Michael!” she greets.

“Good morning, Sweetie Belle. Are you ready for school?” I ask.

“Yes!” she started to hop around me in a circle, saying yes over and over again.

‘So. Freaking. Cute.’ I thought to myself.

We walked through Ponyville, getting greetings from everyone we passed. Sweetie Belle kept rambling about how this day was going to be great. She looked up at the clock and gasped.

“Sweetie Belle?” I ask. “What’s wrong?”

“We are going to be late! How are we going to get there now?”

I got an idea.

“I have an idea.”

“What’s that?” she asks curiously. I put on a smile.

“Hold on.”

I then picked her up, and she let out a really cute squeal as I did so. I put her under my arms and sprinted toward the school.

We arrived at the school gates, and I put the little filly down at my feet. I was puffing and panting. “Piece *pant* of *pant* cake.” I was trying my best to catch my breath, putting my hands on my knees.

“That was awesome!” she said amazed and hugged my legs. “Come one, let’s head inside.”

I walked up to the doors and opened them and beckoned her to go in first. She happily trotted inside and went to put her bag next to her desk. I stayed back, unnoticed by the class or the teacher. I looked around the room to see paintings on the walls, some with hoof prints on them, others are drawings. There was a chalkboard at the front of the class with the teacher’s desk in front of it. Fillies and colts sat at the desks, all with different color coats, waiting for their teacher to speak.

A purple female pony was sitting at the desk, absorbed by work on her desk. She has pinkish color to her mane, green eyes, and three flowers on her flank. She then stood up and looked at the class.

“Good morning class.” She greets, a big smile on her face.

“Good morning, Miss Cheerilee.” The whole class says in unison. So that’s her name.

“Today, we are going to have a show and tell, then we will go out for recess and after we will do some math problems.” Miss Cheerilee said happily, the class cheered.

She scanned the room, and every little filly and colt had something to show the class on her desk.

Except for Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle, did you bring something to show the class today?” she asks.

I decided to speak up. “She didn’t bring something, but she did bring someone.” I stepped away from the corner I was in and showed myself to the class. The whole class gasped seeing me in their classroom.

“Well, hello. I didn’t expect to see someone like you before.” Cherrilee said. “I’m Miss Cheerilee, and welcome to the school in Ponyville.”

I smile to the whole class. “It’s great to be here. I’m Michael, Michael Scott. Everyone calls me Mike.”

“Well, I guess you can be first for show and tell today.” She says.

Cheerilee turned and started to write names on the blackboard with some chalk that she held in her mouth. Her writing was beautiful, all curly and stuff. Just like any other female teacher.

“Sweetie Belle, you can go first today.” I saw Sweetie Belle’s eyes go wide, but put on a confident smile.

The little filly and I went and stood my Cheerilee’s desk, and we faced the class.

“This is Michael.” Sweetie announced to the class.

“Hello, Michael.” The class chant back.

“Michael is the nicest guy anypony will meet. He helps just about anypony, plays games, and from what I heard, can cook too. He even got me here on time today when we thought we were going to be late.”

I shrug and chuckle.

“You can get about anywhere with these legs.”

“Why don’t you tell the class about yourself, Mike?” Sweetie Belle gave me a nudge with her snout on my leg.

I step towards the eager class, their eyes looked like they were full of questions; just like the day I met Twilight and the others.

“As you all know, my name is Michael.” I start. “Any questions?” A hoof shot up in the middle of the set of desks. “Yes, you in the middle.”

“What are you?” asks a small red filly.

“I am what we call a human. We walk on two legs, we don’t have any fur all over our body like you all do; we just have hair on our head, and we grow hair on our chests if you are male. We wear clothes all the time to keep us warm, and other obvious reasons.”

Another hoof shot up in the front row, it was a colt with a light blue coat. “Yes, you?”

“Where are you from?” he asks.

“I come from a different world.” At that statement, I get a few gasps from the class. “I’m not dangerous though, I am the nicest human you can meet.”

A hoof came up from the back row, an orange colt. “What do you eat?”

‘Here we go…’ “We are omnivores, which mean we eat plants and meat.” I got looks of horror and fear. “But! I do not eat meat anymore. Not in this world, I can eat fruits and veggies and still live.”

I sighed in relief when the class seemed to calm down.

A purple hoof came from a small filly. “What’s on your back?”

I take off my bag, and show it to the class. “This is what we use to carry thing around in. It is very similar to the saddlebags you all carry on your backs.”

I opened my bag and took out my laptop. The class seemed to be curious about the strange device; even Miss Cherrilee was interested.

“I can see you all are interested in this. This is something we make back on my world. This is called a laptop.”

I then begin to explain what the laptop was; what it does, what it can do, similar thing I told the girls. I turned it on to get the class even more interested. “Who wants to hear some music?” I ask.

The class cheered.

After around three minutes of playing music, the music was over.

The class was dancing to the music, even Miss Cherrilee. They bobbed their heads to the beat. Two fillies didn’t look like they were having any fun though.

“I can see you all liked that.”

“Yes!” they cheered.



“Well class it’s time for recess.” Miss Cheerilee announces.

“Well, that was fun.” I say. It was just me and the teacher in the room.

Miss Cheerilee, giggled and retorted. “I concur. That was good music.” She paused for a minute and looked up at me. “You know, I never seen Sweetie Belle be so happy in her life. I think you should be with her more often.”

“She seems to have fun around me, I’ll give ya that.” I respond. “I’ll keep that in mind. I always have fun around the kids, ya know. I used to always volunteer at a school and help the teacher teach the class; and help the students with any problems in their work.”

She seemed to perk up when I told her this. “Really?” I nod. “Well, I do need some extra help around the children; do you want to become my assistant?”

I was really excited now. A job and a hobby, I am seriously going to like it here now. “I would love to be your assistant.”
She literally jumped up and down in joy. I laughed, because all the ponies look adorable when they do it.

“I’ll be outside.”

“Sure thing, Michael.”

When I went out the door, I went onto the playground and looked for Sweetie Belle. All of the fillies and colts were playing with each other, having fun. Some ponies were sitting at picnic tables. I found Sweetie Belle with two other fillies; they were walking to the two fillies that did not seem to like the music. When I got closer, I can hear them talking. The two ponies normal ponies. One’s coat was a faded pink and her cutie mark showed a tiara. Her mane and tail were styled in a very prim design, the colors being thick stripes of white and faded violet. The other’s coat was gray while her cutie mark was a silver spoon with a red gem embedded in the end. Her mane and tail were a lighter shade of gray, also styled into a classic form. She also wore blue-rimmed glasses and a pearl necklace. As they both had their backs turned, I could not make out their eye colors. The two that were with Sweetie Belle, I believe were her friends, one was a Pegasus and the other looked like a normal pony. The normal pony had a light yellow shade to her coat. Her mane’s color was a shade of red, wrapped with a pinkish bow. The Pegasus had an orange coat, with purple eyes. Her mane was purple in a style like Rainbow Dash’s mane. Both of them bad blank flanks.

“I don’t know why you even keep trying, Apple Bloom. It’s been awhile since you founded the so-called ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’ and you STILL haven’t found your cutie mark! Just accept it. You’re blank flanks for life.” I heard the pink filly boast, I immediately disliked her tone.

The Pegasus speaks up, “What makes you think that?! Maybe we just haven’t found out special talents yet! EVERYPONY gets a cutie mark some point in their life! It just takes time to find ours!” Her tone was just like Rainbow Dash’s: a tomboyish type of tone.

The gray one speaks up this time. “I wouldn’t be sure. I have seen an old man without a cutie mark. What makes you think you could if he didn’t?” she said in taunting manner.

“Well I don’t believe you.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Maybe we should go ask him if he wants to join your club as a Crusader. Right, Spoon?” these bullies started to giggle with each other.

Alright, I had enough. I was a victim of bullying at points in my life, and I would not tolerate this kind of foolishness. I snuck up behind the two fillies, my shadow covering their sun.

“Wha…” she stopped laughing and looked up at me. Sweetie Belle was happy to see me and her friends were surprised. I did not have a pleased look on my face. I had an antagonizing look. I stood there towering over them, with my arms crossed. I guess these two did not expect me to intervene their little bully session.

“You know… I’m a nice person to everypony; but when someone starts to bully someone else, especially a filly that I am great friends with, you gets on my bad side. I suggest you leave these three alone, before this gets ugly.” I did not falter in my words. I made sure they can get the subtle point and take a hike.

“What’s it to you? I am telling the truth!” the filly with the tiara yelled. She started to attract some attention from the others on the playground.

“Do you think they want to be reminded they don’t have any cutie marks? I know one day, they will have their cutie marks. You were a blank flank at one point, correct?” I began to have a smirk form on my lips.

She grumbled something I couldn’t make out.

“Well, I’m sure you were bullied too at one point. I know what it felt like to be the one receiving all the hate, and getting laughed at. They will get their marks one day, I know it. We all have a talent we don’t know we are good at, and when we realize it, we cherish what we are good at.”

“That doesn’t mean anything!” said the pink one with the glasses.

“Well, since I can’t get the point into any of you.” I squat down, and get into their faces. I snicker and say. “Detention after school. Both of you.”

“You don’t have any right to do that!” the gray one said.

“In fact I do. You are now yelling at your teacher’s assistant. So that gives me some some authority to do what I want with you children; and so as I said: Detention after school.

The two fillies seem to be steaming with anger; they let out an ‘Hmp!’ and raise their snouts into the air and walk off. “I expect to see you two there!” I yell out to them. The children were laughing their flanks off.

“Whatever you say, blank flank!” the pink one yells.

I just laugh and shout back. “Human’s don’t get cutie marks! We have a lot of talents anyway!”

I turned toward the three fillies. They both were gazing at me in astonishment. “You three alright?” I ask.

The Pegasus jumped, “That was awesome!”

The regular pony jumped to, “I agree! That was really awesome, Mister Michael!”

I laugh at the three cute fillies. “Just call me Michael. I don’t like others getting bullied. It’s just plain wrong.”

“I believe we are going to be mutual enemies from now on.” I retort and grinned. “Anyway, Sweetie Belle. Who are your friends?”

The one with a bow stepped forward, “The name’s Apple Bloom. And this Scootaloo. But if ya want, you can call us…”

The three fillies suddenly got very close together and shouted in unison, “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!”

I chuckle at the cuteness in front of me. I took a moment to think over their title in my head. “So… You three are on a crusade to discover your unique talents so you can acquire your cutie marks?”

Applebloom grinned, “Yup! We try everythin’ we can to see if we can get our quite marks!”


“Looks like it’s time to get back to class girls.” I say and we walk back to the schoolhouse.

Back inside the classroom, Cheerilee was teaching the class, well, math. It was pretty simple, Addition, Subtraction, Division, and Multiplication. I stood near Sweetie Belle’s desk and looked at the book that they were using. Later in the lesson, Cheerilee asked the class to open their math books and do pages twenty to thirty. Sweetie Belle was getting confused on multiplication, so I helped her by showing her an example. 5x5: I showed her that five was the original number, and five is how many you have of it. I even showed her that you can put it as five plus five plus five plus five plus five and get the answer twenty-five. Miss Cheerilee asked me to help the class is they needed it. When I asked if anyone needed any help a lot of hooves shot up. ‘Time to get to work…’ Its fun teaching kids; I love it here.

I returned to the library, pretty late. I walked through the door to find Twilight sleeping on the couch with a book sitting on her chest, soft little snores escaping her snout. I chuckled and decided to take her to her bed. I went and picked up the book, and grabbed her bookmark and placed it where she left off. I then put Twilight in my arms. She squirmed a bit, trying to find the ground, but she stayed asleep. I walked up to her room and opened the door gently. I walked to her bed and moved the covers and placed the sleeping Twilight in the bed. I tucked her in, She sighed, happily and snuggled into the covers and continued to snore. I tip-toed to the door and closed it behind me.

I went to my room and put my bad next to the nightstand. I took out my phone and placed it on the nightstand, with my headphones. I took off my shirt and pants and hung them on a chair that was in the room. I climbed into bed and laid my head on the pillows. Slowly, I let sleep overcome me. I was thinking what my life will continue to be like, and bow I believe it is going to be fantastic.

Then I finally went to sleep

End of Chapter 6