• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 2,735 Views, 34 Comments

New World, Friends, and Life - Warrios

Michael is a human who just lives his life. Will he adapt to a land of ponies?

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Chapter 4: A Awkward Morning

Chapter 4: A Awkward Morning

Twilight sat in her room with a quill and scroll in front of her writing to her teacher – Princess Celestia


Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you about a strange creature my friends and I encountered two days ago.

We were having a nice picnic when we heard a loud scream near the borders of the Everfree Forest, so we went to investigate. We were expecting a pony, but what we saw really shocked us. It was a creature lying on the ground that seemed to have knocked himself out running away from something. It was wearing clothes and had a strange bag on its back. So we decided to take it back to my library.

Two days later, it awoke. I heard a loud crash from the room that I set it, it startled me so I ran over to investigate what said crash was. My friends were there with me, so once I saw it was awake, I went to notify them that the creature was awake. It was oblivious to where it was. He (we found out it was a male after he started to speak and... observations left unsaid) is a bipedal creature called a ‘Human’ or ‘Homo Sapien’. Humans are a intelligent species and they are technologically advanced. His name is Michael Scott, or Mike for short. He was really nice, calm and cooperative, answering all the questions we had asked him. He says he is from another planet called ‘Earth’ similar to ours. The Humans don’t have magic and can’t fly, they use these mechanical machines that fly in the air to transport them by air. Michael was just going home from an errand when he drove into some sort of strange fog, and appeared in the middle of the Everfree.

He resides in my library since we didn’t want him to stay on the streets. I would like to you meet him.

I await your response

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle


Twilight checked the letter twice. She smiled and nodded, putting it in Spike’s bed for him to send in the morning. Walking to her bed, she used her magic to move the blankets, and jumped inside putting the covers over her. She stared at the ceiling, letting her thoughts plague her mind.

Will Ponyville accept him, or will they just cower in their houses like the time when her zebra friend, Zecora, came to town and the whole place would be deserted. How did he get here? He said he just showed up in the Everfree and wandered around until they found him near the edge of said forest.

Another question came to mind: Will he be staying? Or will he want to go back home, where he was born and where he adapted to the environment he was used to.

All will have to wait in the morning.

Twilight closed her eyes and let sleep overcome her.



“…Alright, I’m up! I’m up!” My watches’ beeping woke me up from a really peaceful slumber.

I opened my eyes to be staring at the roof. I sat up, yawned and stretched my arms. I looked at my surrounds to be in a strange room. I bolted upright looking around the room I sat in. Where was I? This isn’t my room! Oh… right. I almost forgot I’m no longer on Earth.

I got out of bed and opened the windows to let some air in. I looked out to the beautiful town called Ponyville. How will the town adapt to a being such as myself? It seemed this world has never had a human before. What will they think; that I am some sort of tall monster there to eat everyone, or that I am a friendly person that is here on a friendly visit. Hell, the town might be curious about me.

…Knock Knock Knock…

“I’m up. Come on in.” I say to the visitor at my room’s door.

I can hear the door creak open, and the sounds of hoofsteps coming in to my room. I turn around to see Twilight walking in. “Good Morning, Twilight.” I greet as Twilight walks into my room.

“Good morning, I was just coming to come wake you up.” she replies.

I look down to see I am not wearing a shirt, showing my toned chest. I usually go to the gym and lift weights, run, and exercise to keep myself in shape. “Erm… I hope you don’t mind me not wearing my shirt, at the moment.”

She cocks her head to the side, with a confused look on her face. “Why are you asking that? We are naked all the time; we only wear clothes on special occasions.”

“Well, we humans wear clothes all the time to keep us warm and we never expose ourselves in public, its illegal back where I'm from.” I reply shifting on my feet nervously.

“Why is it illegal?” she asks, with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

I sighed uneasily, she has a lot of questions and this was a really awkward one to answer. “Let’s just say… we don’t like to expose our private body parts.”

She raised a eyebrow at me. “I’d rather not explain… can we drop it?”

Twilight still didn't get it, but nods, letting us drop the subject.

I grab my shirt that was hanging on the edge of the bed. “Do you have a place to wash clothes? My shirt sort of has... I think sap on it.” I ask observing my black shirt. The stain on my shirt was caramel brown, with some dirt sticking to the strange substance.

Her horn starts to glow and she takes my shirt into her magical grasp. “Don’t worry. I can use my magic to clean it.” As she says this, a flash of light surrounds my shirt and blinds me for a few seconds. As my vision returns, my shirt is clean as a whistle.

I let out a whistle at her doing. “Damn! I wish it was this easy at home. Thanks, Twilight. Give me a few minutes to settle in real quick and get a shower done and I will be downstairs in a few.”

Twilight nods and says she will be downstairs getting breakfast ready. Just as she turns to leave she looks back at me and asks, “Oh by the way – What do humans usually eat?”

Uh oh. Error 404. Brains doesn't know how to answer this question. Well, I don’t lie…

“I’m going to be honest with you, Twilight.” I start. “Humans are omnivores. We eat meat: chicken, fish, pork, and beef.” Twilight’s look was of fear and horror. “BUT! There is a but, Twilight. We also eat fruits and vegetables. I can go without meat.” She relaxed a bit knowing that I can survive just on fruits and veggies. I can just imagine them thinking I ate ponies… *shiver*

“We don’t eat hay or grass though. Not even flowers. I think it’s because we can’t digest them. I don’t know.” I quickly add. I can see me eating those… I would probably be vomiting as soon as I tasted it.

“Alright then, I’ll be downstairs” she says. She closes the door behind her and I hear her walk away. God, I hope I didn’t scar her… envisioning me eating them…. *gag!*

I grab my shirt and walk out the door to the bathroom. I close the door behind me. The bathroom was like any other average bathroom, expect for everything being a tad bit... smaller. A sink sat to my right with a mirror above it, two toothbrushes, one being green and the other purple, a hair brush and a few other bathroom items. I walked to the shower and turned the knob to warm. I took my pants and boxers off and put them on a counter. I stood there for a few minutes to let the water warm up. I put my hand under to test the warmth and then stepped inside.

I let the warm water do down my body. I looked around for some shampoo. On a small rack near the end of the shower were a few bottle of several different colors, red, blue, yellow and a few others. I guessed they were the shampoo, so I picked up the red bottle and opened the cap, and took a sniff. The sent smelled like strawberries. I picked up another bottle with the color purple, and it smelled like grape. I shrugged and chose the grape scented shampoo. I squirted a small amount onto my hands and began to wash my hair.

I decided to sing a song as the time passed.

“...Talk is cheap, give me your word,”

“You can keeeeeeep,”

“'Cause I'm Halfway Gone, and I'm on my way,”

“I've got a feeling, feeling, feeling this way,”

“'Cause you're halfway in but don't take to long,”

“'Cause i'm halfway gone, I'm half way gooone,”

I hummed the rest of the song as I washed myself. I grabbed a sponge that sat next to a contain that said 'soap' using it like a wash cloth to wash my body.

“Uhh...” What the hell was that?

I look to my left to see Twilight in the room, with a few towels on her back and a deep red blush on her face. Her eyes trailed downward, looking down right at my…

“Ahh!” I grab the shower curtain and put it around my midsection. Twilight looked the other way. “Uhhh… this is awkward… Can I help you?” I ask chuckling nervously. I don't know if it was from the shower, but I can feel heat in my face.

“I was just bringing you some towels since there are none in here…” she says looking for something to look at in the room other than me. I look to where my shirt was hanging to see no towels. I can feel my face getting hotter by each passing second.

“Uhh… thanks I guess… give you give me a minute to dry myself and I’ll be out…” I say uneasily. My face must look like a freaking tomato.

“…Yeah….sure…” She puts the towels next to the shower and bolts out of the room faster than you can say Jack Robinson.

*Sigh* let’s get ready for an awkward day…


I finished my shower and got dressed. I got my iPhone from my room and went down stairs to find a STILL blushing Twilight sitting at a table with three bowls of what looked like cereal. I can see a small purple reptilian looking creature standing there eyeing me as I come down the stairs.

I smile as I approach. “You must be Spike. Twilight has told a lot about you. Names Michael Scott, but you can just call me Mike.” I squat down to his height and hold my hand out. He glares at my hand for a minute before putting his… claw in it and we shake hands.

“Yep, that’s me; great to meet you Michael.” He smiles at each other, he then points to the bowl at the end of the table.

“That’s your bowl. I wasn’t sure what to make, so I just made some cereal. I hope you don’t mind.”

I laugh. I don’t mind cereal at all. “It’s cool bro. I don’t mind.”

I did a double take, "Don't take this the wrong way - but what are you?"

"Oh, I'm a dragon. I'm just a baby though. Twilight hatched me with her magic and I was made her assistant." Spike says.

"A dragon, eh?" I smile down at him. "Cool. Where I'm from, dragons don't exist."

I take my seat and take a bite. Hmm… it tastes like Cherrios. “Heh, this takes a kind of cereal we have back at home call ‘Cherrios’ and its pretty good.” I compliment.

I put on my headphones and put on the song: Smack Down, by Thousand Foot Krutch.

“What’s that?” asks Spike, pointing a claw at my iPhone.

“This is what’s called a ‘smart phone’ from my world. It’s called an iPhone. Those inventions that make you call to long distance places; but with this, I can go online, listen to music, watch videos, text people – texting is like writing a letter but I can use a keyboard that’s build in, and send it from anywhere - and play games. I guess you can call it a ‘mini-computer.” I explain. “And these-” I point to the headphones on my head. “- are devices I put into computers, phones, laptops and other devices to listen to music and videos. Only I can hear what I’m listening too, unless I give them too someone that wants to listen.”

I took another bite of my cereal. I looked at Twilight, who was still blushing, but not as deeply during the...incident. I think she can't get the image out of her head. She avoided looking at me as she ate her breakfast. Spike has been observing us both as we ate. He seems to know something happened. He asks us, “What happened upstairs?”

“Nothing!” Twilight and I respond at the same time.

“Listen,” I start. “Don’t be upset. You didn’t know. I’m honestly not mad. Now you know what a bare-ass naked male human looks like.” I laugh at the end of my comment.

Spike caught on to what happened and started to laugh is ass off. Soon we all just laughed with him.

"By the way... who sings in the shower?" Twilight asks as we calmed down.

"People that love to pass the time while taking a shower." I reply as I gulp down the milk from my bowl.


We enjoyed our breakfast and chatted for quite awhile. Spike got to listen to a song since he was curious about human music. I had to explain just about everything back to him that I told the others. I didn’t mind though. I like teaching.

“So,” I begin. “What’s first on today’s agenda Twilight?”

“Well, I can give you a tour of the town. Then later for lunch we can stop by Pinkies since she wants you to try their delicious sweets they bake.”

“Let’s get to it then.”

And so we went out the door. I had my bag with me, just to carry my laptop around with me and a few pens and such.

Now to see the town of Ponyville, and hope nobody fears me this time.

End of chapter 4