• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 46,041 Views, 517 Comments

Bitterness - PLCTheCd

Twilight Sparkle show resentment towards her friends and family at the wedding.

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Waking Up

Waking Up

Twilight woke up in cold sweat, she felt like her head is spinning as she struggles to get up on her bed. She felt groggy, as if she’s been asleep for a whole year. Then, she remembered her dream.

“Could they’ve simply abandon me so easily?” She pondered, the young mare turned to her left and stared at her dress Rarity had made. It was meant to be worn with her at the wedding as the maid of honor, emphasis on was.

She remembered how Rarity went back, trying to gather the dresses even though the invasion took place. Did her friend actually cared more about the clothes than the lives of nearly everypony?

In a tearful rage, Twilight levitated her dress and with some effort, ripped the fabric in half before collapsing again in tears.

Then, not wanting anyone to enter her room, she casted a barrier outside of her door before resuming to wallow in her misery. It only lasted for about a minute when she heard a voice outside of her door.

“Twilight, baby?” Her mother’s voice called through the barrier. “Please, lower the barrier and open the door!”

“It’s us sweetie,” Her father added, “We just came to check on you!”

“I’m fine, just leave me alone.” Twilight yelled, “I just want some alone time.”

“It doesn’t sound like you’re fine,” Twilight Velvet countered, “We just want to check on you after the Changeling attack.”

“What about the others?” Night Light asked, “Did anyone else checked on you?”

At first, Twilight didn’t say anything, before she answered through a choking sob.


“What do you mean, ‘no?’” Night Light asked, rightfully confused. “What on earth are you talking about? What did you mean, they didn’t check on you?”

“I guess you didn’t asked Princess Celestia or Shining Armor then.” Twilight muttered.

“No, we haven’t,” Her mother replied, “We arrived at the palace and immediately looked for you.”

Twilight Sparkle leaned her back against the magical barrier that was blocking the door, before sitting on the floor. She begins pondering if she should explain or not; after a few good seconds, she decide to go with the former.

“I will explain what happened as long as I can keep the door closed,”

“That’s fine Twilight honey,” her mother said, “We just want to know what happened,”

The unicorn, took a deep breath and begins:

“It all started out when my friends and I arrived in Canterlot, at first I was mad that Shining Armor announced the wedding under such short notice until I found out his bride is my old baby sitter, Princess Cadence or rather the Changeling Queen disguised as her. I was then overjoyed seeing her again, but she acted like a completely new pony. Princess Cadence didn’t remember our old hoofshake and acted rude towards my friends. I confronted my friends about it, but they’ve shrugged it off. Then, I saw her casting a strange spell on my brother, I galloped to the reception and called the fake Princess Cadence evil. Suffice to say, Shining Armor defended her saying it was all just the stress and kicked me out of the wedding and my friends and Princess Celestia left me.”

After finishing her tale, neither one of the parents said anything at first. She could imagine their eyes widening and their jaws dropping as both of them seemed shocked from Twilight’s story. Her father was the first to find his voice back.

“They simply left you?” Night Light said, completely shocked, “No one ever checked on you?”

“Judging by the way they left me, no,” She replied, “I was left alone, suffer for my dumb mistake, and that’s when the fake Cadence arrived. I tried apologizing to her, and sent me to the caverns while taunting me that no one will look for me.”

She then heard her mother gasping.

“What on earth were they doing then?” Twilight Velvet demanded, “Friends and family fight all the time, but for no one bother to check on you?”

Despite neither of her parents seeing it, Twilight shrugged out of instinct, and replied:

“They were probably too busy with the wedding I guess, if I haven’t found the real Cadence, I wouldn’t be here.”

She then heard her mother gasping and her father snorting in anger.

“Well that settles it!” Night Light exclaimed, “I will give the others pieces of our minds! Shining Armor maybe a grown stallion, but he’s still getting disciplined like a colt!”

“Wait, there’s one more thing I should tell both of you!”

“What is it?”

“During the invasion, when we were captured by the Changelings, the Queen gloated that if only they’ve listened to me, this wouldn’t happened. Applejack apologized to me, but it was too little, too late and yelled at them that Equestria is doomed thanks to all of them. If it wasn’t for the real Cadence waking up Shining Armor and casted their spell, sending the Changelings flying to Creator knows where. If Cadence didn't snapped Shining out of it, then the Changeling Queen would've won, and we wouldn't be here with me telling this. Afterwards, I told everypony that I wanted to sever ties with everyone. Everyone tried to apologize and take it back, but I said that it was too late and that each and every one of them is selfish that only wanted to use me. Then, Shining Armor went after me then I called him a ‘Gelding!’”

Twilight Velvet turned to Night Light and whispered to him.

“Honey, I thought you agreed not to swear around Twilight!”

“Well, what am I supposed to say whenever I stubbed my hoof or see the bill?!”

“Then how did Twilight learned that language?”

The two then heard their daughter calling out on them:

“But what if I was wrong? That the Changeling Queen never existed and it really was Cadence into stress? You must be so disappointed in me right now, both of you.”

“Calm down dear,” Twilight Velvet said her daughter, “We’re not disappointed at you.”

“Even after what I did?”

“Well, we’re still on your side either way,” Night Light said, “We may not agree on what you did, nor do we agree with the others, still you suffered enough, and we’re here for you.”

“We’re going to talk to them but before we, can you at least give us proof that you’re okay?” Her mother asked.

She looked around and saw the dress she ripped before, the young unicorn picked the pieces up with her teeth, and opened her door to see her parents’ faces for the first time since their visit.

Both her mother and father saw the bloodshot eyes on their daughter. Twilight Velvet gasped and put a hoof on her muzzle before her own eyes starting to shed tears. She shushed and hugged her to calm her daughter down.

“Twilight, we’re here for you.”

“Get some rest, Twilight,” Her father said patting her on the shoulder. “This will be over in a minute.”

Twilight watched them depart before going back to bed. As she closed her eyes again, the voice beckoned her again.

Can you really trust them?

“They’re my own parents after all, of course I can trust them.”

Just like how you trusted your friends, the princess, and your brother?

“It’s different this time, they told me they’re with me.”

Even Spike?

Twilight was quiet for a moment then said, “Spike didn’t have a choice,”

He always had a choice, just like the rest of them. Even if your parents sided with you, what makes you so sure that they’ll respect your wish of never wanting to see them again?

“I, never thought about that,” Twilight hesitantly replied to herself, “I did said to them that I want end everything here and there.”

Your parents may still love you, but would they still defend you even if you were wrong?

“My parents said they’ll take care of it, and so what if they want me to reconcile to all of those I once called friends, mentor, and brother?”

Run away…


“Speak of the devil,” Rainbow Dash called out after peeking out her window, “There she is.”

“What should we do then?” Fluttershy asked, “We don’t want the same thing to happen like last time.”

“I’ll do the talking first,” Princess Cadence said to them, “Then her parents can speak to her,”

“What about the rest of us?” Spike asked popping out in the middle, “I should be with her!”

Princess Cadence stopped to think for a moment, then sighed and turned towards him.

“You can follow with us then,” The pink Alicorn replied much to the baby dragon’s joy. “I believe Twilight can forgive you.”

“What makes it for the rest of us?” Her groom asked dejectedly. “I should be with her too, begging.”

“And what, get called a ‘gelding’ again?” Princess Cadence bitterly joked, as Shining Armor cringed. “This goes for the rest of you as well, Auntie.”

“But we can’t simply stand there, my dear niece,” Princess Celestia said, “I only want to make things right, not just Twilight but for Equestria as well.”

“We shouldn’t rush at her all at once then, your highness,” Rarity suggested, “Perhaps Princess Cadence is onto something, and knows a more about it than the rest of us.”

Princess Celestia turned to her niece and said to her, “We will follow your lead, Cadence.”

As both Princess Cadence and Twilight’s parents went outside, Princess Celestia turned to speak with the others.

“We must choose out words carefully, lest we suffer the same response.”

Outside, Twilight saw Princess Cadence, her parents, and Spike, all coming out of the door of Shining Armor’s room in the castle and heading towards her.

“Twilight, why are you here outside?” Princess Cadence called out, “Shouldn’t you be at your room?”

“I’m fine, Princess Cadence,” Twilight replied starring at her front hooves, “I just want to be alone in Ponyville.”

After hearing Twilight Sparkle’s response, the group’s eyes widened and said nothing. No one expected to hear Twilight to leave so soon, especially to what happened to her. Everyone was silent until her mother manage to say.

“P-ponyville?” Twilight Velvet stammered, “F-for how long and what about the wedding?”

“I just want some alone time, at my home,” She replied, gesturing to her saddlebags, “I’m already packed up and besides, I don’t feel like being around Canterlot any longer.”

Spike stepped forward, getting the purple unicorn’s attention.

“What about me Twilight? Am I no longer welcome with you?” Spike asked, “I realized that I should’ve stayed with you but will you yell at me like the others?”

She simply stared at the baby dragon before sighing and sadly smiling.

“No, you’re fine with me Spike,” The mare replied, hugging him, “I just want some alone time and left your stuff at our room. You understand right?”

The baby dragon nodded sadly, “I don’t blame you at all, Twilight, but are you sure you will be fine alone?”

“I was stuck at the caverns for a bit,” She bitterly joked, “But I hope so too,”

Both Twilight Velvet and Night Light looked at each other as if they were communicating each other telepathically, then Night Light sighed and spoke to her daughter.

“We shall respect your decision then,” Her father said, “We will be taking care of Spike on your behalf while you’re away.”

“Thank you mom and dad,” Twilight Sparkle hugged her parents again, “I’m really glad that I’m on your side.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight Velvet laughed, “We should be glad that you’re on our side instead!”

“We won’t stop you Twilight, but I’m not sure what the others think.” Princess Cadence said, “I’m going to miss you as my maid of honor.”

“I’m sure you will manage like when you were the Changeling Queen’s hostage,” She said, nuzzling her foal sitter. “I must be going now, I need to get to the train station.”


The young mare turned around and sees her brother and her friends. Twilight begins to glare again.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Twilight muttered to them, “If I didn’t accept your apology before, what makes you think I will accept yours now?”

“Twilight, we just want to tell you that none of us wanted this to happen!” Applejack pleaded, “We’ve done goofed, we get it, but would you really be sore at us for the rest of yer life?”

“Then what did you wanted?” Twilight bitterly asked, “And as for me being sore at you for the rest of my life, we should wait and see…”

“All we wanted to have is a super-duper great time is all.” Pinkie Pie added, “Not being all sad and mopey like we are right now.”

“Well you can all have a great time without me…”

Before anypony can protest or say anything, Twilight galloped away before teleporting in front of their eyes.

Author's Note:

Sorry everyone, it took me a long time than I expected. I thought that the year 2015 would be the time for more chapters. Alas, it's anything but, with all the job searching and Steam games I've been playing has prevented me from posting a new chapter. But without further ado, here's another long awaited chapter everyone!

12/28/16: Edited THanks Nom DePLume!