• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 46,100 Views, 517 Comments

Bitterness - PLCTheCd

Twilight Sparkle show resentment towards her friends and family at the wedding.

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The Announcement

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but stare at the Wonderbolts stallion coming closer towards her as the Apple Family, Luna, Maud, and others coming to meet their respective hosts.

"Sister, what exactly what is going on?" Luna asked, "Our subjects are equally confused from this."

Before Princess Celestia could reply, Night Light and Twilight Velvet stepped in.

"It is a long story your highness, because it's best for Princess Celestia explain this to you." Night Light replied to Luna before turning to Celestia. "You might want everypony know what's been going on."

"Yes, of course," Princess Celestia nodded glumly, "I must speak to you in private sister, in fact, I think it's for the best that I will let everypony speak to their loved ones in private."

Twilight Velvet nodded back, "In the meantime, we will go check on our son and hope-to-be daughter-in-law."

But before the couple walked towards Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, Twilight's mother turned back one more time. "We forgot to tell you this, but my husband and I haven't told them because we thought it would lead to a better outcome than what happened to the reception."

The alicorn of the night raised a brow as Twilight's parents walked away. Before she can question her sister or Twilight Velvet, Princess Celestia got everypony's attention by walking into the center of the roon.

"Attention subjects," the white alicorn announced, "I am glad you are all safe from the changeling invasion, and I understand you are all equally anxious and confused to see your loved ones and how transpired to the events respectively."

"Yer darn tootin' right your highness!" Granny Smith hollered out, but was grabbed by her grandson. "Whoops, pardon the excitement but go on ahead."

"Thank you, I believe it's best for your own loved ones to explain to all of you on what happened… in private." The alicorn continued, grabbing the attention of Twilight's friends. "I will give them all instructions privately before they can speak to you, your questions will soon be answered, and that includes you too dear Luna.

Their eyes widen in surprised and confusion, as they turned to look at her to confirm if they are hearing correctly. The five walked towards Princess Celestia as their loved ones waited.

"Beg yer pardon?" Applejack asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, won't they be angry at us like Twilight did?" Pinkie Pie added.

"It's better than what happened with Twilight at the reception," Princess Celestia spoke quietly, while not a whisper, but quiet enough to not gain the attention of everyone in the room. "If not for ours' sake or our loved ones, then for Twilight."

Twilight's friends didn't say anything but looked at each other with unease, they weren't sure how the others would handle on what transpired the invasion of Canterlot in the first place.

"All of you, Shining Armor, and I do not wish to end up like Twilight but we must not copy her mistakes." Celestia added, "We must be tactful."

Rainbow Dash became the first to accept the challenge as she flew up.

"We may have let Twilight down, but we won't let the others this time!" The Pegasus mare said. "You can count on us!"

"I suppose we can be more delicate than how we treated Twilight." Rarity said with a shrug. "But how will we start?"

"Maybe we can start asking them what they wanted to know first?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Great idea!" Rainbow Dash enthusiastically cheered, "Maybe that will get them knowing before we can get to the tough part."

"Then it is settled," Princess Celestia said, "If not for Twilight, then for Equestria."

The group nodded to each other and went off on their separate ways to meet the ponies they came to see as Princess Celestia looked on. She saw Rarity meeting Fancy Pants in the group, no doubt the nobles of Canterlot are demanding to know what is going on and assumed the nobles are using him as an envoy for speak on the nobles' behalf. Princess Celestia turned around to see Fluttershy meekly walking towards another meek looking Pegasus, this time a lanky green stallion with a blonde mane tied into a messy bun.

Princess Celestia then turns towards Luna as walked towards her.

"It's now time to explain what lead to the events, sister." She finally said, "So, I will tell you what transpired everything."

"Do tell," The dark blue alicorn said, "It has to do with Twilight isn't it?"

The older alicorn nodded sadly.

"Yes," Princess Celestia sighed, "And now she thinks I hate her."

"Hating you?" Princess Luna repeated in a combined quizzical and surprised tone. "What have you done to believe that she hates you?"

"It all begun with the reception with the Changeling Queen disguised as our niece." The white alicorn started. "Things were all going to smoothly at first, aside from the queen fooling us all. We all assumed that it was simply the stress at the wedding."

"Well, I can understand that part," Princess Luna concluded, "It was when I saw Twilight Sparkle galloping towards the reception before I left to see the griffons."

"Here is the thing, you weren't there when she bursts through the door when she declared Cadence to be evil without any proof or subtly." Her older sister continued and grimaced. "Shining Armor and the rest of us thought she was being jealous, so we barred her from the wedding after the imposter ran away crying, all of us were furious at her, so we left her all alone to think for herself."

Luna gasps from what her older sister just said. Celestia expected Luna to unleash her Canterlot voice right in front of everypony. But instead, in much of Celestia's own surprise. Luna looked more disappointed than angry.

"What about her disappearance? Did you checked on her to at least demand an apology towards imposter niece?"

Celestia looked down in shame, something that she at least should've done before.

"No…" she replied, with a sigh. "All of us thought she was brooding and surly, so we left her alone."

"So…" Luna begins as she walks closer to Celestia, "Is that why she thinks you all hate her?"

"No Luna," Celestia said, unable to bare to see her sister's next reaction. "The Changeling Queen transported her to the underground caverns to die, but Twilight was fortunate to find the real Cadence."

"WHAT?" Princess Luna cried, thankfully not in her Canterlot voice, but loud enough for Celestia to wince. "Is that how the Changeling invasion started?"

"Yes sister," The white alicorn replied remorsefully, as she lowered her head in shame. "That action nearly costed the lives of my subjects and my student."

Expecting Princess Luna to yell at her, the Princess of the sun embraced herself for the worst. But instead of feeling the full force of the Canterlot voice, she instead heard the disappointed sigh from her sister.

"You would expect me to yell at you sister?" Princess Luna asked, shaking her head in shame. "Just like Twilight did as I assumed?"

Her older sister simply nodded in response as her billowing mane welters like a dying plant.

"I have expected that you already gotten an earful from your student and from Cadence, so no sister, I will not yell at you," The dark blue alicorn sighed, "I am however am still disappointed in you just like our niece and Twilight's parents."

"I believe you do, but I wanted to make things right again," Princess Celestia pleaded, "If not for Equestria, but at least to win back Twilight's trust."

"At least that it one step ahead sister," Luna nodded, acknowledging her sister's mistake and guilt as she puts her hoof onto her Celestia's shoulder. "I expected the better from you because you are the oldest, and I expected for you learn your lesson like I have but you didn't."

"Lesson?" Princess Celestia questioned; her mood changed from remorse to confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Why, the lessons your student sent you," Her younger sister replied as-of-matter-of-factly, "Plus, there was the time time before I transformed into Nightmare Moon."

Author's Note:

Here's another New Year's tradition, I hope you are all safe and okay in this time of great peril. The only way is to hope for a better year and the next. All of us are in this together and I also owe you all what's been going on with my life so far sometime soon. My New Year's resolution is no longer making this a New Year's tradition and post more chapters.

I just wanted to thank you all for your patience and countdown who can finish first, George R.R Martin or me.