• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 46,098 Views, 517 Comments

Bitterness - PLCTheCd

Twilight Sparkle show resentment towards her friends and family at the wedding.

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Twilight froze in fear as Princess Luna draws closer towards her. Despite wanting to flee she feel her hooves stuck to the floor. Anxiety and panic strikes her in the heart, as all she can do is lower her head, hoping in vain, that the lunar alicorn will not notice her. At that very moment, the voice spoke to her, in a concerned tone.

What will you say to her once she sees you?

“I-I don’t know…” She quietly replied to the voice, as she breathes frantically.

How do you think she’ll react once she discovers what you’ve said to her sister?

Twilight did not reply this time, her heart beats rapidly as she can feel Luna’s hoofsteps growing louder and louder. Beads of sweat drip form from her face, Twilight waited anxiously as she feel Luna’s presence draw closer to her.

Time to face the music, whether you want to or not.

“I…I guess so…” she muttered, “I’m might as well make another enemy.”

Get ready, here she comes!

Finally, with every ounce of her courage and strength, she raised her head up and saw Princess Luna…

…confront a pony in FRONT of her

“This stallion in front of me, I saw him before,” Princess Luna said to a nearby guard, “He was the first one to enter the booth.”

The guard simply nodded, and followed the princess of the night as they both surround the guilty pony.

“T-t-that was my twin brother,” the stallion stuttered, backing away in Twilight’s direction. “I was late in line and he simply got in first.”

Twilight herself felt a sense of dread as the withdrawing pony will inadvertently alert her own presence. But to her fortunate luck, neither Luna nor the guardspony seem to notice or believe the pony’s excuse.

“If that stallion was your twin brother, then why haven’t he called for you?” Luna questioned, raising an eyebrow.

The pony simply stared at her nervously, as if she spoke a foreign language to him. Suddenly, the royal guard member cast a telekinesis spell on the guilty stallion. The stallion is lifted a few inches off the ground while kicking the air in vain with his hoofs, like an invisible hand picking up an ornery pet. A chorus of gasps erupted across the line whom witness the act, before a mutter of concerned, curious voices filled the air. Without a word, Luna casted a spell on the pony.

The levitating stallion became engulfed in a flash of green light, revealing only his shadow. Twilight got front row view on what was going on, as she witness this act many times during the invasion. Then the pony’s shadow begin to mold into a different shape, something less equine, and more bug-like. In the pony’s place, is a changeling, smack dab in the middle of the train station. Princess Luna glares at the Changeling as the latter fruitlessly continues to struggle.

“I should have known that you are a changeling,” She snorted as whipped her tail. “How foolish that you could’ve flown away.”

“So, you caught me, ‘your highness,’” The changeling cackled, gaining the screams of terrified ponies. “I must admit, I am impressed that you noticed me, unlike your gullible sister.”

Livid by that remark, Princess Luna responds by hitting the bug in the face. The sight silenced the onlookers, both out of fear and relief that the invader is caught. The strike from Luna’s hoof has left a noticeable bruise in the changeling’s cheek. She only glares at the changeling before she continues.

“You better show respect to the princesses, grub!” The guard finally spoke, who also snarled with restrained fury. “How dare you insult Princess Celestia?”

The princess of the night nodded in gratitude towards the guard before she glares at the imposter pony.

“But it’s true,” The changeling said smugly, with a hiss. “All of you were too busy about the wedding to find out about our plans!”

Before the guard could say or do anything, then turn his attention to the alicorn princess.

“Where were you when we’ve attacked your precious city and your citizens hmm?” He questioned, “When your sister was captured and your niece captured by my queen?”

“As I have told you when you were in disguise,” She snarled, barely containing her ire. “I was at a diplomatic mission with the griffons, or were you too arrogant to listen?”

She then levitated the changeling closer to her muzzle, glaring at the bug.

“How were not caught by Cadence and Shining Armor’s spell?” Princess Luna demanded, “I thought the rest of you vermin were blown away.”

The changeling spy only replied by laughing, “That is for me and my comrades to know and you to find out. This is only the beginning of Equestria’s downfall!”

His laugh attracted fear from the onlookers as if a horrible earthquake occurred after a recovering from a tremendous aftershock.

“We will see about that,” Princess Luna said undauntedly, before pushing the changeling away, and switching to her Canterlot voice. “TAKE HIM AWAY FOR QUESTIONING!”

“At once, your highness!” Saluted the guard before cuffing the changeling’s legs and bounding his wings.

“FOR QUEEN CHRYSALIS!” Cried the Changeling defiantly, before the guard bucked him in the chest, knocking the wind out of the bug-like creature.

As the guard escorted the unconscious spy away, Princess Luna turned her attention towards the rest of the crowd.

“Many apologies to all of you for witnessing this,” She said, “The trip to Ponyville will continue at once, hopefully without any interruptions.”

For Twilight to witness such an act, was a tremendous feat. She just witnessed Princess Luna’s wrath, something that she does not want to be part of, especially on what had happened during her outburst towards Celestia and the others when she reached her breaking point. But then again, the changeling unintentionally averted her presence, she might sneak into the train without Luna knowing any wiser…

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle.”

…spoke to soon…the unicorn only gulped as if she was a foal who is caught with her hooves in the cookie jar. The voice then beckons to her.

What will you do?

For her, the effort to lift her head was a tremendous effort similar to that of participating in the Iron Pony Competition. When she finally gathered every ounce of courage to look Princess Luna in the eye, she saw her expression changed from fury to confusion and concern.

“Leaving so soon?” Princess Luna asked, raising the eyebrow. “Are you not participating in the wedding?”

The lavender mare gulped before searching the right words to explain.

“They’re…postponing the wedding,” Twilight said, “I am going back to Ponyville for a while.”

“Well, if that was the case, then why aren’t your friends here with you?”

Twilight answering Luna’s questions only brought up more questions.

“They have something to do here at the palace,” She half-fibbed, “My friends decided, that they’re going to stay there for a while before they leave.”

“Huh, that’s strange,” Princess Luna said, “And what about you?”

She tensed from the alicorn’s question, Luna seems to grow more suspicious, the more Twilight replies. Twilight’s ears tensed as she rubs her front hooves together, the unicorn felt trapped until the voice beckons her.

Luna won’t ask you forever, just keep answering with half-truths.

Twilight begins to think as hard as she could to come up with a good answer to rid Luna’s suspicion and leave Canterlot. She thought long since the day she and her friends entered the city and the night she was kicked out. It was then, she remember what Applejack said to the rest before they abandoned her.

“C’mon let’s go check on the princess”

Twilight’s feeling of insecurity and fear now burned away with resentment and outrage. The same outrage she had during her outburst.

“They said they didn’t need me,” Twilight said, barely containing her venom, before flicking her ears up. “My friends think I’m safer back at home.”

After replying, Twilight’s ire begins to fade away and brought back her unease as Princess Luna simply gazes at her for a moment. It was until then Princess Luna backed away and shown her the train’s entrance.

“Very well then, I wish you a safe journey home,” She said, “I hope for the same to your friends.”

Twilight simply nodded and smiled before she entered the locomotive, leaving Luna and to the extent, Canterlot behind. After finding her seat, she finally plopped down before staring out the window.

Dodge the bullet there with Luna, but how do you think she will react once she finds out?

She got my parents, Spike, and Cadence to listen to my side of the story.”

Do you think Luna can be trusted as well?

“I don’t know, and quite frankly, I no longer care anymore. I just want to be alone”

Very well then.

The train to Ponville finally moved, heading for its destination. Twilight sighed a relief that she can now leave her woes behind. As the train gains speed, the unicorn ponders on what she will do next. Normally, she usually talks to her former friends or at least read a book she usually carries. The latter at first, Twilight thought of reading a book from her saddlebag as she turned to look at the bag. But even books are giving her no joy right now. Not helping is that the books she brought are the ones she already read. With nothing else to do, she lie down and cuddle her seat like a cat, and closed her eyes.



Twilight suddenly opened her eyes, and looked out of her window. The trip felt like it has only been a few seconds, but lo and behold, the train reached its destination of Ponyville. She concluded that there wasn’t enough time for her to dream, and that she just slept at the palace prior to leaving. So, she got out of seat and exited out of the train. As Twilight trotted home, the town looks like the same when she and others left, a thought came to Twilight that the news of the Changeling invasion didn’t reached Ponyville yet. All around the lavender mare, she sees the streets are busy with ponies of all shapes, colors, and sizes are minding their business with their daily activities. Some even waved at her while she politely waves back.

Twilight smiled to herself that she finally got her wish to be at Ponyville all by herself. But when she reached the Golden Oak Library, she saw a peculiar sight, something that Twilight doesn't want to see.

Her friends are standing there…outside of the library’s entrance.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the constant posts every New Year's Eve. But the good news is that my dad is recovering very well, and is back to his usual self...of yelling at me.

The good news is that the story is nearing its completion, the bad news is that will I continue posting the chapters late?