• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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31: Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream? (MMC)

Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream?
Chapter published 9th Feb 2014.


Bon Bon rose with the dawn just as she always did, though to be truthful it was so much harder this morning than usual...

...darn cider hangover from Tartarus.

But, like any other retailer in this fair town of Ponyville, she had to be up with the dawn if she wanted to catch the crowds. On the upside though, it wasn’t like she had to be up as early as the town’s bakers. The Cakes - and their very own slice of pie - were often falling out of their beds just as many others (especially the likes of the town’s resident party girls: Berry Punch and Cherry Berry) were falling into theirs.

Hopping into the shower she prayed it would do something... anything... to help blast away this gosh-darned headache. Last night’s shin-dig over at Sweet Apple Acres - and boy had it been a doozy - had left her with a head that felt like it had gone six rounds with a taffy puller.

But then it wasn't every day the Apple family let a non-earth pony officially join their clan, maybe more than a hundred years or so if Granny Smith had been on the ball... which admittedly she more often than not wasn’t these days.

As the hot water continued to gush over her beleaguered form, the cottage’s elderly plumbing decide to make its presence known, banging and creaking as the heat made the ancient pipework expand and resettle.

Without thinking about what she was doing, Bon Bon started to bob her head along with the house’s rhythmical groans, her hangover taking the opportunity to remind that she should probably keep sudden movements off of today’s menu unless she wanted to get a second look at last night’s menu... which she didn’t.

“Urrrgh,” the confectioner muttered as she staggered out of the shower and over to the bathroom mirror, a deep throbbing taking up position somewhere behind her eyes, “no more ‘shine for me.”

From behind bleary red eyes she checked her reflection, fussing with her brush so she could get everything just so.

Coat nice and clean? Yep. Two tone mane neatly brushed back and out of the way? Check and check. Horn primed and ready?

Oh yeah, just look at that bad girl shine.

Who’s bad? Oh yeah, you’s bad!

Moving through the house as quietly as she could, an old habit from the days before her musician friend and old roommate had moved out to live with her herd, Bon Bon reminded herself that she really should ask Lero to come check out the state of the house lamps for her. They’d started flickering something manic when she’d gotten home last night and Bon Bon so hated bright flashy lights, they really made her eyes hurt. It had even got to the point where she’d gone searching for a pair of sunglasses but in the end she’d given up and just gone to bed instead.

After a quick breakfast she let herself out of the cottage, standing on the doorstep for a moment to admire the morning. The sun had begun its journey across the sky - all this bright light really wasn’t doing her eyes any good - though she could just about see a cluster of nasty looking rain clouds hanging over the edge of town.

Squinting in the morning sun, Bon Bon thought that even the clouds were looking a bit more ragged than usual this morning. Oh well, the weather team would be all over it soon enough. Their captain could be a bit odd at times but she had those girls trained so well they’d have this sorted out in like ten seconds flat.... once they finally managed to drag themselves out of bed that was. RD was known for sleeping in when she could, and on a morning-after-the-night-before like this the rest of the team would probably be doing the same..

Trotting through town she passed one of the flower girls setting up her stall.

Is that Rose, Daisy or Lily?

Boy, my brain must be an ass-load more mangled than I’d thought.

Best cut right back on the booze, Bonnie,

Whichever one of them it was, it was just too early in the morning to be that chipper.

As she neared the centre of town she could feel the Music of Harmony tugging at the edges of her mind. Now Bon Bon loved a good tune as much as the next mare but there was a time and place for these things and right now was just not it.

Peeking around the corner of Davenport’s sofa store, she could see Twilight Sparkle on the other side of the square, prancing about declaring to all and sundry about how wonderful the world was.

-- Twilight Sparkle --

...that everything is certainly fine

“Urrgh... give it a rest, Sweet Cheeks,” Bon Bon muttered, edging her way carefully around the outside of the town square, hoping against hope that the few extra body lengths of distance would save her from being dragged into this morning’s frivolities.

-- Twilight Sparkle --

There's the Mayor en route to her office

Oh crap, she’s coming this way.

Quick... one step, two step, weave between the cafe tables and we’re home free.

-- Twilight Sparkle --

There's the sofa clerk selling some quills

She’s got Davenport. Run, dude, run!

Oh thank Luna, she’s passing me by.

-- Twilight Sparkle --

My Ponyville is so gentle and still

No nonono no no, she’s coming this way!

Abort! Abort!

-- Twilight Sparkle --

Can things ever go wrong?

I don't think that they will

Oh no girl, get off the table!

Do you have any idea how important cleanliness is for food preparation and presentation?

Holy apple-snacks, Garcon, not you too?!

That’s it. I’m not eating there again until those tables have been cleaned.

-- Twilight Sparkle --

Morning in Ponyville shimmers

Morning in Ponyville shines

No, that’s totally it now, I’m out of here.

The Music of Harmony can go stick all this early morning nonsense right up its plot!

While half the town square was busily prancing off in one direction, Bon Bon ducked out from behind the hedge she'd been using for cover and sidled off down an alleyway.

-- Twilight Sparkle --

And I know for absolute certain...

After a quick dash away from the source of the merriment, the music of harmony faded from the confectioner’s brain leaving just the hangover which, she thought, was still more than enough to be getting on with. The unexpected roll of thunder that chased her down the side street didn't help either.

What on earth are the weather team playing at?

It’s like they’ve never handled a thunder cloud in their lives.

No matter, she was here now, Bon Bon’s Bon Bons, the finest sweet shop in all of Ponyville. Opening the door she let herself in just as the pitter-patter of rain started to beat against the shop’s large display windows. Pausing for a moment to look at the store’s name, painted backwards on the window glass, she was once again glad that she almost exclusively used her cutie name these days rather than her birth name.

I mean, how silly would a sweet shop called ‘Vinyl Scratch’s Bon Bons’ sound anyway?

Taking a deep breath, reveling in the intoxicating smells of sugar and spice and all things nice, Bon Bon’s headache started to lift. Walking into this store always made her feel better, like no matter what happened everything was going to be just fine and dandy as long as she stayed within its four walls.

“Yes indeedy!” Bon Bon‘s magic flipped over the shop’s open sign, “everything’s going to be just fine!”

Author's Note:

AN: I’m going to be giving smaller chapters a try for a while. Don’t get me wrong, I like doing the really big chapters but I wanna give smaller and more frequent chapters a go for a while.

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