• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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51: Just as the sun sets, it will rise at dawn for ever after.

Just as the sun sets, it will rise at dawn for ever after.

Chapter published 15th Feb 2013


Nov 1223 AC

She watched. She watched and she waited.

Patiently, almost reverently, she looked to the sky as one would gaze upon a much loved old friend.

The sun had long since set and the last of its rays were making their way over the horizon. As she had so many times before, Princess Celestia had outdone herself again this evening and the sunset had been simply breathtaking.

The spectacular performance of tonight’s lightshow was certainly not lost on this awestruck fan. She knew now that here were some things in life that you just didn’t want to hurry. It had taken her years to learn this hard lesson, years of pain and damaged friendships and the occasional failure.

But she knew now. Some things you just couldn’t rush. She was better now; stronger, smarter, wiser. Acceptance took time, healing even longer. But she had friends, family, ponies who cared. She’d be OK. No, she’d be better than just OK. She’d be magnificently OK.

A hand settled behind her head, smoothing along her mane, her lover’s fingers occasionally rubbing against her ear in the way she found just soooo soothing. They hadn’t spoken, not for a long time now, they didn’t need to.

She’d always loved the sunset. Growing up it had told her that she’d made it though another day, that the torment was over and she could rest. That she could sleep and use her dreams to escape. Now it told her that another fine day would be along in the morning, that there would be a whole new day for her to enjoy… for them to enjoy.

A new day would come for her to follow her dreams, to turn them into reality. And follow them she had, but for while it had seemed that her dreams had turned sour, but not now, now they were getting better and the only way was up.

The sun had set and twilight now held the sky as dusk swiftly approached. The first stars of the night were beginning to make their appearance meaning it would soon be time to go back inside where her lover would be warm and the rest of her herd would be waiting. But not yet, not quite yet. Not while she had ears that needed rubbing.

So together they watched. They watched and they waited.

It was her favourite time of the day.


She watched. She watched and she waited.

Comforted by familiarity, she turned her attention to the sky as one would look upon an old and trusted companion

The moon was high in the sky and the clear, still night air made the stars shine so much brighter tonight. There was a small meteor shower due along soon and she didn’t want to miss it.

Huddling under a blanket, pushing herself against the body heat radiating from her stallion next to her, she levitated a steaming cup of hot chocolate to her lips, using its comforting warmth to hold off the winter chill.

She so loved the night, all the way from those first few moments between sunset and dusk to the last short stretch between dawn and sunrise, those wonderful, almost magical moments after which she was named. Even as a young filly the majesty of the night sky had held her in its sway, the night stars had been her friends though times of doubt and solitude, the moon a much loved confidant.

Then later, in her teenage years, she had convinced a surprisingly reluctant Princess Celestia to re-open and re-equip the dusty old royal observatory nestled high in the spires of Canterlot Castle. The hours she would spend there, just her, the great telescope and library book after library book.

It was there - more than a decade ago now she realised - she had found an ancient book of prophecy, the book from which she had learnt about the predicted return of Nightmare Moon and unknowingly setting up a chain of events that would lead her to where she was today.

Without this long neglected tome, abandoned and forgotten behind an ancient bookcase, she would never have ended up in Ponyville, she would never have met the other bearers of the elements of harmony and she would never have found love with her mysterious traveller.

She had much to thank that book for; the book that now held pride of place on the largest bookcase in her office back at the university.

But tonight she sat, just her and her stallion, enjoying the comfortable silence as they took in the quite spectacular view. Her herd-sisters were already asleep; both now early risers though one would still spend her first few waking moments of the day trying desperately to claim ‘just five more minutes’. Some things never changed and of that she was glad. If there was one thing she liked in her life it was consistency and order, though she was in no way as compulsive about it as her herdmates liked to claim she was.

The night sky had been fairly static for almost as far back as the written word, but since Princess Luna’s return she had been far more free and expressive with the positioning of her stars. Over the last few years the princess of the night had rearranged some of the constellations and had even added a number of new stars to the sky, ending the thousand years of status quo which Princess Celestia had so rigidly upheld.

While most reactions to the changes were positive, and at least half of the Astronomer’s guild had been enthralled with each new alteration, the other half had repeatedly threatened to... What had Lero called it? Oh yes, ‘ragequit’ at even the slightest hint of change.

But the pony and her human mate didn’t care about any of this. Not tonight, the stars were too beautiful, the near silence of the sleeping town too restful, for any of that to matter. The meteor shower was starting soon and word was it would be a good one.

They’d been out here on the balcony since dusk, the first one, not the other two. Not many ponies knew that there was more than one dusk. But she knew, her friends the books had told her long ago.

They had sat tonight though the civil dusk, then the nautical dusk, then the astronomical dusk. Then, finally, came the true darkness, the best time for the stars, the stars ignored by so many as they went about their business. But she loved them.

She loved the peace and quiet of the night. The chance for solitude and quiet reflection. The chance to get away from the pressures of the university and the hustle and bustle of the royal court. The petty academics and the pompous nobles and the stuffy bureaucrats; none of them were here tonight, just herself, her lover and the stars.

So together they watched. They watched and they waited.

It was her favourite time of the day.


She watched. She watched and she waited.

Allowing the world in all its forms to flow over her like a wave, she looked to the early morning sky as one would sit at the feet of a wise and trusted mentor.

Often she would rise with the dawn, venturing out during the waning twilight hours to catch the sunrise. Each new day brought hope and promise, it spoke of a day to come so full of excitement and adventure.

It was as if the very music of harmony sang to her though those first rays of light. Each ray of light a different note, each note streaking its way across the sky, twisting and turning and merging together deep in her soul to create a soaring melody, melody building upon melody, rolling and crashing and ebbing and flowing as it played for her the grand symphony of life.

“River flows to the sea and all is one. Light burns stone to dust and all is one. Each returns to the centre of all. Today I forge a new path so that I might once again return.”

Repeating the mantra once more she took in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before slowly letting it out. Allowing herself to fall into a deeply relaxed state she searched for her centre. Finding it she used it to find the tipping point and from there the balance. From there she found the song, letting it flow though her, touching every part of her being until it finally came to rest with the child growing within her.

She could feel her stallion’s hand on her belly, rubbing slowly against the gentle swelling that held the new life within. His touch was warm, his movements reassuring. Lero had joined her out on grassy slopes of the Saddles as he did most mornings now. He had said he wanted to try meditating with her, but she suspected it was more so that she had someone to hold her mane back when she needed to run off to the bushes to be violently sick.

Suddenly a bout of nausea loomed on the edge of her awareness. Morning sickness her lover called it. Oh by all the sweet spirits she could do without the morning sickness. The morning sickness and the odd food cravings. Why did she always end up eating fish? She didn’t even like fish and it had certainly never agreed with her. And why could she not talk to Daisy Jo the cow for more than five minutes without salivating these days? And why were the pigs over at Sweet Apple Acres looking so... tempting?

Quickly pushing these thoughts aside before her stomach decided it would either need filling or emptying she returned to her meditations.

“All is ephemera. All fades away. Take the brush, write upon the stone. Ink shall fade, stone shall crumble. Each returns to the source.”

She loved the morning, the new day bringing new promise and new hope. Whatever happened yesterday was gone now; whatever tomorrow may bring was unknown. The sunrise cleared all baggage and banished all ills, the dawn making way for the endless possibilities laid out before them.

The new day had come and it was theirs for the taking. And take it they would, together as one, fellow travellers, trailblazers and pioneers on this glorious journey called life.

So together they watched. They watched and they waited.

It was her favourite time of the day.

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