• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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45: When We're Living Our Dream - by SpinelStride

When We're Living Our Dream - by special guest author SpinelStride
Chapter published 9th Feb 2014


"Erm... Verily, we knowest not what mishap hast befallen yon village," Princess Luna said, staring at the shattered pieces of Ponyville. The top of Town Hall snapped and fell off, crashing to the ground.

"I dunno, Miss Princess," the mare with the mismatched eyes said. "I never know either."

"Oh, hello!" Luna said brightly. "It is Miss Hooves now, is it not? You have borne us messages afore, and the tale of your maternal spirit amidst the Blank Plague is yet a minor legend."

Derpy smiled at the jet black alicorn. "Nothing takes me away from my Dinky, Miss Princess. Nothing ever."

Princess Celestia smiled. "Then I take it your beloved foal is safe?"

Derpy nodded. "Oh, yeah, Princess Celestia! As soon as the sirens went off, all the foals went right to the schoolhouse like they've been taught. It's super-reinforced, see?" She pointed a hoof. Sure enough, the little schoolhouse was standing intact and unscarred, though certainly smoke-smudged. And several trees had fallen across the doorway.

"Wouldst thou care to hazard a guess as to the cause of this calamity, good Miss Hooves?" Luna asked, gazing around. The ponies of Ponyville were in remarkably high spirits, considering the widespread destruction of their hometown.

"Probably something we get to use the Twilight Sparkle Fund for, Miss Princess!" Derpy said happily. "Everything's always so shiny and new after these things."

Celestia facehoofed. "Twilight, there are times when I'm dearly tempted to make you face the Royal Accountants yourself to explain these things," she muttered.

"Oh! Look! Here comes Sweetie! And Lero! They must have something in mind!" Derpy exclaimed. "Come on, Princesses, let's go say hi!"

Luna shook her head sharply, and recalled her efforts at modern language. "Sister, are all the ponies beyond Canterlot so... familiar?"

"Ponyville is a very special place, Luna," Celestia said, her good humor returning as promptly as it always did. "And, for that matter, Miss Hooves is a very special mare. Let's see what's going on."

A thoroughly smoke-smudged Twilight Sparkle was directing two earth ponies in setting up a pair of oversized speakers, while Vinyl Scratch fussed over getting Sweetie's microphone hooked up to her sound systems. Lero and Sweetie waved to the two alicorns.

"Princess Celestia!" the lavender unicorn cried out happily, and abandoned her supervisory duties to come hug her mentor. She left a large sooty mark on Celestia's pristine fur, but the soot fell away as soon as the sun's light played across Celestia's coat. "You're just in time!"

"It's good as always to see you, Twilight, but what in Equestria is going on here?" Celestia asked. A number of ponies seemed to be hauling lumber into the town square - a surprisingly large amount of available lumber for such a small town, in fact.

"Oh, there was a little accident with some scientific apparatus," Twilight admitted. "I noticed how Pinkie never eats anything but sweets, and I thought I could use a blood sample to find a cure for diabetes, but when I put the sample in the analyzer well... kaboom!"

Luna and Celestia looked at each other. Then they nodded and looked back to Twilight.

"A noble goal, to be sure, Twilight, but haven't I told you about using proper protective measures before?" Celestia asked.

"I was using the blast chamber with a triple ward on it and extra rebar in the concrete," Twilight responded. "Honestly, I really thought it was overkill." She leaned in and added, "I know I should learn to just accept Pinkie being Pinkie, but sometimes, I just get curious. And I thought this would be safe!"

"And so Ponyville shall be rebuilt with funds from the Royal Treasury once again," Luna commented. "And its peas... citizens seem most pleased with this prospect."

"It's a good community-building exercise, and Lero and Sweetie say they've got some new music for us," Twilight said. "Actually, if you wouldn't mind, I think you might enjoy taking part?"

Celestia looked around. "This seems more a scene of devastation than one I ought to enjoy," she said dubiously.

"If the ponies of Ponyville are determined to make their town's devastation into a holiday, then we ought to aid them," Luna said firmly. "And it could perhaps even be fun."

Twilight levitated over a pair of scrolls, marked 'Contingency Script 7-E, Celestia' and 'Contingency Script 7-E, Luna.' Once the alicorns had begun to unroll them, she called out to the other ponies, "We're on seven-E, everypony! Places!"

Celestia looked up. "A parade, Twilight? Through the wreckage?"

Twilight nodded. "A parade," she confirmed. "Please?"

"Come, sister, let us trust our little ponies," Luna said, reading down through the scroll.

"Very well, Luna," Celestia agreed. "Then let us to our places."

"Yay!" Twilight said, and clapped her hooves.

"Good timing!" Vinyl called, the speakers magnifying her words enough to boom over Ponyville's remains. "Everypony ready?"

"YEAH!" came the cry from across town.

Lero and Sweetie took their spots. So did everypony else. The human and the singer-of-humans were positioned atop what looked like a cross between a parade float and a bulldozer, with the speakers mounted to it.

Celestia and Luna began to trot down the middle of what had been Main Street as the first burst of music came out.

Everything is cool when you're part of a team!
When we're living our dream!

To the amazement of the alicorns, despite the total lack of Harmony to the music, the ponies were staying in time; a trio of unicorns lifted the side wall of Sugarcube Corner back into place just in time for a passing pegasus with a rivet gun to seal it on, and then Pinkie Pie bounced by slapping Construction-Grade Frosting over the bolt heads to restore the building's confectionary charm. Lero and Sweetie were singing into their microphones, beaming at each other.

Everything is better when we stick together!
Side by side, you and I, gonna win forever, let's party forever!
We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony!

Luna would scarcely have credited the sight; loads that by all rights should have demanded a half-score of unicorns were being completed by three, and pegasi were weaving through the air as nimbly as any warriors of old. But no feathers fell, no screams rent the air; indeed, they were beginning to join in the chorus. Celestia did too, and then Luna added her voice to the mix. Rainbow Dash flew by overhead, writing the words in her rainbow trail for all to see who were too busy to hold onto their song sheets.

Everything is cool when you're part of a team!
When we're living our dream!

It was two tired but exhilarated alicorns who flew back to Canterlot that evening.

"How is it that I can raise the entire sun every morning, but a day spent with Twilight Sparkle and her friends can leave me feeling more worn-out but more satisfied than ever?" Celestia asked her sister fondly.

"We are ponies, are we not?" Luna said cheerfully. "It is our nature to join the herd. It has been too long we spent apart, true?"

"Very true, Luna," Celestia agreed. "Perhaps I ought to write a friendship report of my own."

"That sounds a wondrous idea, my sister," Luna said. "Let us write it together."

Celestia smiled into the wind. "Yes. Let's do that."

Author's Note:

TQM: Let it not be said that we don't listen to comments and suggestions.


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