• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 5,213 Views, 80 Comments

A Sparkle of love - Silentpegasus

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Chapter 2: Ponyville

Chapter 2.


Echo woke up in an unfamiliar room, it was small the walls were a dark grey and he heard the sound of a heart monitor in the back round. His nostrils were filled with the smell of sterile air and medicine. As he rose from his bed he noticed a familiar lavender unicorn sitting in the corner of the room reading a book, she looked up when she saw movement.

“Oh good , you’re awake. I though you died.” she said as she trotted over to his bed side.

“Clearly I’m not dead. Where am I?” he said with a harsh tone.

“Well, your in Ponyville Hospital,being treated for manticore poisoning.” Twilight said with a blank look on her face. Echo then remembered the events that occurred before hand.

“Oh, right the manticore.”

“Yeah, what were you trying to do anyway?”

“I was gathering ingredients for a potion I’m working on, it just so happened that manticore poison was one of the ingredients I needed.”

“What type of potion was it?”

“None of your business.” Echo said with a frown. Just then, five other ponies entered the room Echo remembered the cyan pegasus that had tackled him. “YOU!” he said as he pointed a hoof at Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah what?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me! You’re the pony that got me in here!”

“Oh, right sorry about that.” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“Good, now if you all would excuse me I’ve got to get back to work.” Echo said as he got out of bed. He was soon stopped by an orange hoof.

“Now wait just a darn minute! We risked our lives to save you and yer not even gonna thank us?”

“Thank you.” he said with a harsh sarcastic tone. “Now get out of my way and leave me alone!” Echo then felt a magical grip around him. “What the-” he realized that it was the purple unicorn that was levitating him.

“Now listen mister! I’m not saying that we have to be friends, but you owe us. You think the hospital is cheap? No! We each put a few bits in to get your poison treatment. So I suggest that you start acting a little nicer around us.” the cyan mare said with daggers in her eyes.

What? Why would they save some stranger who had acted like jerk towards them.

Because they’re nice ponies.

Shut up! No such thing.

Now you know that’s not true! Maybe these ponies are different.


Hey! You owe them your life so just shut up and take it like a stallion!

Okay, fine I’ll help them until I’ve paid them back.

Echo was then released from the grip and was set back on the hospital floor.

“Okay, fine I’ll work off the debt. But after that happens I’m free to go. Deal?”

“Girls what do you think?” Twilight said as she looked at the other mares. They all pondered for a second but eventually nodded in agreement. “Okay we have an agreement, why don’t we start with introductions. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the librarian here in Ponyville.”

“I’m Applejack.” said the orange mare with a sigh.

“Rainbow Dash.” she said as she gritted her teeth.


“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“I’m Fluttershy.” said the timid yellow pegasus.

“I’m Echo Specter.” he said as he rolled his eyes. “You can call me Echo if you want.”

“Okay, see now that wasn’t so hard was it.” Twilight said as she gave him a calm look.

“So what do I have to do?” Echo said as he looked at the mares.

“Just to help us out with whatever we need help with, until you’ve paid off your debt.”

“Okay fine, let me just get my lab equipment.” he said as he trotted towards the door. Rainbow then trotted next to Twilight.

“Twi, follow him make sure he doesn’t try to run away.”

“Good idea.” she said as she trotted after the stallion.


Echo was halfway to the Everfree Forest when he felt eyes on him. He spun around and shot a beam at a nearby barrel that crumbled away, revealing a lavender unicorn.

“You? Why are you following me?”

“To make sure you come back.” she said as she trotted next to Echo.

“Look, I may be a jerk but I’m a stallion of my word.” he said as he rolled his eyes.

“I just want to make sure. So I’m coming along.”

“Suit yourself.” he said as he began to trot away. The two unicorns soon came to the edge of the Everfree.

“Thank you.” Twilight said.

“For what?”

“For saving me from the cockatrice.” she said as she had a slight blush on her face.

“Oh that, forget about it.” a pause then seemed to hang in the conversation for an eternity, until Echo finally broke the silence. “Thanks for the hospital.” he said with a low grumble.

“You’re welcome.” she said as she gave him a warm smile. The two spent the remainder of the trip in silence. Echo came to the edge of the forest and stopped.

“Why are we stopping?” Twilight asked. Echo’s horn began to glow and the two ponies were transported inside his cave. “How did we get here?”

“Teleportation spell, I use it so I don’t have to walk through the forest as much.” Echo trotted over to his book shelf and retrieved an old book. His horn started to glow and all of his equipment was shrunk down to the size of a toy. He then picked up a suit case and started moving the items into it. Twilight stood there amazed at what she just witnessed.

“How did you do that?”

“Magic.” he said flatly.

“Well I can see that, but I’ve never seen any spell like that before.”

“Not surprising, since I made it up myself.” he said as he finished packing.

“You’ve made your own spells! That must take a lot of studying.”

“Yeah, we can go now I’ve got all I need.” He then trotted next to Twilight and the two found themselves on the outskirts of the dark forest yet again. As the two trotted back into town Echo felt another pair of eyes watching them, he spun around, his magical beam was headed towards a cloud, as it hit he saw a familiar rainbow maned pony jump out just before the blast made the cloud evaporate.

“What they hay was that for?” she bellowed.

“Why were YOU following me?”

“Just making sure you din’t try anything stupid.”

“Look, as I’ve explained to Twilight here I may be a jerk but I’m a stallion of my word. Plus if I had wanted to hurt Twilight then she wouldn’t be standing right next to me now would she?” he said as he pointed to the lavender mare. Rainbow’s was about to protest but realized that he was right.

“Okay, fine good point. But that doesn’t mean I trust you and if you even think about pulling anything I will kick you so hard you’ll reach Trottingham in ten seconds flat!” she said as she flew in front of the dark stallion.

“Noted. Although I’m fairly certain I can take what ever you can dish out.” he said with a grin.

“Is that a challenge? Then bring it on!” she said as she got in a defensive stance

“My pleasure!” Echo said as his horn began to glow. The two were suddenly stopped by a purple wall that formed in between them.

“Knock it off! Both of you!” Twilight then turned to Echo “You’re supposed to be helping us not trying to attack us!”Echo shrugged his shoulders. “And Rainbow, don’t antagonize him, I’m fairly certain he could do some damage if he tried. Can we call a truce?”

“I’ll stay my hoof until my debt is paid, but if she attacks me I won’t hesitate to defend myself.” Echo said as he pointed to Rainbow Dash.

“Fine, but if he tries and zaps me again then all bets are off!”

“Deal.” he said as he spat into his hoof, rainbow did the same. Twilight then removed the wall that the ponies shook on the agreement, giving each other a menacing stare. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and the two unicorns continued on their way back into Ponyville. They soon came to a massive hollowed out tree in the middle of town

“You can stay at the library if you want, I have guest room up stairs. I’ll have Spike clean it up.”

“Who’s Spike?”

“He’s my assistant at the library.” Twilight said as she opened the door revealing a massive book collection. “Spike? Spike where are you?”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” said a voice at the top of the stairs as it drew closer a baby purple dragon came into view.

“Your assistant is a dragon?”

“I guess I should’ve mentioned that.” she said with blush.

“Just wasn’t expecting a dragon to be your assistant.” he said as he eyed the dragon.

“Spike can you get the guest room ready?”

“Sure Twilight, no problem.” Spike said as he went back up stairs. Echo then started to look around the library, he observed the massive books on the shelf. He set his suitcase on one of the chairs, he started to wander around the library until he heard the front door open to reveal the white unicorn with the purple mane from the hospital.

“Twilight I was wondering if-....Oh its you.” she said in a snooty voice.

“Twilights’ upstairs, she should be back down soon. Rarity right?” Echo said as he eyed the mare.


“Listen sorry about my outburst earlier.” he said as he scratched his mane.

“Apology accepted.” Rarity said as she gave him a smile.

“Hey Echo the room is re- oh hey Rarity, what brings you here?” Twilight said as she descended the stair case.

“Hello Twilight, I was just coming by to see if you wanted to have lunch tomorrow at Sugar Cube Corner. But if your busy with Echo here I-”

“We would love to go with you.” Twilight interjected.

“We?” Echo said as he eyed the lavender mare.

“Yes, you and I are going to have lunch with Rarity tomorrow.” Twilight said as she glared at the dark stallion.

“Well alright I’ll make plans for three then.” Rarity said as she gave Twilight a nervous look.

“Echo, you can put your things in the guest room. Up stairs first door on the right.” she said as Echo collected his suit case and trotted up stairs. Once he was out of range Rarity then turned back to Twilight with a frown on her face. “What?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me! Why would you invite him after he’s been so rude?”

“Okay, so he’s a little irritable but I can see theres good in him and I think I can help him.”

“We don’t even know anything about him! For all we know he can be insane.”

“Rarity, that idea is completely ludicrous, if he wanted to hurt me he would’ve done it by now.”

“Very well, just don’t get your hopes up Twilight, I know how you get.” Rarity said as she trotted out the door. After she left Twilight decided to go and check how Echo was unpacking.

“Echo how are-” she was cut off by Echo’s voice.

“You should listen to your friend, she holds reasonable concern.” Echo said as he finished un-packing.

“You heard all that?” Twilight said with a sad look on her face.

“Yeah, don’t sweat it I’ve been called worse.” Echo said as he made all of his equipment normal size again, they included a burner, a few sets of beakers and test tubes, a few scalpels and other medical equipment, he also had a wide variety of books and notes. Echo then noticed that twilight was about to say something. “Look Twilight you don’t have to trust or help me. I’m only here to repay a debt I owe.”

“I know but-”

“But nothing, I don’t expect your friends to welcome me with open hooves and thats fine by me.” he said as he looked bak at the mare who had a sad look on her face. “ But if you’re free to try.” Twilight had a small smile spread across her face.

“Thank you, Spike will have dinner ready soon.” she said as she trotted out of the room. Echo returned to his things.

Wow, you’ve made some progress.

Shut up! I’m only repaying a debt I owe.

Sure you are and staying with the cute purple mare doesn’t excite you?


Okay, fine I’ll leave it alone for now, but try and make some friends. It’s good to get out once in awhile.

Echo then decided to go down and join Twilight for dinner. He couldn’t help but let his snout enjoy the smell that filled the library. Spike was cooking while Twilight set out the plates and eating utensils. Echo sat down at the table, Twilight and Spike soon joined him. The dinner was mostly spent in silence Echo was catching a few glances from Twilight even one from her dragon assistant. After the meal, Echo decided to help with the dishes, as he used his magic to scrub at the dish he heard a crash, he saw Twilight on the ground next to a broken ceramic plate and she was bleeding from her hoof. Echo trotted over to her with a towel in hoof.

“Keep the pressure on until I get back.” Echo then hurried upstairs and retrieved his medical equipment. “This is going to hurt, but I need you to hold still while I remove the shards.” His horn started to glow and his tools levitated over the wound he managed to remove the shards easily. He held her hoof in his and began to close the wound with a needle and thread, as he finished sealing the wound he looked up at Twilight who was blushing profusely. Echo then let go of her hoof and started to clean his instruments. As Twilight got to her hooves a small wave of pain as she took a step.

“I’d advise you to stay off that hoof for a while, I think I have something to help with the pain.” he said without turning his head towards her. He finished cleaning his tools and went back to his room and retrieved a vial of yellow liquid. As he came back he was suddenly stuck on the head which caused him to fall. Echo instinctively teleported on to the floor making sure that the vial wasn’t broken. He opened his eyes to se and angry dragon holing a rather large book.

“What did you do to Twilight?”

“Ugh.. Nothing she cut herself and I stitched the wound. I was just getting her a pain killer!” he yelled at the small dragon.

“It’s alright Spike. He’s telling the truth.” Twilight said as she entered the room with a bandaged hoof. Spike then eyed the dark stallion.

“Alright, sorry about that.” Spike said as he looked down in shame.

“It’s fine.” he said flatly. Echo then walked over to Twilight with the vial gripped in his magic, as she drank it she made a foul face at the taste. “Well what do you expect, fruit punch flavor?”

“Thank...........” Twilight collapsed in his hooves.

“What happened?” Spike said as he came rushed to her side.

“Relax it’s just a side effect of the potion, she’ll be fine after she gets some rest.” Echo then put her on his back and trotted upstairs to her room, he laid her down on the bed. Echo then returned to his room and decided to relax in his bed.

Well aren’t you a little charmer.

Shut it!

Oh come on admit it. You liked it.

Shut up.

Holding her hoof in yours. You noticed how she reacted when you touched her, she likes you.


Echo woke up in a cold sweat he was breathing was heavy. He decided to go to the bathroom, Echo splashed the cold water on his face, his breathing starting to regulate. He went back to his room and decided to try and fall asleep, but not before he got rid of his ‘mask.’

Twilight awoke in her bed confused, but soon realized where she was. Twilight got out of bed and went out into the hallway, she noticed that Echo still had his room light on. She cracked the door just a bit. Echo started to glow, Twilight couldn’t see much but she recognized an illusion spell when she saw one, she hurried back to her room. She hoped that he didn’t see her, Twilight crawled back into bed and fell asleep.