• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 5,223 Views, 80 Comments

A Sparkle of love - Silentpegasus

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Chapter 6: Questions

Chapter 6.


The pair soon came to a familiar farm, they trotted towards the farm house and saw three fillies playing close to the barn. As they made their way over they were greeted by Applejack.

“Hey you two, what brings you here?”

“Just wanted to check on Applebloom.” Twilight said.

“Well that’s mighty kind of ya, she’s doing great all things considering.” she said as she looked at Echo.

“Did you change the bandages?” Echo asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah just this morning.”

“Mind if I take a look?”

“Sure, Applebloom come here a minute.” the small yellow filly trotted over to the group of ponies.

“What is it sis?”

“This here is the stallion that patched you up yesterday.” she said as she pointed to Echo. “He’s here to make sure your cuts are healed.” Applebloom then looked at the dark stallion with wonder.

“You healed me?”


“Wow thanks Dr....what’s your name?”

“Well, My name is Echo and I’m not a doctor. I’m just a pony with extensive medical knowledge. And with your permission I’d like to examine your injuries and make sure they’re not infected.”

“Sure, ah don’t mind. Can my sister come with me?”

“Of coarse. Let’s just go inside for the examination.” The ponies trotted inside the farm house and were joined by the other two fillies. They made their way into the kitchen Applebloom removed the bandages. “Alright this will only take a moment, hold still.” His horn began to glow and a horizontal like appeared on the fillies body, it went up and down twice and then disappeared. “Alright, everything looks fine, just be sure to change the bandages every few hours and let some air get in the wounds. If they do reopen again then just give me a buzz and I’ll come back and seal em again.”

“Thank you Echo.” Applejack said with a smile on her face.

“No problem. So what are we doing here Twilight?”

“I just wanted to see how Applebloom was doing. We need to lend Rarity a hoof with something, she wouldn’t say.”

“Alright then let’s go.” the two waved goodbye to the farm ponies and their friends along the way to the white ponies shop Twilight tried to strike up another conversation.

“You grew up in Detrot right?”


“Have you ever gone back?”

“Yes, I make a trip back once a year.”

“Why? From what you’ve told me it sounds like hell.”

“It was, but it was MY HELL and no matter what I do I can’t escape that fact. I guess I’m just sentimental.” Twilight changed the subject to something a little more uplifting.

“So...how do you like Ponyville so far?”

“I’ve seen worse.”

“Ha-ha, how do you like the ponies here?”

“They seem mellow, save for one.” he said as he glared at Twilight.

“Well I saw that coming knowing my friends.”

“I wasn’t talking about one of them.” he said with a smirk.

“Oh you’re a comedian now?” she said with sarcasm in her voice.

“No, but I treated one before, he actually became a big hit.”

“Oh really who was it?”

“Does the name Mane Cook ring a bell?”

“WHAT? You met Mane Cook?!”

“Well, back before he was famous, but yeah he had gotten ruffed up by some punks, ended up with a dislocated jaw, broken snout and a black eye. He was one of the more ‘pleasant’ patients I had.”

“Wow who else did you treat that was a celebrity?”

“Not that many, I preferred to keep a low profile.”


“Well one, I’m not a certified doctor, two, if ponies did know about me then my job could become problematic and three I just hate publicity.”

“Wait why aren’t you a certified doctor?”

“Didn’t want to be one.”

“What! Why? You obviously have the skills and the knowledge.”

“If I did become a full fledge doctor back in Detrot, than more than half of may patients would have died.”


“There’s miles and miles of red tape and beuqacratic bullshit that would need to deal with before I could help ponies and by that time they would already be dead. Plus most of the methods I use are unconventional to say the least.” he said looking back to Twilight.

“What do you mean by ‘unconventional’?” she said as she made quotation marks with her hooves.

“Well, in one situation I had to remove part of a ponies liver to get a knife shard out of his side. I was able to put the liver back together afterwards but he couldn’t drink as much as he used to.”

“I don’t get it.”

“There are procedures that doctors won’t perform on their patients, even if that procedure could save them because it could affect their career and status in the medical field. I don’t have that problem, I don’t care about status, I don’t care about payment, all I care about is helping the poor pony in any way I can. So If I have to break a few bones to get to an infection I will, If I have to break a few regulations to save a ponies life I’ll do it.”

“Wow didn’t know you were such a saint.”

“I’m not a saint, I’m just a stallion who’s not afraid to get his hooves dirty once in a while to help some-pony.”

“So more like a dark knight?”

“If you want to be dramatic about it then yeah kinda like that.” he said as he rolled his eyes.

“So you would do these procedures on the ponies, what if you were found out by the guards or police?”

“Well, the police wouldn’t arrest their go to doctor and if any-pony did talk or try and turn me in than some of my regular patients would get angry and ‘convince’ them that it was a bad idea.”

“So you would threaten them?” Twilight said with a shocked look on her face.

“No. The gangs members that came to me for treatment would. I never asked them to, they just did, I tried to stop them on multiple occasions but it was pointless. Plus if I had wanted to threaten some-pony I’d do it myself, I wouldn’t resort to using gang’s for my personal interests.”

“Well let’s say hypothetically, a patient tried to turn you in or sue you, what would YOU do?”

“I’d probably ask them why they would try and sue the pony that had just helped them and try and persuade them nicely to reconsider. If they refused then I would most likely undo my work.”


“Again, I have never done this to any-pony. If they came to me with a broken leg, I’d heal it and if they try to turn me over I’d find them and re-break it. They’d get the message after that.”

“You would do that?”

“If I had to. When you live on the streets you need to do anything to survive. Like I said I’m no saint, just a pony who helps those in need.”

“But that’s kind of hypocritical. I mean a doctor who’s not afraid to hurt others.”

“I’m no doctor. And I’m not scared to do what’s necessary to help ponies, even if some get hurt in the process.”

“That is so....”

“Don’t lecture me Twi. I’ve had to do a lot of things I’m not proud of and I’ve seen a lot of things I can never un-see.”

“I was going to say that's very brave.” Twilight said as she let out a sigh.

“Oh, sorry and thank you.” Echo and Twilight dind't say another word until they got to the boutique. Echo could smell the perfume that saturated the small shop.They were soon greeted by a white unicorn.

“Hello Twilight, hello Echo.”

“Hey Rarity.”

“Sup?” Echo said as he looked at the white unicorn.

“What do you need us for today?”

“It’s nothing big, I just need you two to accompany me to the spa.” she said with a smile.

“I’m sorry Rarity could you repeat that? I must be going deaf because I think you just asked me to go to the spa with you.” he said as he put his hoof to his ear.

“No you heard correct darling. Fluttershy had to cancel our weekly spa date to take a care of some animals and it’s no fun if one goes by themself."

“Of corse Rarity we’d love to go.” Twilight said with smile.

“Count me out." Echo said with afrown on his face.

“You’re still in my debt Echo, or did you forget?” she said with a small giggle. Echo swallowed his rage and looked over at Twilight who was giving him a cold look.

“Fine, lead the way.” he said with a grumble.

“Oh don’t be so angry, you might actually enjoy it.” she said as the three left the boutique.

“Doubt it.”

“Oh calm down you need to look good for your date with Rose tonight anyway.” Echo and Twilight both glared at the white unicorn.

“When did you hear that? We just had that conversation like ten minutes ago!” Echo said.

“Sweetie, this is a small town and I have a weakness for gossip.” she said with a giggle. Echo let out a sigh.

“Ugh, it’s not a date. I’m just helping her with some plants she’s crossbreeding.”

“Oh is that what they call it these days?” Rarity said letting out a laugh. Echo then gave the white unicorn a stare that would frighten a manticore.

“Rarity, say anything like that again and I swear by Celestia’s beard that I will shave your mane off while your sleeping and give it to a wig shop! And Don’t think I won’t! Do I make myself clear?” Rarity’s eyes shrank to the size of pin heads in fear.

“Cr-crystal.” she said giving a weak smile.

“Good, now let’s get this over with.” he said flatly. The rest of the walk was spent in silence, the trio found themselves in front of the spa. Two earth ponies suddenly appeared before the group. They were earth ponies, One was pink with a blue mane and the other’s color scheme was reversed.

“Welcome to our salon I’m Aloe.”

“And I’m Lotus. How can we help you today?”

“Hello girls, three usuals if you don’t mind.” Rarity said as she trotted in side the spa.

“But of corse Ms. Rarity.”

“Good to see you again Twilight. It’s been ages.” Aloe said as she led the three into the back, the two ponies gaze then fell upon the dark stallion. “This is a friend of your’s Ms. Rarity?”

“Yes he is an acquaintance of mine. This is Echo. Echo this is Aloe and Lotus they own the spa.”

“Nice to meet you.” he said as he gave the sisters a nod.

“Likewise, any friend of Ms. Rarity.”

“Is a friend of ours.” Aloe finished. The three then went in to the steam room, the two mares started to gossip while Echo went into his own room and gave the two their privacy, he soon drifted off and began to sleep. As soon as the door closed Rarity started running her mouth.

“Twilight are you okay?”

“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?”

“Darling you know what I’m talking about Echo and Rose’s date tonight.”

“It’s not a date Rarity, they’re fellow herbalists and he’s helping her out with some plants. He said so.”

“Twi, do you honestly believe that?”

“Echo said he had no intention of dating Rose.”

“It’s not Echo I’m talking about darling.” Rarity said as she glared at the lavender mare.

“Rose? why should I worry about her?”

“You obviously don’t know Roseluck very well. Let’s just say that our favorite florist likes to move faster than most.” It took Twilight a full three minutes to understand what Rarity meant.

“You mean she.......That she’s........That she would?”


“On the first date?”

“Almost always on the first date. Ever-pony in town knows that she likes to..how can I put this? ‘pollinate her tulips’ regularly.”

“Wow, I didn’t know that.”

“Yes, so Echo had better be careful.”

“Well now I’m scared for Rose.” Twilight said.

“Why?” Twilight then began to tell Rarity what Echo had told her before they went to see her, how he’s not afraid to hurt some-pony to get a job done. “My word. I had no idea that he would do that to a pony.”

“His methods may be....extreme but his motives are good.”

“Still trying to defend your doctor hmm?”

“Rarity! Hush, he’ll hear you!”

“Still haven’t told him have we then. Twilight you need to tell him before another mare comes along and takes a fancy in him.”

“Rarity he’s the definition of anti social, he’s angry, damaged and has an inferiority complex.”

“Some mares find that very attractive in a stallion, wouldn’t you agree?” Rarity said as she gave her friend a seductive look.


“Oh come now Twilight you know what I mean. Plus look at the positives he has to offer.”

“Well he’s smart, strong, caring, and he's good with magic.” she said as she began to blush.

“See you do like him, plus he isn’t that bad to look at.” Rarity said licking her lips.


“Sorry dear, but I can dream once in awhile now can’t I? I wonder what Echo dreams about.”

“Probably nightmares.” Twilight said flatly.

“What makes you say that?”

“I heard him screaming this morning and tried to wake him up. When he did he looked scared out of his mind, must have been one heck of a nightmare.”

“Well one more thing to add to the ‘Echo Enigma’. And what about this Star Chaser he mentioned.”

“Don’t know. He just mentioned her name, when I asked about her he nearly bit my head off.”

“Well let’s find this mare! Maybe she can fill in the blanks for us.”

“That could work, he did tell me that he makes a trip back to Detrot once a year. Maybe it’s to go visit her.”

“Splendid, now all we have to do is accompany him next time he goes.”

“Do you honestly think that he’s going to let us come along?” Twilight said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Very true. So we’ll have to go ‘incognito’ I have just the outfit’s for it.” Rarity said as she clapped her hooves together in excitement.

“I don’t know Rarity what if he catches us?”

“Then we’ll improvise, plus we’ll bring the rest of the girls with us for protection. Strength in numbers and all.”

“Alright then let’s do it. But we should at least tell him about Rose.” Twilight said as she looked at her snow white friend.

“Agreed.” Rarity said as they exited the sauna. The twins were waiting with robes in their mouths Echo soon exited his sauna and followed the mares to the mud bath. He decided to pass on the cucumber and kelp wrap and just sat in the bathtub filled with mud. Rarity and Twilight tried to strike up a conversation.

“So Echo what are you and Rose planning on doing on your da-” she stopped when Echo morphed a pair of magical scissors out of nowhere.

“I mean, social engagement.” the scissors disappeared.

“Not sure, she just want’s me to help her with some plants.”

“Um, Echo there’s something you should know about Rose.” Twilight said.


“She tends to be really, really willing to... um..”

“What Twilight is trying to say is that Rose has a tendency to get ‘intimate’ on the first date.”

“Oh is that all?”

“Is that all? How can you be so casual about this?” Twilight said.

“Well Twilight he’s a stallion so of corse he’s-”

“Wrong on that note Rarity. I’m casual about it because If I can take on an enraged drug lord I’m fairly certain I can handle an earth pony mare in heat. Plus if she tries any thing I’ve got a back up plan.”

“What is it?” Echo then teleported a vial of purple liquid.

“This is will suppress her ‘urges’ for a few hours, by that time I’ll be long gone.” he then made the vial disappear.

“Wow, Is there a potion you don’t have?” Twilight said in amazement.


“Well isn’t that a little....extreme?” Rarity asked.

“Again, it’s only if she tries anything.”

“Hey Echo can I ask you something?” Twilight said.

“Sure what?”

“Well most stallions would jump at the chance to well... 'spend some time' with a mare like Rose. Why don’t you?”

“Well, I’m not like most stallions and I look for more than just looks when it comes to mares. Personality is key.”

“Well that’s very honorable.” Rarity said as she gave Twilight a wink.

“Thank you, plus I’ve had to defend mares from time to time.”

“Really, why?” Twilight said.

“Why do you think?” he said as he eyed the lavender mare. She continued to hold the confused look on her face.

“Still innocent I see.” he said with a chuckle.

“Sorry.” she said as she hung her head down.

“Don’t be. It’s refreshing to meet some pony that hasn’t been tainted by life.” he said with a smile, which caused Twilight to blush. “But back to the point. Sometimes a stallion would want something from a mare, and she wouldn’t give it to him. Then he would start beating her, if I was able, I’d stop them and give the mare some counseling or Star would rather than me.”

“So that’s what Star did for you?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, I would handle the medical aspects and she would handle the emotional aspects.” he said as he let out a sigh. “Incase you haven’t noticed I’m not the most emotionally gifted pony around.”

“True, so where is Star now?” Twilight asked.

“Last time I checked, still in Detrot.”

“Do you two keep in touch?”

“Not really, I visit her from time to time to check on her.”

“Is that where you go every year?”

“Yeah, check on her and see the old neighborhood.” he said flatly.

“Well can we come the next time you decide to go?” Rarity asked. Echo then glared at the white unicorn.


“Why not I’m anxious to see how-”

“I said No! Trust me it’s not a place for ponies like you.” he said with a harsh tone.

“And why not?”

“Let’s see. Two young unicorn mares that know nothing about the Detrot under ground crime ring and for the most part can’t defend themselves.”

“Well I know several defensive and stunning spells plus I’m Princess Celestia’s-” Twilight was cut off by an angered Echo.

“See that’s what I’m talking about! You think the ponies there care about status? They don’t. They would kidnap and kill you, and if they didn’t decide to kill you, then believe me you’ll wish they had!” Echo soon calmed down and lowered his voice. “Take this from some-pony who’s grown up there. It’s not meant for outsiders like you, it’s the filth of Equestria.” he then got out of the bath and walked out the door. Twilight and Rarity sat in the mud bath in silence for what seemed like hours.

“Well I think it’s abut time we got out of this muck.” Rarity said Twilight nodded her head in agreement. The two left the spa Rarity broke the silence. “So how should we go about doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Following Echo to Detrot when he goes to visit Star, I’ll have to organize the tickets, the outfits the-” she was cut off by a lavender hoof.

“Are you crazy! You heard what he said Detrot is a war zone. We wouldn’t last five minutes on our own. Plus we don’t even know when he goes.”

“Twilight relax we’ll bring the rest of our friends with us I’m certain we can handle anything Detrot can dish out and I’ll handle the ‘when he goes aspect.’”

“I don’t know Rarity this seems a bit risky.”

“Fine lets take a vote on it amongst our friends, and then we’ll worry about the preparations. Deal?”

“Deal. I’ll find Rainbow and AJ, you go find Pinkie and Fluttershy. We’ll meet at Sugar Cube Corner tonight at 8:30PM.”

“Alright I’ll see you then.” Rarity said as she turned to the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage. Twilight then trotted over to Sweet Apple Acres to find Applejack, after she talked to the earth pony she found Rainbow Dash sleeping in a tree and told her about the meeting she agreed to come. She then made her way back to the library and found Echo reading in one of the chairs on the main floor. “Hey listen I-”

“No, I’m sorry to snap at you two like that. It’s just that I’m trying to spare you the horrors I have had witness.” he said as he closed his book.

“Look we’re curious about you and we just want to help.” she said in a pleading tone.

“Twi, it’s like I said you can’t help me. I’m sorry but it’s a fact.” he said as he trotted back to his room. Twilight was about to protest but knew it was futile. She had to get ready for the meeting at Sugar Cube Corner.