• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 5,223 Views, 80 Comments

A Sparkle of love - Silentpegasus

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Chapter 8: The Devil's Doctor

Chapter 8

The Devil's Doctor

Echo woke up on a large bed, as he tried to move he realized that his hooves were bound. He opened one eye half way to see six mares looking at him as well as a pony in a white lab coat, he was relatively young and not much older than he was. He closed his eye before any of them noticed.

“How is he doctor?” Twilight asked with a worried look on her face.

“He should be fine, he has a minor concussion, but I’m more interested in these scars. What happened to him?” Twilight then proceeded to tell the doctor everything Echo had told them, his childhood on the streets, the clinic he ran and about the procedures he would do. By the end of the story the doctor had an amazed look on his face. He trotted over to Echo with a syringe, he looked back at the mares with a quizzical look. “You said he lived in Detrot?”

“Yes.” The doctor’s expression turned into a face of sheer horror and wonderment.


“What? Who?”

“He’s the-” he was cut off by Echo who managed to break his restraints and inject the syringe into the doctor causing him to fall on the bed unconscious. Twilight and the others looked in shock at the dark stallion who glared back at them with surprise and rage. Before he could react he was trapped in a purple magic cage.

“What the? Let me go!”

“Not this time! We’re tired of all the mystery and the secrets. WE WANT ANSWERS!” the cyan mare bellowed.

“The only way your getting anything out of me is through and painful torture and I don’t think you have the guts!” Echo said with rage in his eyes. Rainbow was about to tackle him when Twilight held up a hoof and stopped her friend. She then cast an icy glare at Echo who stared at her in resentment.

“Fine, then I’ll get answers the hard way.” she said coldly.

“Go ahead.” he said meeting her gaze. Twilight’s horn began to glow. A small beam made contact with his horn and Echo began to slip into unconsciousness as did Twilight.

Twilight found herself in a dark alley, it’s stench could rival a sewage plant. Her gaze fell upon a dark building hidden by the others. As she made her way through the double doors she saw a light blue pegasus with a sapphire colored mane. She was wearing an eyepatch over her right eye, her left was a deep vibrant red.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle.” she said in a cheery voice.

“Yeah, who are you? and how did you know me?”

“Right where are my manners? I’m Star Chaser. I’m the councilor and nurse here at the clinic.”

“Echo said that you were in Detrot. I used a mind reading spell to get some answers.”

“And I think he want’s to give them to you. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.” she said with a grin.

“Come again?”

“Lot’s of ponies have tried to enter his mind almost all of them have had a one way ticket to insanity. But you seem to be a special case, I can see why he likes you.” she said with a giggle.


“You’re all he ever talks about! I’ve tried to convince him to listen to me but he’s as stubborn as a mule.” she then turned to one of the patients. “No offense Mr. Wheel.” The mule then nodded.

“It’s alright.” he said with a grin. Star then turned back to Twilight who was looking at her eye patch.”

“Um, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your eye?”

“Oh this thing? Well one time Echo and I were cornered by some gang members. We managed to fight them off but not without injury. Echo lost his right eye and was bleeding out. I took him inside and replaced it with mine. You’ve seen it haven’t you?”

“Yeah last night, I knew he was using an illusion spell and it broke when he was hit by a discharge.”

“Oh my, that’s not good.”


“That wasn’t a normal illusion spell Twilight. That spell was more like a lock to block out his memories and emotions. That’s why he’s so blunt all the time.”

“I don’t get it?”

“Ugh, the lock prevented him from going crazy and now that it’s gone he’ll go on a rampage.”

“How bad are we talking here?”

“The last time he got like this he took down an entire gang.” she said flatly.

“And when you mean take down?”

“He beat them until their bodies or minds were completely broken.”

“What triggered it?”

“I’ll show you.” the two trotted into the operating room Twilight saw Echo over an operating table, he was scared. Suddenly a weak voice spoke up, it was the patient.

“It’s okay. Let me go, you have to.” it was a mare’s voice

“No! Don’t talk like that I can still save you! I can-” he was cut off by the patient.

“You’ve done so much for me already, you have to let go. Please I can’t keep living like this.”

“No I can’t! Please don’t ask me to do that.”

“You have to, please for me.” Echo was in tears, he summoned a syringe containing red liquid. He took one last look at the patient as he injected the fluid into the mare’s body.

“Will you stay with me?”

“To the end. I’m so sorry.” he said as he took hold of the mares hoof.

“Come closer.” Echo leaned his head in closer to the dying mare. She pressed her lips against his, she broke it Echo began to speak.

“I love you.” he said with tears running down his face.

“I...love...you... too.” the mare said with the last of her strength and fell back on her bed. Echo held the mare and began to wail in agony.

“Who was that?” Twilight asked with tears running down her face. The scene collapsed to a funeral being held on a hill, it was raining and all of the guests wore black, most of them were street rats and the homeless. After the others had left Echo sat in front of the tombstone for hours, after he finally left the two mares stepped forward the stone read:

Here lies Star Chaser

A true healer and a true friend.

Twilight’s eyes started to flow a river of tears she couldn’t begin to imagine the pain Echo had felt that day.

“He blames himself for my death and all the others he’s lost on the operating table.” she said as she looked at Twilight.


“When he woke up screaming the other night, it wasn’t from a dream it was memory. He had to euthanize a little filly who contracted the feather flu, her mother then slit her own throat right in front of him.”

“I can’t believe he’s been able to bare it this long.”

“He locked away the pain along with everything else. He used to be so caring and kind, now he’s wallowing in sadness and regret. Until he met you.”


“Yes, somehow you managed to reach him and I can tell you like him.” Star gave Twilight a wink.

“I can’t help him.”

“No! You can help him. He’s not beyond help, no-pony is he just needs some-pony to show him the way. And I believe that some-pony is you.” Star then put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. The scene around them began to shake and shatter. “Looks like your time’s up, remember what you’ve seen. Help Echo, if not for him, then do it for a friend, do it for me.” Twilight then felt herself being drawn back into her own body. “Remember Twilight Sparkle, every-pony deserves a second chance.” She opened her eyes to see the five mares staring at her with a concerned look on their faces. Her gaze then fell upon Echo who was glaring at her with fear and tears streaming down his face. Twilight then trotted over and wrapped him in a hug.

“Echo, I’m so sorry for what you had to do, I can never begin to understand the pain you’ve felt. I’m so sorry.” Twilight said through the tears. The five mares looked at her in confusion and trotted out of the room Applejack had taken the doctor on her back and trotted down stairs. After two hours had passed Twilight exited the room, and rejoined her friends down in the main library hall.

“What happened up there Twilight?” Rarity asked in concern. Twilight then began to explain what she had witnessed inside of Echo’s mind. The clinic, Star’s death, the filly, everything. By the end every one of them were in tears.

“Ah had no idea that he had been through so much.” AJ said through the tears.

“Quite, it was a sad day for Detrot.” the doctor said.

“You knew him?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, I remember Echo and Star. I was a medical student and they helped me pass my exams. ‘The Devils Doctor’ that’s what they called him back then. Star and him were inseparable, together they could fix any injury, physical or emotional. After she died Echo became a different pony, he would still treat those who needed it but lacked a certain ‘spark’ in his eyes. His friends and patients tried their best to comfort him but nothing seemed to work. Until he found the leader of the ‘Red Talon.’ The gang that had beaten Star.”

“What happened?”

“He went on a rampage, slicing and cutting his way through the building. Only a few died that night, including the leader’s ‘Red Talon’ subordinates. After the attack we finally understood something.

“What?” Rarity asked with fear in her voice.

“Why, why this stallion that had fought with drug lords and the police why he would run away and hide. He was being kind.”

“How do you know all this” AJ asked.

“I was there on that black day.”

“What happened to the Talon’s?” Rainbow asked.

“No one knows what happened to them.”

“What do you think happened?” the group of ponies turned around to see Echo looking down at them with an intense stare. He then turned to the doctor. “Nice to see you again Knives.”

“Like wise Echo.” he said with a grin.

“I suppose you all have the right to know what happened to them.” his horn began to glow and a small blue crystal and a tripod. “This is a memory crystal, it holds my memories of that day. I understand if you don’t want to see it.” he said as he looked back to the mares.

“We want to know.” Twilight said.

“Alright don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he said as he started to funnel his magic into the crystal. It started to glow and projected images inside the library. They appeared to be inside some sort of building, Twilight knew the building it was the clinic that Echo ran back in Detrot. Suddenly a young griffin with a bandaged right wing made his way inside the clinic. Echo brought him into the O.R. and began to look over the griffin’s wing.

“I heard about what happened....to Star I’m sorry for your loss.”

“It’s alright. Now what seem’s to be the problem.” he said in a flat tone.

“Never mind about me, I’m here to tell you something.”


“I know who did it. I know who beat Star.” he said in a hushed tone. Echo then grabbed the griffin and slammed him down on the table holding a scalpel in a magical grip to his neck.

“If this is some kind of joke then Celestia help you!”

“It’s no joke! It was the ‘Red Talon’s’ they did it! and I can prove it!” he said as Echo got off of him.

“First off who are you?” Echo asked in an enraged tone.

“My name is Ace Beak. The one who beat star was Black Beak my brother, I stole this from him.” he withdrew a golden locket that held a picture of Echo and Star together. Echo grabbed the necklace and examined it.

“I gave this to her for her birthday five years ago. There’s no way she’d leave this lying around. So let’s assume I believe you. Why are you doing this? You’re giving me an excuse to kill your brother and since you’re a member of the same gang then that applies to you as well.” he said coldly.

“If you wan’t to kill me fine. But if you want revenge then I can give it to you. Star was a friend of mine. So if you want to kill me then go ahead, but you wont set one hoof inside out base without my help.” he said as he glared back at the unicorn.

“So why are you turning over your brother?”

“He deserves to die. You think that Star was his first victim? No, he’s been doing it for years. When he dies I’ll take his place as head of the gang.”

“So this is your gain!”

“It works out for both of us, you get your revenge and I take his place.” he said as he looked at the stallion with an intense look. Echo looked at the locket for a moment and looked back to the griffin.

“I want names and the location. I know that one griffon couldn’t do that to Star.”

“Correct, it was my brother and his three lieutenants. They all had a part in it.”

“Alright, I believe you, but the second you hold anything back and so help me I will slit your throat so fast you won’t even have time to call for help.” Echo said as he glared at the griffin with daggers in his eyes.

“Noted, but were going to need a lot of help to over run the compound there’s approximately twenty guards per lieutenant.

“How many lieutenant’s?”

“Including me, four.”

“You’re a lieutenant?” Echo said in shock.

“Yes, my men are loyal to me and they share my idea’s. They’ve even managed to turn some of the other members to our cause.”

“Well why would they care?”

“We may be scum, but we have our rules. And killing a nurse is just wrong!”

“Are your members willing to work with other gangs?”

“If I order them to, then yes.”

“Good meet me back here tonight at 8:00 PM. I’m gonna get some help.”

“We’re gonna need an army to take down my brother.”

“That’s what I intend to get. Remember 8:00 PM sharp!” he said as the griffin left the room. Echo soon left and trotted to the local homeless shelter he met with some old patients and discussed his plan. After they agreed he traveled to the Blue Wing Territory. They were mostly pegasi and were very useful for assassinations and stealth, after them he went to the Yellow Dragons, unicorns who had a knack for pyromania.

By 8:00 PM Echo had the leaders of every major gang in Detrot in the waiting room, he was just waiting on Ace. After the griffin had arrived the meeting had started Echo looked around the room and saw Skyline, leader of the Blue Wings a blue pegasus stallion. Fire Starter a light red unicorn mare, captain of Yellow Dragons and Time Turner a tan earth pony, commander of the Black Manticores. Echo took his seat at the table and began to talk.

“Okay, listen up I know that none of you have gotten along with one another, so all I’m asking is for a little co-operation and then you can go about your business. Alright?”

“You have my attention.” Sky line said with a calm voice.

“Same here.” Fire Starter said.

“Mine as well.” Turner muttered.

“I’m sure you all know about Star’s death. New information has come to light, Star was attacked by Black Beak leader of the Red talons. My plan is to storm the compound find him and his three lieutenants and end them.” the three leaders looked at one another in shock. “I can’t do this on my own. So I am asking you will you help me as I have helped you.” The three gang leaders huddled up and began to whisper to one another for five minutes.

“One question. Where do I need to be?” Sky line said with a grin.

“Like wise.” Turner added.

“My forces are yours to command.” Fire starter said with a smile.

“Thank you all of you.”

“Forget it. You and Star were more than just our doctor’s you’re our friends and we look out for each other.” Turner said with a smile.

“Black Beak has gone too far this time, killing a doctor is against the rules we founded. He needs to pay.” Fire starter said with rage in his voice.

“Only one thing try and limit casualties, I don’t want a blood bath. Just beat them don’t kill them, and No one touches Black Beak or the lieutenants. They’re mine!”

“Done. So what’s the plan?” Ace asked.

Echo started to go over his plan with the leaders, by the end of the night they had their plan, the tools and the army. Echo was ready for war.