• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 8,038 Views, 362 Comments

Marcus 657 - John 117

Marcus 657 has always been different from his other Spartan brother and sisters. But how different c

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Chapter 18- A Hard Days Work

The group arrived at Ponyville late in the night, and when the train pulled to a stop, everyone got off. Not really saying much to one another, they left to retire to their homes. Marcus just stood on the train platform uneasily. The station was vacant, but wide open, and it made him uneasy., unsure of what to do. Staying at Fluttershy’s wasn't a permanent thing, and he didn't want to impose on the mare. Fluttershy stopped and looked back at him, seeing his hesitation.

“Y-you don't have any other place to stay, don’t you?” He nodded at her, taking off his helmet.

“Well, you can stay with me till we find a permanent place for you,” She motioned for him to follow, and he complied. Marcus walked beside her in silence for a few minutes as they walked to her house, till she spoke up.

“Marcus, what are the other Spartans like?” The question caught him off guard. No one had ever been really interested in what the Spartans were like, only in what they could do. How well they could fight, and how long they could last in one. It differed for each Spartan, so there was no definite answer. Neither was there one for this question.

“Well, I guess they're all a lot like me. Some have their own little quirks that they've developed over time, kind of like me, but not as bad.” He thought for a moment remembering Master Chief’s like quirk; he rarely took off his helmet.

“I can say one thing about all of us though; we are a very tight group. We look out for one another, and consider one another family, even though none of us are blood related. We’re all brave, strong, and fight with every inch of our being against those that would do us, or others, harm.” The answer seemed to satisfy the mare, although she seemed to be thinking on something hard. Marcus let her be. In her time, she would ask whatever it was that was troubling her. They arrived at the house, and Marcus walked to the room he had stayed in before, but Fluttershy called out for him.

“Yes?” he answered.

“C-could you stay in here for the night? If you were to wake up again I'd be able to help. Plus I wouldn't anything to, ah, happen if it did.....” Marcus thought for a moment and nodded. He didn't want her to baby him; he could take care of himself after all, but these dreams shook him to his very core, and experiencing another episode without help unnerved him. He followed her to the main bedroom and sat on the floor in a corner across from the bed. Fluttershy soon found some comfort in her sheets and fell asleep. Marcus was not long behind, but the world of dreams would not be kind to him.


Marcus woke with a start. sweat poured down his head and his breathing was erratic. He doubled over and tried to control his stomach from spewing forth what still remained in it. That night’s dream had been worse than usual. It relieved one of his worst fights, one that he hoped he had forgotten long ago. Feeling the nausa pass, Marcus leaned back and rested his head against the bare wall. He stretched his forelimbs (sleeping on the floor night after night even in MJOLNIR armor isn’t the best thing) and looked around the room. It was early in the morning, and the sun was still rising. He looked up, and noticed Fluttershy’s bed was empty. He got up, and searched the house. He called out her name, and finally saw her outside looking towards the rising sun. He went out and stood near her. Her mane was in a large, pink mess, and a bath robe was wrapped around her. A small bunny sat near her, eating it's morning carrot. She looked back at him, startled. She calmed down when she saw it was him, and looked forward again. Marcus walked up beside her and sat down.

“Something troubling you Fluttershy?” She shook her head, but Marcus guessed otherwise. She sighed and looked on.

“I-it’s this whole…c-covenant thing. I’m just really scared; you’ll have to fight them, and youmighdieandomgoshyoumightdieMarcus!” She couldnt take it anymore and leaned into his arm and began to cry once more.

“Why did this have to happen Marcus? Why here? Why now? And why with you?” She looked up at him, a warm feeling in her chest. She was scared for herself sure, but she was also afraid for him. What if they’re too much for him this time? Marcus felt a bit uneasy; comforting wasn't his strong suit, but he had to try. He looked to the rising sun, and he thought about it all. He could never answer those questions; no one could. It was all fate and chance, something Marcus believed in strongly.

"Fluttershy, I want you to listen to something. I have it here in my helmet, and I want you to listen to what it’s talking about. Ok?” She nodded, confused. He pulled up his helmet and turned on a song he had installed for recreational purposes. He told her that it was called “Hero” by a band called Skillet. While the music wasn’t quiet to her liking, the words meant something to her. It talked about who was willing to fight for what was right, even though they weren't special. They were not a superhuman, or a superpony in Fluttershy's case. But the fight needed to be fought, and that pony/person was willing to fight.

“Fluttershy, I have been fighting for all my life. Whether it was through training, or in a combat zone, I have been at war with everything who stood against me, and later on, against my family and those who I cared for. I have become good at it, and while that might not be a good accomplishment, it keeps those I care for alive and well.” He looked down at Fluttershy; her crying had stopped during the song. She understood, and smiled up at him; hope in her eyes. They looked on towards the sun rise.

The day’s events were few and quick. Fluttershy needed a few things in town, so Marcus went with her. He kept his helmet on now, and had his magnum on his hip and the safety off safety, just in case. Once they had finished that, they decided to head up to Sweet Apple Acres to see if Applejack had any work to be done. Marcus was getting tired of just sitting around, and he needed something to do, badly. They arrived at her place, and found Applejack standing with Big Mac arguing over something. As the two got closer, they got the tail end of the argument.


“I’m tellin’ you ah can do it Big Mac! Ah’ve learned from mah mistakes since last time, and won’t do it again. Now go on an’ rest, ya hear? You overdo yerself you much sometimes Macintosh." Big Mac just looked down and shook his head. The argument was lost, and he knew it. He heard footsteps and looked up again, only to see Fluttershy and Marcus. He nodded in their direction, and Applejack turned around.

“Well howdy, y'all. What brings you around ‘ere?” Marcus stepped up, nodding towards Big Mac. He liked men, or stallions in this case, of few words.

“Well, as of right now, I have no job. I can’t just sit around on my ass all day and night, so I thought a job might do me some good. I came to ask if you need anything done. Its free of charge of course, I just need something to do badly.” Applejack stood there for a moment, a big grin on her face.

“You came just at the right time partner. Big Mac here hurt his hoof again, and I need somepony to help out with Applebucking season. Think ya can handle it?” Marcus turned to his left and looked out over the wide fields of apple trees. There had to be hundreds of them. That’ll keep me busy for a long time, Marcus thought. Marcus turned back to her.

“Sure Applejack, I’ll help you with it.” She smiled, a large grin across her face.

“Great! You can start tomorrow if ya can. And please, call me AJ. Applejack’s too formal for a cowpony such as mah self.” With that she walked towards the fields, ready to buck away. Marcus smiled to himself. He got his first real job that didn’t involve killing anyone. This should be...interesting. With that settled, Marcus and Fluttershy walked back to her house in silence. They had a small lunch, and Marcus went out for a run, promising to be back before night. He was gone for an hour or two, having encircled most of Ponyville, and a little bit of the Everfree.

Once he returned, he literally had nothing to do. He sat down on the only thing that seemed to be able to hold his weight, a large, metal chair in the kitchen. Once seated, Marcus felt something poke at his backside. He reached back, and grabbed hold of a hilt. The knife! He had forgotten all about it. He pulled it and inspected the blade. It was a bit dull, and its sheen was wearing off. Having nothing better to do, he started to sharpen the knife on his armor, bringing it down in long, small strokes. Soon the blade was sharp enough to cut anything with the smallest touch. He grabbed a towel from the kitchen drawer and began to rub down the weapon; bringing out it's shine again. Looking over the weapon, he remembered who's it was.

Emilia… It had been hers. He must have seen her use it a half dozen times on Grunts and Jackals, even a few Elites. How had he forgotten who’s this was? Feeling a bit of nostalgia, he gently but back the weapon in its sheath, clenching his shaking hand. It seemed to get more noticeable when things like that popped up. Marcus sat up straighter and looked around at the kitchen. That whole process took about an hour or so, and he saw that it was near dinner. Fluttershy had prepared a small but nice dinner, comprised of a salad, bread sticks, and various drinks. Fluttershy had water, were Marcus decided on hard cider. It had a very sweet taste, but was strong and bold, running down Marcus’s throat with a fiery burn that left him wanting more. By the end of dinner, he had had three of them. Night soon followed, and they sat at the same spot Marcus had found Fluttershy that morning, watching the moon rise into the night sky. They soon returned to the room Marcus laying across from Fluttershy’s bed.

They next day was somewhat the same process, although Marcus got up early, leaving a note for Fluttershy saying he had gone to AJ’s to work. He left, grabbing a small bag with some small items for a lunch, and left, walking towards the farm. He arrived to find AJ stacking barrels into a pile in front of one of the orchards. He waved a bit, and she nodded back, a small smile on her face.

“Took you long enough. Thought Ah'd have ta start without ya." Marcus grunted and pointed around the area.

"Hard to find my way without a guide." Applejack laughed and pointed towards the tree line.

"How ‘bout you and I get to work now that you're here?” He looked at her with a blank expression.

“Where exactly do I start?” She motioned towards a stack of barrels.

“Fill those up with apples in the east orchard; thats the one right behind you. It should be enough for this un. Ah’ll be helping you, so don't worry. We should be done by lunch, then move on to the next orchard and finish up by 5 or 6.” Marcus nodded, and grabbed the stack and moved into the thicket of apple trees. He looked to AJ, who just bucked the trees with her hind legs, making all the apples drop into buckets. Those that were full weren't moved to another tree, and those that were stayed. Marcus came to a realization. Because of his different form, he wouldn’t be able to pick the apples the same as AJ. But Spartans have been known to be adaptive, hell they were trained to be, and an idea occurred to Marcus. Moving back, he punched the tree. Apples fell from it, and the buckets were filled. Happy with himself, he moved onto the next tree, and the next, and the next. By lunch time, the two had finished their work, and left the orchard. Marcus grabbed his hand; sore from the punching. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all, but it worked. At least the hand isn't shaking. They sat down at a picnic table and ate lunch, chatting between one another.

“You sure you’ve never done this before? You were going faster than ah were!” The mare smiled at him, and Marcus shrugged.

“I guess I just learn quickly.”

“So, ah, what goin’ on with you and Fluttershy exactly? You been hanging around her a whole lot lately.” AJ grins at him, and Marcus just frowns.

“I don’t follow,” he responds.

“Oh please, you been with her this whole time! You never leave her side, unless something requires you to, and you always smiling at one another.” Marcus caught on, and just shook his head. He couldn't pass this up.

“Oh you know, same old same old. We sleep together everynight, and she cooks for me too.” Aj spit out her food.

"You what?"

"Sleep together." She staired at him with a blank stair.

"One question: how?" Marcus smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. Aj started to bet red and looked away, flushed crimson. Marcus laughed at her and explained himself.

"Its not like that. I sleep in her room on the floor by her request. She wants to be there incase i have another, ah, episode..." AJ just nodded, looking past Marcus and into the orchard of trees. Suddenly AJ spoke.

"Did you know your parents?" Marcus just looked at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"I was taken from the to be a Spartan II when I was six. I don't remember much of them..." AJ nodded and looked at him with a sad expression.

"Mine were taken from me when Ah was bout that age. Big Mac was a year or two older then me, and Applebloom had just been born. Granny Smith don't talk about it much, and Ah don't really remember what happened, or what they were even like..." Marcus stared at her for a moment before speaking.

"I, ah, I'm sorry to hear it. Why though, if you don't mind me asking, are you telling me all this?" AJ just shook her head and looked around, trying to find something to focus on. She didnt, so she spoke to him.

"Just so you can relate I suppose. You're all alone her Marcus, and you've got no one else to really talk to that will understand. Ah guess I'm just sad for you." Marcus bristled at this.

'Well, I don't need pity." Aj looked at him, guilt in her voice.

"Ah didn't mean it like that Marcus!. Really, Ah didn't." Marcus just clammed up, not even acknowledging her anymore. AJ just sighed, and nodded her head.

“Well, any how, Fluttershy does seem to be getting mighty comfy around you, so watch yourself. ” Marcus just shrugged, ignoring the comment. It couldn't work, and all he was doing was helping her stay calm and feel safe. It wasn't like he had romantic feelings for her or anything......Right?

They finished their meals, and returned to work, setting up in another orchard and quickly moving through it, getting all the apples. By the time they were done, it was almost 6:30 pm. Marcus frowned, sweat covering his face. His hand hurt like a bitch, and he knew he would feel it even more in the morning.

“I should go, and thanks AJ. I needed the work. I’ll be back same time tomorrow.” AJ nodded, smiling and leaning over. The argument from before had left, and her playful mood had returned.

“Go on then lover boy. Go on home to Fluttershy. Thanks for the help again.” Marcus just laughed at her joke, and grabbed his things. He walked to Fluttershy’s and arrived shortly before 7. She had dinner ready and everything. Marcus told her of the day’s events, even the bit about AJ’s teasing. Fluttershy laughed at that and blushed. Marcus finished off his cider, and smiled back at her.

“Applejack has a good sense of humor, but I think that was a bit miss placed,” she said to him. Marcus nodded. They had finished dinner rather late, around 8 o’clock. Marcus helped gather the dishes and went back up stairs. He stopped by the bathroom a minute. I wonder…

“Fluttershy, is it alright if I take a shower?” She looked back up the stairs, still cleaning downstairs.

“Sure. I’m not sure, ah, if you could fit though. How could you with all that armor on?” Marcus just looked down at the stairs, pointing to the bolts in his armor.

“I can take it off you know.” A small squeak was heard down stairs.

“Sorry! Yes you can.” And with that, Marcus walked into the rather large bathroom. He closed and locked the door behind him, not wanting her to barge in on him by accident. He took off his armor, and laid it down in a pile in a corner. He then stripped off the nano suit and under shirt and underwear. He turned the shower on hot and stepped in, not minding the cold at first. It would heat up, and the chill felt good to him. It had been a long time since he felt running water on him.

He leaned his head against the wall, letting the water run down his back. He barely fit in the shower, but man did it feel good. Marcus hadn’t had a proper shower in a few weeks, and damn did he smell. He grabbed a bar of soap, a rubbed it over himself. It was a bit more careful around old, scared wounds. Done with the cleaning, he stood there for a few more minutes, letting his head clear of all thought. Finally he stepped out and dried off. He looked at his undershirt and pair of boxers. Shit these are dirty.

Grabbing the bar of soap, he turned the sink on and cleaned the clothing as best he could. The shirt was had a large tear in the fabric where the piece of metal had pierced through. He let it be, putting the clothing back on, the nano suit, and finally the last bits of his armor. He walked out of that room refreshed. He found Fluttershy already asleep and lay down in his usual spot. He was soon asleep. The work from the day had tired him out; Marcus’s brain was far too tired to create any sort of vivid image. That night, Marcus slept well in the land of darkness and space.

Author's Note:

If you guys feel like listening to the song here it is.
