• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 8,037 Views, 362 Comments

Marcus 657 - John 117

Marcus 657 has always been different from his other Spartan brother and sisters. But how different c

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Chapter 25- The Loss of Love

Marcus looked on towards his doom. An Elite larger than most the Spartan had seen stood before him, holding an overheated plasma rifle, grinning at him evilly. Marcus clutched at the wound on his shoulder; the armor had melted away partially, and the skin and muscle below it was burned severely. It hurt like a bitch, but Marcus pushed the pain away, focusing his attention to the problem ahead. He was hurt and was therefore weakened; which didn’t help the situation any more. Marcus gritted his teeth and stood up straight; glaring at the Elite. Form its size and armor; it looked like it was the Ship Master of the vessel. Great, that’ll make him harder to kill. Marcus looked at him, speaking like he was talking to a child.

“Well hey there, what’s your name little fella?” It growled at him, and stalked closer.

“Wasting time will not save you demon. I will burn this world in the name of the gods, and you’ll be no exception.”

“Aw, too bad. I was hoping to destroy this little ship and kill all you alien bustards. Darn.” At this, the Elite grew angry.

“Enough talk; now you will die!” The Elite charged, but Marcus was ready. He stepped to the left, letting the Elite run past him. It skidded to a halt, and turned, yelling at the top of its lungs.

“Die now human! It will only take but a moment to sever your head!”

“Tempting, but sorry, I’ll have to refuse. I have someone waiting on me, and I’d hate to break a promise.” Marcus charged this time, drawing his shotgun and blasting away at the Elite. The pain overtook him for a moment, and Marcus faltered at bring the weapon to bear on the Elite. Marcus rolled behind a dashboard, and took cover as the Elite fired blindly at his position. Marcus pumped his shotgun, and fired over the cover he was behind. Pumping it again; Marcus stood and fired again and again; slowly walking forward. The Elite took two shots, and its shields flared, it dove for over to regain its shields. Marcus continued to fire after it, dropping the gun when it went empty. Marcus drew his magnum and knife, ignoring the SMG’s. The Elite stood and dropped its now over heated plasma rifle. It drew out an energy sword; it popped open with a *HISS* and out shot a blue beam of hot energy.

“Your hide will be mine, human. I will hang it on my wall as a trophy for all to see.”

"Ya, see. I have a problem with that. I like my hide, and would prefer to keep it.” Marcus yelled and charged the Elite, rolling under the Elites swing. Pain over took him again, and he dropped to one knee and rolled, getting back up on one knee and scowling. I can’t keep fighting like this forever. Marcus’s mind went to the detonator on his hip. Marcus sighed.

Luna? You still there?

Yes, I am Marcus. What is it?

Can….can you put Fluttershy on for me?

Marcus, I thought you didn’t…… Oh, oh no. I’ll get here quickly.

Thank you. Marcus rolled as the Elite swung down at him, severing his conversation. Marcus fired his magnum at the Elite; its shields flared, but it did not stop its attack. It kicked at Marcus, sending him flying through the air. Marcus slammed against the wall with a dull *thud* and fell the ground dazed. He groaned and rolled his head, looking ahead towards the Elite. It stalked forward, grinning evilly. Marcus looked to his side and noticed the shotgun not too far away. I need to time this right.


I’m here Fluttershy.

What’s wrong? Princess Luna looked scared and asked me to stand still. She said you wanted to talk to me.

I did, and I’m glad you’re here. Look Fluttershy, do you remember the song I showed you? The one about the hero?

Y-yes, I do. Marcus, what’s wrong? Before he could answered the Elite, tried to curb stomp Marcus. Waiting for the last possible second, Marcus rolled for the shogun. Getting up and grabbing it, Marcus reloaded the weapon with two shells and fired at the Elite. Its shields flared, and went out. The beast took a slug to the leg, and it fell, yelling in pain and furry. It stood and began to limp forward, pure rage in its eyes.

Fluttershy, there is something you need to know……Not every hero comes home.

What do you mean? Marcus, you’re scaring me. What…what do you mean not every hero……. Oh no, Marcus no! Please no! Leave! Get out of that ship, please! Please, don’t die!

Fluttershy, I’m sorry. But there’s no other way. I’m already wounded, and I can’t get off this ship without fighting every other Covenant soldier on here.

Please, Marcus no! There has to be another way!

If there is Fluttershy, I don’t see it.

Luna....... Luna could teleport you out of there!

If she has the strength that is to get me out of a ship she doesn’t know, along with my weight and the distance between us. Plus I don’t even know if the detonator would work once I got back.

There- there has to be another way! Please Marcus; I don’t want you to die! By now, Marcus knew she was crying. She had to be if she was acting like this.

Fluttershy, I’m sorry.

Marcus! NO!

Goodbye Flutters.


Fluttershy stood on the grassy hill overlooking Baltimare. She had tears rolling down her eyes from her metal conversation she was having with Marcus.

Fluttershy, I’m sorry.

Marcus! NO!

Goodbye Flutters.

At that, the connection was severed, and Fluttershy fell to the ground, sobbing heavily. Everyone stood around her, eyes downcast. They knew what was going to happen, and hated to see their friend in such a state. Fluttershy looked up towards the ship that now held Marcus. Applejack sat next to her, petting her mane soothingly. A few minutes passed, and then a large boom was heard echoing over the land. All eyes turned to see the aft section of the ship spewing forth fire and smoke. The aft section blew itself apart, sections of metal plating falling from the ship. It began to list forward, and it started to fall forward towards the outlining lands. Everyone looked on in horror and happiness. The menace was dead, but most didn’t know at that coast. Fluttershy looked on is sadness as the metal behemoth, silent tears rolling down her face.

No……he…he couldn’t have…..

Fluttershy began to sob again, knowing her love had been lost.


In the southern part of the city stood a wreaked building. Like most in the city now, it was pocketed with blast holes, and burn markings from artillery shells. The streets around were the same; pocketed with craters and small fires. Carts were turned over, and signs of panic were everywhere. Some bodies of dead ponies laid around; plasma burns on all of them. The building still stood, although a large part of a wall had fallen on itself when debris from the destroyed cruiser crashed into it. Bricks and broken wooden beams were strewn everywhere, and created a large pile that spilled into the streets. In the middle of the pile, a hand could be seen poking through the pile. It was still and lifeless; for its owner was most likely dead. It was covered with armor of a grayish hue.

Some bricks from the pile shifted, and some fell; cascading onto the street. If you looked closely at the hand, you would notice the fingers twitching. Finally, and ever so slowly, the fingers balled into a large armored fist. More bricks feel to the ground as a wounded beast tried to emerge from it's slumber. The Spartan was awake.

Author's Note:

New ending. This was planned, but didn't really know how to put it in. Finally figured it out, and now its up.