• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 8,038 Views, 362 Comments

Marcus 657 - John 117

Marcus 657 has always been different from his other Spartan brother and sisters. But how different c

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Chapter 23- Gateway to Hell

Marcus dodged through alley ways and through dark backstreets, letting his active camo recharge when needed. He had been dodging Covenant patrols and squads all night. He had to take a few of them out, seeing as how eventually the shield around the city would fail. Marcus looked up for what seemed to be the 20th time that night. He saw a purple barrier covering the sky, surrounding the city and all who still dwelt within it. Marcus could hear the faint sound of artillery shells falling into the city, blasting away at buildings and streets. The cannons had started again. The shield had been put into position a little while after Marcus had met up with Star Blazer, and the cannons went on and off ever since, taking 1 hour intervals. Marcus had to dodge a few shells every now and then, most shrieked by over his head, but some fell closer, and he had to jump for cover on a few occasions.

Marcus ran into a closed off building, smashing his way through the door. He rounded a corner, checking every hidey hole and corner for covies, or in the hopefully unlikely case, civies. Seeing the first floor was clear, Marcus sat down and checked his gear. He had traded his assault rifle out for a Covenant carbine after he had used the rest on an Elites head. He had a few clips on it, plus two plasma rifles and a single sticky grenade Marcus had pulled off of a dead Grunt. Those plus his Gurkha knife made up his arsenal. Not good enough. Marcus would need at least a cruiser full of soldiers to take on the army and the ship. But he didn’t have one of those. All he had was a carbine, plasma rifles, a knife, and a grenade.

Marcus looked down at the blue sphere in his hands, twisting it around. At first glance, it didn’t seem like much; just a smooth, round blue ball. But when the detonator was hit, it could vaporize anything in a 10 meter range. That gave Marcus and idea. If I can get in, and make it to the engine room, I could place this on a main reactor and blow it from the inside. I’d need a few more though. Like a lot more.….I can get those. Marcus smiled to himself, and then looked out through the window. He crouched next to the wall as a light lit up the room. A Covenant squad was moving past his position. Marcus drew his two plasma rifles, and slowly and quietly duck walked to the frame of the doorway, and stood up next to it. The squad was halfway past, but Marcus waited.

He waited for the opportune moment. Finally, the Elite passed the door frame and Marcus stood out from the door and walked right up to the back of the Elite. Before it even knew he was there, Marcus dropped his weapons and grabbed hold of the Elites head. Twisting his hands to the left, Marcus snapped the Elites neck with a loud *SNAP*. Drawing his carbine, Marcus drew head shots on the Grunts, letting them fall dead, then barrel rolled over to a wall and waited for the suppressing fire from two Jackals to end. He turned from the wall, opening up on the Jackal shield wall. Popping out the empty mag, Marcus charged the Jackals, and punched one strait in the jaw line, hearing a loud *CRACK*. Marcus side kicked the other, knocking out the air in its lungs. He finished it with a quick knee to the gut and grabbed hold of its neck, pushing up until it cracked. The Jackal fell dead, its spine broken. He turned and received a blast from a plasma pistol.

The other Jackal was not dead yet. Marcus drew out his knife and threw it at the Jackal, embedding in its skull. He walked over and wrenched the blade from it, flicking off bits of brain and bone. Blood splattered on the ground, but over all, it was a clean ambush. Marcus walked over to the dead Grunts, and produced 3 more grenades. Pocketing those, Marcus grabbed carbine ammo from the dead Elite and picked up his two plasma rifles. Hitching them on his hips he walked away from the deadly scene.

Marcus neared the gravity pillar that lead up to the cruiser. It needed a fast way to drop off troops, and this seemed to be the best way for the Covenant. Who would have suspected that a lone Spartan would try and take it anyway? Marcus smiled from his 3rd story position. After the ambush in the ally way, he made his way to the center of the city. The shelling had stopped now, and the sun and started to rise over the hills, creating a beautiful glow over the city. Marcus smiled to himself and reached into one of his armor pockets. He pulled out a yellow feather, and brought it up to its eyes. It was straight and true, not frayed too much, but had a few loose ends. It was somewhat curved at the tip, but was over all straight. Marcus stared at the gift Fluttershy had given him, and wondered what the mare was doing. He hoped she had gotten his message. He knew what he had to do before the plan, he just didn’t really know how. Now he did, and he regretted it all the more. He knew she cared for him, and didn’t want to hurt her. But he couldn’t let them get hurt, not while he still breathed. His hand began to shake as he held up the feather, and he clenched it tighter with his other hand. I can't lose controll now.

“I’m sorry, so, so sorry Fluttershy. Please, forgive me.” Marcus let a tear form on his face under his helmet, and blinked it away. Now was not the time for being sentimental. The Covenant still lived, and he had to stop them from hurting anyone else. Marcus put the feather away, and turned from his position over the city, walking down to the ground where his fate waited.

Marcus stood next a corner, looking past it towards the guards. 5 Elite lieutenants stood guard, with matching squads of Jackals and Grunts. Shit, how am I going to get all of those guys?



It is I, Princess Luna. My sister and her student are a little….disposed at the moment, trying to keep the shield up. I am here to speak with you.

How is it you are doing this?

Telepathy is one of my many gifts, along with my sister.

........your joking.....

I am not. Why would We jest at a moment such as this?

Just....never mind.

Very well.

Right, well, can you ask your general if he has any smoke rounds for those cannons?

One moment, I shall ask him.

There was a brief pause as he waited for a response. Had he known, the whole telepathy thing would have come in handy a few hours ago. Finally, Luna returned.

He says he has a few, but not many. They are only prototypes. Why?

I need him to fire them on my position. Can you tell him where I am, and to target it?

Yes, I shall do so at once, and inform you of his response.

Luna’s presence faded, and Marcus breathed a sigh of relief. IF this worked, Marcus’s job just got a whole lot easier. Before Luna even returned, shells streaked past him, detonating in the guard’s position, blowing up a large cloud of dirt and ash. Once the shells had embedded into the ground, the ends opened up, spewing forth a thick cloud of smoke. One shell had landed somewhat close to Marcus, throwing him a few feet back. Marcus coughed and turned on his helmets filters. He noticed a presence return to his mind, and Luna spook.

The cannons have begun to fire.

Thanks for the warning Luna.

Think nothing of it. We are just doing our part.

Marcus grunted, and moved from his position. He ran quietly through the smoke taking down any Covenant he found.

Thain’ Fermoth was on guard when the shells had struck. He coughed and blinked, tears streaming from his face. He looked about him, but could see no further than his hand outstretched. He coughed, trying to call for his brothers in arms.

“Tenzu? Kepath? Unkay? Anyone? Are you there? Brothers, if you can, answer me!” There was silence for a few minutes, then some coughing.

“Tenzu here. Thrain, is that you? What has happened brother?”

“An ambush, I think. I cannot see you brother, where are you?” Before Tenzu answered, shrieks were heard in the smoke. Something dashed about, but Thrain could not see it. Grunts ran, and Jackals could be heard. A plasma rifle was shot off. Something rolled over to Thrain’s feet, and he picked it up. It was the head of Tenzu.

“No…” His sentence was cut short but a burning sensation in his abdomen. He looked down, and saw a human knife protruding from his armor. His hand motioned for it, but only smeared the blood that poured from it. Thrain knelt, holding the hilt of the knife. He looked up, only to see a grey and blue blur pass by him. All thought ceased, and Thrain’s head fell from his shoulders, sliced off by an energy sword.

Marcus put the energy sword away, not even looking at the kneeling body of the dead Elite. He let the smoke clear before moving to phase two of his plan. As it cleared, bodies could be seen, littering the ground. Grunts, Jackals, Elites; all dead. Marcus nodded. All contacts neutralized. He searched the aliens, looking for ammo. Getting 1 more grenade (it never hurt to over prepare) and some clips for the carbine, Marcus walked up to the gravity pillar to the Covenant cruiser. It was somewhat pink, and had small, glowing particles floating inside it. It was pretty, in an ironic sort of way. Marcus banished the thought, and prepared himself. He grabbed his two plasma rifles, and stood ready.

“Well, into hell I go.” Marcus stepped into the gravity pillar, and shot up into the belly of the beast.