• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 3,727 Views, 45 Comments

My little Avengers: Loki strikes, again - Midnight-walker

When Loki finally finish with Odin's patience, Odin send Loki to the only kingdom where he could learn something about friendship. Two weeks later Odin realizes it was a bad decisión . Thor, summoning the avengers they will search before

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“Twilight, are you ok?” asked Rarity from the wagon to Ponyville.

“Yes, it’s just I can’t stop thinking about that stallions, I mean, did you saw how Celestia acts, that is not the same Celestia I usually write letters. And is that interrogation, Celestia never said when we had to go”.

“Don’t worry sugarcube” said Applejack from her sit in the wagon “I'm pretty sure she’s know what is she doing, she’s the big boss after all”.

“Yes, I guess you’re alright” response Twilight with a forced smile “And why I shouldn’t trust in my master only for a few Discord supporters. I need to relax more. Fluttershy, you don’t come with us?”

“Um, may not Twilight. I want to stay for a while and see if I can visit Brohoofs before Celestia sent them to a very far place; and sent them greetings from everypony else”.

“If you think you can visit them just like that” said Rainbow Dash “then you gonna have a baaad time. They are traitors, rebels, anarchists don’t you get it? They just pretended to be our friend to catch Celestia”.

“Whatever, I’ll see you later girls” said Twilight while she leaves the wagon.

“Don’t you come with us?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Sorry Rainbow Dash but I have to stay with my brother and help him with the red tape. You know take care of letters, organize important papers, accept requests,-detect possible explosive letters-”

“Oki doki Loki” said Pinkie coming out from Applejack’s hat” See ya later Twi”.

“Yes, goodbye Pinkie-it’s time to get deep into this -” Twilight get out from Canterlot’s train station and trotted in the city asking herself why Celestia acted like that, and if Shining armor could get some answers for her. Trotted in the middle of the way she feel something, like if someone or something had follow her all the way from the train station, she trotted the fastest as she could through alleys until she find herself in an dead point in the city, then she used her magic for teleport herself a few streets behind she was, when she though she finally lost her persecutors a male voice whisper to her.

“Pssst, here, from the sewer, I know you want some answers and I can give it to you”.

“How are you and why you are in the sewers?”

“It doesn’t matters, now you have to listen. But first get a little closer so nopony can hear us”.

Twilight gets closer, until she saw two white eyes very familiar in the sewer “Are you…” And suddenly Twilight was trapped by a burst of webs that comes from the sewer that faint her.

“Yes, I’m batman” said Spider Colt getting out from the sewer and drag her into the sewer without any pony notice it.


The Castle’s doors were knocked loudly while the guard tried to figure who was in the other side of the door.

“Open the door already” yells a female voice from the other side of the doors.

“In the name of the loyal guard. Who is knocking on the doors?”

“It’s me, Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor little sister and element of magic” resounded the Twilight voice in behind the door “And I came here to bring you the prisoners that escape last night”.

Surprised, the guards opened the doors. And there was Twilight Sparkle with the five fugitives, trapped in magic chains powerless and without any chance to escape from Twilight’s spell.

“Excellent job my faithful student” said Celestia with a grin” You are starting to accomplish the high expectations I had in you all the time. Now let’s call all the Canterlot’s population for they can see what happen when a traitor gets exposed”.

“What are you gonna do with us alicorn?” yells Thor in his earth pony form.

“For answer that question” Celestia chuckle “Just look at the stained glass at your left” she pointed a stained glass of Luna raising the moon.

“No you won’t” said Peter.

“Just wait a few hours and you will see what I’m capable for my people” said Celestia with a smirk.


“I still can´t believe they are going to banish to the moon” commented Fluttershy while she sobbed between the crowd of all the ponies, Pegasus and unicorns in Canterlot while our Avengers where taken slowly and heavily to the platform in the middle of the castle.

“They are traitors”


“Nothing but scoundrels”

“I still can´t believe Twilight was how bring them to Celestia” said Rarity “From all of us, she was the one who really believe in them”.

“Shhh, here they come. This is going to be awesome”

“You can say that” said Pinkie Pie grabbing some Popcorn from nowhere “This is going to be even more awesome than all of us is expecting for”

“Equestrians” said Celestia with an authoritative voice “I have summoned all of you for you can learn what happen when somepony tries to commit high treason and defy your supreme ruler. So I’ve decide to Banish this five traitors to the moon, for they serve as example for who wants to stole my place like supreme ruler of all Equestria” and the crowd erupted in cheers and hoofs strokes against the floor “Now, with help of the element of magic, we will combine our powers and banish this traitors to the exile. If somepony have something in counter my definitive decision, may he or she speak now for it can be banish to the moon with the traitors”.

“I have something to say” shouts a voice from the horde.

“How dare to beard my orders. Show now for I can send you with your traitor friends to the moon”

“It was me” said calmly Twilight Sparkle coming out from the horde of surprised ponies.

“What the…?” yells Celestia looking at the fake Twilight that was besides her, vanishing in front of her eyes.

“Avengers assemble” yells Twilight while she releases the spell that held the Avengers oppressed beneath Celestia’s tyranny. And suddenly, our Avengers appeared with their suits and weapons in all their power against the guards that tried to capture them again. Their horns sheen with a yellow blaze, preparing for launch the same spell again.

But the Avengers were fastest than them. Spider cold uses his shots of web for immobilized them, while Iron Pony uses his repulses blasts for cover their left flank and Thor used his hammer for destroy the platform they were supposed to be banished to the moon. The fight was by the Avenger’s side, until…

“CHIMICHANGAAAAAAAS” yells a strange voice from one of the upper windows, showing a red pony with red suit and two katanas id their back.

“Oh no, why is he here?” lamented Bruce from his nook besides all.

“Who?” asked Twilight desperate to find the source of the strange warcry.

“Oh, oh. He is already here. I wonder why he takes so long in appear”.

And jumping from the upper window, Deadpool gave an acrobatic jump, swinging in the chandeliers like a high monkey and landed in bellies in the middle of our heroes. Quickly he recoveries from the painful landing and starts to shoot indiscriminately against all the loyal guards that surround him.

“Deadpool what the hell are you doing here?” yells Tony pointing Deadpool while he still firing and recharging his guns.

“Easy Tin Man, these guns don’t shoot bullets” said Deadpool calmly.

“What do you mean with GAH” yells when Deadpool miss a shot and shooting Tony by mistake “What the… Deadpool, these are muffins”.

“What I just told you. Don’t underestimate them, they have raisins, mortal raisins” finish that phrase with a tic in his right eye.

“Well, this is an unexpected help” said T’challa using his vibranium daggers for cover against the spells from the few guards that still attacking them.

“Oh, and what reminds me” said Deadpool taking something from his belt “This is a gift from the New Chimichanga Republic, Trollestia” and without anypony had time for react, Deadpool throw a hand grenade before Celestia could even have time for move from her spot.

“Oh no. everypony, to the ground” yells Tony using his armor for create energy shields over almost everypony in the room just a few seconds before the grenade explodes in Celestia’s face.

”Is anypony hurt?” asks Tony just after the smoke dissipates and he could unable the energy shields from everypony.

“We are ok” responses Twilight from a corner of the room with a group of stallions and mares that could be safe from the explosion “and Celestia?” asks alarmed.

And Twilight and the Avengers went directly to the place where a white alicorn lies in the ground with burns in her horn and chunks of gold and jewels around her.

“Celestia, Celestia” cries desperate Twilight in fear “is she, dead?” asks Twilight with tears in her face.

“Back off mortal” yells Thor while he departed Twilight for be closest to Celestia “I’m a doctor graduated with honors” and with Mjolnir Thor checks the Celestia’s vital signs, he keep silent until he gave a smirk and said “Don’t worry mortal, she’s only unconscious, gave her medical attention and she will be fine in one week” said while he uses Mjolnir to remove the debris from the room and fixes the mess Deadpool had made.

“Twi-Twilight” murmured Celestia barely opening her eyes “Where am I? Where is that alicorn with black mane? Who are your new friends?” asked with a weak smile.

“Celestia” exclaimed Twilight with a murmur “Rest Princess Celestia, Thor already take care of this mess. Guards” yells Twilight to the two only guards left “take Celestia to her private hospital and give her immediately medical attention” when the two loyal guards left took Celestia to her private inner hospital Twilight turned to the scared crowd and said:

“Ok now Celestia back to normally… All in this room please leave, please in order and calmly. Don’t comment anything that happened in the last hours please and get direct to the emergency exit. Remember all of this was actually a theater play bring to you thanks to Joe’s Donuts, the most epical donuts ever. ”

“Deadpool” starts Tony with an impatience tone in his voice “do you lost the low common sense you had. You almost kill the queen of these lands and blow half castle with innocents in it”.

“Easy, Tin Man, I just used my harmless hand grenade for release Molestia from Loki’s mental control. And anybody gets hurt by my muffin’s guns”.

“I have a muffin stuck in my liver” whine an innocent pony from the lagging crowd.

“I'm blind”.

“I can’t feel my legs”.

“My hoofs feel like pasta”.

“I can’t feel my soul”.

“I think I might be pregnant” said a random stallion.

“Well, almost anypony gets hurt” said Deadpool.

“How do you get to this dimension?” asked T’challa “I didn’t saw you in Odin’s room, neither in the Everfree Forest, and Luna didn’t said anything about you when we were imprisoned”

“Easy, kitty: I was in my secret base”.

You don’t have a secret base Wade, you was in your cheap hotel room in California eating chips and playing WOW” said The Deadpool’s brain in his head.

“Leave continue; I was in my secret base known only when I’m drunk, when suddenly a portal drags me into this magical land. And I discover my guns filled with muffins instead bullets. So my brain…”


“Told me to find the nearest Chimichanga place, and -for some unknown reasons- I finish here shooting muffins and talking with these losers”.

“What happens with him?” whispers Twilight to Tony after hear Deadpool’s history.

“He is like the psycho, violent and canadian Pinkie Pie from our world” responses Peter.

“Whatever. Hey if that’s my favorite Pony: Pinkie Pie. Hello Pinkie” yells Deadpool pointing Pinkie.

“Hey but if it’s my favorite marvel comics antihero.” responses Pinkie with a smile “Wanna eat some tacos later?”

“You can have your conversation later, now we have to go with Twilight to the hospital and plan our next move.” Said Tony interrupting the Deadpool and Pinkie conversation “I'm keeping an eye on you Deadpool”.

“WHAT? Oh yeah only cause I'm black eh? Well, I feel certainly offended”.