• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 3,727 Views, 45 Comments

My little Avengers: Loki strikes, again - Midnight-walker

When Loki finally finish with Odin's patience, Odin send Loki to the only kingdom where he could learn something about friendship. Two weeks later Odin realizes it was a bad decisión . Thor, summoning the avengers they will search before

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That escalated quickly

“Wow Brohoofs, ya really don’t get tired isn’t it sugarcube” said Applejack admired while Bruce bucked another cart of apples in his seventh day consecutive in sweet apple acres tirelessly for more than sleep of eat the necessary.

“Are you kidding me? This has been the best week of my life” said Bruce bucking another apple tree “It keeps me relaxed, further that, I'm doing something productive and useful” said while another bunch of apples fell from the tree.

“Ok, don’t you like to visit mah friend Rarity in the town, I bet mah hat ya need rest a little, and have fun, maybe eat a cupcake in sugarcube corner, or visit Fluttershy, you gonna like Fluttershy” said Applejack with a worry smile.

“Ok” said Bruce with a whisper after take another bunch of apples to the cart “Maybe you’re right; tomorrow we can go, a little rest won’t kill me after all this week”.

At the next morning, Applejack and Bruce went to the town; Bruce had never been in a town where there are not photos of him in every corner of the buildings, or news about destruction and chaos. No, that was the most beautiful place where he has ever been, where earth ponies, Pegasus and unicorns lived all together in harmony without hatred or discrimination.

“What cha think about mah town?” asks Applejack when they arrive to the Carousel Boutique.

“It’s just perfect” said Bruce with a hopeful smile, just after they enter in the Carousel boutique and saw a white unicorn with glasses that was taking some measurements in a manikin.

“Hey Rarity, look what I bring ya” said Applejack introducing Bruce.

“Oh such a dirty and horrible” cried Rarity while she looks at Bruce’s semblance “Come my dear, I’ll show you how’s you have to dress” Said Rarity while she looks for something in the boxes that was in a secluded place in her store.

“-I should have stay in sweet apple acres. But well, I’ll just simply keep calm and follow the steam -”

“Here it is” said Rarity suddenly showing a dozen of purple shorts to Bruce” It’s the last in summer clothes in Canterlot, you must use them” said Rarity with a menacing stare.

“Ok, ok I’ll use them, they see…comfortable” said trying to not think in Hulk.

“In that case, you don’t mind in take them all for free isn’t it?”

“Ok, ok” said Bruce trying to keep his calm.

Leaving Carousel Boutique with applejack, they trotted with their boxes to sugarcube corner, where Pinkie Pie was waiting for them with a box of cupcakes

“That Rarity, it’s all a mad mare” commented Bruce taking a seat with Pinkie and Applejack in a table.

“Yeah, she’s usually like that; asks for ya wanted Brohoofs, I’ll pay the bill”.

“Oh oh, oh, you must be the Applejack’s new friend, I’m Pinkie Pie nice to meet you, wanna party?” Said Pinkie pie interrupting the conversation between Bruce and Applejack.

“Ah party? err, no thanks” said Bruce starting to get worried about his patience” I think, I’ll go to the gentlecolts bathroom and wash my face, thanks”

“Oh, the bathroom it’s there. Are you sure you don’t wanna some chimicherry, cake, pudding, cookies, cake, cupcakes? ”

“No thanks, I’ll just go to the bathroom”

“Accept one” insists Pinkie.

“I said, now no” said Bruce containing a shout and getting his eyes red “Oh no. I’ll come later” said while he trotted away the fastest as he could.

“Such a rude gentlecolt” said Pinkie eating a cupcake.

“-This can’t be happening, one week, just one week had passed without him. I thought I could escape from him, but now I see not even in this world I can escape from him -”

“-Are you sure you don’t wanna release me. We can smash that puny pink pony and that annoying unicorn -”

“-No, get away from my head right now-”

“-Never, Hulk wanna be free and smash some puny ponies-”

“Nooooooooo” shout Banner in the middle of a secluded part out of Ponyville

“Em, excuse me, sorry if I made you any injury, but, can you very, very please shout a little less louder, you are scaring the butterflies” Said a shy female voice, a voice that seems familiar to Bruce.

“Ah, what how, oh yeah, yeah, s-sorry, I didn’t want to scare your butterflies” said Bruce full of embarrassment.

“It’s ok; I know that wasn’t your intention”.

It was the first time Bruce saw such a beautiful, docile and pure face. Hulk was banished and he back to has the control over his mind.

“Brohoofs” asks Applejack getting into the forest “Thanks Celestia you’re alright, I thought ya where to explode of something. Are ya ok Fluttershy?”

“Yes, I’m ok thanks, but if I'm annoying you I better go now”

“No, wait a minute, we, we could take some tea and, and chat a little, yes that’s it”.

“Well, thanks, if you want you can go home with me and drink some tea if you don’t mind”.

“Of, of course I want to drink some tea with you, it will be a really pleasure”.

And both went so Fluttershy’s cottage to drink some tea, leaving Applejack stupefied.

“-Poor Brohoofs, he must be too stressed, I better let them go, if somepony can calmed down it is Fluttershy -” .


Meanwhile, in Twilight’s tree house:

“And why not ask my friends? They should know something about anypony that comes one week ago” Said Twilight after heard how our avengers lost their friend when they arrived to Equestria.

“Yeah, why not?” said Tony after all the Avengers looks at other faces with an innocent expression.

And then the avengers strip out from their suits and left the tree house to Sugarcube corner for pick some information. In sugarcube corner:

“Hello Twi, who are your friends?” Asks Pinkie.

“They are just Zecora’s friends that came to know the town, that’s everything”.

“Enough chat mortal, tell us now where is our friend” yells Thor, impatient.

“You mean that stallion with a strange cutie mark, creepy green eyes for a seconds, huge problems with anger control and purple shorts that came here with applejack a few hours ago.”

“Yes, yes” said Thor desperate

“No, I don’t know where is in this moment” responses Pinkie with a smile.

“You daughter of a…”

“Stop” said T’challa putting his hoof in Thor’s mouth” I’ll take care of this before you destroy this entire innocent town in anger. What my fella wants to asks was, if you know if that stallion went with somepony after he leaves this place”.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe Applejack knows it”.


In Sweet Apple Acres:

“Brohoofs?” asks Applejack “Cha mean that stallion that came here a week ago, leave me think” said Applejack holding her chin” Oh, he must be with Fluttershy, last time I saw him this morning he stares Fluttershy like a worm to a fallen apple”.

“So, it must be with Fluttershy, and where lives that Fluttershy if you don’t mind” said T’challa.

“I know” said Twilight “She lives in a cottage a few miles from here; I can take them if you want.

“Hey, I wanna go with ya. I have to know what have been doing that pair of lovebirds”.

“Wait, you just said Lovebirds?” asks Tony with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, that pair seems to be melting each other last time I saw them”.

The Avengers share a worried stare with Twilight and Peter said “It could be a problem”.


Meanwhile, in Fluttershy’s cottage:

“So, you take care of every single animal that arrives here for help or refuge isn’t it?” asked Bruce marveled with what Fluttershy just said.

“Yes, every single animal that arrives to my cottage is received and cared by me. It’s like they understood that I just want to help them and not hurt them” said Fluttershy pleased with herself.

“Yes, I think I can –in sort a way- understood what you said” Said Bruce reminding all the times he tries to stop Hulk but he couldn’t” On purpose, can you please tell that bunny yours if he could please stops biting my leg? It really hurts, a lot”.

“Oh, sorry. Angel please leaves Brohoofs, I know you don’t like strangers but this is very rude from your part”.

Angel stares Fluttershy with encore and leaves Bruce’s leg. Slow and painfully.

“Sorry, Angel doesn’t like strangers” apologized Fluttershy.

“It doesn’t matters, I had worst” said Bruce reminding the time Hulk faces a hound of giant ice wolves in the Antarctica.

Toc-toc.toc the door sounds.

“Who it could be” asks Bruce.


“How long it will take to get to Fluttershy’s Cotta…. ” said Peter before he gets distracted by a giant human that was jumping out from Fluttershy’s cottage, holding a yellow Pegasus, leaving the cottage in flames. And what it was worse: it was naked.

“What in Celestia’s name was that” said Twilight with a tic “I mean. oh holy Celestia it got Fluttershy we have to something”

“Easy, we will take charge from this right now, but first we will extinguish that fire and look for witness” said Peter without any worry.

“How you can be so calm that thing got Fluttershy and leaves the cottage on fire” shout Twilight disturbed for what her eyes just saw.

“Because not every that we saw it’s true unless we investigate deeply” said T’challa excavating in the cottage’s ruins “What we got here?” said while he hold two strange bug like creatures ebony color with two sharper hangs.

“Hey cha miss something” asked Applejack just a few seconds after she arrives to the place” What in tarnation ” she exclaimed while she saw the Fluttershy’s cottage in ruins and a zebra holding two changelings in both hoofs “cha gonna explain me that in two seconds or things gonna get ugly here”

“Well” starts Tony” I'm sorry to be I who tell you this, but: the stallion that you welcomed the last week is actually a dangerous giant green human that destroys everything that is on his way if it annoys him. But don’t worry. Bruce has tamed him to don’t hurt any innocent. And for what T’challa seems to find that creatures are the real responsible. Yeah, we sorry about it”.

Applejack didn’t finish understanding what the unicorn just said. That was absolutely impossible. Brohoofs, the hard worker stallion, as calmed and silence as Big Macintosh, that monster. “I just can’t believe what cha saying. There’s more than that stuffs from he came?”

“Only one we know in this dimension” responses Peter lifting his shoulders

“Whut in tarna… Are those Changelings” said Applejack pointing her hoof to the creatures T’challa was bringing.

“So that’s the name of the creatures that tries to attack us in the forest. Interesting” said Tony holding an eyebrow.

“You knew them before?” asks Twilight after recover from the fright.

“Well, that were one of the threats we face in the Everfree after we arrive here” responses Peter.

“How’s that of “When we arrive here” asks Applejack in a threading way.

“We can answer that before” Said Thor “Now we have to find Bruce and interrogate those demons if they can attack our friends, than they can answer some questions”.

“And I know somepony that is perfect for this job. Come on Peter, we have to back Sugarcube corner” Said Twilight using her magic for wraps the changelings in a sack and carry them to Peter’s back.

“I’ll be back later guys, find Bruce and we’ll see later where she said. See ya” said Peter without understanding how some sweets made talk the changelings.

“I’ll go to check in the forest if I can find Bruce” said T’challa “anyone wants to come with me”.

“I’ll go,-I need to know what in tarnation is happening here-” said Applejack.

“I don’t have anything else to do, so I’ll go with you mortals” said Thor.

“Ah, what else, I’ll go too” said Tony with a deadpan.


“Em excuse me Mrs. Cake is Pinkie in home? I have some delivers Pinkie ask me the other day” said Twilight with a fake smile.

“Of course sweetness, she’s in her room up that stairs” responses Miss Cupcake with a maternal smile.

“Thanks. Come on Peter, it’s up the stairs”.

”In coming” responses Peter without show any sign of tiredness.

“What such a strange friends has Pinkie” whispered Mrs. Cupcake.

In Pinkie’s room…

“I was waiting for you” said Pinkie with a rude police man accent. She was dressing with a beige coat and a hat from the same color. Her room was decorated like an interrogation room instead the typical pink and party theme she usually had “Please put the suspects in the chairs”

“How you could know what was in the bags” asked Peter afraid from the pink pony power for guess things “And how you knew we were here for interrogate the changelings”.

“I know lots of things Spider man, now get them out from the sacks and let’s start with the interrogation”.

“How you even knew my secret identity. Ah whatever” said while he pulled out the changelings from the sacks, only for discover that, instead the two changelings T’challa had captured from the ruins; there’s was Pinkie Pie and twilight with baffled stares.

“Help us” said the fake Pinkie” The changelings used their magic for change places with us when nopony was looking”

“Shut up” said Peter hitting the fake Pinkie face with a hoof “don’t even try the same strategy that the Skrull, cause I won’t back to fall in it again”

“Who’s?” asks the real Twilight.

“No one. Please, continue with the interrogation”.

“Oki doki Loki”.

“You better cover your ears; this is going to get very intensive”.

“Hello changelings, how are you. I’m very fine and you? I just redecorate my room as you can see, what do you think? Good, bad? I don’t really care about it. I think I might change to Japanese Yakuza, or crazy house or vampiric Victorian or some like that. You know something new, the new cherrichanga with more cherritonine; it’s like the chimicherry but with more chimicherrysity. I love cherries and you? I can do lots of desserts with cherries: black forest cake, brownies, pie, loaf, pudding, jelly, preserved cherries, wine. Oh you know the Applejack’s cider just finish already, well it doesn’t matter because the next year will be more, and more and lots of more elephants. Elephants? What elephants. I rather the parrots because they can talk, and play, and talk, and taunt on the milkman and……. ”

“This is going to take a long time” said Twilight while both cover their ears and the interrogation continued.


Meanwhile, in the everfree forest:

Hulk holds the little Pegasus in his big hands, it was soft and at the same time delicate and beautiful. He barely could save her from the puny bug ponies jumping from the cottage and leaving it in flames. The puny Banner had faint and he took the opportunity for take the control over the Banner’s body

“Why you came out, I could take over the situation” rumble the Banner’s voice in Hulk’s head” and what is worse, you leave whiteness, in this moment there’s will be like half world seeking for us”

“Shut up puny mortal. Hulk will smash everyone if it comes close”.

“That’s the point; I don’t want you crushing anyone. And how you think in give back this mare to her home, its destroyed and you’re not precisely the most discrete. And you neither are even a pony. And what it’s worse: You are NAKED”

“Your fault, puny human. Didn’t had pants on”

“No one had pants on in this dimension”

“Hulk doesn’t care, hulk it’s more fresh and comfy”

“You will traumatize anything that crosses your way”

“Then Hulk will erase his memory with pain”

“That’s not even the point, I want you in the shape you were before. I want my body back”

“Hulk don’t want it to”

“Then I’ll show the other Hulk your photos the last night”

“No you won’t do that”

“Oh of course yes. Gray hulk, come here I got something to show you”

“You called me” asked Grey hulk, better known as mister Fixit “Can I come out for a seconds please, time ago I don’t go out, just for a few seconds”.

“No” yells Hulk and Banner at the same time.

“Ok puny mortal, but someday I’ll got that photos”.

“It always works”.

Back in a glade in the Everfree Forest:

“Oh, what happened? Angel? Oh, my animals, my house”.

“Don’t worry, your animals are ok, they could escape from the cottage before it explodes” answered Bruce, back in their Pony shape.

“Explosion. Wha, what explosion. Are you ok”.

“Yes, I'm ok. By the way, what was the last you can remember?”

“Oh, let me remember. Last I can remember was you and me taking a cup of tea in my cottage when suddenly Twilight and Rainbow Dash appeared and, and angel bites them turning them into Changeling, and, and,” said Fluttershy trying to remember more from before she fainted “a giant green thing appeared from nowhere and scares them, and, and that’s everything I can remember”

“Well” whispered Bruce “I think it could be useless hide you the true. That green giant you saw in the cottage, it was me. Every time I get angry or I get stressed, it just comes out. That thing is just rage and destruction, and sometimes, I just can’t control it. I can’t sleep because I'm afraid to wake up in a distant island in pacifically or in some creepy cage”

“Well, I think, and I just think that thing isn’t really bad. It just needs some love and understanding” said Fluttershy while she gets closer and closer to Banner.

“Yes, maybe. Wait, aren’t you afraid from me, I mean, you saw it with your own eyes”.

“Yeah, maybe, but no, because I know I'm not going to get you mad”.

“Tha-thank you” stutter Bruce, blushing.


“Oh, they are for Brohoofs?” asked Rarity after she gave Thor a box of purple shorts “He obviously couldn’t resist buy more from this exquisite French design shorts. Take them, please, give it to Brohoofs. And if h wants more, he can come here when he wants”.

After Thor comes out from Carousel Boutique and left Applejack waiting for him in the bathroom, he joins Tony and T’challa in the edge between the everfree forest and Ponyville Tony said:

“You are late”

“That wasn’t my fault, mortal. It’s just that mare just doesn’t finish talking, and whining about actual fashion, and giving speeches about how I should dress, and…. For Odin’s sake, now I can understood why Deadpool is always alone-And I had to leaves the store in the most discrete way as I could for the bathroom for avoid that orange mare follow us-”.

“Whatever, if we want to find Hulk it’s inside the forest it can’t be very difficult to find” said T’challa.

“Oh yeah, like if we were to find banner cuddling with Fluttershy in the middle of a glade, with some sunbeams in a romantic manner” said Tony, sarcastically.

“I just can’t understand your visualization mortal. For Odin’s sake use your common sense we are looking for a giant green berserker not a friendly and enamored stallion”.

“You know something, never mind. Let’s go”

And our heroes trotted during a few hours in the everfree edge looking for Banner, they find lots of ponies and Pegasus that claimed to saw something green jumping from Ponyville to a far section in the everfree forest. Our heroes follow all the whiteness testimonies till they find the part in the everfree forest where almost all the whiteness claimed to saw the green thing stops. The trotted the fastest as they could till they find the exactly place where seems to had more destruction. They just had to trot a few meters more until they finally find something so unexpected, so unreal, so taken directly from a bad fanfiction, that they couldn’t believe it till Thor spokes.

“Hey Bruce, is that you?” yells Thor surprising Banner and Fluttershy in they embrace, making them separate with a blush. “Hey Tony, you were alright after all”.

“I just was been sarcastic, but now we finally find you Banner. Banner, we were looking for you during one week, week we passed in tentacles, spiders, storms, eating what we could find. All this at the edge of the dead in this freaking forest where we almost find our dead more than one time. While you ate apples and cuddling with your girlfriend isn’t it? ”

“Just calm Tony, you are scaring the poor creatures that live in this forest. And I have to tell you that the time I spend in this world I spend it meditating and working instead wrecking all the beautiful landscape. And, may I remember you the last time Hulk lost the control wasn’t my fault. He save this mare and I from those horrible bug ponies” response Bruce with calm.

“Whatever, just come with us, we need to plan our next move now you bare here”.

“What? No, I’m not going to become your new heavy weapon tony. I’m finally in the place I always want to stay in. And I'm not going to forsake it for the whim of a spoiled demigod.”

“If you don’t come with us, that spoiled demigod could destroy this world and ours if we don’t stop them”

“ejem, excuse me,”interrupts Fluttershy” I think, and only I think, you should come with them, just for make sure we are not going in any threat or something like that”

“Ok” whispered Bruce “I’ll come with you guys, only for you Fluttershy. Come on, we have a long way to trot”


Back in Sugarcube corner, our characters find one of the strangest scenes they ever saw in Equestria:

“Tell me now what is planning chrysalis or I will shatter your face with my love and tolerance” shouts Pinkie pie to one of the changelings while she grabs them in the neck

The Changeling just chuckle and stays impassive, like in all the interrogatory

“She has been trying to make them talk during two hours and still getting nothing but a few giggles and a deadpan from them. Hello Bruce, how’s the beautiful mare that goes with you”.

“If we only had Natasha with us, she had made them talk a while ago” said Tony with a whisper.

“If they are not going to talk, then I will made them talk” said Bruce getting serious.

“Please, leave me take care of this” said Fluttershy adopting a cold and merciless voice tone. And sitting in front the Changelings she starts to get a cold, dark and menacing stare “I'm going to set things clear, somepony send you both to kidnap me and Bruce, set my house in fire, and hurt my animals. You both have one chance, and only one chance to tell me who and why. Because if you don’t, you, will, face the, consequences” said while she finalizes every word with a deepest stare

“It was an alicorn”

“That arrives to the hive”

“We don’t know his name”

“But we know he has black mane, green eyes, is white color and has a macabre laugh”

“He took over our hive”

“And threatened us with destroy the entire hive if we said no”

“Queen Chrysalis offers resistance”

“But the alicorn was strongest and broke her will”

“He offers vengeance against all Canterlot”

“And more food and freedom for our hive”

“He sent us for neutralize the element of kindness and whatever be with her”

“He plans to neutralize all the elements of harmony before heir interrupts with his plains”

“But we were the only available changelings for the mission”

“We plan to start with the weaker element of harmony and then proceed with the others”

“That is everything we know”

“We swear in Chrysalis’s name”

“But please, stop staring at us like that” Both changelings said at the same time.

“Wow, I didn’t even know that things could talk such fluent English” said Pinkie recovering her normal attitude.

“Me neither” said Twilight “But it doesn’t matters now. We have to find everypony else and go to Canterlot the fastest as we can. I could send a letter with Spike but it will take too much time we don’t have. But, how can I gather Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack before the last train comes out. This becomes an entire problem” said with a whisper.

“It doesn’t matters, they will be waiting for us in Ponyville train station just when we arrive there. Oh, and you better go for your iron saddlebags and your suits before we go, you could need them when we arrive Canterlot Tony” said Pinkie with a innocent smile.

“How she knows that” said Tony with scared face.

“Believe me Tony, I had studied Pinkie during a long time and still without understood her in all. Sometimes, you just have to trust in her”.

Tony stayed with a deadpan while they comes out from Pinkie’s room and leaves the Changelings in the closet under padlock.

The avengers pick up their suits from Twilight’s tree house and went to Ponyville train station where Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were expecting them with a surprised slime. Except Applejack because she had to wait during two hours in front of Rarity’s bathroom until she finally ceded and decides to go with Rarity to Ponyville train station for any strange reason.

“I was expecting for ya” said Applejack with a smirk “We have much to talk in the way to Canterlot Brohoofs”.

The journey to Canterlot went very silence between our avengers, they barely talk while the mare six used the time for chat about the last events happened in the last week. When they finally arrived to Canterlot, They took a fast lunch and went directly to Celestia’s castle.

“Wow, I can’t believe we finally arrive here” said Thor, wondered “The architecture is really worthy of an aasgardian”.

“Save all you praise for when we meet Celestia or whatever she’s known” said Bruce in a bad mood “But yes, I have to admit it, the city and the castle are very beautiful”.

“And ancient” added Twilight with a whisper “Ahh, such a memories, that is where I did my first successful spell, and there is where we prevent Chrysalis from take over Canterlot”.

“Ahh, can you please focus” interrupts Tony “We really need to find that Celestia from you have spoken to much and tell her about the Changelings and Loki”

“Sorry” apologizes Twilight” Whatever, now we only has to enter in the castle and talk with Celes…..” said Twilight, suddenly interrupted when she notices the Castle’s doors were closed. She knocked of the doors and said in loud voice “Hello, anyone. I’m Twilight I came to talk with Celestia about an incoming threat that looms over us” She didn’t had any response from the inside.

“We bring cupcakes… chocolate cupcakes” yells Pinkie, and the doors suddenly opened “It always works”.

And entering in the throne room they notice that nopony was inside, the room was absolutely empty.

“This seems very strange for me mortals. What does your spider tingling tells you spider young? ” asked Thor to Peter.

“I don’t feel anything Thor” said Peter while the eleventh ponies trotted into the throne room “WAIT. I can feel them. My spider tingling gone crazy, they are everywhere”.

And suddenly, hundreds of royal guards appear from nowhere surrounding only the avengers and leaving apart the elements of harmony.

“Twilight what means this? I though Celestia will receive us like your friends” yells Tony while more and more royal guards surround our avengers.

“That was what I thought, I just can’t understood why they royal guard its surrounding all of you like if where dangerous criminals. I demand an explanation”.

“And I can give it, my faithful student” interrupts masterfully Princess Celestia in the room “The explanation is simple. They are very dangerous criminals, supporters of Discord that the only they want was used you to get me and lunch a putsch for take the throne in Discord’s name. And make the chaos and anarchy cover Equestria” said Celestia with a cold and merciless voice.

“Wait, are you telling us they are really the bad guys” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Exactly, element of loyalty. Now they will be taken to the dungeons until we decide what to do with them”

“You can’t compel us. Avengers assemGAHHHHHHH” yells Tony suffering with the other avengers from an energy beam that comes from all the directions fainting them.

“I already did it. Guards take them to the dungeon and strip them out from their belongings. Twilight you and your friends have to undergo into an interrogation. I'm sorry, but these are the rules”.

“But Celestia”

“Don’t question my orders Twilight, I'm doing it for one reason and that’s enough. Now go with your friends to the interrogation room and tomorrow you and your friends will leaves Canterlot while that Discord supporters meet their punish. It’ll be less painful for all of you. Now get away from my view, I got enough this day” said Celestia while she trotted gracefully away.

“I never tough Bruce could do such a horrible stuffs” cried Fluttershy in silence.

“I should know it all the time” lamented “Nopony that arrives from nowhere and works without rest like of where escaping from something can be a good sign”.

“Oh such a same for such a handsome stallions-maybe I can convince the guards for release that glorious unicorn-” cried Rarity.

“Tsk, nopony that be with Discord can be trustable” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

“Does somepony wants Cherrychanga” asks Pinkie Pie acting like if nothing had happened.

“Not now Pinkie. I don’t have hungry” responses Twilight with sadness.

“Well, more for moa”.