• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 3,727 Views, 45 Comments

My little Avengers: Loki strikes, again - Midnight-walker

When Loki finally finish with Odin's patience, Odin send Loki to the only kingdom where he could learn something about friendship. Two weeks later Odin realizes it was a bad decisión . Thor, summoning the avengers they will search before

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The changeling's queen

Now, back to the battlefield, ten minutes before:

“Keep the connection” said Twilight while she and Shining Armor tried to keep the titan alive.

“Sorry Twi, I can’t keep it anymore, we have to split”.

“Just a little more, the Changelings are ceding”.

“Heeeeelp” yells the Cadence from a giant changeling that was abducted her after a few moments of distraction from Shining Armor.

“NO” shouts Shining Armor after lost the connection with the titan and fell with Twilight in the ground.

“Don’t worry Twilight’s brother” said Spider Colt after save them both with a shoot of web “I will save your wife from that mutant” and then he shoot a web to other giant changeling that passes in the same direction, he could hang from one of his forelegs, swinging he climbed in the mutant’s back and used his web shooters for control the mutant and follow the mutant that wore Cadence in their claws.

“Seems like we are the only ponies left sis” said Shining armor with Twilight being surrounded by a dozen of angry changelings.

“Don’t forget us darling” said Rarity and Applejack landing just in the middle of Twilight and Shining armor prepared for defense.


Cadence fell the hard soil under her hoofs after the mutant changeling left her in the ground in the edge of the Everfree Forest and Canterlot. She felt fear; something was telling her that a big rage and encore was approaching her.

“So. The princess of love finally decides appear alone. Such a consideration” said a female, sarcastically, and evil voice approaching her from the darkness “Do you remember the time I almost marry your husband and almost become the supreme ruler of all Equestria? Of course you do. After all, you were the one who ruined my weeding. You know, to be the princess of love you are very inconsiderate”

Cadence turns her head slowly and scared just for saw what she was fear for. There was it: The Changeling’s Queen better known as Chrysalis. “No, you won’t back to lock me up in a cave” murmured Cadence with fear in her voice.

“Oh darling, I can make you sure this time I won’t back to lock you up in any cave, this time I will personally take care of rip off your head, and show it to your husband” yells Chrysalis with madness.

“No, if I could defeat you before” said Cadence with bravery “I can defeat you now”.

“But darling, this time you won’t win this battle. This time, I will show you my real form as the legitimate queen, of, the, changelings!” yells Chrysalis beginning to burn in green flames, mutating into a horrible creature: her flanks start to fuse into a black squamous tale, her eyes start to bright in a supernatural green, her upper hoofs turn into two scythes, her face distorted into a big muzzle full of sharpened fangs ready to bite. Finally her; and finally, she grew tree times her size “Now behold the real shape of the queen of the changelings. Considerate yourself lucky, I only have show my real form to two of tree ponies, but of course, none of those ponies survived for tell it” said Chrysalis with guttural voice.

Cadence was immobilized in fear, the only thing she could barely do was stare at the abominable creature that opened his muzzle for bite and kill her in any moment. Chrysalis pounced against her with her muzzle opened, when suddenly a web closed her monstrous mouth. And other web hit in her eyes blinding her the time enough to Spider Colt to save Cadence and take her to a safest place swinging through the trees and leaving the Changeling’s queen in blind rage.

“Wow, are you ok?” asked Spider Colt when they could finally stay in a cave deep into the forest.

“Y- Yes” stuttered Cadence after recover the calm “It’s just, that thing, I freeze and. I could do absolutely nothing. What could happen if I died by Chrysalis, what could happened to Shining armor or Twilight if you don’t have been there” sob Cadence in silence.

“Ok, listen to me. I know that thing have horrible things, but something I have learned from the past: You can’t run from it, you can’t hide from him, it will pursuit you for the rest of your life. But you know why? That’s because the past want you to learn from it, it might be the toughest teacher, but at the same time, it’s the most effective. You can choose between escape from him and accept the eternal torment that it represents. Or you can accept it like an old friend and learn something from it. So what you think? You want to be tormented by your past outside here? Or you want face it and disarm it for it won’t back to hurt you anymore?”

Cadence gave a whisper, and thinking what the spider stallion just said she realize the stupid she was a few minutes ago “What’s your plan?” asked with a smile.

“Just listen very carefully…”


“Oh mi amore cadenza, where are you?” asked Chrysalis after lift a rock from the ground “Come on, get out from where you hide I won’t hurt you, I promise”.

“Yahoo, here nasty queen” said Cadence saluting with a hoof from a rock.

“You dumb child, it’s time for know your creator” yells Chrysalis crawling at a super pony kind speed.

“No if I can do something about it” said Cadence levitating a bunch of giant rocks with her magic and throwing them to Chrysalis.

“You really think with those stupid tricks you will defeat me?” said Chrysalis easily dodging the rocks with ability.

“Not that kind of tricks” said Spider Colt using the rocks as projectiles with his web. Hitting right in Chrysalis back, leaving her more furious.

“Oh you…” yells Chrysalis trying to hurt Spider Colt with her scythes, but he could easily avoid them with his spider sense. And using his webs for leave chrysalis blind he used more of his web for embroil chrysalis in more web, leaving her even more furious “how you dare to do this to the queen of the changelings. You are nothing but a screwy bug in my way”.

“For your information” said Cadence with authority “The spiders aren’t bugs, they are arachnids” Finished shooting a powerful energy beam that hit in Chrysalis, pushing her to the edge of the forest. And just in that moment a curtain of thunders hits in the edge of the Everfree Forest, frying her. The last screams in agony of the Changeling’s queen echoed all over the deepest parts of the forest, leaving her reduced to nothing but ashes and dust through the winds of storm.

“No, I didn’t want that” said Cadence starting to sob “I didn’t want to kill anyone. I'm sorry”

“Calm, calm” said Spider Colt hugging Cadence in a warm and comforter hug “It’s over, now let’s finish with this nightmare and go back with everypony else. They will need our help. I promise, after this you will rest in your bed, without any worry, and with an entire tray of fresh baked cookies”.

“Thanks, after this I will need vacations, to a very distant place from the forest. Maybe, the south pole”.