• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 5,844 Views, 261 Comments

Upon Wings of Sacrifice - Rated Ponystar

Rainbow Dash journeys to find a way to bring back Applejack from the dead...but at what price?

  • ...

Entering The Cage

Author's Note:

I apologize for having this chapter delayed for so long and for it being so short. I wasn't satisfied with how the cage battle was originally so I decided to start it again from scratch. However, I didn't want to leave you guys hanging longer then you already have so here is the beginning of the original chapter. The full fight will be the next one and I promise to make it good. Thank you.

Upon Wings of Sacrifice (Rewrite)

Chapter 11: Entering The Cage

An MLP: FIM fic by The Rated PonyStar

Edited by Mr. Minimii and Apple Cinnamon

Formerly edited by: Fernin, Halcyon and Clavier

Artwork done by: alfa995


Rainbow Dash didn’t get number one like she had been expecting. Instead, she got number two. She still cursed in her head knowing that she would have to get in the ring first. She looked around, noticing the other contestants either smirking or shaking their heads in disappointment upon looking at their draws. Toma looked at hers and whispered a curse before he told Rainbow Dash to hand her number back.

After all had been taken in for account, Hunter Saylo, the referee, cleared his throat and announced. “The following individuals for the first match, based on the numbers they drew are: Skylar for Boss Bucklard, Rainbow Daring for Boss Lightfeather, Bloodfire for Boss Dale, Caliber for Boss Reedsong, K.K. for Boss Talonstrong, and Malice Claw for Boss Rainheart. Everyone else can either come tomorrow, or stay and watch the fight. Fighters, head to your respective rooms to prepare yourselves.”

Hunter flew off the cage as the named fighters all split up, guided by guards to their separate locations so they could have last minute preparations. Rainbow Dash didn’t even realize she let out a sigh of relief when she saw the kitsune leave the building with his group. Before she could leave herself, Mr. Lightfeather walked up to Rainbow Dash and glared at her. “You better not lose, Daring. I’ve got a lot of money riding on you, and I don’t want to see you flat on the floor in five seconds after the fight.”

Rainbow Dash gave him a grin and lightly punched him on the shoulder, much to the surprise of some of his guards. “Relax, man. I’ll knock each of these guys out, and you pay for the drinks when we win.”

A smirk appeared on his beak. “I like you, Rainbow. Don’t end up dead.”

She kept up her smile until Lightfeather had his back turned to which she quickly turned to Toma and asked, “Nopony actually dies in this, right?”

“Accidents happen,” said Toma, guiding the rest of them towards the end of the room where they entered a door that lead them to another hall. Rainbow Dash quickly looked again at the cage where she would be fighting against five other guys for the chance to move on to the final round. Although nervous, she had to remember that Applejack had to be watching her, rooting for her to win.

Dash only hoped she wouldn’t be joining her by the end of this.


Ten minutes had passed, and she still wasn’t ready. Rainbow Dash paced back and forth in a small armory that had been given to them to use, but it was barely large enough to fit her, Tender Point, and Toma. Speaking of which, the griffin had told them to wait here while he used the time they had to scout around and get as much information of their opponents as possible. Rainbow Dash snorted. What does he mean by ‘their’? I’m the one who’s going into that chamber, and ruffling it up with the a bunch of other fighters.

Tender Point had been quiet since they arrived, calmly staring at Dash in the corner while the latter was pacing. Finally, she said, “You don’t have to do this. You don’t need to go out there. We can just go back to the apartment and wait.”

“Waiting is one of my worst strong suits,” said Rainbow Dash. She got on the floor and began to do wingups, grunting as she tried to focus on something other than the the upcoming fight. “Besides, do you really think those guys will just let us leave? Not a chance. And I never go back on my word. If I’m going to do something, I’ll do it even if it means risking my life. It’s just who I am, and that’s never gonna change.”

Tender bit her lip, but closed her eyes and nodded in understanding. “I wish I was as brave as you.”

“Trust me, there is... was... somepony who was braver than me,” said Rainbow Dash, stopping her exercise as she sat down and thought about her lost love. “She was the kind of pony that never thought twice about helping somepony, even if they weren’t nice to her. I’ve seen her face dragons, timberwolves, manticores, and thieves... and she never showed a hint of fear when facing them.” Rainbow Dash frowned and touched her heart, wishing that Applejack was right there beside her in person. With her there, Rainbow Dash felt like she could take down everypony in that room, and still have energy to face the entire army of Grydon. It would be just like before. Just the two of them facing down impossible odds and looking cool while doing it.

Her emotional nostalgia came to an end when Toma entered with only five minutes left to go before her fight if the clock nearby was accurate. He lifted his hat and caressed his claw in his crest feathers before he proclaimed. “Well, good news is that I found a weakness for one of our opponents. Bad news is that two of the bosses have agreed to team up in this match.”

“Good news first,” demanded Rainbow Dash, narrowing her eyes in attention.

“Bloodfire, that minotaur? He has a weak knee,” revealed Toma, grinning like had won the lottery. “This is good for us because he’s a veteran in these fights, five years running, and while he’s never won, he’s given fighters trips to the E.R. However, all the fighting has finally caught up to him. Aim for his left knee, and he’ll go down like a tower scheduled for demolition.”

“Okay, so what about this team up?” asked Rainbow Dash, “I thought it was everyone for themselves here?”

“It is, but occasionally there are alliances where two bosses agree to have their fighters work together until they are the only two left. Then they go at each other,” explained Toma. He shook his head. “In this case, it’s bosses Rainheart and Reedsong with their respective fighters Malice Claw and Caliber. I tried getting Mr. Lightfeather to agree to alliance with Bucklard to counter attack this, but he still hasn’t forgiven him for what he did during a party they both went to.”

“What happened?” asked Tender Point, tilting her head.

“You know how my boss is sensitive of his height? Mr. Bucklard asked Mr. Lightfeather where his parents were... to which my boss responded by punching him in the gut.” Toma shook his head. “There were some insults, weapons drawn, threats, and the occasional warnings with body parts to those we love. The usual aftermath of a get together.”

“I’m sure birthday parties are an absolute killer,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“So how is Rainbow going to deal with these two if they team up?” asked Tender Point before her eye lit up. “Could she make an alliance with one of the fighters during the fight?”

“Perhaps, but that’s only if they agree to it. You're better off convincing the ones they’re fighting for because they pay them and everything. With a fighter, you have to remember most of them do this for a living. It’s a testament of pride for them, and they may take it the wrong way,” answered Toma.

“I’ll deal with it if it comes up, but right now I have to get to the match,” said Rainbow Dash, pointing out the clock.

Toma nodded before he placed his claws on Dash’s shoulders, and looked her straight in the eye. “Are you ready?”

Dash gave a cocky grin. She might have been nervous, but it didn't mean she wasn't also excited. “Hay yeah.”

“Good, I also took into consideration your idea for your entrance for this fight. Be sure to give them quite the show,” said Toma.

“Relax, I’ll give them an entrance nopony has ever seen here,” said Rainbow Dash, grinning like mad. “Followed by a fight that you guys will be talking about for years.”

With a nod, Toma led them out of the room, towards the first fight and their only chance of escaping the city.


With the final preparations set, everyone had taken up seats around the giant chamber or found a place to hang in the ceiling. The respective bosses of the fighters who were to be involved in this match had a special balcony where refreshments, smokes, or anything else they needed was being served to them by a host of maids.

On the surface, these were respectable business birds who wanted to discuss a few deals, the match itself, or raise the stakes in the betting pools. However, each of these mob bosses was keeping a close eye on the other, making sure to capture any kind of hint of weakness or valuable information that was discussed. While each of them followed the “rules of conduct” their kind had followed for nearly a thousand years of tradition, the most important rule of the entire game was to take advantage of anything you could.

Meanwhile, the grunts of these cutthroat leaders were enjoying their time off with little fear of killing each other as they usually did on the streets. Events like these made them relax, unwind, and have a chance to talk to their rival gangs without any smack talk. Some of them knew each other, having lived on the streets for years. Others were outsiders who weren’t treated with the same respect, but were slowly fitting it.

Overall, it made them forget out the lives they lived, the civil war going on between their government and Blood and Liberty, and this damned lockdown. Hunter Saylo eventually entered the chamber itself, microphone in claw, and cleared his throat for their attention. “Everyone! It’s time for the elimination chamber match!”

A loud cheer erupted from the grunts while the bosses merely clapped their claws. Raising his own claw for silence, Hunter waited until it was quiet once again before he continued, “I will once again inform everyone here the rules of the match. Each fighter who drew numbers six to three will wait in a pod that will be randomly opened after the five minute mark. Meanwhile, the ones who drew number one and two shall start the match. This match continues until all the fighters, except one, have given up, are knocked out, or killed. The last one standing will proceeded to the finals to face off the winner of tomorrow’s match. Now, introducing numbers six to three in the order they were drawn.”

The attention of the crowd was now turned towards one of the entrances that had been decorated into looking more like a stage. In order to make things seem more interesting, and gather support and bet money, the fighters were given specific entrances they thought up on their own in order to wow the crowd.

The lights went off and not a single breath was heard. Suddenly, one of the entrances leading to the other hallways on the right side of the room shot fire, spreading embers across the floor as the thick smell of smoke lingered in the air before finding a way outside from the holes above the ceiling. A few griffins were ready to fly and bolt, but stopped in fear as a huge bipedal figure began walking from the entrance where the flames spat out. Upon seeing him, long time fans of these fights soon cheered for the red furred and ash-colored faced minotaur whose blood red horns made him look like a demon rising out of Tartarus. He turned to the audience, lifted his arms, and unleashed a war cry that made others cry back.

“Introducing number six. This is his sixth year fighting, folks, and while he has never won a single tournament, he currently holds the most number of knockouts out of all the veteran fighters out there. Pray to whatever gods you believe in, for here comes: Bloodfire, the ravager of the damned!”

Bloodfire walked up the staircase and towards his pod. He then paused, turned around, and faced the chains that prevented him from escaping. With a sinister grin, he latched onto the chains and started to shake them, biting his teeth on them as the crowd ate up his performance. Despite the blood seeping from his mouth, he continued on for sometime until he jumped off. The blood drooling from his busted lips and gums made it look like he had just had a bloody slaughter for a feast. He soon entered the pod without any resistance, and let himself get locked up while the crowd cheered him on a bit more.

Their cheering came to an end when drums started to play, their echoes loud enough that they could be heard in the streets. A light brown griffin with white feathers of great size and physique entered the area from the stage entrance, wearing a black gi and a white headband around his cranium. However, the most notable feature of him was his talons. Each one of them was made out of metal. While no weapons were allowed in the fight, artifical limbs were, and this fighter took that advantage to heart. Walking towards the cage, he began flexing his muscles towards the crowd who merely clapped as opposed to cheering like they did for Bloodfire.

“Introducing number five. This is his first year fighting, but he is known throughout many martial arts tournaments in Grydon as a master of the Iron Claw Style. With his metal talons, his deadliness with this form of fighting is not to be underestimated. I give you Malice Claw!”

Upon passing the entrance gate of the chamber, he looked at Bloodfire who was glaring at him. Either upon his own boldness, or foolishness, the griffon snorted and gave the giant minotaur a quick flip of the bird, causing the the audience to “ooooohhh.” To his credit, Bloodfire did nothing but continue his glare at the cocky griffin as he made his way to his own pod, but if one looked closer, they could see that the minotaur already had his first target in mind.

The crowd died down again before they turned back to the entrance stage where the next fighter, a black furred griffin with brown feather on his crown that were bigger than most griffins, was already making his way down. This time there was no pyrotechnics, sound, or any lights for him; he just walked down the lane without a care in the world and an almost bored expression. A small number of the grunts cheered and began saying his name, urging him to go out and win. One of the bosses above even got up and started clapping.

“Introducing number four. He is known only as Boss Reedsong’s bodyguard, and this is first time competing in a tournament, as well. I give you, Caliber,” said Hunter in a dull tone. His opinion was shared by the majority of the watchers who were already placing bets that the bodyguard would be the first one out.

Caliber looked at Malice Claw in his pod, and nodded to him before being sealed in his own. When it was shut and locked, he leaned back on the back of the pod and relaxed.

Thankfully, the dull atmosphere that had accompanied Caliber was soon replaced with a rock tune from the speakers. The crowd lit up as they stood tall and cheered for the next contestant. He strolled in, a griffin with red fur and white feathers, yet bald on top of his crown. He wore a wrestling singlet that held the colors of Grydon, like a true patriot. Flaring his wings, small fireworks from the stage broke out from above, and lit up the place like a new year’s celebration. The griffin walked towards the chamber with a hearty grin and a determined look on his face while the crowd chanted his name.

“K.K! K.K! K.K! K.K! K.K!”

Even Hunter couldn’t help but clap for the griffin before remembering his job. “Introducing number three. He is a former world wrestling champion, and winner of the Dov’alona three years ago! I personally have faced this guy before, and let me tell you, he’s no push over. Cheer for Kris Kadin!”

Entering the ring, K.K. got up into the air and flew around a bit, pumping his fist in the air as everyone cheered even louder. It didn’t even stop when he was locked inside his own pod.

Eventually, the cheering died down as everyone waited for the next contestant. A minute passed and nopony heard anything nor saw anything coming down from the entrance. A few started grunting upon the lack of fifth fighter, and were wondering if they had run away. Slowly, however, they heard something ringing in their ears, distant at first, then got louder and louder until the entire building heard it. Heads searched up and down in confusion as they tried to concentrate to find the source until someone shouted, “It’s coming from above!”

Looking up, the entire room saw only the weak rooftop above, but this all changed when something smashed threw it, scattering debris everywhere. The audience gasped as a rainbow blur headed straight for the stage and landed loudly, just as series of rainbow colored fireworks shot out in perfect timing. Instantly, rock music began to play as Rainbow Dash flare her wings out, and posed like she was parading through Cloudsdale like a champion flyer.

The crowd was won over in an instant by the spectacular and epic entrance; even a few of the bosses were clapping with approval while Lightfeather was point out his fighter. Rainbow Dash grinned as she readied herself and flew into the cage, bouncing off the chained barrier keeping her and the other five fighters in as she flipped off and landed on the ground, posing once again.

Hunter chuckled while nodding his head in admiration before speaking into the mike. “Introducing number two. She is a champion martial artists from Cloudsdale in Equestria, and claims to be one of the fastest pegasi in the world. Welcome to the ring for the first time, Rainbow Daring!”

The crowd cheered for Rainbow as she pumped up her forelegs and showed off her muscles, soaking in the attention. She did a few more poses before she calmed down and waited on one end of the ring, hanging on the ropes, and doing a few stretches as she waited for the first one she would be facing in this match.

Rainbow Dash wouldn’t have to wait long as another rock tune, much lighter in tone with an almost southern melody, played and out came the final fighter. He was a pony, just like Rainbow Dash, with bright red fur and a blond yellow mane that reminded her of Big Macintosh back home, only his hair was longer like a hippy’s. He wore a silver jacket with diamonds on it while he trotted down towards the chamber. The crowd was cheering for him like the others, but the loudest ones were the few females in the audience, who were looking at the red pegasus as if he was the sexiest thing alive. Rainbow Dash had to admit, he was quite handsome, and if she went for stallions instead of mares, she would have taken him, too.

He entered the ring, flipping over the ropes while taking off his jacket, revealing the surprise that lay underneath. Two bright silver wings shined in the spotlight that was placed on him. Rainbow didn’t know if he was born with a different colored wings, or if he did something to them to make them look like that. Either way, it had caught the attention of the crowd in a heartbeat.

“And introducing number one. He is a two year veteran of the tournaments, and one of the most athletic ponies in the city. I give you, the red angel with the silver wings: Skylar!”

Skylar waved his hooves to the crowd before focusing on Rainbow Dash with a smirk on his face. Rainbow Dash gave him one back before holding out her hoof in good sportsmanship. Skylar nodded and bumped it back.

Referee Hunter looked at both starting contestants and nodded. He flew to the entrance of the elimination chamber, and nodded to the grunts surrounding it to seal the cage shut. With a final exception, he shouted, “The elimination chamber match begins now! Fight!”

Comments ( 25 )

......-fight starts as it ends- Owx Nu!!!! Curse you cliff hangers!!!! -shaking his hoof to the sky-

:ajbemused: : What are yah doin?

Wow, RD. you have absolutely no sense of subtlety, do ya'?

Excitement! :pinkiegasp:

You still know how to keep us on the edge of our seats. Only to end us on a cliffhanger. :rainbowlaugh:

Better question: How do you know when what you thought was love actually became, or always was, desperation and obsession, and a result of one's own incapability to deal with reality.

Emotions are tricky, deceptive things. I am very glad not to have any. (is a Vulcan) :derpytongue2:

*Alondro reads latest chapter.. lots of posturing and loud announcements and working up the crowd... and he has only one reaction*


If AJ really is watching over Rainbow Dash, she must sbe smacking herself in the face for the sheer stupidity that is Rainbow's suicide mission.

Me, on the other hand, think this is totally bad ass.

Fight on, Daring.



THAT IS AN ENTRANCE! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


This story is so engrossing you have such a complex plot with all the trials just to get to the real test of will power and a journey that could rival the lord of the rings in length if you wanted to with the challenging gauntlet still looming and the constant fear of death and failure for rainbow which in a way dying would still reunite her with the pony she loves but she doesn't want to leave everyone else behind either its tragic and awesome all at the same time I'm so excited for you to continue this if you need anyone to help you proof read or anything feel free to pm me I'd be willing to give you feed back on how the flow is and correct some grammar errors if you would like.

Something about this story grabbed me from chapter 1 and hasn't let go since. It doesn't make sense to me, ether. All I know is that I'm really, really invested in this, for some reason. On with the show! :rainbowdetermined2:

Can I hire you for my summaries?

4516838 I may be rather philosophic and deep for my age, but I'm still wet behind the ear with summaries.

Canelled? Well better make my last 3 chapters last!

Might I ask why this story was cancelled? It was just getting good!

I'm burned out. I have no drive to do this one anymore.

5500937 Oh. Okay.

Well, as much as we all hate when that happens, it does happen, even to the best of us, sadly.:ajsleepy:

Sorry that it happened, but you're still one of my fave authors here, and I'm still gonna read your other ones.

4516838 Sucks this can't continue anymore just found this today and read all of it and it was good. I'm gonna make sure to read some of your other stories.

5500937 You make it sound like you been fighting in a cage match for days! :trollestia:

Had to create an account to thank you for this one.
The first three chapters were absolutely heart wrecking, I loved it.
Man... So emotionally invested by this point it's a shame it won't be continuing :(
Still totally worth it just to have read the beginning.

Cancelled, eh? That's too bad, I really liked this. It's a re-write, correct? Is the original still up somewhere?

Cancelled?! But it was just getting good... :fluttercry:

In Cancel it!
No one likes a cliffhanger.

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