• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 5,851 Views, 261 Comments

Upon Wings of Sacrifice - Rated Ponystar

Rainbow Dash journeys to find a way to bring back Applejack from the dead...but at what price?

  • ...

Not In Equestria Anymore

Upon Wings of Sacrifice (Rewrite)

Chapter 5: Not In Equestria Anymore

An MLP: FIM fic by The Rated PonyStar

Edited by Clavier and Mr. Minimii

Formerly edited by: Fernin and Halcyon

Artwork done by: alfa995


She still couldn’t get used to it. Even after two days traveling on a ship, the smell of the ocean was unnerving. For the hundredth time, Rainbow Dash wished she could have flown from Equestria to Grydon, but they weren’t allowing entry by flight like they always had. Some of the passengers she overheard thought it had to do with the anarchist group running wild, others say it was to keep check all the ones leaving and coming. Whatever the reason, Rainbow Dash hated it; she could have been in Grydon much faster at her top speed.

Forcing her eyelids to open, Rainbow Dash smacked her lips before rising from her bunk bed. She glanced around the room, noticing that her bunkmate and the other two passengers sharing her room were already gone, their luggage with them. Before she could ponder why, a voice cried out from above. “Land ho! The Port of Dov’alona is just ten minutes away!”

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up and she quickly went to work. She turned to the most priceless item she had on a small box next to her bed, a picture of Applejack. Taking it into her hooves, she slowly caressed the framed cheek of her lost love as a sad smile spread across her muzzle. “I’m here, AJ. It took me three days, but I’m here.”

She held it for a moment more, then put it away carefully, making sure that the glass wouldn’t break as she filled the bags with her remaining items. With her task done, she saddled up and made her way through the ship’s halls.


It seemed almost everyone on board wanted to get a look at the infamous port the sailors had been scuttlebutting about since leaving Baltimare. Rainbow Dash stuck out like a sore thumb as she made her way towards the deck. Being the only pony on the entire ship had been both a blessing and a curse. Nobody knew that she was the Element of Loyalty, and Dash wanted to keep it that way. It would be pretty suspicious if one of the Elements was suddenly seen leaving Equestria. However, she still had trouble with the griffins, who seemed to enjoy making her trip as uncomfortable as possible.

They mocked her or gave her a glare every time she went for a walk on the ship. She always got less food in her meals, and often heard them whispering terrible things behind her back. Normally, Rainbow Dash would have confronted her bullies and given them a piece of her mind, but she knew that it would only cause trouble. Especially since she had nopony to back her up.

She knew why they were doing this. The letter Princess Celestia sent Twilight had explained how ponies were blaming all griffins for Applejack’s death and it was naturally they take their own anger out on her. When she arrived in Baltimare, griffin families were leaving by the hundreds for their homeland; ponies shouting at them to hurry up and get out. An entire regiment of the Royal Guards was there to keep order and stop the protesters from rioting, arresting those who crossed the line.

Rainbow Dash felt bad for the griffins, knowing that Applejack's death wasn't their fault. That didn't gain her any sympathy from them, though. Since they had been harassed they seemed to think it was only fair to harass back, and Rainbow Dash was the only punching bag they had. The only ones who didn’t seem intent on bothering her were the ship's crew members, but they did nothing to help her either.

One pony dies and two races, allies for a long time, are now at each other’s throats, thought Rainbow Dash, staring at the ground. At least this sea trip was over, but then again, she was heading into a country full of griffins meaning it was only going to get harder from here.

“Look, Mommy! We’re coming to the cliffs!” cried out a young griffin, pointing to the upcoming rocks.

Rainbow Dash, having heard something special about these cliffs, looked up to see what the fuss was about. When they got close enough, what she saw disturbed her greatly. There were huge, bronze statues near the edge of the cliffs wrapped in chains and faces distorted in wails of despair representing each race: ponies, dragons, zebras, deers, minotaurs, and even griffins. It was hard to believe any statute could rival Discord’s horrible appearance, but these came close.

“Why have something so... horrible?” asked Rainbow Dash, voicing her thoughts out loud in disgust.

“You really want to know?”

Dash turned around and saw a male griffin, dressed in a blue vest and black belt, step forward with a smirk on his face. “Easy, lass. I’m only answering your question. No need to look so tense.” She recognized him as one of the ship’s crew and relaxed.

“Sorry, I just haven’t gotten the friendliest reception on this trip,” explained Rainbow Dash, glaring back at a pair of griffins who were whispering and pointing at her.

“Don’t let them bother you. They’re just sore from all the crud they’ve gone through in Baltimare,” eased the sailor. He cleared his throat and looked up at the passing chained statues. “Anyway! Hundreds of years ago, when Grydon was an empire instead of the oh so glorious republic, Dov’alona used to be a prison facility. One of the largest, in fact. The enemies of the empire were sent here and they built those statutes to intimidate the newcomers. Executions were daily, and even more killed themselves to avoid the horrors they faced. They say that there was so much bloodshed, that it’s the reason why all the cobbles in the streets are red. After the republic was formed, the prison was turned into a port city, but the statues were left standing as a reminder of our history.”

Dash didn’t know what disturbed her more. The fact that she was heading into port with a bloody history, or the fact that a the sailor recited it with a cheerful smile as if he was doing a school report. This is what I get for going for the cheapest route.

“Hey! Look! That looks like a military ship off starboard!”

Everyone on board soon focused their attention towards the right where they saw a larger ship made out of black iron sailing towards them, under the Grydon flag. Murmurs of worry spread among the crowd as the iron behemoth came closer, the cannons aimed straight at them. The crewbirds began to get back to work as the captain, a male dressed in a red trench coat, gave orders to drop anchor. Rainbow Dash almost lost her balance as the ship jerked to a stop. By now the whispers had grown into full-blown shouts of panic.

Rainbow Dash gulped as the iron ship soon stopped right beside them, towering over their tiny vessel. Moving towards the edge of bow, she noticed other ships nearby were also being held back by warships. Rainbow Dash’s attention was soon taken by the captain of the ship, who was flying above them, shouting for all passengers to listen.

“Alright, everyone listen up! We’re going to be boarded by a squad of soldiers! They are going to inspect the ship and may ask some of you questions! Just stay calm and obey their orders! We’ll be fine! Just line up in one of two lines and we’ll be in dock before you know it!”

It was not fine. Not for Dash, at least. Being the only pony on a ship full of griffins, she was bound to cause suspicion. But she wouldn’t show fear. She would stare them straight in the eye and if they had an issue with her they could kiss the bluest part of her flank. Taking a deep breath, she took her place in the nearest line with the rest of the worried passengers.

It wasn’t long before the boarding party arrived, giving Dash her first look at the Grydon armed forces. Five heavily armored griffins swooped in, their armored paws thudding heavily against the wooden deck of the ship. Rough, steel-gauntleted claws scratched against the floor as they made for the captain, who looked ready to piss himself. Dash couldn’t blame him; one look into their cold eyes was enough to make even her shudder. Equestrian soldiers back home didn’t look this frightening, but then again, Equestria rarely saw conflict. Grydon had been in some sort of civil war recently, and that had to have made quite the difference. Her eyes focused on one of their black metal chest plates. A stylized silver shield emblazoned with a blood-red griffin decorated the center with wings spread out menacingly. On their sides they had curved swords with red handles and black sheaths. The blood red winged helmets on each of the warrior’s head made them look like demons from the lowest levels of Tartarus. Although confident in her own strength, Rainbow Dash knew it wasn’t going to be an easy fight if she ever had to tango with one of them.

The soldier leading the squad marched up to the captain and they softly exchanged words. Soon, he turned to his comrades and nodded. Two of armored griffins made for the lower deck, while another two started inspecting the lines. Rainbow Dash stood still as the guard checking her line got closer, his glare making the other griffins cower before him. When it was Rainbow Dash's turn, she stood up straight and stared back without any hint of fear. The griffin looked down at her, longer than any of the others. Rainbow Dash held her breath as the guard tilted his head, examining her closely. After a moment, he turned away and didn't look back.

Minutes seemed like hours as the four returned to their leader, nodding their heads. He, in turn, said a single sentence to the captain, who gave a look of relief and bowed. The squad took to the air and flew back to their retreating ship. A great wave of sighs went out, including Rainbow’s, and the captain quickly ordered his crew to resume course.

Everyone relaxed, talking as if the worst was over. Rainbow Dash thought differently. Something told her that this was only beginning.


As soon as the ship docked, Rainbow Dash jumped off without any hesitation. Walking through the crowded docks, filled with both griffin and pony refugees, she saw the port city of Dov’alona for the first time. It might as well have been called a fortress instead of a city by the way it was structured. The city was surrounded by mountain-sized cliffs and the port itself was half the size of Canterlot. In the distance, she could see barred windows on all the red stone buildings, each looking old and creepy. The only buildings that looked decent looking were far in the back, each holding the banners of Grydon, and Dash could already tell that they were for the military. What stood out most was the long, twisted white tower that went up to the top of the cliffs, shadowing everything else.

Deciding to take a better look, Rainbow Dash started to fly upwards, but a firm voice cried out for her to stop. Snapping her head back, she halted in mid air as two armed griffins flew towards her and hovered in her path. “You’re flying too high. All fliers are only allowed fifteen feet in the air at maximum.”

“Oh come on, I wasn’t doing anything,” argued Rainbow Dash. The guards ignored her and gestured downward. She thought about arguing further, but it was clear that the topic was not open for discussion.

Wanting to avoid further conflict, the pegasus glided downward until she was back on the docks. As she traveled with the griffins, Rainbow shifted uncomfortably under the suspicious and confused glances from travelers on both sides. Anytime she stared back, the curious bystander would just turn back to his or her own business as if nothing had happened. Wanting to avoid more attention, she focused on following the crowd, which was heading towards a small courtyard entrance. Arriving at the front, she nearly went pale at the display above the entrance: Check In and Gallows.

She thought it was just a joke at first, but found gallow structures in the courtyard, each with fresh nooses ready to be used. There were wooden towers, manned by archers who kept a close eye from above, peering down on them like gargoyles. As if that wasn’t enough, there were griffin soldiers on the ground, patrolling the area with their weapons at the ready, occasionally encouraging those in line to hurry up or settle down.

One of the soldiers stood on one of the gallows, holding a megaphone, and commanded newcomers to head towards one of the stands for identification papers and a number. Thus Rainbow Dash was forced into one of the worst experiences she knew of in this world: waiting. Standing in a line for what seemed like an hour, she began tapping her hooves impatiently while the noise of the crowd slowly made her want to rip her ears off. The complaining, screaming of children, cries for lost luggage, questions thrown around and more were enough to drive her near insanity.

Can’t these guys just shut up?!

To her surprise, her wish was granted. Everyone, pony and griffin, became deathly quiet simultaneously. A cold chill went down her spine as she looked around, noticing everyone looking in the same direction. Some wore faces of horror, others amusement and even glee. Curious, she followed their gaze to one of the gallows. Immediately, she nearly lost control of her stomach contents.

A platoon of soldiers were escorting two earth ponies and three griffins, one of them a young teenager, up the stairs, with chains around their necks and legs. Each of the prisoners was crying or pleading for mercy before they stood up front, a noose for each of them hanging above. Rainbow Dash looked around, trying to see if this was some joke, but it soon became clear that this was no prank.

Rainbow Dash felt her stomach turn. Executions had been forbidden in Equestria for nearly three hundred years, the last being an assassin who killed a lover of Princess Celestia’s at the time. She knew that executions were still done in other places around the world, but to be witnessing one herself? Just as soon as she arrived? Why are they even being executed in the first place?!

The one with the megaphone lifted it and demanded their attention. He told the silent audience that all five had been caught stealing military supplies, a capital offense, to Rainbow Dash’s horror, in Grydon. One of the pony prisoners began yelling, saying it was for his starving family, but a muzzle was placed on him just as soon as he lashed out. The soldier continued, reading their names and promising them a decent burial, but Rainbow Dash was too focused on the teenage girl.

She had to be fifteen, maybe sixteen. The way her coat and wings looked, it was like she had been through a mud storm and lost a fight with some wild animal. Her bloodshot eyes showed hollow sadness as the loose was wrapped around her neck, along with the others. Everyone but her was screaming for mercy. She just stood there, awaiting her doomed fate without a care.

Anger began to rise inside Dash. She turned her head towards the stone faced soldiers and the silent crowd. Why isn’t anyone stopping this?! They may be thieves, but this is too much!

She was about to raise her voice when she felt someone grab her shoulder. She looked up and saw an old griffin with a beard shake his head. “Don’t. Nothing can change this. Nothing. You’ll only get in trouble if you interfere.”

“But... this... this is just...” Dash bit her lip and flared her wings, but again the elder griffin pressed firmly on her shoulder.

“I know you may think this is wrong. Trust me, I do too. But neither of us are in Equestria anymore. This is Grydon. Everything is different.” He looked at the prisoners with sympathy. “It never was like this before... but things have changed here. You just have to accept it and move on.”

Dash stood silent as the yard seemed to become even quieter. She stared at the five doomed thieves before focusing her eyes on the youngest. For a brief second, Dash swore their eyes met. Then, in another second, a trap door opened, and five snaps echoed across the courtyard. Closing her eyes, Dash fought back the tears and stomped on the ground, holding back an enraged shout for the injustice that had taken place. The griffin with the megaphone began shouting again, warning those who steal from the military that a similar fate awaits them. It took all Dash’s willpower not to take that megaphone and shove down his throat.

She looked up once more, watching the bodies get taken down one by one. The young girl came down last, her expression serene. They were dragged away, like trash, until Dash could no longer see them. Just as soon as it was over, the noise came once more, and the crowd returned to its original state, but Rainbow Dash didn’t care anymore.

“Hey! You there!” shouted a gruff voice. Rainbow Dash jerked with surprise and turned around to see a guard waving her over. Despite her voice muffled by the helmet, Rainbow Dash could tell she was a female because of the smaller beak and less bulky chest. “You’re next in line, so get your sorry flank over here.”

Rainbow Dash quickly trotted towards the booth. The attendant took up a piece of parchment and quill and eyed her approach. Although Rainbow Dash couldn’t see much past the armored face, she got a sense the guard was feeling bored of her job. The blasé voice was a dead giveaway—the way the griffin mouthed words that she’d obviously said hundreds of times in the exact same tone. “What’s your name?”

“Rainbow D...ugh..” she paused, wondering if she should use her real name or not. While she doubted that anyone in Grydon might recognize her as the Element of Loyalty, there was still the off chance that her name could trigger a reaction. After all, one didn’t just defeat a raging alicorn of the night, a spirit of chaos, and fend off a changeling invasion without one’s name getting spread around. “... D–Daring! Rainbow Daring!”

The griffin stared at Rainbow “Daring” for a moment before she shrugged and mumbled, “Ponies and their strange names... Alright, where are you from and what’s your occupation?”

“Cloudsdale, and I was a free style racer,” answered Dash, hoping her luck would continue.

The griffin nodded as she continued to write the information. “Purpose for arriving? How long?”

“I’m just here to see a friend. Her name’s Gilda. Gilda Lockgrip from Pecksylvania.” The guard paused for a moment before she looked up at Rainbow Dash. Her predatory eyes made the pegasus nervous as she continued, “Um... and I’m just staying for a few weeks... is something wrong?”

“No... nothing,” grunted the guard. Silence stood between the two with only the scratching of the griffin’s quill making any sound. Finally, she finished her writing, and said, “Your information will be looked at by our offices and once your turn comes, if we see nothing wrong, you’ll be notified by having your name placed on a large board in the center district. You can’t miss it. Until you're called, you're free to stay in the city as long as you don’t cause trouble. If you don’t arrive at the final checkpoint within twenty-four hours of being called, you missed your chance and will have to go through the system again. Or you could leave, I don’t care. For now, here is your ID. Don’t lose it or you’ll be kicked out.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and took the card. She wondered if that young griffin had a name, and where she was from. Was she trying to leave Grydon or get inside like the others?

“How soon do you think I can get out of here?”

“Oh, I’d say about... three weeks.”

“Three weeks?!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “But that will take forever! What’s the holdup?!”

“The holdup is all you refugees coming and going out of this country like a swarm of cockroaches! Every port in the republic is nearly filled up with you guys and, quite frankly, I’m sick of all the twenty-four hour shifts I’ve been taking since that stupid pony got herself killed!”

“Her name was Applejack,” growled Rainbow. The griffin looking unfazed.

“I don’t care. You can wait inside like everyone else or go find another port. Either way, move that multi-colored freak tail of yours,” growled the griffin, pointing to the exit sign.

Giving her one last glare, Rainbow Dash turned away and made for the exit.


The port city was even more intimidating on the inside. It’s cracking marble structure, and the red streets made Dash shiver at the remembrance of that sailor’s tale. She didn’t know what was worse. The idea that she was in a former prison or the fact that the entire city seemed ready for war: spiked walls, cannons, patrols of guards at every corner. The districts were structured like prison blocks, and the houses mostly abandoned and barred. Rainbow wondered if it had always been like this, or if recent events had changed everything. She walked through the streets, taking sight of the many houses that had signs telling passer-by’s to stay out, while others were filled with ponies or griffins trying to find shelter or a place to rest.

Asking a friendly pegasus, Rainbow Dash quickly learned the basics of how the city worked. There were six districts: two for markets and inns, one for shipping, one for storing criminals, one that was a ‘red light’ district, and the largest one for the military. In the center of the city, a bulletin board would have the names of those who had permission to leave the port. They had twenty-four hours to get to the military district for those entering Grydon or shipping district for those leaving. If they didn’t make it, they had to wait until their names were called out again, which could take days or weeks. If someone was trying to leave via port, they were assigned to a ship heading to the destination. If they wanted to enter Grydon, like Rainbow Dash, they would be escorted to the white tower at the end of the port that extended all the way to the top of the cliffs, and allowed safe passage. Otherwise, it was back to waiting with the other refugees.

After thanking the pegasus, Rainbow Dash went back to traveling the streets, which felt like being lost in a sea full of strangers. The widest of streets barely had space to maneuver, and even the air was packed with griffins and pegasi coming and going like it was rush hour. She noticed that many of the immigrants were camped out in groups on the side of the road. The few inns around were full, or demanded a large number of bits, something most of the travelers didn’t seem to have.

With no choice, they had taken to the streets, alleys, and corners, clustered together, looking dirty and hungry beyond measure. They had only their belongings, which ranged from simple bags to carts filled to the brim. But most noticeable was the hatred the two sides seemed to have for each other. Most ignored the glares, but occasionally someone from either side would get riled up from a passing comment and yell back. It was only thanks to the ever-watching guards the short skirmishes didn’t escalate into fights.

Well, most of them anyway.

As Rainbow Dash proceeded through a small market, she noticed a crowd forming near a fruit stand and flew over to check it out. An earth pony and a griffin were wrestling on the ground as others cheered them on. Hooves and paws clashed as they rolled around in the dirt, darkening their coats.

The griffins were cheering for their own while the ponies did the same. A few of the griffins made some derogatory remarks and were replied back with another set of insults. The tension was starting to heat up as equine eyes met predatory avian stares. The two fighters kept hammering away at each other, oblivious to the potential mob war that was escalating. Before any more violence could erupt, the guards intervened. A squad of soldiers swooped in, their armored claws thudding heavily against the pavement. They seized both troublemakers and pulled them apart while pushing back the other civilians.

“Alright! Break it up! I said break it up!” shouted the tallest of the guards. His stone cold gaze drifted across the masses, silencing any who were unfortunate enough to meet his stare. Rainbow Dash judged he was a higher rank than the common soldier due to the white feathers crowned on the top of his helmet, and noticing that his sword was in a gold sheath with rubies.

As the crowd started to calm down, the guard captain turned his attention to the instigators of the fight, who looked like they were about to have heart attacks. “What’s this fight all about?”

“H–he cut in front of me, sir! I was here first!” stammered the stallion, pointing at his foe.

“This pony is lying! He cut in front of me!” accused the griffin as he wiped the blood off his beak.

“Liar! I’ll kick your teeth in!”

The griffin leader growled, then nodded to his subordinates. Two smaller griffins restrained the combatants, lifting them up off the ground and holding them tight, their legs kicking in the air. The leader walked over to the earth pony and punched him in the gut, hard. The unfortunate stallion groaned, proceeding to cough up blood and vomit. The guard captain then turned to the griffin who tried to escape, but met the same blow. As well as the same results. The two guards released their prisoners, and they fell to the floor, gasping for air. The once-boiling crowd was now deathly silent.

The downed griffin, glaring at his punisher, proceeded to reach for a rock with obvious ill intent. He stopped when a long black metal barrel, held by a wooden stock, was pressed against his cheek. Gulping, he looked up towards the guard, who’s talon was on the trigger. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen as she recognized the weapon, having seen in her last visit.

While Equestria was known for its magic, Grydon was famous for its achievements in technology. Most modern inventions of the world had come from the factories of the griffins, such as steam engines. But what Grydon focused its resources on most was warfare. One of its greatest weapons was something called the fireblaster. Despite its name, it didn’t shoot fire, but a small iron ball that shot out from a barrel like lightning upon pulling a trigger. It was similar to a cannon, except that it could be held with two paws. It could only fire once and took a long time to reload, but it was faster and more accurate than arrows. Not to mention—if she remembered Gilda’s stories about it—it could blow a head clean off at fifty yards.

The captain looked over the crowd and yelled, “Let this be a lesson to all of you! If any of you, ponies or griffins, do something like this again, I will personally crush your skulls, carve up your bodies, and feed whatever remains are left to a dragon! Whatever issues you have you can take up somewhere outside of this port! Am I clear!?

The crowd nodded in silence.

“What do you want us to with them, sir?” asked one of the guards.

“Take them into the cells. Maybe a day or two in there will get them to calm down,” said the captain. He flared his wings and took flight. The two semi-conscious prisoners were taken away as the crowds turned back to their business, the fight all but forgotten.

Rainbow Dash gulped and proceeded to move on, but the fight remained fresh in her mind. You're really not in Equestria anymore, Dash.


Finding an open inn turned out to be a much harder task than Dash had expected. She had visited seventeen inns so far, and none of them had any rooms to spare. No matter how much she begged, offered, and even threatened, she was denied by the owners. The sun was slowly starting to set, and Dash didn’t want to know the feeling of sleeping on blood-colored stone roads.

Noticing another inn, this one less crowded than the others, she decided to give it one more shot. Like the others, it looked just like a prison house, with only a small amount of furniture to make it feel a bit less macabre. There was a small lobby with a living room nearby where both ponies and griffins were busily minding their own business. Up front at the desk, an overweight female griffin was staring down a very nervous-looking unicorn. The pony had a magenta mane that was tied up in a ponytail and a dark green coat. Her cutie mark was three needles and a ball of yarn. For a second, Rainbow Dash thought she was looking at a unicorn version of Fluttershy by the way the unicorn was cowering.

“Sorry, pony. This isn’t enough bits to cover you for the night,” said the inn hostess.

“P–please! I don’t have much money. If you could just make an exception...” begged the unicorn, lip quivering.

The griffin rubbed her forehead. “Look, I’m already getting enough crud from others because I’m taking you ponies in. Doing special favors for anyone is only going to get me in worse trouble.”

“But.. but I...” stammered the unicorn, lowering her head.

Rainbow Dash quickly rushed over and slapped the surprised unicorn with her wing. Faking a smile, she hugged her fellow pony, shouting, “There you are, sis! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“W–what? Wh—” Rainbow Dash quickly put her hoof on the unicorn’s mouth and winked.

Turning to the confused inn hostess, Rainbow Dash said, “I’m sorry if my little sis here as been a bit of a hassle with cash. She’s always been a bit proud and wants to do everything herself. Gets it from our mom.”

“You’re her sister?” asked the griffin, raising her eyebrow. “You don’t look anything alike.”

“I’m her step-sister. Her mom married my dad and we’ve been best friends ever since. Right, sis?” asked Rainbow Dash, hoping that the unicorn would follow her lead.

To her relief, the unicorn quickly nodded her head and smiled. “Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. My sister and I are just staying until our boat is called. We need to get home for um... um...”

“... our cousin Fluttershy’s birthday!” finished Rainbow Dash. “She’s turning twenty-six now, right?”


The inn owner looked back at the smiling ponies and sighed. “Whatever, I still need twenty more bits.”

Taking out her purse, Rainbow Dash quickly put down the right amount. “How long do we have the room for for this much?”

“Three days. It’s another three for the same amount. Here’s the key. Just don’t make any trouble.”

Rainbow Dash happily accepted and motioned for her ‘sister’ to follow her up the stairs. They went up three floors, carrying their luggage ’til they got to their room number. Opening their door, they entered the room, which only had two beds, a single drawer, and a small bathroom. The unicorn lifted her large red suitcase and placed it gently on the left bed, then turned to Rainbow Dash and bowed.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Forget about it. We both needed a room and this was the only way. I’m just glad she didn’t care enough to check our story. I’m Rainbow. Rainbow Das–um, I mean Daring.”

“Tender Point, from Avalon,” said the unicorn, bumping hooves with her roommate. “Which city are you from?”


“Ponyville?” asked Tender Point, tilting her head. “That’s not a city in Grydon.”

“Yeah, I’m from Equestria. I’m trying to get into Grydon,” answered Rainbow Dash, nonchalant.

Tender Point stared at her like she’d grown six heads like a hydra. “You’re trying to get into Grydon?! Are you insane?! Don’t you know how much flak our kind is getting?! The griffins are looking for any excuse to hurt ponies!”

“Why? I’ve done nothing to them! What’s with all the tension between everyone?!” demanded Rainbow Dash. She knew some ponies didn’t get along with griffins and vice-versa, but this was ridiculous.

“You mean you don’t know?” asked Tender Point, staring at Rainbow Dash with her eye wide open. Receiving only a blank stare, she sighed and explained, “Apparently, a good friend of Princess Celestia’s was killed by a bunch of traveling griffins. The Princesses have reason to believe that they’re hiding in Grydon, so they want their forces to enter and look for them. The Prime Minister, however, doesn’t like the idea of a foreign army coming into our territory, even if it’s an ally.”

“But...” hesitated Rainbow Dash, shifting her hoof, “but there’s nothing wrong with that! Princess Celestia isn’t trying to invade Grydon or anything! She just wants justice for what happened!”

Tender Point shook her head. “Most folks don’t see it that way. Would you like it if someone, especially a pony as powerful as Princess Celestia, was to come into your front yard and demanded to search it without warning? There’s also the fact that ponies keep blaming griffins in general for what happened. Whoever this pony that got killed was, she must have been a national hero or something.”

You’ve no idea.... thought Rainbow Dash, somberly. Hearing Tender Point’s words made Dash wonder if this was all her fault too. If only I could save her. Or if only it was me.... well that wouldn’t make a difference, but still...

It only made getting that mirror even more important. If she got it and brought back Applejack, everything would go back to normal. At least I hope so.

“You okay?” asked Tender Point, tilting her head.

“Huh? O–oh, yeah,” replied Rainbow Dash. “I–I’m just gonna get some fresh air.”

She rushed out of the room, not even bothering to say goodbye to her roommate, who looked back in concern.


So much hatred. So much anger. All because of her.

How much more damage was she going to see? It was bad enough she had ruined the lives of her friends, Applejack’s family, and caused half of her hometown to despise her. Now she had to see two races, once allies, ready to rip each other’s throats out. Haunted by this, Rainbow Dash wandered through the streets, bumping into others without a reaction. Her hooves took her towards an abandoned alley, where she sat down and rested her head against a wall.

She began to wonder what was going on back in Ponyville. Had Pinkie Pie finally come out of her room to host her parties again? Was Rarity’s business going well? How many times had Dash’s name been cursed under the breaths of ponies who once cheered it out in joy when she performed her daring deeds?

Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash tried to remember good things about her home. The fresh grass that was comfortable to lie on while the sun warmed her belly. The fun and games she and her friends shared whenever they got together. She could hear Derpy crashing into another tree during her mailrun. Envision Scootaloo skating on her scooter through town. Watch as Doctor Whooves ran from one end of Ponyville to the other like he was being chased. Concentrating, she could taste the crunchy, sweet taste of an apple from Sweet Apple Acres. The bucking of trees, ricocheting as Applejack gave her all into knocking down the fresh fruit. The gentle smile she had that melted Rainbow Dash’s heart every time. She missed that smile so much and would give anything for one more glance at it.

Wiping a single tear from her face, Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to find herself in the cold reality that she was in. A reality with no Ponyville for hundreds of miles. In a place with no warmth and love, only hate and fear. And in a world where Applejack no longer breathed and smiled.

But if she accomplished what she came to do in this goddess-forsaken land, her old world would be returned, and this cruel one would vanish. She could make everypony happy once more. She could see Applejack once more.

Rainbow Dash got up and began to leave the alley when she heard something crash in another corner, nearby. Curious, she made her way towards the noise, where she saw a female griffin soldier fighting off two bigger griffins with balding heads, who Rainbow Dash named Baldy One and Baldy Two. The two had grey feathers and black fur, except Baldy One had a bigger set of wings than his twin, whose beak was wider. The two each had belts around their upper bodies, each sheathing throwing knives.

As for the guard, she wasn't wearing a helmet, allowing Dash to see her dark yellow feathers and sharp blue eyes. Her hair feathers extended down past her right eye and had a red streak through them. Through the opening parts of her armor, Dash noticed that she had a black coat with several yellow stripes.

Paying attention to the fight, Dash watched as the guard threw Baldy One against the wall, while kicking her back leg to the side, hitting Baldy Two in his gut and knocking the wind out of him. As Baldy One struggled to get up, he was picked up by the guard, who slammed him against the wall. “Alright, bozo! You want to keep pecking with me or are you ready to surrender?!”

Baldy One’s response was a headbutt to the face, dazing her long enough for him to get out of her grip and tackle her straight onto the floor. He proceeded to attack her with his talons while his partner managed to get up and assist him. She tried her best to block the attacks, but it was clear that she was overwhelmed.

At least, until Rainbow Dash flew in and knocked one of them into a couple of trash cans nearby. This allowed the guard to take the talon of the distracted Baldy Two and break it like a twig. The thug yelled, limping back as the guard got up and proceeded to counter attack.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, was busy dodging swipes from Baldy One, who was now supporting a bleeding beak. Keeping herself just above the the ground, Rainbow Dash continued to retreat until her back was against the wall. When the griffin aimed his talons at her throat, she dodged to the right and smacked her upper leg against the bottom of his wrist, sending it upward. With an opening now in her sight, Rainbow Dash took her other front leg and proceed to thrust it against her opponent’s throat. She followed up with a spinning kick in the head, ignoring the pain she felt when hoof smacked against the sharp beak.

Baldy One shook his head, trying to refocus himself, but was knocked back by a thrown Baldy Two, courtesy of the pissed off guard. The two sudden allies looked at each other and gave the other a respecting grin before turning their focus on the struggling twins. Baldy Two looked ready to attack again, but was stopped by his comrade.

“Forget it! We gotta meet up with our contact! Let’s ditch!”

He opened a small patch on his chest belt and threw down a small red ball against the ground, sending out a cloud of red smoke. Rainbow Dash and the guard covered their eyes as the sounds of wings flapping away echoed in the alley. Realizing they were escaping, Rainbow Dash began to spin around, forming a mini tornado that swept up all the smoke. However, by the time she finished, they were long gone.

The guard smashed her fist against the wall in frustration. “Peck! They got away!” Shoulders slumping, she turned to Rainbow Dash and nodded. “Guess I owe you for saving my hide.”

“No problem. Wasn’t a fair fight, so I thought I’d even things up,” replied Dash with a smile.

Not to mention I needed something to take my anger on.

The guard smiled at her and held out her claw in greeting. “Corporal Silva. Nice to meetcha. You’ve got some sick fighting moves.”

“Rainbow Daring, and thanks. I was a three time karate champion back in Cloudsdale,” said Dash, reaching out and shaking with the griffin.

Before Silva could say anything further, a whistle went off, along with the sound of a dozen fliers heading straight towards them. Silva sighed and shook her head in frustration. “Here he comes...”

Rainbow Dash titled her head and was about to ask what was wrong, but her answer came with the arrival of more guards from above. In a few seconds, an entire squad of armored griffins entered the alley and took positions on both ends; some kept a watch on the walls, their weapons on standby. Just as soon as the cavalry arrived, another griffin did as well. This one was taller than the rest of them and landed directly in front of Dash and Silva. His armor was red and of gold, different from the others that served under him, and he had a red cape around his neck. His helmet held horns and feathers of different colors, that also were held on his spiked shoulder pads. Rainbow Dash wondered if the feathers were a sign of one’s ranks or achievements. His personal appearance was just as intimidating. Black coat and white feathers with multiple scars on his body. His overall stern stance made it clear that this griffin was not to be messed with.

“Corporal Silva. We heard of a disturbance in the area. May I ask what you are doing?” asked the commander griffin, who turned his head towards Rainbow Dash. “And who is this pony?”

Silva saluted. “Commander Blackwing, I was investigating two griffins who were acting suspicious. I followed them to this alley when they suddenly attacked me. This pony, Rainbow Daring, assisted me when I was in need of help.”

“You let yourself, a trained soldier, be overcome by two thugs, and had to have this civilian help you out?” scolded Commander Blackwing, making Silva flinch. “I expected better from one of my troops, especially you, but it seems that even you can’t handle a simple thing such as patrol duty. Speaking of which, where is your partner?”

“I’m right here!”

The three looked up to see another soldier flying towards them. Like Silva, he was helmetless and had white feathers with a dark blue coat. His tail was also shorter than the others and his eyes were very squinty. “I’m sorry, sir. I was trying to look for Silva when she wandered off.”

“What?!” shrieked Silva, looking at her partner with murder in her eyes. “You wandered off first, saying you had to use a bathroom. I waited half an hour for you, thinking you fell in or something. Don’t pin this one me, Lucion!”

“At least I’m not the one who gets into fights again,” hissed Lucion. “That is what happened, right? You got into another fight?”

“I was attacked. I was defending myself!” hissed Silva, crossing towards his side and butting heads with him. “If you were more of a partner instead of a lazy tailhole you would be there to make sure that it doesn’t happen!”

“Enough!” shouted Commander Blackwing. “The two of you have performed inexcusably! Silva, you should have stuck to your route and defended yourself better. Lucion, you should have been there for your partner. The two of you are dismissed for today. I expect you two to report back to me tomorrow morning so we can discuss this further.” He then turned to Rainbow Dash. “As for you, I suggest you stay out of guard affairs if you know what’s good for you.”

Lucion noticed Rainbow Dash for the first time and growled. “What’s a pony doing here?”

Sensing the distaste in his tone, Rainbow Dash glared back, and said, “You got a problem with ponies, bub?”

“Ease off, Lucion. She helped me out in the fight. Unlike you, she knows how to kick butt,” pointed out Silva.

“I didn’t think you were such a pony lover, Silva,” hissed Lucion. He turned away and lifted himself off the ground. “I have better things to do than waste my time with you.” He saluted to his commander and took off.

Blackwing sighed and turned to his corporal. “If there are no more problems, I’ll be leaving now.”

“Commander!” shouted Silva, getting his attention. She saluted. “I’m sorry that I disappointed you this day, sir. I promise to do better next time.”

“... see to it that you do.” With that said he flew off, along with the rest of the guard.

Silva kept her salute up until they were long gone and she sighed in relief. “Ancestors, I’ll never get used to saluting him...”

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck. “Hey, sorry I got you in trouble.”

“Forget about it. And don’t listen to Lucion. He’s just a lazy partner who has issues with ponies.”

“Do you?” asked Dash, nervously. To her surprise, Silva gave a loud, hearty laugh and shook her head.

“Me? Nah, I’m not a narrow minded prick. You’re alright in my books,” said Silva, slapping Rainbow Dash in the back and nearly knocking her over from the shear strength. “Well, now that I got the rest of the day free, want to go get a drink? It’s on me as thanks.”

Never one to turn down anything free, Rainbow Dash nodded and followed her new friend out of the alley. Unbeknownst to either of them, a figure in the shadows was watching both of them and grinned at what he saw.

“Hmm, not bad. Maybe she’ll do...” he thought to himself as he watched them from a distance.

Author's Note:

"You think you know me..."

Hey, everyone. Here is the latest chapter. If you were a reader of the original Upon Wings, you've already noticed the difference in this one. This is the first chapter of the "Port Arc" for this story. One thing that you'll find is that there are going to be many arcs that follow up and if you think this has been a morbid tale so far, be prepared for worse in the future.

Hope you guys enjoyed this so far.