• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 5,851 Views, 261 Comments

Upon Wings of Sacrifice - Rated Ponystar

Rainbow Dash journeys to find a way to bring back Applejack from the dead...but at what price?

  • ...

Proving Your Worth

Upon Wings of Sacrifice (Rewrite)

Chapter 8: Proving Your Worth

An MLP: FIM fic by The Rated PonyStar

Edited by Mr. Minimii and Apple Cinnamon

Formerly edited by: Fernin, Halcyon and Clavier

Artwork done by: alfa995


Rainbow Dash wondered what all her friends would think if they knew what she going to do. Then again, if it all worked out in the end and it helped bring Applejack in the long run, then maybe they would forgive her. Pushing away such thoughts, Rainbow glanced behind her to make sure Tender Point was right beside her. Although the streets barely had anyone walking through them, it didn’t make it any less dangerous, even at daytime.

The entire city felt like one big powder keg ready to explode at just the smallest spark of chaos. Last night's riots were only a possible insight of what might have been the future, especially with the news of an assassin from Blood & Liberty around. Everyone they passed by eyed the other suspiciously, sometimes even looking ready for a fight. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but pity them for their predicament; all of this was happening because of the action of a hidden griffin or pony or any race for that matter in the port city.

It made it even more urgent to leave Dov’alona in one piece, and there was only one possible way Dash knew how. Grateful that she remembered the path to the Eagle’s Nest Bar, Rainbow entered the establishment she visited only two nights ago with Tender Point nervously following her.

Dash released a held breath when she saw only two individuals in the bar. The bartender, who nodded in greeting, and the suspicious Toma who was dressed in the same clothes she first saw him in. Tipping his bowler hat, Toma raised his mug and said, “I’ve been waiting for you, Miss Daring. After I heard about that nasty incident in front of your hotel, I was beginning to worry I was going to have to say goodbye so soon after I said hello.”

“I’m a hard mare to keep down,” commented Rainbow Dash, sitting across from Toma. Her eyes never left his smirking face which she had to admit was a better cloak of his emotions then most poker players she knew.

Toma then turned to Tender Point as she sat down. “And Miss Point. Lovely to see you again.”

“O-oh, y-yes...” responded Tender Point. Rainbow growled and coughed into her hoof, turning Toma’s eyes back on her.

“I’ve decided to go with your offer,” said Rainbow, narrowing her eyes. “If it’s still going on despite all this?”

“Of course. After all, we all have ways of dealing with stress in dark times,” said Toma. “Some like to read books. Others drink various amounts of tea or harder stuff. I know a few who like to go find a whore for an evening and have sex until the sun rises. And some fellows just like watching others bleed in a good old fashioned rumble.”

“It’s sick...” commented Rainbow Dash in disgust.

“Oh I agree, but my boss wants what he wants. And Mr. Lightfeather is not a griffin you want to cross.” Toma pointed his talon at Rainbow Dash as his expression changed from his normal relaxed form into a form of seriousness that made her doubt her choice to do this. “He’s not only the most powerful individual in Dov’alon, he’s also the one who knows what’s going to happen anywhere at anytime.”

Remembering his words of warning on their first meeting, Dash’s eyes widened. “You... you guys knew about the assassination. You let it happen.”

“We wish we could have prevented it,” snorted Toma. “Colonel Volken and Mr. Lightfeather were... partners in keeping the peace in Dov’alon. With him gone, it’s now fallen under chaos in these parts, and Mr. Lightfeather is very angry. Hopefully this fighting tournament will ease him a little, so be sure to work out a good show.”

Rainbow Dash rose from her chair and stared at Toma with the harshest glare she could give. “Let’s get something straight here. I’m not working for Mr. Lightfeather. I’m doing this for my needs only. I fight his fights, but I won’t kill anypony, got that? He doesn’t tell me what to do, nor does he tell me how to fight. In return, he gets to see me kick butt and does my two requests.”

Toma raised an eyebrow. “Two?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “My first is that I get into Grydon without the military knowing. The second,” she pointed a hoof towards Tender Point, “is that you do the same for Tender Point, only you’ll be getting her into Equestria, instead.” Clasping her hooves on the table, she leaned forward and snarled. “And if anything happens to her, I will go up to the clouds and gather all the lightning in the sky to strike you down. Deal?”

Toma was expressionless for a few second before a smile stretched across his beak. “I have a feeling you are going to be something else, Miss Daring. I’m sure Mr. Lightfeather will agree to those terms, but before you do anything, you must prove yourself a competent fighter to begin with.”

“How do I do that?” asked Rainbow.

Toma finished drink and wiped his beak with his sleeves before nodding to the minotaur bartender. Sighing, the bartender went to the other end of his counter and pulled a switch. Both ponies jumped upon hearing the sound of machinery at work, slowly turning around to see a part of the wall slowly slide away, revealing an old wooden elevator. Toma got up and made his way towards it while Dash and Tender looked at each other in shock. Toma turned around and asked, “You coming?”


The trip down below was dark and seemed to last forever. Rainbow wondered how low they were underground as they went further and further downward into the abyss. Toma, seeing her dazed look, smirked in amusement. “Amazing, isn’t it? Dov’alon has over a hundred different secret tunnels in each district, most of which are hidden from the general populous. And with good reason, too. More fools have died in these passages lost and hungry than you’d think. I suggest you stay close to me, so you don’t end up joining them.”

Both girls huddled towards him a little closer.

The elevator soon reached the bottom where they found themselves in a dome-shaped room with a few other griffins nearby handling some machinery. None of them paid any attention to them as they got off and made their way down one of the many hallways. More pathways were seen as they traveled, turning left or right without stop; it nearly made Rainbow Dash sick to her stomach the way they kept switching directions.

Eventually they reached the end of a tunnel that had a door at the end of it. After knocking twice, Toma shouted, “Snake skin!” and the door opened. Before entering, Toma turned to the mares and said, “Now be very careful. Mr. Lightfeather is a bit... sensitive about his height. Say nothing about it at all, or else...”

“Or else what?” asked Tender Point, tilting her head.

Toma sighed, “What kind of flowers do you like?”

“Daisies, why?”

“It’s just so I know what to lay on your tombstone should you ignore my warning.”

The girls looked at each other and gulped. The three of them entered what looked to be an alcohol cellar the size of a small house. Dozens of barrels were on the walls, in stands, or rolling around as various workers rushed in every direction possible. A loud voice in the center was the one directing them. What the two files found was something completely unexpected.

“I don’t care what it takes! You tell Voric that he’d better get that shipment inside our docks without the guard knowing! I don’t care if we’re in military lockdown or not! I need that stuff brought in, or I’ll twist all your tailfeathers so hard you’ll start bleeding out your pecking back end!” shouted a short griffin who looked to be no taller than Rainbow Dash’s chin. He wore a purple vest and had a cigar in his talon as he kept shouting and directing his employees back and forth. If it wasn’t for the fact of his tone, Rainbow would have suspected this griffin was a kid.

“That’s Mr. Lightfeather?” asked Tender Point in disbelief.

“I know what you're thinking, but don’t let his size fool you, “said Toma with a smirk. “He may be small, but after his father died, E’lon Lightfeather has done nothing but rise to the ranks of the underworld since taking over. Treat him with respect.”

“Idiots! All of you!” shouted Mr. Lightfeather, putting the cigar in his mouth. He motioned a griffioness in a skimpy thong to come over and light it for him. Taking a few puffs, he sighed before noticing Toma and the two mares. “Toma, you got a fighter for me? The tournament is in two days and so far the rest of the lineup I’ve been given is garbage. You better have someone good.”

“I do, sir,” said Toma, putting his claw around Dash’s shoulder, but she shrugged it off. Ignoring this, he continued, “This is Rainbow Daring. She’s quite the fighter, and I think the one we’re looking for.”

“Right, the pegasus you told me about. The one who wants to leave Grydon,” said Lightfeather. He walked over and started eying Rainbow Dash while rubbing his chin. “Hm, not bad. Looks athletic. You’re obviously built for speed, but you do know that none of the fighters can fly or use magic in these fights, right?”

“I learned how to fight with and without my wings,” commented Rainbow Dash, but Lightfeather shrugged. “I’ve won tons of karate tournaments. That’s gotta count for something.”

The surrounding griffins chuckled. Lightfeather shook his head. “You think that matters? These guys in the ring have killed at least one guy. I bet you never handled a real fight before.”

Dash was about to go on about her victories over Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the Changeling Army, but stopped herself. “Look, you need a fighter, and I can fight! I’ll win the whole darn thing just as long as you help me and my friend here.”

“Friend?” Lightfeather turned around and noticed, for the first time, Tender Point who calmly stepped back and tried to hide behind Toma. “Toma, who is this?”

Toma cleared his voice. “There was a bit of... a change to the deal. Miss Daring has requested that, in exchange for her services, we not only help her get into Grydon, but we also help Miss. Point here get into Equestria as well.”

“Hold up,” said Lightfeather, raising his talons. “When did we agree to changing the deal! I’m not in the mood to change the deal. I don’t like changing deals, period!” He turned to Rainbow Dash. “What makes you think that you can just walk up to me and demand something like this, huh? You know how hard it is to get even one of you guys out of this gutter hole, even without this lockdown? Now you want me to do two of you?! Ain’t happening!”

Dash growled. “Listen, buster! You want to win this stupid tournament thing, and look like a hot shot to all your friends, right? Well, I can do that and more. I’m more than just your average pegasus.”

“Blah, blah blah. That’s all I’m hearing, same crap different story,” said Lightfeather, shaking his head. “Look, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got a bunch of other operations to take care off and I’m done wasting my time.”

Dash, worried, stepped forward and shouted, “Please! Just give me a chance! I need to get to Grydon!”

“And why?!” demanded Lightfeather, glaring at her. Everything in the room seem to come to a halt; even breathing seem to stop as the two stared intently at each other. Lightfeather, eyeing Dash with suspicion, walked up to her and stared at her dead in the eyes. “What, may I ask, does a pony from Equestria want to do in Grydon with all the problems going on between our two races?”

Rainbow gulped and wondered if she should tell the truth. She looked at Tender Point who was looking more scared with each passing second, though whether for her own safety or Dash's left to be answered.. Sighing, Rainbow knew that she couldn’t tell, and that her “lie” would only be so weak it would get them laughed out of here. I’m sorry, Tender. I tried.

“I’m going to see an old friend... Gilda Lockgrip.”

She opened her eyes, but didn’t expect to see the surprised expression on Lightfeather’s face. She looked around and saw everyone else, except for Tender, looking at her with either awe or confusion. Lightfeather stepped back and shook his head. “Woah. Hold the line. You know Gilda Lockgrip?”

“Y-yeah... why?” asked Rainbow.

“Describe her,” said Lightfeather, narrowing his eyes. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and obliged. Although it had been years since she had last seen her old friend, Dash was sure she didn’t look too different from then. When she finished, Lightfeather took a big puff from his cigar before pointing it at Dash. “Answer me this. If you really know her, what does she call everyone she meets?”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Easy. Dweeb.”

Immediately, Lightfeather clapped his talons and laughed, taking everyone by surprise. He continued to chuckle for a little while longer before he said, “Ya got that right! Only Gilda would ever use such a line. What are the odds, guys? We got a friend of Gilda’s here!”

Whispers started to spread as Dash’s confusion only increased. She raised her hoof and asked, “I’m sorry, but how do you know Gilda?”

“Easy, she’s done business for me. Pecking good business, might I add,” answered Lightfeather, making Dash step back in surprise. Seeing this, he then said, “I take it you’ve been out of touch with Gilda for some time, huh? Didn’t know your friend was one of the best thieves in Grydon?”

“Wait, what?!” shouted Rainbow Dash, mouth hanging as low as it could go. Gilda’s a professional thief?! How?! When!?

“Yeah, Lockgrip’s one of the best thieves around, but not the most famous. That’s a good marking for a thief since it’s the ones that the guard doesn’t know that are the best,” said Lightfeather.

Rainbow Dash felt her entire world suddenly do a one-eighty in a span of three minutes. Her former best friend was a professional thief, a criminal. Had she been at this since graduation at school, or their friendship ended? Why was she stealing in the first place? Have things really changed that much?

She snapped out of her thoughts as Lightfeather rubbed the bottom of his beak and closed his eyes. Everyone waited with anticipated breath for what he was about to say. Opening his eyes, Lightfeather finished his cigar and tossed it away before nodding his head. “Alright, pegasus. Normally, I don’t do this, but since I own Gilda, I guess I can repay it by helping her friend. But if you really want this deal to go down, then you’re gonna have to prove it to me.” He snapped his talons four times and four of the workers quickly were at his side. “Take down all four of these guys, without flying, and then I’ll accept your offer. Fail and you’re gonna have to find another way out of the city. Deal?”

Rainbow Dash looked at the four thugs who were grinning with their broken, rotten teeth. A smirk stretched across her muzzle. “Deal. Hope you give health insurance to your employees.”

“Are you kidding? At the prices they give these days? Forget it,” muttered Lightfeather as he walked past his thugs and sat down on a chair. The rest of the griffins made room for five to fight in the middle while taking down bets to see how long the fight would last. Rainbow raised her hindquarters in anticipation as her four opponents started circling her. Glancing at Tender Point, who looked at Rainbow with awe, Dash gave her a confident grin before turning her attention back to the fight.

One of the thugs, decided to walk up behind Rainbow Dash casually which only made her raise an eyebrow. “You know, from this point of view. That rainbow tail of yours looks really good. Maybe I’ll take it and make a scarf out of it for the winter.”

Rainbow Dash growled, but then gave a lucid smile while raising her rump a bit more. She shook it a bit provocatively and asked, “Does my flank look that good?”

The thug looked at his friends who were a bit surprised by this, but he quickly shook it off for a slick smirk. Licking his lips, he reached out with his claw. “Yeah. You know, you pony’s don’t have bad flanks.”

Rainbow Dash waited until he was close enough before removing her fake smile for a serious glare. “Do you also want to know something about a pony’s tail?” In a second, Rainbow jumped backward and rear kicked the griffin in the face, knocking him back with a bleeding beak. She continued her assault by grabbing his claw with her tail before twisting it an agonizing position that made him scream. “In some fighting arts, it can be a strong as a regular leg.” The others, seeing their friend in trouble, rushed in to help him, but were knocked on their back when Rainbow swung around and used the griffin as a fail.

Twisting the arm in a different direction, Rainbow kicked her opponent into a barrel of wine that splattered all over his unconscious body. The three other griffins got up and charged while swiping their claws in retaliation. Rainbow Dash easily dodged their sluggish attacks before headbutting one in the stomach when she had an opening. The other two tried to attack from behind, but Dash landed on her forelegs to use both of her rear ones to smack them in the face and knock them back.

Using her momentum, she swung her body in an arc and smacked one of her rear hooves into the first dazed griffin’s face. Roaring, she grabbed him in a headlock and held on as he tried to throw her off with all of his strength, but Dash remained unmoved even when he started elbowing her. In retaliation, Rainbow bit into the feathers at the top of his head, drawing blood. The griffin that she held yelled in fury as he attempted to charge at the wall, forcing nearby workers to fly out of the way. Rainbow was hoping for this as she used the momentum of her opponent to press her rear hooves on the brick wall and push off it, flipping over the enraged griffin. The griffin, whose head she still had a lock on, tried to avoid being dragged backwards, but Dash’s push gave her the extra force needed to bring him down. His head smashed against the pavement, knocking him out cold as Dash got up and grinned at the stunned audience. “Two down!”

She eyed her remaining opponents who were looking at her, both stunned and a little afraid. Knowing this, she calmly walked towards them. “What’s the matter boys? Afraid the little pony is gonna knock your beaks off?”

One of the thugs screeched and charged forth using his wings, taking Rainbow Dash by surprised. She barely managed to jump away, and avoid a flying kick to the face before glaring at Lightfeather. “Hey! You said no wings!”

Lightfeather, smoking a new cigar, rolled his eyes. “Well if he’s cheating, then you cheat back. Sheesh.”

Rainbow Dash mutter a few ungrateful remarks about the criminal boss before using her own wings to avoid another oncoming attack from the other griffin. With all bets off, Rainbow Dash only grinned before using her blazing speed to start circling around the two thugs. A few of the watchers rubbed their eyes upon seeing the blue blur rush around the room as she started mocking her opponents inability to catch her.

Deciding to end this, Rainbow Dash blitzed right into the chest of one of the thugs and knocked him into the wall. She then proceeded to punch him with enough quickness and power that it managed to keep him stuck on the wall with each punishing blow. A final uppercut in the face sent him flying upwards towards the ceiling, where everyone winced upon hear a loud crack before gravity took over and made him land on a few empty barrels. The only indication that he was still alive was from his chest rising and falling.

The last thug tried to attack Rainbow Dash from behind, but a simple back hoof to the face stopped that. Grabbing him by the waste, she pushed him forward and slammed him against the wall, face first, before turning around and doing it again on the other side of the room. This went on for a while until Dash stopped and held the barely conscious griffin, whose face was had more red on it than a pizza. Rainbow Dash leaned her right foreleg back to deliver the final blow before she stopped inches from his forehead and lightly tapped it. The griffin fell to the floor in agony.

In an instant, a great cheering crowd erupted in the room as the workers all clapped their paws together, and whistled for the exciting fight. Rainbow Dash, completely unscathed, bowed and raised her hoof in thanks as she soaked up the praise. She glanced toward Toma and Tender who were also clapping while the latter was even shooting some sparks out of her horn in celebration. Eventually, the celebrations died down as a smiling Lightfeather walked over to Rainbow Dash and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll admit. That was quite the shut out you gave. Ancestors, I can’t seem to find a single scratch on ya.” Lightfeather puffed out some smoke in Dash’s face which she tried shooing away in annoyance. “A deal is a deal. You and your friend are both gonna get out of here. Provided you win the tournament, of course.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Trust me. With me as your fighter, you got that tournament in the bag.”

“That’s what I like to hear!” shouted Lightfeather, lighting punching Dash in the arm. “Well, let’s celebrate with a glass of fine Grydon wine! You, me, your friend, and Toma who’s gonna have a pay raise for this.”

“You honor me, sir,” said Toma with a bow.

Lightfeather shook his head. “Ugh, you and your fancy manners. Loosen up a bit more, old man.”

With the action over, the workers went back to work while a few carried the unconscious ones out of the room. Tender rushed over to Rainbow Dash and gave her a teary-eyed hug. “Oh, Darling! I can’t believe it! You actually did it!”

“Of course!” said Dash, puffing out her chest. “I don’t brag unless I can bring the heat. Besides, I didn’t want to let you down.”

“But you shouldn’t be so cocky yet,” said Toma, handing them each a mug that they took with thanks. “You’ll have to deal with three opponents who are five times the fighter those workers were. Let’s just hope the other bosses don’t have a real dangerous fighter on their claws.”

“Relax, I got this in the bag,” said Rainbow Dash. She took a sip of the mug and smacked her lips. “Not bad. Not as good as cider, but still not bad.”

The three continued to drink for some time, asking a few questions about the tournament and what to expect, when suddenly the door slammed open. Rainbow Dash nearly dropped her mug as she saw who it was that entered the room. “Lucion?!”

The said griffin guard turned around, and saw Rainbow Dash which lead to his beak dropping as low as possible. It quickly turned into anger as he marched towards Rainbow Dash and pointed at her. “What in the ancestors' name are you doing here, grass sucker!”

“What did you call me?!” shouted Rainbow Dash, throwing her mug away and getting up in Lucion’s face.

“You heard me! What are you and that other pony,” he pointed to Tender who backed away, “doing in this place?!”

“I should be asking the same thing!” yelled back Rainbow Dash. “What’s a guard doing with criminals! Where is your sense of honor?!”

“Enough!” shouted Toma, pushing the two away. He turned to Lucion and growled. “Stand down, Lucion. You happen to be talking to the boss' fighter for the tournament. Show some respect.”

“This pony is who the boss is gonna bet on?” asked Lucion in disbelief. He shook his head and pinched his beak. “Toma, this pony is friends with one of the guard, my partner, as a matter of fact. Have you ever thought that maybe she’ll rat us all out?! Are you an idiot?!”

The entire room went quiet. All the workers looked at Lucion with disbelief and pity. Before anybody could see it, Toma’s claw was wrapped around Lucion’s throat and lifted him up in the air. The struggling griffin guard tried to break out of his predicament, but an icy glare that made Lucion all but whimper stopped him. Raising him even higher, Toma said, “Listen hear you little weasel. Do you really think I would make such a mistake as hire a rat without my knowing? I know secrets that would make you defecate your own skull in shock. The boss trusts me as one of his top men, and you are not even close to being up to my rank. All you are good for is being a mole in the guard. The moment you stop being useless, or the moment you peck up, you are going to be squashed like a bug. Understood?”

Lucion quickly nodded and was released. Gasping for air, he gave Rainbow Dash and Toma one last glare before picking himself up and leaving them alone. Relaxing her guard, Dash asked, “Why do you keep that guy around?”

“Before he was forced to join the guard, Lucion was very good at gathering information. Unfortunately, he messed up and was forced to join the military, but he was terrible at the job. The boss thought he was of some use, so he was kept around for any information he would get from the guard. In return, we make sure he’s never heavily disciplined or removed from the guard no matter how much he sucks at it,” said Toma, scratching his beak. “I wonder why he’s here. Normally, he doesn’t come unless something big is going on.”

While Toma continued talking, Rainbow Dash looked out of the corner of her eye to see Lucion getting Mr. Lightfeather’s attention. The boss griffin’s expression turned serious when Lucion spoke, and the two walked out of the room in hushed tones. Curious, Rainbow Dash handed her mug to Toma. “I need to use the restroom. Where can I find it?”

“Down the hall, turn left, first door on your right,” instructed Toma, but Dash didn’t bother listening and instead ran out the door.

She spotted Mr. Lightfeather and Lucion walking down the hall, but made a right turn. With as much effort as possible, Rainbow Dash softly tiptoed towards their direction. When she got to the corner, she peeked around and saw a frustrated Lightfeather mumbling to himself while Lucion waited patiently. Listening in, Rainbow Dash heard Lightfeather say, “Are you sure about this?”

“Absolutely,” said Lucion, “the military strongly thinks that the assassin who killed Colonel Volken wasn’t working alone. He or she had help getting into Dov’alona and planning the assassination from the inside. Either one of the guards has turned traitor...”

“... or Blood and Liberty has been operating in her under all our beaks without us knowing. Peck it all!” growled Lightfeather, punching the wall. He took a deep breath before taking out another cigar and lighting it up. After some puffs, he eyed Lucion and asked, “Do they have any suspects?”

“They have at least hundreds, some of which are being held captive right now,” answered Lucion, shaking nervously. “Boss... one of them is my partner, Silva.” Rainbow Dash quickly put her hoof over her mouth to prevent herself from gasping out loud. She continued to listen in as Lucion explained, “The letter was found near the very same ally yesterday where Silva was doing her round. She’s getting a lot of suspicion on her, and not even Commander Blackwing is above it. His loyalty is being questioned, and he’s been taking his abuse back out on us. I’m getting worried they’ll think I’m the assassin, too, boss since I’m tied to both of them with my partnership with Silva. Not to mention, my previous criminal record makes me a big target.”

Lightfeather sighed and put his talons on Lucion’s shoulders, coaxing the scared griffin. “Lucion, listen. You’re a member of my gang. I look out for everyone, even the janitors who clean the toilets. I’ll make sure they’ll stay off your back. Besides, they should know better; anybody who’s working for the underground business would never be working with those terrorists. We check backgrounds more times than the senate's security. If any one of those Blood and Liberty punks even try to sneak a spy into our ranks, any boss’s ranks, they’d have to be really crazy or stupid.”

Sighing, Lucion looked at his boss with grateful eyes and nodded. “What do you need me to do, boss?”

“Get the names of all the suspects the guard are watching over, including the top twenty,” said Lightfeather. He took his cigar and crushed it in his claw, staring at the ashes with fury. “I’ll find that scumbag who though he could enter my city and stir some trouble. And then, just like with this smoke, I’ll break him until nothing remains.”

Rainbow Dash had seen enough. She turned around to head back only to bump into Tender Point who nearly yelped from the sudden collision. Behind Tender Point was Toma who looked at Dash with a raised eyebrow. “I hope we’re not interrupting anything, Daring.”

Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash could feel the sweat on the back of her head. “S-sorry I got a bit lost. Anyway, I did my business, let’s head back and drink some more!”

“Who’s there?!”

Gulping, Rainbow Dash turned around to see Lightfeather and Lucion come around the corner and look at the group in confusion. Lightfeather asked, “What’s going on? Why aren’t you back in the wine room?”

Before Rainbow Dash could come up with a lie, Toma managed to surprise her by saying, “I’m sorry, Mr. Lightfeather. The girls expressed a desire to return to their hotel room and I was just guiding them to the exit.”

Lightfeather seemed to ease up and nod his head in approval, but Lucion was still staring at Dash with suspicion. Lightfeather patted on Dash’s shoulder and smiled. “Well, that’s a good idea. Get a good night’s rest, and prepare yourself for the fight two days from now. Try to avoid trouble, too. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to ya.” With that, Lightfeather bid farewell and made his way back to the wine room, whistling a tune. Lucion, however, stared at Rainbow Dash a bit more before following his boss.

Toma sighed and eyed Rainbow with a threatening tone. “I suggest whatever you listened into you forget about. Focus on the tournament and nothing more. Now let’s head back.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t argue, but followed Toma back to the elevator where she began to think about what she had learned. So there were other members of the group involved in the assassination. I wonder how many? And they think Silva is one of them? No, not possible... Still, there was a lot she didn't know know about Silva. They had only met for a short time, but already the griffin seemed to treating her like they were old friends. She’s helped me out a lot, and I think I can trust her.

When they reached the bar room, the two ponies bid farewell to Toma who traveled back down. Exiting the establishment, Rainbow Dash made for the opposite direction of their hotel, much to Tender Point’s confusion. “Daring, we’re supposed to go this way.”

“Yeah, well,” said Dash, rubbing the back of her neck. “I have a few things on my mind I have to think about. I’ll be back home shortly, just make sure to lock the doors and stay inside until I get back.”


Rainbow nodded goodbye and started to make her way down the street, not caring in the direction she was going. A part of her still couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. I’m working with criminals. Me?! The Element of Loyalty! What would my friends and the princesses think if they knew about this?! What would Applejack?! Rainbow Dash shook her head. No, I said I was going to bring her back at any cost and this is just the first step. All I have to do is win three fights and that’s it. I’m not a criminal, not like... Gilda...

Biting her lip, Rainbow Dash felt like spitting on that name. I still can’t believe it. Has she really fallen this low to become a professional thief? She remembered when Pinkie told her how she stole an apple once, but that was just one fruit. From the way Lightfeather was going on about, it seemed like Gilda was a master of stealing and the rouge arts. Rainbow Dash didn’t know what to think of her former best friend anymore.

There’s nothing to think about, she told herself. If Gilda really has fallen this low, then you shouldn’t associate with her. She’s no longer your friend, and definitely not the girl you fell in love with all those years ago. She’s just a criminal, and I’ll be thankful if I never have to see her again.

Feeling more relaxed, Rainbow Dash prepared to turn around and head back to the hotel when she noticed she was being followed out of the corner of her eye. Two guards, staring straight at her, kept their distance from her while looking ready to pounce if need be. Rainbow Dash gulped and quickly turned her eyes forward, but nearly stumbled in shock when she saw three more guards further up the street. To the regular folks walking around, they looked to be doing nothing, but Dash could feel all three sets of eyes focused on her.

Wasting no time, Dash quickly made a right turn into an abandoned alley where she had hoped to lose them. Before she could even begin to run, she found herself staring at another guard who had been waiting for her. Realizing she was trapped, Rainbow Dash growled and prepared herself for a fight. “Okay, you guys have been following me for too long! Tell me what you want right now!”

The guard looked at his comrades who managed to catch up and surrounded Rainbow Dash. The rest of them nodded, and he then said, “Commander Blackwing wants to speak to you. You will come with us, or we will force you.”


Although Dash had no intention of seeing Commander Blackwing, she knew better than to get in trouble with the guard, and agreed to follow them. They flew across the city, passing some of the other districts until they arrived at the docks near the abandoned warehouses, arriving at an old one with the number “14” painted on it’s front center. Dash gagged as she smelled the scent of dead fish and seaweed in the air while finding herself nearly vomiting from the sight or maggots and termites that plagued the wooden structure. If Rarity was ever to enter this place, she would surely die of a heart attack.

There were no boxes in the warehouse; the only thing that stood inside was Commander Blackwing in the center of the room. The guards saluted their commander, and after a salute back, motioned towards the side exit where they all left for in single file. Rainbow Dash stared at the tall, muscled griffin commander whose stoic and intimidating glare still made her shiver. Blackwing slowly began to circle Dash, his red cape flowing in the wind while his spiked shoulder pads glistened in the sink sun whose rays peeked through the cracked up wood.

He circled around Dash three more times before she finally got put up and shouted, “Are you going to tell me why I’m here, or can I get out of here?!”

Commander Blackwing stopped his pacing and grumbled, “What is your association with Corporal Silva?”

Dash blinked. She hadn’t been suspecting that. Then again, if what that jerk Lucion said was true, they might suspect her of being part of Blood and Liberty.

“I’m her friend, sir,” answered Dash, hoping that using a respective response might ease him up a bit. “That is all.”

“Have you had any contact with her prior to your meeting in the alley a few days ago?” asked Blackwing.

“No, I have never seen her before, sir.”

The Commander nodded and sighed. “Alright, another question and then you can go.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. Finally...

“Mind telling me why the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash, is trying to get to Grydon and not back in Equestria like she should be?”

.... oh, ponyfeathers....

Author's Note:

I know I said I wouldn't be updating until a few days after my friends passing, but I'm doing alright and really it wouldn't be fair to you guys if I had this lying around. I'm doing fine though and I hope you enjoyed this chapter