• Published 28th Dec 2012
  • 2,650 Views, 116 Comments

Letters From the Path of Loss - Tavi n Scratch

After the loss of someone near and dear to me, Princess Celestia recommended that I write a letter to my lost companion.

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7th, Four Months and Five Days After Death

Dearest Rainbow Dash,

Today is Hearts and Hooves day, it’s been a year now. One year ago you took a chance and kneeled in front of me, it’s been a year since you proposed. I honestly cannot decide which has been the day of my life, but that day certainly makes the list. And I most definitely will never forget it.

I woke up early in the morning and you weren’t there, instead sat a rose and a little note, “When you wake up meet me at Sugarcube Corner.” I remember being a bit disappointed that I slept in, I had planned to make you breakfast in bed. I hopped out of bed and made my way to the bakery, a gift for you in my bag. Remember that necklace I gave you, the one with a perfectly prismatic diamond, one that shined a different color every time it moved the slightest bit. A rainbow diamond, extremely unique, extremely valuable. Rarity tried to give me a discount, but I remember refusing it over and over again. Oh I was just so silly, Twilight Sparkle, always a martyr.

Anyways, I was heading to Sugarcube Corner, feeling quite proud of my gift. If only I’d known what was in store for me that day. I walked into the shop and saw you in one of the corner booths. As soon as you saw me your face lit up. You’ll never know how happy it made me to see you smile, and how it was even greater to be the reason you were smiling. You waved me over to the booth and we sat together, an entire platter of my favorite cinnamon rolls sat on the table. Breakfast was great.

We went for a little walk in the park and stopped at a diner for lunch. You took me bowling and we had a blast, it was hilarious, neither of us could bowl to save our lives. And then began the memorable night. I gave you the pendant and your face lit up, as if this was the best possible gift. Then you said that you had a present for me. You offered to take me flying and we went soaring through the clouds. The entire sky was set on fire by the evening sun. I tasted the delicious air and speed, it was extraordinary.

You slowed down and began to descend, eventually landing underneath a very familiar looking tree. We sat beneath the willow, gazing out onto the sunset. Then you began to speak, I’ll never forget that moment, nor the words you spoke. “Hey, Twi today’s been pretty great, don’t you think? Well I’ve got a question for you.” You walked in front of me and kneeled on the ground. “Would you do me the pleasure of sharing many more days like this with me? Twilight, will you marry me?”

I was breathless. The wedding band was beautiful, but I couldn’t care less about it. The proposal was the most wondrous thing I could ask for. “Yes.” I squeaked out, barely audible. That was a moment of pure bliss, one of the happiest of my life. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this, you were there. I guess I felt it needed to be shared. I love you, and I love that you love me.

Today has felt very hollow. Seeing all of the couples together all the happiness that they have. I don’t think I envy them, I think it’s more than that. I feel almost angry. I guess now that I think about it I know why. They’re so naive, all of them. They don’t understand how lucky they are, to be able to spend their day with their special somepony, it just makes me sad. They don’t know how lucky they are to be able to spend this special day with someone that loves them.

It’s not fair. Then again it’s never fair, life picks favorites, gives some ponies a free ride and drags others through hell. I guess we are just a couple of the unlucky ones, don’t you think? Anyways it’s been awhile since I’ve updated you on the happenings here in Equestria, I’ll fill you in everything important.

I’ll start back at the funeral. Actually, I’ll wait on that, it’s still kind of hard to think about that. Even now it’s making me cry, I wish you were here, you could always make me feel better, regardless of whatever was troubling, I miss you so much Rainbow Dash.

Oh look at me, digressing. Sorry about that. Anyways, they put your flight suit up in the Wonderbolts museum. I was so proud of you, you reached your dream, you became a Wonderbolt, one of the best, and if I may add, my personal favorite. Ponies will remember you forever now. I hope that makes you happy.

In other news, Pinkie Pie and Applejack are now an official couple. I’ve had my suspicions for a while, the two of them seem to gel together very well. I’m really happy for them, and admittedly a bit jealous.

Well here’s hoping you’ll be my special somepony this Hearts and Hooves day. I love you, have a great holiday.

Your Special Somepony,

Twilight Dash