• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 996 Views, 21 Comments

Beyond Reflections - EquineTheta

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All is Right

I only closed my eyes once and there I was, back in my study. Everything was still right where I left them. Books were still scattered on the floor, papers still littered the crystalline bench like a tornado had just gone through the room. Even the physics book about mirrors was untouched, right at the page about refraction indices and how to go about calculating refraction values. The room’s only mirror didn’t show any signs of rippling; I tapped the surface over and over again hoping there would be a sign that there was still a chance to go back. I hanged my saddlebag on the door hook and wandered through my seemingly foreign abode.

Everything’s still the same, same walls, same navy blue and lapis carpets, same diamond sculptures. Doesn’t seem like anything was different. I came across a lone orange pegasus guard wandering the halls, his eyes noting grandeur of the castle walls and ceiling detail by detail.

“Oh, your majesty.” The guard nervously replied as he straightened himself and stood at attention while his gaze darted across everything in the hallway, other than myself. “I-I d-d-didn’t se you there.”

“At ease, soldier. Did you happen to see Cadance anywhere?”

The pegasus calmed down and took a quick breath of relief. “I believe she went to the spa down the street. She left two and a half hours ago.”

I proceeded to walk away from the guard and just like military protocols; he also began walking the opposite way after a nonverbal dismissal.

“Just one other thing, soldier.”

“Yes, sir?”

“What day is it today?”

“Uh, Wednesday, sir. One week after Hearth’s Warming Day.”

I left the pegasus guard at the hallway and quickly dashed to the seventh floor bedroom. Right there at the dresser, among Cadance’s makeup, hairbrushes, and jewelry, was the letter I had written just before I left.

This was written two hours ago. But I’ve been away for roughly two months! Something about that other world felt off… Wait, two months went by in that other Equestria, yet only two hours passed here. Well, at least Cadance doesn’t need to see this letter anymore and I’ll probably get away with that mess in the study. Hopefully.

I tore the parchment paper into tiny pieces and burned the heap with a fire spell. The ashes were blown away by the light breeze of the Hearth’s Warming season and carried them through the open window and scattered them throughout the empire. Satisfaction at last and it all went by without a hitch.

“Mind explaining to me what that was about?”

At that moment, I felt something grip my throat really tight as my breathing sped up tenfold. I turned around to see Cadance at the door with a very uneasy look on her face, almost angry.

“Uh, I- it was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Did I mention you look great today? Were you at the spa?”

“Yeah, at the spa and hair salon. I left early and I didn’t want to wake you up. Parchment paper doesn’t spontaneously ignite unless somepony was playing with matches near it or uses an ignition spell. I know you’re hiding something, dear. Remember what we agreed on when we were just newlyweds? NO. SECRETS.”

Luna’s words quickly echoed in my head. Balance must be maintained between our worlds. Surely something bad is going to happen if Cadance finds out about me going to another world.

“Alright, you got me. I was messing around with an ignition spell. I was going to write a letter to mom and dad but it didn’t sound good when I read it so I burned up the parchment.”

Cadance looked at me intently, possibly trying to see if she could get around my lie. I know that face when I see it: a focused look with one eyebrow raised and arched while the other remains flat and closed, expressionless lips. She gave up eventually.

“If you say so but you don’t need to do that,” Cadance began. “Twilight and your parents will be staying with us for a week. I should’ve left a note for you but I couldn’t find you anywhere. Anyways, I’m heading off to the train station to meet Twilight. You look like you had a bad dream, are you all right?

“Uh yeah, if you put it that way. Really bad dream with you going missing and I got really worried about you. I’ll meet with you at the station in a little while. I just need to get some things ready.”

Cadance and I left the room. She had gone off to the castle entrance and prepared a royal guard escort and left some instruction to the castle caretakers to prepare a room for Twilight and my parents. I returned to the study to clean up. I gave myself some ample time to reduce the mess I had created when I first left. The fruity scent of the study still remained after some time but I barely noticed it when I last arrived, a reminder of a long night of reading up on security measures and effective distribution of workload. The memories of that evening some weeks earlier flittered in my mind beginning with Cadance bringing in some perfume and candles to brighten up the room and spending some time stargazing. We had a few sips of some crystal ice wine and some clusters of half-frozen grapes, something we consider a delicacy up north. I was just wrapping up until we spent another hour just looking out at the night sky and talking about the past. I mentioned a few things about the day when Sombra came back and how I wished I had been the one who defeated him. She just kept telling me to leave it behind but I just couldn’t, not when I felt that I’ve done something worth more than just a thank you for “being there when I needed you.” Back then, proving to Cadance that I am more than just a guard captain was something I put a lot of effort on; I couldn’t explain it but I felt that I need to show her that I am able to look out for her.

I placed the last of the books on the shelves and arranged the parchment paper sheets along the desks close to the mirror. Twilight’s knack for organization must’ve rubbed off on me because I now find myself arranging things in alphabetical order and making sure nothing ever went missing. I still find it awkward, even borderline scary, how Twilight ever became so organized and finds fun in doing so. The last thing left to fix was my saddlebag. I emptied it out and found a broken crystal shard along with an empty piece of paper. Though it felt like the same piece of paper that the local librarian had given me, this one was clean, no writing whatsoever. Sombra’s horn fragment was no longer here, replaced by a crystal shard that looked almost, if not exactly like the same living crystal fragment Twilight used to replace the other Shining Armor’s horn. I set the crystal on the sheet of paper and wrapped it tightly, carefully letting each crease touch the crystal shard before tying a black ribbon crosswise and securing the wrap. I placed my little memento in a small crystalline table just across the window before heading out the door.

I rushed through the castle and out the front doors to the train station on the west approach to the city. Though the city’s atmosphere was lively with the bright yellow-orange sun’s heat subtly contrasting the light winter breeze commonly felt throughout Equestria’s north. This was an uplifting change of scenery from the more somber tones of the other Crystal Empire I had just left. Still, the sights of a war-torn version of the city would occasionally appear before me and I would give some buildings a careful second look. It was with the train station as well. One moment, flames erupted from the ground and the whole building was dilapidated and after a blink, it was back to normal. Cadance had a guard escort waiting on site, among them was the pegasus guard I had met earlier now clad in golden armor.

Eyes moved back and forth between Cadance and I but we both were eagerly anticipating Twilight’s arrival. Just about a minute after my arrival, the train came to a steady halt at the station. Steam billowed out of the engine’s smokestack and enveloped the train in a white mist. Once this translucent mist cleared, I was greeted by Twilight, equally eager to give me a hug shortly followed by my parents, both with wide smiles on their faces.

“Twilight! It’s so good to see you! How are you, kid?”

“Doing just fine, big brother best friend forever! You sound like you missed me for a long time. I was just here a few months ago when Sombra came back, you know.”

“I know, kid, but a few months is already long enough. Come, let’s get you, mom, and dad settled in.”

As nightfall arrived, my family had settled in their rooms for a week of catching up. That old dance that Twilight and Cadance made up when they were younger? It never got old. Sometimes I sing that jingle in my head just to feel young again. Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake… Mom and dad didn’t seem to tire quickly the last time I remembered we went out for a walk. Mom always went out for a quick stroll whenever she needed some fresh air to circulate around her noggin. That old book binding house dad used to run… he said he left it to a nephew of his. Hope it’s still around; I might visit it sometime.

There was a lot of catching up to do at the dinner table and while I shared some of my uneventful perimeter patrol experiences amongst my other duties, I kept my mouth hushed about the last two months – two hours in real time – and my adventures with our otherworldly counterparts. Twilight wouldn’t believe me if I told her. She’d probably educate me on the impossibility of interdimensional travel through magic mirrors even if she might possibly journey through one sometime in her life. I wouldn’t know if she would see one at all. Regardless of our personal joys, I did my best to hide my own sorrows for some friends and their uncertain future. It’s best to hope for the best, I guess. Dinner wouldn’t be over for another two hours and though I wanted to catch up with Twily, it could wait till the next day. After all, I’ve got a week with her.

It was all peaceful bliss when the day ended.

Dreams tend to be forgotten once awoken, a fact that most of us don’t bother trying to recall them when asked, at least when Twilight or Cadance does. They know it as well as I do and the feeling is occasionally mutual. Still, it was the change of pace that left me more than satisfied. No more faceless creature from the darkest depths of my imagination tormenting me. Though my peaceful rest was undisturbed, I turned to the clock with its hands close to noon. Ugh, Cadance warned me about the unlikelihood of brunch, especially with guests. I was left with no other choice.

Guards and castle caretakers enthusiastically greeted my half-asleep face while I returned them with smiles and nods. It was a common enough gesture that they took it for what it was: a greeting. Two lefts down the fifth story and into the third room on the second corridor on the right was my destination. My suspicions were still proven right when I inspected the mirror. No ripples and no signs of a way back. Once I began my walk to the kitchen, I nearly lost my footing to a piece of parchment paper. Like anyone would do, I decided to give it a quick look before setting it aside or throwing it away depending on the content.

Addressed to right recipient, mailed to the right castle but the handwriting didn’t belong to anyone who would likely write to me. Hmm… Date is spot on with one detail off. Two years from today, addressed from-

Turning to the mirror, I let out a long and quiet sigh and a smile to top it of. As Twilight once said, a good friend always keeps in touch with those closest to them, always looking out for each other. Even when they are miles away from each other, their hearts are still close by. Perhaps things are turning out for the better over there. My eyes scanned the letter once more, noting the last sentences.

Luna knows what happened to your world’s King Sombra. You should feel blessed that no one had to lose a life to save others. Sacrifice is a big word and what it entails may sometimes be bigger. Wherever you are, I hope you are doing well.

I tucked the letter in the same drawer I kept the shard in and left to prepare my meal. One last look at the mirror and I knew that whether it was here or there, all was right with the world.

Comments ( 2 )

Nice job with this story. I enjoyed it. I can't wait for a possible sequel or for your next story. Best of luck with future projects.

4611759 Thank you very much. I plan to do so!

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