• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 996 Views, 21 Comments

Beyond Reflections - EquineTheta

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The Stormriders

“You weren’t supposed to see me. Not like this,” Twilight said, quickly sulking back her tears after letting out a fountain on my coat. “I’ve shown you too much weakness but know that what just happened doesn’t change anything, traitor. You may have the best intentions at heart but I can’t forgive you for what you did to my teacher.”

Luna approached, her hoofsteps slowly getting louder and louder with every step she takes on the concrete path. “Calm yourself, Twilight. He’s here to help us.”

“And what good will that do? For all we know, he could turn on us like he did your sister.” Twilight turned back to me and continued. “As for you, you’re not needed here so do me a favor and GET LOST!”

Suddenly, all those thoughts about me getting along with Twilight were shattered. I guess some ponies aren’t worth giving a second chance. The sad truth about this Twilight is that she’s hardheaded with a good reason. She’s right; Luna brought me here to help straighten out this whole revolution thing but I didn’t even plan on going to this alternate world. I’m not needed here and I plan on leaving. Maybe I should’ve abandoned Luna, abandoned Caramel, abandoned everypony in this forsaken place because this war they’ve gotten themselves into is their problem. Why should I care?

Luna and I watched as Twilight trudged off, grunting and muttering words to herself. For a moment, I thought Luna was holding back the urge to shed a tear. Never thought I’d see the day a princess cry. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw another pony sitting by a grave. She was a little orange pegasus filly with a purple mane. I excused myself from Luna’s presence and walked up to her, curious as to why she was here alone.

“Hello there. Are you alright, little one?”

The filly sulked and kept quiet. She looked at me for a second or two before turning back to the grave.

“My name’s Sc...Scootaloo.”

“I..I’m sorry if I startled you, Scootaloo,” I said. “Is there anything I can do for you?

“No. Thank you for your concern, though.”

I turned my attention to the gravestone and read the writing on it.


The greatest flyer to come out of Cloudsdale

I don’t know who this pony is but with the way the filly was just looking at the grave feeling sorry for herself, this pony was someone dear to her.

“Why are you here, Scootaloo?”

“I just want to pay my respects to somepony I idolized. I should be going home now. Bye.”

Scootaloo turned around and walked away. Poor filly, her family must be worried sick with her right here in the graveyard, cold and alone. Luna approached me. Turns out she was watching me from a nearby willow tree.

“I’m sorry,” Luna began, “I thought Twilight would listen to me this time but maybe we can talk to another pony who could be of some assistance to us. If Twilight won’t listen, then maybe her second-in-command will.”

“Who would that be?”



There was nothing eventful during the return trip from the castle-turned-graveyard in the Everfree Forest. I was silent, reflecting on my purpose in this world. With conflict stemming from the rivalry between Luna and Twilight, I began to doubt the princess’s words. If I am so important in changing the course of this world’s fate, then why is it that everypony is trying to kick me out? My only method of escaping isn’t even working even when I did everything the way I did before. It’s as if I’m destined to remain here forever. Even moreso is the possibility that Luna is lying about what she said and that she plans on keeping me here. Maybe she’s got some sort of sick plan waiting to unfold and that she is collaborating with the enemy. All that is left to speculation for now until I can find the facts to support those claims.

With those thoughts aside for now, I’m wondering about Spitfire. Is she working alone or alongside the Wonderbolts? From what I know back in my world, she always brings her team with her whenever performing and, I guess, when working on things outside her job. She’s a strong, confident mare but based on what I’ve seen so far, she wouldn’t consider taking on an army alone. She will need the help of those who are willing to stand against the tide.

Cloudsdale is nowhere to be seen. The mist has covered the entire view of the sky so much that all I can see are dark clouds. Feels like it’s nighttime but visibility is as bright as day. It’s strange how the weather is untouched by the influences of the shadowy presence in the Crystal Empire and its anonymous ruler. Supposedly, the King commands the mist and yet he does nothing about the weather. I guess the most ruthless of rulers have no time for something as petty as rain or sleet.

Luna asked me to stop walking and take in the surroundings. We’re standing outside Sweet Apple Acres, well...what’s left of it anyway. No crops, no apple trees, even the barn is dilapidated. “Do you see this, Shining Armor? Outsiders will simply call this place Sweet Apple Acres but to those who are knowledgeable, this is the headquarters of Twilight’s elite operations unit, the Stormriders.”

I’ve gotta admit, that’s a cool name but Twilight’s private group of soldiers? That’s already making me jealous. I was the captain of the royal guards back in my world’s Canterlot but to be honest, having a group of soldiers do dangerous missions at your command is something worth bragging about. Much more than having superiority over an entire army of security guards wearing armor meant for show. Still, I have the utmost respect for the guards who keep Canterlot safe and that same respect goes to whoever bears upon their shoulders the duty to free Equestria from The King’s tyranny.

I can’t say that I know what farm life is like. Never have I expected to even walk in an apple orchard and the farm that belongs to a prominent family in Ponyville. The main attraction wasn’t even the farmhouse itself, it’s actually the basement. What is up with underground hideouts, anyway? It makes me wonder if every house in Ponyville has a basement that harbors rebels.

Walking down the staircase, a steel door blocked the way. Bulkhead latch, rusty rivets, sliding peephole... all the necessary items that make this door appear like it was salvaged from a ship are in place. My alicorn guide knocked on the door and, as expected, the peephole slid open, revealing eyes.

“Storm clouds are rolling in again,” said the unknown pony.

His voice... a 23 year old stallion? It’s a good estimate.

“Yes, but the sun will shine tomorrow,” Luna replied.

The door swung open and I get a firsthand look into the headquarters of an elite secret operations unit. I bet Celestia would never request the creation of a team of guards tasked with carrying out operations that nopony would know about.

Some say that there are instances where the fate of the world is decided upon by a group of individuals. This dark, gloomy, dirty room is as close as I can get to the real thing. As I walked in, eyes began locking on to me, following me, and watching my every move. These ponies know as much as Twilight does and with the way they are looking at me with suspicion, I can tell they aren’t happy to see me. A bright yellow mare with an orange two tone mane approached Luna.

“Do you know what you’ve done, Luna?!” exclaimed the yellow mare. “You’ve compromised Twilight’s orders! Our mission is in jeopardy with him in our presence!”

“Look, I know who he really is and he isn’t the traitor that Twilight told you about. Believe me, the Shining Armor you know of is different from this one.”

“And what does that mean? They look the same to me.”

Luna sighed. “It’s complicated but you need to trust me, he can help us. If we are to have a chance at freedom, we need his help. He was in the Crystal Empire and escaped unscathed so he knows the ins and outs that allow us to secretly enter The King’s castle without detection. Twilight will know about this sooner or later and she won’t be happy but it may be our only shot at winning this war.”

Wait! How did she know about that?! I don’t recall telling Luna anything about my experience in the Crystal Empire... She’s hiding something.

The yellow mare remained silent but her face still had signs of anger. Eventually, that anger cooled down as she walked around the room. Towards the door and back to the windowless room, she just walked and walked. After about a minute of walking, the mare approached me, the look of disappointment still evident on her face.

“As much as I don’t want you here, I’ve got little choice. The name’s Spitfire, leader of the Stormriders and Twilight Sparkle’s second in command. So, Luna tells me you’ve got a way to bypass the King’s defenses with a secret passage that runs underneath the Crystal Empire. Mind briefing the team about that?”

Everypony gathered to the table at the center of the room. It’s nothing much to look at, really. Worn down mahogany with portions chipped off; I felt like I could get a splinter just by putting my hoof on the table. Aside from concerns involving splinters, the rest of The Stormriders waited for my input on the situation. They seemed eager enough to listen to what I have to say despite their uncertainty. They have no reason to trust me, I get that, but right now, Luna needs me to get Twilight on her side. I can’t mess this up despite my slightly overwhelming worry that Luna is hiding something from me. I’m still uncertain about pushing through with the decision to help the ponies of this world especially after what just happened back at the cemetery. Still, they need me and I am a soldier of Equestria, sworn to protect ponies anywhere as long as I’m needed. That’s the oath of a royal guard made before Princess Celestia and Luna; whether I’m sick or tired, my duty is never over until it is truly over and right now, my duty is calling me to do what is right.

I approached the table and just as I did so, Spitfire pulled out a map of Equestria.

“Alright,” I confidently began, “the access point is directly below the castle. A sewer system runs underneath the entire empire and the entrance to the castle is located in the largest underground ditch. To reach this sewer system, we’ll need to use the abandoned underground railway running through the towns of Stoneborough and Dimondia. Don’t worry, I know someone who can take us there.”

Spitfire thought for a brief moment. Silence dominated the room’s atmosphere and everypony present just stared at the map. They would occasionally stare at me but would look back at the map again.

“Sounds good,” said Spitfire. “We’ll need you to go with us down there but not now. It’s too early to stage an attack. Twilight will need to know about this. Maybe your plan can be used in conjunction with hers. She said that all able-bodied rebels will assemble outside the Crystal Empire and we’ll storm the castle together. It’s very risky but catching the enemy by surprise will reduce the risks, even by just a little bit.”

Spitfire then called the rest of the ponies in the room with just a hoof gesture.

“By the way, you should meet the rest of the team: Soarin’, Fire Streak, Surprise, Fleetfoot, Rapid Fire, and Misty. There were eight of us but we lost one a few days back during a reconnaissance mission in Canterlot. The mist prevented her escape so we all assumed she didn’t make it. I always tell myself that she isn’t gone forever but as time goes by, it seems like she isn’t joining us again.”

What Spitfire said brought me back to the events that transpired in the graveyard. The grave Scootaloo was sitting by... could that be the pony Spitfire’s talking about?

“Stay here, Shining Armor,” Spitfire said, now in a more calm voice. “I need to have a word with Luna and my team. Won’t take long.”

“Take your time. You know I’ve got nowhere else to go.”

She’s a much calmer now than she was earlier. Maybe Luna was right about this. Everyone left the room in an orderly, military-like fashion. Quick and quiet, no fuss; just like the royal guards back in Canterlot.

I took a seat at the far side of the room. Despite the bright light, the corner I sat in was a stark contrast. As I made myself comfortable, I felt a sharp pain in my flank. Along with that, blood. The thick, crimson liquid dripped into the cracks and flowed into the crevices of the dry dirt floor with the trail ending at some shards of glass.


There was a photo next to the glass. A broken frame made of wood was there as well. I picked up the photo and found the members of the Stormriders. Seven members total with the right-hand side of the photo torn off, only revealing the right hoof of another member. The eighth member, perhaps? On the back side of the photo were the words that I know all too well with some added text:

Semper Fidelis.

For Celestia and Equestria.

Down with King Sombra!

Sombra... Had a feeling he’s the whole reason behind this. Now I know; it all makes perfect sense. The horn, the crystals, the shadows, everything points back to him. The last time I encountered him was back in the Crystal Empire where he prevented me from using my protection spell. Twilight and her friends managed to stop him but in this mirror world, it looks like Sombra actually won.

The bleeding didn’t concern me at all. I brought a first aid kit to address the wound. What concerned me, though, was the photo and the writing. They had the information on Sombra but everypony in town refers to him as an anonymous figure. Why would the Stormriders hide this information from the public? Why would Twilight hide this information?

I dressed my wound, applying some disinfectant and covered the open wound with some bandages. After this, I turned back to the corner where I found the photo. Underneath some crumpled candy wrappers and a mound of dirt was the corner of what appears to be a file. I unearthed the object and the words “Classified” and “Operation Iron Hoof” greeted my eyes. Opening the file revealed a world of information that nopony else would be entitled to look upon. Background information on King Sombra, a map detailing his conquest, and images of known accomplices, myself included, were found in the compilation of documents. Also included was a very conspicuous letter entitled “Project Juggernaut”.

Nothing could have prepared me for this; the letter talked about a last-ditch effort to put down King Sombra for good. It involved the use of an enchanted suit of armor that only selected ponies were allowed to wear. It sounded like a good idea until I reached the attached amendment. I was one of the ponies allowed to wear the armor but an asterisk got my attention. A legend conveniently placed at the bottom of the document revealed a note of some importance.

*Switch engages thirty minutes after user activates armor.

What switch? What in Celestia’s name could this switch be used for? The document was written by Twilight herself, complete with a signature and a stamp of her cutie mark. Luna walked back into the room alone, the Stormriders nowhere to be found.

“Explain this!” I exclaimed to Luna with anger permeating from my voice while I slammed the documents on the old mahogany table. “You still haven’t told me everything I needed to know and this is something I need to know! And how did you know about the secret passage underneath the castle?!”

Luna closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and began.

“I saw what happened to you in the Crystal Empire with a visual reflection spell. The crystals showed me everything you went through. As for Operation Iron Hoof, Twilight was desperate to keep things under control after the murder of my sister. She believed that without Celestia, she needed to assert her power to keep the rebellion alive. To do that, she needed the remnants of the Wonderbolts to make herself known as a capable leader and the vast resources of the Canterlot archives to help her secure her place as leader of the revolution. Don’t ask me how she got those resources, though. I haven’t the slightest idea.”

“And what about Project Juggernaut?”

“A suit of armor was to be created by the blacksmiths of Dimondia using rare metals that would render the suit almost unbreakable. It would then be enchanted with powerful magic that only Twilight and I can provide. An almost unlimited source of magic would be granted to the user but from what I know, only a few individuals are capable of handling that much power. That list contains the names of those who can wield the power of the suit: Celestia, Twilight, myself, and you.”

“So what’s with the note about the switch activating when I wear this suit?”

“I don’t know. As for the suit itself, only one was successfully constructed and Twilight requested that it be hidden for everypony’s sake. Should that suit fall into the wrong hooves, the rebellion would be a complete failure. Everything we fought for will all be for nothing.”

An uneasy look was evident on Luna’s face. She was looking at the door and back at me for a while. No only that, but she was also sweating, the droplets slowly moving down her deep blue body.

Suddenly, the door swung open. A loud banging noise accompanied the door being slammed shut by the individual who entered without even touching the door itself.


“Twilight?!” Luna and I simultaneously exclaimed.

“I’m sorry! I tried to tell her-” Spitfire said as she quickly entered the room.

“Shut up, Spitfire! As for you, what are you doing here, Luna?! Why are you showing him confidential documents?!”

“Look, Twilight, I can explai-” Luna attempted to get Twilight to calm down but she was cut short by the rebel leader.

“There’s nothing to explain, Luna! I thought I could trust you but it seems you are also an liability to the resistance. You’re no different than my brother, if that’s what I should even call him. I’m sorry, Luna, but you left me no choice. Guards!”

Twilight’s call saw a large number of guards enter the room. They shackled us to heavy lead cuffs and we were all teleported to a prison cell. The damp, dirty atmosphere of this place made me feel insecure. The walls appeared to be hewn from the rocks of a mountain as I touched them to be sure of my location. As the guards left, the lead shackles were left on and some sort of hard metallic cast was placed on my horn. I attempted to undo my shackles with my magic but it was all in vain. I couldn’t cast any spells that could help me out of this situation.

Twilight was at the door, furious with what had happened. Her eyes were bloodshot with a deep red tint that implied a genuine hatred for Luna and I. If only Celestia were here to see this. Only she would have known how to calm Twilight down. Twilight used her magic once more to slam the cell door shut. I turned to Luna to see if she was alright. I always wondered if princesses shed tears. Normally, they wouldn’t show any sign of weakness but this time is different. Right now, I can tell Luna’s defeated - no - devastated.

The dead silence of the cell was deafening but I heard the sounds of soft sobbing. The words: “I’m so sorry” echoed throughout the room. Luna...

I can’t say that I can truly put my trust in anypony now but the genuine sorrow that the princess showed was enough to convince me to stay for good. No holding back this time; everypony wants something more than anything else and that something is freedom. But for me to give them this freedom, I first need to be free.

Suddenly, the floor began to swirl with the mist. The almost unseen shadows began to creep up on me. I know they’re there, the faint light from the lamp outside the prison cell guiding me to their location. They all came together to the door and blocked the light from outside, concealing the chamber with darkness.

I then heard the sound of laughter. It was sinister in nature. It can only be one pony I know.
The faint sound of a scream from outside the cell was heard. A somewhat high pitched shriek followed by numerous screams permeated the air. Even Twilight's scream was heard as well.

Luna began to scream. I turned back towards her and began inching my way to her but the lead weights held me back. Before I knew it, she was engulfed by the shadows.

“Luna!” I called to her.

Now my body began to feel light, almost as if I was about to float, only I wasn’t floating. The cold grasp of the shadows grabbed onto my hooves, then my legs, then the rest of me. I saw myself fade from existence as my body began to disappear, being eaten by the shadowy force that also devoured Luna. At last, my head was the only thing left and it, too, was swallowed whole.

With all that done, there was nothing.

Nothing but the pitch-black beyond and the sound of silence.