• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 996 Views, 21 Comments

Beyond Reflections - EquineTheta

  • ...

Reality of the Unknowns

That voice... Cadance?

Surely this is a trap. But what if it isn’t? What if this “Cadance” is a ruse? The warning from the inscription is convincing enough for me to be skeptical about who I’d be interacting with. This isn’t even an interaction with the first pony in this world and I am already being tested; at least, that’s what I think. The voice began to fade and just as it did, I slowly crept up to the door and opened it. Taking a look around, nopony stood watch, a perfect opportunity to discover who is making those noises. I began to follow the echoes, moving left and right through familiar hallways. As I continued on, the voices trailed into a room that I remember well: my own sleeping quarters. But if I’m here, then it must mean that I am facing myself, or a much more sinister version of myself...

I wouldn’t want to move in through the front door, fearing all possible unfortunate fates that lie hereafter. Thankfully, there are other ways of getting in. Back in the real Crystal Empire, my sleeping quarters had a two-way escape route hidden in the closet. This was built in the unlikely event that the castle was entered by hostiles and I would require a quick escape route through a number of possible exits hidden around the building. One of them was situated on the right side of the door.

Feeling around for the button that I hoped was there, I began pressing the crystalline wall. The spike protruding the wall is an unlikely place to try but I pressed it regardless. Interestingly, the door opened and I found my way into the room. The passage was dark in itself but it was designed to keep a faint light glowing should any of the entrances be opened from the outside.

At the end of the tunnel is my sleeping quarters. Through the slits on the closet door, I could watch the turn of events while remaining hidden. On the bed was this alternate world Cadance and some figure standing before her, grabbing her by the hair. I can see the pain the alicorn mare felt through her face, her agony showing through her closed eyes and gnashing teeth.

“... you know what I do to those who try to escape me, don’t you?” The dark entity said to the mare, tightening his grip on her mane.

“Don’t let this happen again or the consequences will be much more dire than this.” He continued without letting the alicorn speak. “I assure you, there are far worse things than me putting an end to you.”

The sobbing of the alicorn can now be heard.

“Y...yes, y...yo...your honor.” Cadance replied with defeat in her voice, now ending her struggle with the entity. She was quickly picked up and tossed to the ground before her captor left the room. I decided to take leave my hiding spot and help her out. Hopefully, she wouldn’t draw too much attention to my presence.


This Cadance quickly picked herself up and turned to me, fixing her gaze upon my face. She didn’t want me here. Slowly standing up, she crept to the balcony door, holding back her tears with her eyes staring at me.

“Who... Who are you? How did you get in here?” Cadance began. Her face had the expression of both terror and curiosity with the slight hint of sadness, still recovering from her encounter with her captor. Words jittered out of her mouth while her lower jaw superfluously moved up and down, supposedly muttering to herself. I don’t know what she said but she was definitely in wonder and in shock.

“Calm down. My name is Shining Armor and a secret passage brought me here. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how I got here but if you would allow me to explain...”

Shining Armor? Though she didn’t make a sound, I managed to read her lips and make out my name.

The alternate Cadance lowered her voice and quickly responded “Look, you shouldn’t even be here. Retainers and civilians are not allowed in the king’s quarters. Do you know what he’d do to you if he found out you’re here?”

“Wait, who’s ‘He’?”

“The king! Who else?! Have you been living under a rock all this time?!“

“No! I’ve only been here for ten minutes,” I said, raising my voice. “and I haven’t even explained to you how I got here!”

We both calmed down and took a few breaths to ease our growing tensions. I knew that I had to tell her something but I was terrible at making up stories; I decided to come clean, crossing a pair of imaginary hooves that she buys it.

“I came here through a mirror portal from my own world. I know it sounds farfetched but I have proof-” Only at this point did she realize something was a little off. She’s still looking at me as if she knew me from somewhere. Her eyes still locked onto mine while darting to my hair, coat, and mane. She didn’t say anything but I can tell she noticed something wrong, leaving her mouth slightly agape.

This Cadance quickly used her magic to hold my mouth shut. She stared intently at me once more while tightening her grip on my throat. I first thought that she might have heard something outside but the absence of sound outside ruled out my first suspicions. The alicorn came closer and whispered:

“You are unwanted here. You’ve brought disappointment to your family, to your fellow ponies, and to your princess. I’m going to give you one chance to save yourself; go back to where you came from and never return.”

What is she talking about? I don’t recall doing something so bad that I’ve become unwanted.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, uh..., your highness,” I began, making sure to conceal my knowledge from this alternate world Cadance. “but I’ve never been here before. Unless you tell me what happened, I can’t take proper action.”

The alicorn moved towards the front door. Placing her horn on the door, she used her magic but for reasons unknown, possibly checking for guards. Looking back at me she began once more. “Okay, I’ll take you somewhere safer but you must leave here for good, understand?”

Cadance fired up her magic once more and this time, I can see the pink aura envelop me. I begin to feel lighter and lighter, as if I am going to float away. And if I thought I’d come out of this unscathed, the smell of scorched hair filled the air. Taking a whiff of the unknown surroundings, the burned hair wasn’t what dominated my olfactory sense; the smell of decay that I once encountered in my nightmare became real.

I’m in the empire’s sewer system.

“This is as far as I can get you. The king placed a spell on me that alerted him should my presence outside the castle perimeter be felt. We are under the castle right now so this is still acceptable. Just take the path ahead and look for a yellow stallion, he’ll take you where you need to go.”

“But...” I replied.

“Trust me, you don’t want to be here any longer and you don’t want to reveal your identity to anypony on the surface.” She now began to rush while hushing her voice to near inaudible levels. “You can put your trust in those who are no longer trusted. Now go!”

I quickly turned around, not even thinking twice about saying goodbye to my unlikely aide. Into the darkened path I traversed, casting a faint glow with my magic to guide me. Just like the alicorn said, I can put my trust in those who can’t be trusted. Maybe I can do the same with her? With path unfolding before me, I followed it without hesitation, weaving left and right and letting my light direct me to my unknown destination. The smell of decay grows stronger the further I go but with my safety in possible jeopardy, I held back my urge to give in, only pausing to catch my breath before heading to what I hope would be a safe haven.


At a time when I felt my weakest, those who stood by me were always there when I needed them. Twiley and her friends, mom, dad, and Cadance. Now that I’m alone, I’ve learned to rely on myself, knowing that no one would come to my aid. Strangely, I had a feeling someone, or something, is following me. I keep hearing these quick pauses, or lapses, in the movement of the water. Like waves in a ripple pool, I can feel something disturbing the calm waters whenever I took a breather.

I decided to keep moving, remaining alert to the presence of, possibly, a second figure following me. The crystal empire’s waste management system is relatively new but it reeked of centuries-old manure, who could possibly live in this filth?

Then, a speck of light made itself known. It didn’t look like it stayed put; it was moving closer. I dimmed my own light and used the invisibility spell to cloak my appearance. To further conceal my location, I also used an elevated platform conveniently placed next to me so as to avoid letting the water give away my location.

Unfortunately, I was mistaken.

The light stopped moving just inches before the platform, revealing what appeared to be the yellow stallion Cadance mentioned.

“I know you’re here, whoever you are!” the yellow stallion said, conviction revealing itself with an assertive tone to his voice. “Show yourself!”

Could I really put my trust in him? What if he is a guard who would turn me over to the king?

Risking my life on uncertainty, I slowly removed my shadowy veil, revealing my location.

“Alright! I’m here.”

The stallion approached me and examined my face. He began showing a very displeased look but one that wouldn’t turn into aggression.

“It’s you,” he said with a monotonous voice. “Come with me; I’ll take you to my place first.”

I didn’t think twice and just followed him. For about ten minutes, we didn’t talk, not even bat an eyelash to another. Somehow, I felt secured with him leading me. It was strange but maybe what the alternate Cadance said was making sense, that I can put my trust in those who can’t be trusted. I found myself saying her words over and over again while asking myself if I could trust a stallion living in the sewers.

Something else caught my attention: the alternate Cadance and this stallion both treated me as if they knew me, or at least saw me once in their lifetime. A strange coincidence considering I’ve never been this mirror world until now. The idea of an alternate Shining Armor doing something horrible tugged at my innards and maybe, just maybe, I will be paying for his actions sooner or later.


A crevice in the wall revealed a sight I thought I’d never see: a room but not the kind I’d see. Only one seat, a mattress, a table with a plate, a cup, and a picture frame. And this stallion lived all alone. Now this filled me with fear, what if this also existed in my world? Would it only be him or would there be many more like him?

“It’s not much but make yourself at home.”

“Thank you. If you don’t mind, I have plenty of questions to ask you.”

“Ask away. It’s not like I’m going to hurt you the way you did me and many other ponies.”

I remained silent, now filled with fear while pondering on the reality that I could be facing the repercussions of another versions of myself.

“Just three questions for now. One: who are you, two: how do you know me, and three: why are you doing this?”

The stallion grabbed a sheet and a pillow before turning around to answer my question.

“You did something unthinkable and no one can forgive you for that. At least, that’s how it goes. I don’t know the details but I know you didn’t do it. My name is Caramel, an earth pony from Ponyville.” He sighed for a moment before continuing. “Now I’m displaced and living in the sewers of the Crystal Empire. Same goes with almost everyone living outside the empire, all displaced and living somewhere with unsatisfactory living conditions.”

I scratched my head and tilted it to the right, trying to make sense of what went on in Equestria. So far, it seems my realistic nightmares were showing meg me premonitions of this very day.

“So, was it the king who did this?” I continued with my interest piqued on learning about this unknown world I’m in.

“Yes but not without help. If it weren’t for your actions, things would have gone much differently.”

Caramel turned back to the closet tucked away in the corner to grab a few things but now, the only question that I wanted an answer to is what alternate Shining Armor did. Before I could raise the question, the earth pony began talking.

“You’re probably wondering what you did since you don’t seem to recall...” Caramel said. Though I know the truth that he doesn’t know yet, I continued to play along.

The last things he uttered were vaguely audible but these were enough to leave a noose-like grip on my heart, grasping it tightly without giving me a moment’s breath.

And three words did all of that:


