• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 841 Views, 19 Comments

A Warrior's Tale - JaysonWrites

I learned to fight to mask my own weakness. Never to hurt but to help. Or at least that's what I use to tell myself.

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Chapter I. Bright Lights

Wow, theses light are bright. I can barley see the crowds, not like I would they sometimes make me nervous. If I were to get even a little nervous and slip up in the tiniest of ways it would be all over.
“Hey kid, get your head out of your ass and listen up”
“Oh sorry Coach”
“That’s right you better by sorry this guy is a monster and if you go in there with your head in the clouds he will knock you the fuck out”
That was my Muay Thai coach George. He could be a bit of an ass sometimes, but I can’t blame him he’s worked with me from the beginning and put up with me all this time. He even helped pay for my flight here and flights from Los Angeles to Bangkok aren't cheap. Coach has high expectations and I strive to achieve them. This is the most important fight of my life and I can’t screw it up.
“Ok so this guy fights in an unorthodox stance so beware his left shin he moves fast so keep your arms up and hit him in the right knee, I don’t think he has recovered from his last fight. Don’t think you have the advantage either this guy can kick your ass nine times out of ten.”
“Thanks for the encouraging last minute speech”
“Hey, I remember you were the one who wanted to fight Thailand’s best and here he is the undefeated Thanasukarn”
“Yeah yeah yeah just let me do my thing. I got this”
“I swear your confidence will end you one day”
“Tell you what I’ll buy you a beer and a sandwich the day that happens”
“I’m holding you to that. Oh and one last thing if he gets in a clinch do whatever you have to do to get out. His knees will do much more than leave bruises.”
Just then the bell rang to begin the fight. The most anticipated fight of the year. Two undefeated fighters one from United States the other from Thailand. Even if there was no title on the line the pressure to prove you’re the best and to win for your nation was enough to skyrocket the attention of this fight.
I feel sorry for the poor bastards that miss this event. This will truly be a fight to remember.

I looked into the dirty mirror silently looking at my reflection. I closely inspected the cuts and bruises on my face. Damn he really did a number on me. Right after the fight I came back here for some alone time and played some music while I thought about what happened. The cold tiles of the restroom felt good on my feet. My short black hair was messy and sweaty. He had delivered a devastating elbow just above my right eyebrow leaving a gash. My brown eyes looked all over my 6’1” frame. I was very proud of my body; I have very low body fat and very lean muscle. That’s was my hardest fight and my body felt like it was hit by a car. Luckily I was always a fast healer so I should be feeling back to normal in a couple days. I was sure that he broke a couple ribs but they assured me that I was fine. My knuckles are red and my hands are slightly shacking. Even after years of rigorous training and conditioning fights like this don’t get any easier. My damage assessment was cut short as my coach walked in with a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
“Good God kid nobody saw that coming, I mean it was an incredible fight nobody could deny that but that was just… just… so” he was shacking his hands in the air trying to come up with something. It was all for naught he remained at a lost of words
I remained quiet
He took notice of my silence and chose to remain quiet. He must have some sort of idea of what is going through my head. My coach was also a fighter and he is all too familiar with problems that arise after a fight.
“Look kid don’t try to question the judges decision” he said reassuringly
I whispered so no one could hear my shame “I didn't deserve to win no not like this…”
“What on earth are you talking about you did great, you hit him hard you hit him fast. Sure he had his shots at you but you came out on top” he responded proudly
“You forgot to mention that part where he was fucking me up Oh wait that was the whole damn fight!” I was yelling now
“If the judges believe you won then you won no question”
“Yeah, but by unanimous decision that’s bullshit I cheated him. HE deserved to win not me”
“There’s no arguing with you kid. If it means anything to you it was just a FRIENDLY fight nothing more nothing less. Now your flight leaves tomorrow night so get cleaned up get some rest and don’t miss your flight those damn things are expensive.”
With that he walked out and left me with my thoughts.


The next day was really uneventful. All I did was hang out at my hotel room and watch television. And I thought day time television in the US was boring. After giving up on TV I started to listen to music on my iPod. I however did feel much better and a good nights sleep does a lot to ease a troubled mind. The fight was in the past and I need to look towards the future was my last thought before I succumb to the soft pillows and blankets. Damn I’m a sucker for anything soft
I awoke from the best nap I ever had from a loud beeping noise coming from my phone. Oh shit its coach as I take a quick glance at the time 7:30 it hit me, realizing why he was calling me. Mortified that I would be late for my flight I moved faster than light. Gathering all my luggage was no problem but get through traffic was going to be the hard part.
Odd that there is almost no traffic this place is usually packed with people. Must be an off day or something but that didn't explain why it was easy to get through check-in and all the boring things before a flight. Coach was there waiting looking really pissed, I feared the worst.
“Did I miss the flight?” I asked nervously. I would be here for weeks before I could get another one.
“NO but you sure as hell are late” sighing in relief I waved goodbye and got aboard the plane. I don’t know what it is but the little walk way that gets me on the plane always makes me nervous. I wasn't afraid of heights or anything but I just don’t know. This time in particular I felt something unusual. Waving it off as nothing I took my seat at A3 wooooo I get the window seat which is always the best seat. What was even better was that it seemed that I was the one on the whole plane with an empty row so I took the liberty of lowering my sports bag from those annoying cabinets and placed it on the closest empty seat.
I guess there really isn't anything to do now that the movie was over. It was some cheap action movie that one watches for the sole reason of laughing for how poorly made it is. This was no 5-star luxury airplane but it did however serve the most amazing peanuts. A little after the end of the movie the plane went into some sort of sleep mode for the passengers by dimming the lights. With nothing left to do I dozed off and promptly fell asleep.

Getting hit in the face is never I good way to wake up. A little plastic bag with a yellow cone attached to the end rudely pulled me from my slumber. The captain of the plane was yelling something in Thai or Siamese over the intercom, I don’t really know the difference. Passengers were running around trying to find out what’s happening and the equally distraught stewards were trying to keep them in their seats. Not really understanding the gravity of the situation I looked out the window to see smoke pouring out the back of an engine. Well fuck me, we’re gana die. At least nobody is gana give two shits whether or not we make it through the crash or not. Yeah well coach might but he’ll get over it eventually. With that taken care of we should prepare for the inevitable. I like the way you think brain. Let’s do this. Fully expecting to die in that crash I unhooked my seat belt cuz you know gotta die comfy and put on my headphones. Now for the Pièce de résistance I hit play on the only song someone can listen while waiting to die. Europe- The Final Countdown. With that I closed my eyes and put that shit on full blast.

My head was pounding; my throat was dry and scratchy. You lucky bastard you. What? You’re alive dumb ass. How can you be so sure? Well you can still feel pain and have thoughts. Oh right. I slowly opened my eyes and as soon as I did I instantly regretted it. The sun was bright and hung high in the sky; its powerful rays were blistering. I stayed there for what seemed like hours not wanting to accept the reality that I was alive. I had seen the movie The Gray only a few weeks prior and I was terrified of having to live out on my own in an unforgiving environment. Stop being such a bitch and get up. Damn I was right I had to get moving if I wanted to survive. Getting up from the ground was harder than it should have been. I was cut up and bruised all over, the crash also managed to reopen some of my wounds from the fight. Blood was pouring down my face from the gash above my brow I was fighting to keep my right eye open.
The plane was gone. Well it was there but it was gone, like it was ripped to shreds only unusable for scrap metal. I think I was thrown from the plane a good 50 meters which saved my life considering the state of the plane. The inside was even worse. It was as if a tornado passed through then a hurricane and lastly a wild fire. Holy shit where are the dead bodies? I came in here bracing myself for something out of hostile but there is no blood or even bodies! After searching high and low I sat outside the emergence hatch not knowing what to do. I was completely alone.
The sun wasn't getting any higher and I needed shelter. I had no faith in ever being rescued I didn't even know what country I was in. Searching through the plane I found what was my sports bag which contained my cell phone (useless without signal), wallet, iPod, a few energy bars, creatine, a mouth guard and a bottle of Vaseline. The plane had crashed at the foot of a small mountain. The compass in the cockpit was really off so I was unable to tell which way was which. Luckily I have been sitting down long enough to notice the sun moving slightly towards the forest in the distance. That way for sure is west, therefore the mountains are in the east and that huge mountain range is north. I don’t see anything down south so that makes things easier in terms of directions to take. I guess I’ll go towards the forest since there is more of a chance of finding food. I applied Vaseline on some of my cuts to stop the bleeding and started to search for anything that would help me survive in the wild.
First things first I need a way to start a fire. The cockpit might have some supplies so it was the first place I checked. There was a small first aid kit in a small cabinet directly to the side of the sliding door. What surprised me was the fact that they had also managed to get a Swiss army knife on the plane along with the first aid kit. I also took a map of the world that happened to be lying around. Don’t really know why but might as well. This would certainly make my life that much easier. Next I raided the back for any left over food. Unfortunately most of the food and drinks had been damaged in the crash but I did manage to find a couple bottled waters and plenty of those wonderful peanuts. I don’t think I need any more clothing other than what I’m wearing; it was pretty damn hot outside anyway. Don’t forget socks always take extra socks. Having completely forgot about the fire I went around looking for matches in any of the remaining bags. Lady luck must have the hots for me because I found not one but two disposable lighters more than enough for a fire.
With a sports bag filled with supplies and peanuts in hand I wondered towards the direction of the dense forest.

By the time I finished my second bag of delicious honey roasted peanuts I was a standing at the front of the now much thicker and more intimidating forest. Don’t bitch out now. I slowly made my way through the forest. It actually wasn't that bad. After get use to the animal noises it was actually quite relaxing almost therapeutic.
I was surrounded by beautiful flowers and lush terrain. The air was crisp and clean nothing like it was in Los Angeles. It was amazing just listening to the birds sing and watch the smaller animals wonder around. They didn't seem to fear me which usually means they are unfamiliar with humans which could cause problems in the future but I was so hypnotized by the forest I couldn't care less. I could wonder around here forever and I wouldn't care. The only thing to really stand out was the height of the trees. They were tall but no where near what they should be for a forest of this size.
As the light coming through the canopy dwindled I began to look for a proper place to sleep. Spotting a cave in the distance I figured it would be the best place to set up camp. The cave itself was actually much smaller than I thought only being the size of a school bus. Setting my stuff down I went to find something to make a fire with. I returned with some small dry sticks to use as tinder and some bigger sticks to keep it going. I’ll make a second trip if the fire starts to die off for it’s my only real protection against wildlife. As if on queue I heard a deep growl coming from the front of the cave.
Oh shit

It was now dark. The only light was coming from the bright crescent moon shinning brightly in the sky in the seen of stars. I would have marveled at its beauty if it weren't for the pack of wolves circling the mouth of the cave. Piercing green eyes and a rotten stench was what was preoccupying me.
Get the fucking fire started!!
I’m trying to get off my back already!
My hands were shaking and I wasn't able to get the lighter to work. Fumbling around for what must have seemed like ages but only lasted mere seconds, I got the lighter to light my makeshift torch. It engulfed my new weapon with a beautiful dancing blaze. Oh how I wish it hadn't. These things I can say for sure were not regular wolves. They were made of fucking wood yeah that’s right wood. I can’t even begin to comprehend how that was possible. The wolves were held together by nothing, zip, nada.
Fire burns wood retard this works in your favor.
Nice! Brain sometimes I don’t know what I would do with out you.
Got your back bro. Just remember not to die
These wolves were rude; they didn't even let me finish the thought before a wolf jumped at me. He received a smack to the side from my torch and unfortunately for him he caught fire. They were cleverer than I had previously thought; the poor bastard was a distraction. A much larger wolf pounced on me from my behind. How he got there I don’t know. My instincts and training kicked in and he received a spinning elbow to the face shattering him into a million pieces.
Man, these things are push overs
Time to open up a can of whoop ass on these puppies!
I think they could read minds for they all left as soon as I was about to charge at them. And then things got even freakier. The wolf that had been shattered into a million pieces reanimated or something and ran after the rest of the pack tail in-between its legs. I was left there, mouth open, not fully understanding what just happened.
With a new fire going I was finally able to rest my head. So much has happened in so little time. I was trying to figure out where I was. There is no place on earth with goddamn tree wolves. No, maybe I imagined it all they were regular wolves. It was surely the adrenaline and lack of visibility that made it LOOK like they were made of wood yeah that was it.
Damn I’m running low on water. Looking for a drinkable source of water was on the list of things to do tomorrow. I should also bathe I’m starting to stink pretty bad. I worked up quite a sweat trekking through the forest and fighting off those TOTALLY REGULAR wolves.
Hmm hey bro I just realized something.
What’s that?
After all this physical activity and all don’t you think we should be tiered?
Well, yeah.
So why aren't we?
I brought up a good point. Why wasn't I died tired after all that? So I put my body to the test. What I discovered was surprising to say the least. I could jump higher and run faster. The change was very noticeable I felt like a combination of Michael Jordan and Usain Bolt. My upper body strength was also increased; I could probably bench double or even triple my weight. This whole situation was outrageous. First tree wolves now super strength. I went to bed that night pondering where on earth I really was, or even if I was on Earth at all.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my Story.
Any suggestions are welcomed and I appreciate constructive criticism.
Next Chapter should be up pretty soon.