• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 841 Views, 19 Comments

A Warrior's Tale - JaysonWrites

I learned to fight to mask my own weakness. Never to hurt but to help. Or at least that's what I use to tell myself.

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Chapter II. Hallucinations

I needed answers. My inability to comprehend what exactly happen to me or where I was deprived me of much needed sleep. I had to keep moving. I had to find civilization.

In hope of finding something I packed up my crude campsite and headed further west. Looking for fresh water was much more difficult than I had hoped. I could always eat barriers or hunt small game to satisfy my hunger. Water however was a different matter. The scorching sun made walking through the forest arduous. Now with out a source of water my progress began to waver.

I could tell that I was approaching the core of the forest. The trees were much higher and provided cool shadow, which I welcomed. Animal life also swelled. The exotic birds played beautiful songs as I trekked through the gorgeous forest, soothing me greatly.

I was walking for hours and soon I began to doubt whether I was traveling in a straight line. Not long after I began to have hallucinations. The trees pointed and laughed as I staggered through the forest. Birds also joined in on the fun. Their songs were no longer blissful or exultant but now they were cruel and mocking. I ran and ran desperately trying to escape my tormentors.

“Traitors! Traitors!” I yelled as loud and as long as my lungs allowed me. I had loved them, their beauty and augustness gave me the strength to move forward like nothing else had. Only in them could I confide. But now they scorn and denounce me. For what reason? They had given me everything and now they seized and cast off my love. They rescind their amity and ardency towards my person.

Something was watching. I could feel it deep in the forest even if their eyes remained clandestine. Their observation of me was obvious.

It grew closer and closer. Shadows and darkness threatened to consume me. My heart filled with panic and trepidation. There was no escape, no where to run. I am not ashamed to say that I wept as I ran. I shed tears; I shear tears of terror and tears of forlorn. For I had been betrayed by the only source of consolation I had in this world. But it is then and only then, when a man has lost everything and has nothing is when he becomes fully empowered and he is the most unassailable weapon.

My only option was to face it. Primal fears must be vanquished. Courage must imbue and move the body. Love and Amity will captivate the soul. I stopped running and turned to confront it my terror, my dread, my fear, my nightmare.
Callous hands reached out to grab and maim me. My breath was visible for its presence was chilling. But it only loomed over me as if waiting for something. Its grotesque form was fixed on me unmoving only watching. It had no eyes or face only blackness where they should be. The forest around it had shrived up and died. I felt this sensation before the sensation just before a fight. This was the stare down before a match, the calm before the storm.
I was no longer afraid I was no longer bound by those chains. They held no power over me.
I did not fear it
I do not fear death

I charged it and it charged me. Bracing my self for the end I clenched my eyes tightly closed right before our collision.
I was engulfed by something as I fell, something cold and wet it was not painful but refreshing. I opened my eyes to find myself in the middle of serene river. I have never been so happy to see water. I bathed and drank from beautiful blue liquid. I stayed in until my body became pruney. After I laid on one of the larger rocks on the river bank and fell into the most peaceful and restful sleep of my life.


A rock no matter how smooth or how round is not a great place to sleep. I awoke to a stiff neck and a sore back. There was not much light left in the day and I decided to stay and rest. The local wildlife were a constant presence. These animals however were not abnormal and behave much like the animals should. Slowly but surely they make their way to the riverbank always keeping a cautious eye for predators. They didn’t seem to be threatened by my presence and only a few actually acknowledged me at all. These critters must think I’m one of them huh how strange considering my size. Thankfully my sports bag protected much of my gear from the water and gave me the chance to listen to my Ipod. I could get use to this.
The universe however had other plans and the quiet didn’t last long.

The roar was powerful and shook the ground. Animals ran in all direction due to panic. All frantically scurried from the source of the bellow. I stayed exactly where I was. What walked out of the tree line was a monstrosity. It had the body of a loin, the wings of a bat and the tail of a scorpion. The monster was furious that a creature refused to remove itself from HIS watering hole. It slowly approached me, fire in its eyes; it wanted me dead that I knew for sure. I guess there would be no way to reason with it so I will teach it a lesson on sharing through the only way I know how.

Lifting myself from atop the rock I seized it up. On four legs it was shorter than I but on two it could probably look over me. Its forearms are massive and could cause major damage. The monsters back legs were its weak point, they were small and thin compared to everything else. The tail will be the most troublesome. If I get stung I would have little chance of surviving. The wings would also give him an advantage. Then again I have wanted to try this “new” body out.

We approached one another only stopping when we were a few meters away from each other. The monster let out a deafening roar in an attempt to intimidate me. I stood my ground, ready for anything. It attacked first launching its stinger over its shoulder lightning fast straight at my chest. I reacted fast enough to catch the tail, holding it by the large round part around the stinger. In retaliation I pulled his tail strong enough that it flipped him onto his back. While exposed I delivered an axe heel kick to his abdomen yielding a pained howl from the monster. It reacted quickly and pushed off the ground with its’ wings knocking me off balance. The monster took this has his chance. He backhanded me with his meaty paws forcing me back and knocking the wind out of me. Hoping that I would have no time to recover it launched itself at me with sharp claws extended. Seeing it coming a quick sidestep cleared me from danger. I delivered a straight foot thrust at his side making his landing awkward. While he was struggling to get off of himself I was going to end it. I sprinted at him as fast as I could ready to execute my favorite of all Muay Thai techniques. The Flying knee strike. Poor son of a bitch didn't have time to react before his snout made contact with my powerful knee.

The monster dropped, his snout pouring blood as it fell. Knowing that the fight was over I went over to examine it. These things were tough. My blow had only knocked out a couple teeth, but was strong enough to knock it unconscious. I should get out of here before it wakes up again. Heading back towards where I left my stuff I considered traveling a different way other than just keep heading west. I figured I have already gone too far in this direction just to go on another way I decided it would be best just to keep heading west. The sun’s rays are diminishing and I have to keep moving.


The moon’s light wasn't enough for me to continue. I have only been walking for a short time but I have to stop for the night or I’ll end up losing my way. There are many trees here I guess I could climb one and sleep up there. Probably the safest way to go considering that the monster is probably going to seek revenge of some sort. Plus it was in a movie I once saw. I really hope I don’t fall down that would be a pain. Making my way to the top was pretty easy. But what I was greeted with was astonishing. The night sky was marvelously arranged; it put many romantic painters to shame. Each star meticulously place, creating an awe inspiring view. Falling asleep was difficult for it would entail losing time observing the night sky. Nevertheless sleep slowly immersed me while I lay upon those high branches.

The universe must find some amusement in pulling me from sleep like this. It honestly is getting a little repetitive. I stirred by the sounds of some sort of yelling or crying. Or maybe it was a mixture of both. The bright sun blinded me as I tried to find the source of the noise. With the slight chance of being reunited with civilization I enthusiastically jumped from my perch high above the ground into the bush which in turn was a bad idea. My landing was awkward and my left ankle bent at an unnatural angle.

Fuck that hurt, why the hell did you do that! There is no way we can run with a sprained ankle!
There’s no time to waste we can finally get home!

I hid in the bushes to scope out the place in which I thought I heard the screams. What I saw was unexpected. There were these three tiny technicolor horses cowering together slowly backing up against a huge tree. But what caught my attention was the monster with the dried blood on its snout and missing teeth in its mouth. Didn't think I would see this bastard so soon again. The devouring of those tiny animals must be his way of regaining his pride.

Survival of the fittest at it’s finest.
Yup, couldn't agree more

Just as I was going to walk or limb away my heart stop. The monster had stopped his advance towards the horseys to get a good whiff of the air. It suddenly turned away from them and looked around cautiously as if looking for something. The horseys were to dull to realize this was their opportunity to escape. Instead the stayed completely still almost like they were expecting to get saved and wanted to see the heroes and how they beat up the bad guy.

Holy shit, we’re dead. If it finds us it will enjoy ripping us into tiny little pieces. But hey look at it this way maybe we could end up as some fertilizer for some flower or something.
Shut up I know what we’re gana do just follow my lead.

As silently as I could I sneaked through the bushes, my injured leg almost blew my cover a couple times. The monster was looking around warily. It began pacing around trying to locate the source of the smell. I waited patiently for him to get close enough to the bush I was hiding in. It got close enough to me that I could almost reach out and grab him. Then it twitched, probably pinpointing my location. Noticing this I was about to strike when the horseys decided this was their only opportunity to leave. The monster turned and roared a mighty roar, like if he was commanding his pray to halt.

Go this is your chance!

Jumping out of the bushes and on to its back, I put him in a rear naked chokehold while hooking my legs around his waist. It rolled over frantically trying to break the hold. The tiny horses just starred mouths and eyes wide open.

Stupid horses don’t even realize this is their chance to escape.
After a while of rolling on the ground the monster was beginning to slow. It would only be a matter of time now before it was out. It tried using its wings as a last restore but they were pinned down be my legs.

Wait, I feel like we’re forgetting something.
Nah, we got him.

Then it stung me, literally. It must have forgotten it even had a stinger went it went into full blow panic mode. Oh and how that hurt, it had repeatedly driven its stinger into the middle of my exposed back. The sensation was a terrible burning at the site of the sting almost like an electrical shock. I immediately let go of his neck and flipped over grapping his stinger as it was coming down. While I was occupied with his tail it rammed its elbow it my side. The sound of my ribs breaking was sickening. Screaming in pain I rolled off of his back. Struggling to get on my feet, there was a moment of silence between the both of us. We were both trying to catch our breath for what looked like the final push.

My legs were weak and my body was numb. Its poison will probably kill me soon so I have to take this bastard down with me. Breathe deep and ignore the pain. Adrenaline was wearing off forcing me to attack first. The feeling was mutual because it charged me as I charged it. Neither of us was backing off, this was a fight to the end.

We charged at eat other our bodies at their limit. We collided I tried to hit him with another flying knee but he saw I coming and swiftly dodged. He brought a massive fist down on me followed immediately by swing from his tail that sent me flying. I was only just able to get up from the ground to see it flaring its wings and beating them profusely to gain speed. Bracing my self it hit me with its head, knocking me into a nearby tree. My body is broken, for every move I make my body screams in agonizing pain. My back is burning and the poison is numbing my body. A distorted mist is enveloping everything I see even breathing is painful.

“It… its really strange… wh… why do I continue to fight despite all this…” I was rising to my feet using the tree as support. My arms and legs are heavy as if held down by crippling weights. The monster was creeping towards me. My vision was blurred all I could see was the shadows. I instinctively raised my hands into fighting position waiting for the inevitable. But it never came. Out of the corner of my eye I could see shapes running at the monster and then a blinding light.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading the newest chapter of A Warrior's Tale.
I was experimenting with diction in this chapter. Tell me if it was too sesquipedalian.