• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 1,962 Views, 28 Comments

New Perspectives - Alerhys

Applejack, Fluttershy, and their friends and family must cope with the aftermath of a magical accident.

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Part Five

New Perspectives

a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic by Alerhys

Part Five

Twilight Sparkle awoke with a groan. Opening one eye, she looked blearily at the baby dragon that was shaking her shoulder with one hand while holding a parchment in the other. “Spike? What is it?” She opened her other eye and looked at her window. “It’s barely dawn.”

“She’s coming!”

“I know she’s coming, Spike. You read me the letter last night, remember?”

“No, I mean she’s coming NOW!”

“What?” Twilight sat up and became very attentive.

“She woke me up with another letter! She says they’ll be here shortly after sunrise!”

Twilight leaped out of bed and ran for her bathroom. “Ohmygoshthatsnotwhatthelastlettersaid...” she stuck her head back out and blinked at Spike. “Wait, ‘they’?”

“Princess Luna’s coming, too.”

“Oh. Well, that explains... Never mind! Start cleaning up the main room, and I’ll... No, strike that. You go get Fluttershy, I’ll clean up the main room and then teleport to Sweet Apple Acres, tell Applejack, and teleport back to greet the Princess...es.”

Spike dropped the letter on Twilight’s bed and headed down the stairs. “I’m on it, Twi!”


Applejack once again woke up with her bedclothes and pillow bundled under her, wings hanging over the edges. “Ah don’t remember Fluttershy sleepin’ like this. Ah havta remember to ask her about it after this is over.” She got up, tossing her pillow onto her back, shaking out her blanket, and dropping it precisely in place, then tossing the pillow at the head of the bed. “Nice and neat.” Stretching, she walked to her washstand, washed, brushed, tied, preened, and tossed her hat onto her head with a flourish. “Not late for breakfast this mornin’,” she remarked with a grin.

Entering the dining room, she greeted her siblings; today was market day, which meant loading up the sales cart with preserves and baked goods and heading for town. Granny Smith had made waffles with apple butter, and Applejack had just finished her first plate when a knocking came at the door.

Apple Bloom was the first to respond, going over and throwing open the door to reveal a somewhat disheveled Twilight Sparkle.

“Hi Apple Bloom. Where’s Applejack? I need to talk to her!”

“Ah’m right here, Twi. What’s up?”

“Princess meeting, want to see you and Fluttershy at the library right away!”

“Now? Well, if that’s what the Princess wants...”

“Great!” Magic began to build up around Twilight’s horn.

Applejack stepped back. “Uh, you aren’t gonna...”

“What? Oh, no! I’m just going to go back and get ready and you meet me there.” and with that Twilight vanished in a flash of color and sound.

Applejack breathed a sigh of relief at not having to experience teleportation. Turning back to her family, she shook her head. “Well, there ya go. Royal summons an’ all. Mac, AB, can you get set up in the market and Ah’ll spell ya as soon as Ah can?”

“Be happy to.” Big Mac said.

“Won’t let ya down, sis!” Apple Bloom added.

Granny Smith snorted. “Throws our schedules off again.”

Applejack just grinned at her. “Hopefully fer the last time, Granny. Sorry ‘bout eatin’ and runnin’.” and with that she headed out the door and began galloping toward Ponyville.


Fluttershy hummed a happy tune as she finished putting away the dishes. She had woken up early and found herself full of energy, so she had gone ahead and taken care of her morning chores and animal feedings before fixing her own breakfast. “Isn’t it a beautiful day, Angel?” she asked the bunny. “Just perfect for a shopping trip into town.” She began to think over what she needed in the way of supplies when a rapid knocking at her door interrupted her. Answering the summons, she was surprised to see Spike leaning on her doorway, panting wisps of green smoke.

“Goodness, Spike, did you run here all the way from the library?”

“I *huff* told Twilight *puff* we should have *huff* told you last night *puff* but she said *huff* there would be *puff* plenty of time *huff* in the morning *puff*.”

“Time for what?”

“Princess *huff* wants to see you *puff* and Applejack *huff* at the library *puff*.”

“You mean... now?”

Spike nodded as he finished catching his breath. “Sorry for the short notice.”

“Oh not at all. I was just about to head into town anyway, so it’s no trouble, really.” Fluttershy looked at the still recovering baby dragon. “Would you like a ride back?”

“Ride? You mean, on you?”

“Well of course. You ride Twilight all the time, and you ran all the way here to get me so I should return the favor.”

“I guess, if you’re sure.”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy replied. “Angel, I’m headed for town, take care of things until I get back!” she called into the cottage, closing the door and indicating her back to Spike. “Climb on, then, and we’ll get going.”

Spike carefully climbed onto Fluttershy and settled down. “There’s no need to gallop back. Your legs are longer than mine, and anyway Twilight has to go get Applejack.”

“All right then.” Fluttershy settled for a canter, enjoying the rhythm of her hooves on the road as she carried the baby dragon into town.

“You seem happy this morning.”

“I do? I guess I am. It’s such a nice day, it just makes me feel good.”

As they got deeper into town, Fluttershy slowed to a trot, greeting the occasional pony who stopped to take in the unusual pair. “They do seem surprised to see you on my back,” she remarked. “You don’t think Twilight would be upset, do you? I wouldn’t want to be a problem.”

“Nah, we’re good. I appreciate the lift. Anyway, here we are. Let me just peek inside and see what’s up.” Spike replied, sliding off Fluttershy’s back and opening the door.

“Oh, you’re here. Um, I brought Fluttershy.” Spike held the door for the yellow pony, who stepped into the library to see Twilight standing in the main room with not just Princess Celestia, but Princess Luna as well.

She immediately bowed to the Royal Sisters. “Good Morning, Your Highnesses, Twilight.”

Princess Luna replied first. “It is well to see you again, good Fluttershy. I have endeavored to keep your voice lessons in mind.”

“Oh, that’s nice of you, Your Highness.”

“Please, simply ‘Luna’ is preferred when we are not in Court.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Thank you for taking the trouble to come here just for Applejack and me.”

Twilight looked over at Spike, who had continued to keep watch out the door. “Spike, do you see Applejack?”

In reply, the dragon swung the door open to reveal Applejack trotting up to the library. “Yep.”

Applejack paused as the library door swung open to reveal the room’s occupants, then hastily doffed her hat and bowed to the Princesses. “Greetins, yer Majesties.”

This time it was Princess Celestia who replied first. “Please, come in Applejack. We need to talk to you both about what happened.” Though it was nothing like the tone of voice Celestia had taken when Discord had gotten loose, she was clearly being serious about the subject.

Applejack took a deep breath and entered the library, stopping next to Fluttershy as Spike closed the door behind them.

Princess Celestia looked over at her sister, then back at the affected pair. “First, Luna and I would like to confirm personally the findings of Twilight Sparkle and the magic professors at the school.” The two alicorns pointed their horns, sending waves of magic through Applejack and Fluttershy as Twilight looked on in fascination. After a few minutes of concentration, they lifted their heads together and seemed to come to the same conclusion.

“That’s it, then.” sighed Princess Celestia.

“I concur.” replied Luna.

“My little ponies,” Celestia began, “I am afraid that our options in this situation are limited.”


All eyes turned to Twilight Sparkle, who flushed, ears down with embarrassment at her own outburst. “But... But you’re...” she tried to continue, then looked at the floor at a loss for words.

Princess Celestia sighed, more deeply this time. “Let me explain. To all magical senses, everything is as it should be. Applejack is a pegasus, Fluttershy an earth pony, with nothing to show that they were not always that way.”

Luna chimed in. “Nothing shows amiss. Their cutie marks are unchanged, their links to their Elements of Harmony intact. Only our memories tell us that they were not in fact born to the bodies they now exhibit.”

Twilight looked up again. “I don’t understand! It was magic that did this. Magic doesn’t work that way!”

Princess Celestia shook her head. “Pony magic does not work that way. What changed Applejack and Fluttershy is much older, old even by my standards; perhaps a remnant from powers that predate Equestria itself. How it ended up where it was found I cannot fathom.”

Now it was Luna’s turn to sigh. “It is possible that it might be related to the condition of the Everfree, and have been broken loose a millennium ago by my actions. If this is indeed the case, I am truly sorry.”

Applejack had felt her heart sink with the Princesses’ first words. Swallowing hard, she pulled herself together enough to ask “So what yer sayin’ then is that ya cain’t change us back?”

Celestia shook her head. “There is no ‘back’ to change you to. Changing you to an earth pony would be like changing any other pegasus to an earth pony, and the same principle goes for Fluttershy.”

“That’s a very difficult spell. I’m not sure I could cast it, and at best it might last a day.” Twilight put in.

“Were I or my sister to perform the spell, it would endure longer, perhaps a matter of weeks.” added Luna. “It is also possible that an artifact could be enchanted to maintain the effect.”

Fluttershy spoke up for the first time. “Excuse me, but do you mean that you are offering to do this for us?”

Both alicorns nodded. “We know it wasn’t what you were hoping to hear, but at least for now it’s all we can offer. The magical college will continue to work on the issue, but they can’t promise anything.” Celestia replied.

Fluttershy looked at Applejack, then back to the Princesses. “Thank you very much, and I don’t want you to think that I’m not grateful, but I can’t put you to all that trouble.”

“Fluttershy, are you sure?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Oh, yes. It’s not like I live or work in the clouds, after all. I wouldn’t feel right having to have one of the Princesses keep coming over to cast a spell on me for as little as I would be taking advantage of it.”

All eyes swung to Applejack, who looked up at the Princesses. “So even if ya changed me ta be like before, it wouldn’t be lastin’.”

“That is correct.” Luna replied.

“What about... havin’ a foal, some day?”

The Royal Sisters looked at each other once again, and this time Celestia took the question. “Maintaining that sort of transformation during pregnancy? That’s not something that has been tried very often, if at all. I can’t say that I would recommend it.”

Applejack shook her head. “It’s livin’ a lie, then. Ah cain’t do that, beggin’ yer pardon. What Fluttershy says is the truth, it’s mighty kind of ya ta make the offer, but Ah wouldn’t feel right about it.”

Princess Celestia drew herself up. “Very well, then. We respect your wishes in the matter.”

“And once again, know that if there is anything we can do to make this easier for you, you have but to ask.” added Luna.

“Just have Spike send us a letter, and we will see to it at once.” concluded Celestia.

“Thank you so much.” replied Fluttershy.

“Yeah, thank you kindly.” added Applejack.

“Then goodbye for now, my little ponies.” and in a flash, Celestia and Luna were gone.

Fluttershy looked from Twilight to Applejack and back, concern written on her features, then reached out with her forelegs and pulled the other two ponies into a hug. “Please, don’t be sad. As long as we have our friends we can get through anything.”

Twilight managed a smile in return. “That’s right. Together.” She returned the hug. “Fluttershy, I want you to know that if you need to go to Cloudsdale or anything like that, come to me and I’ll cast the flying spell I used on Rarity for you.”

“That’s very sweet of you.” Fluttershy replied. “Applejack, what about you? Are you going to be all right?”

Applejack also returned Fluttershy’s hug. “Ah’ll be OK. It’s a lot to get used to, is all.”

Fluttershy still looked concerned, but she didn’t press the issue. “Well then, it’s Market Day, and I was going to go there before Spike came to tell me about the Princesses, so I suppose I’ll get to my shopping and see you all later.” She turned and headed for the library door.

Applejack followed. “Yeah, Ah’m supposed to be workin’ the Apple cart today, and Ah don’t want Mac ta have to do my share, so Ah oughtta get over there.”

Spike opened the door for the pair, acknowledging their thanks, and closed it behind them. He walked back to Twilight, who had resumed looking at the floor. “Twi? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing! Ah, nothing, Spike. Of course, I wish I had been able to do more to help, but I did everything I could think of, right? I mean, even the Princess, the Princess, even, couldn’t do...” she turned her head away, but Spike could see the tears start to fall from her eyes. “Stupid, so stupid, it’s not like anything happened to me, it’s not like anypony is really hurt, it’s stupid to think that Princess Celestia can just come in and wave her horn and make everything right again, I’m not a little filly any more after all and I know better than, better than... oh, Spike!” and with that she buried her head in the baby dragon’s chest and began to sob.