• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 1,962 Views, 28 Comments

New Perspectives - Alerhys

Applejack, Fluttershy, and their friends and family must cope with the aftermath of a magical accident.

  • ...

Part Six

New Perspectives

a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic by Alerhys

Part Six

As they walked from the library, Applejack cleared her throat. “Say, Fluttershy?”


“Thanks, fer showin’ me about preenin’ an all. You were right, it’s a lot more comfortable that way.”

“You’re quite welcome.” The yellow pony looked at Applejack’s pinions and nodded. “You’re doing a good job; your wings look very neat.”

“Yeah, well, I guess it’s not like Ah’ve done much to get ‘em out of place, ‘cept sleepin’ on em.”

“You should. Your wings are good wings. They’re strong wings. Give them a chance, and they’ll do you proud.”


Applejack got a shy smile in return. “I have to get some new shopping bags. I’ll come by later, OK?” and with that Fluttershy turned and trotted down the street.

“Guess she’s got a point.” Applejack muttered to herself as she headed for the spot where the family apple cart was set up. Glancing around, she noticed that the number of looks she was getting had fallen off considerably. “Third day and already the novelty is wearin’ off. That’s life in Ponyville, Ah reckon.”

As she approached the cart, she saw Macintosh filling an applesauce order for Roseluck while Apple Bloom stacked bags of apple chips at the front of the display. She waited for their customer to walk away before trotting up. “Hey you two, looks like you’re doin’ good business!” she greeted her siblings.

They looked their sister over. “Thought you were gonna be back to normal,” Bic Mac commented.

“Welcome ta the new normal. The Princesses themselves say there’s nothin’ can be done.”

Apple Bloom was bouncing up and down, “So you’re gonna stay a pegasus?”

“And Fluttershy stays an earth pony, so keep a rein on that enthusiasm, sis.”

“Sorry. So what are you gonna do now?”

“Sell apple products, and let Mac get back to the farm.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah haven’t thought about it, truth ta tell. We still got Sweet Apple Acres to attend to, regardless.”

“You want me to tell Granny?” Big Mac asked. “Give the idea time to settle in before you get home.”

“Give her time ta have mah things thrown out in the road, ya mean?”

He snorted. “Told you, it’s not the same as with Fuji.”

“Who’s Fuji?” Apple Bloom interjected.

The older ponies froze. “Me and my big mouth,” Mac muttered.

Applejack sighed. “You never met Fuji, AB. She’d be, lemme see, yer second cousin once removed, if Ah got it figured right. Younger than our folks, older than Mac, here. She used ta be in charge of lookin’ after the young’uns at the Apple Family get-togethers; Ah liked her a lot.”

“Did... something happen to her?”

“You could say that. She got ta know one of her local weather pegasi, they fell in love, and they got married.”

“Oh. Then something bad happened?”

Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other, then both looked away for a moment, embarrassed. Finally Applejack spoke. “Ya gotta remember, Applebloom, this was a ways back, before you were even born.”

“What’s that got to do with it?”

“The heads of the Apple branches, um, they decided that by marryin’ a pegasus, Fuji had left the family.”

“What? Why?”

“Well, pegasi, they’re not farmers. They don’t grow things.”

“Fluttershy does. Did. You know what I mean. And isn’t there a pegasus that grows grape vines around here?”

Applejack kicked the ground. “Yeah. Ah was just a filly, not even your age then. When Fuji wasn’t at the next reunion, Ah asked why. Nobody would talk about it, till her little brother took me aside and told me about it.”

“That’s dumb.” Apple Bloom said emphatically.

“Reckon yer right, AB.”

“So did you ever hear from her again?”

“Not directly. Ah’d hear bits and pieces over the years, how she had a couple of foals, an earth pony colt and a pegasus filly, and far as Ah know she’s doin’ all right.”

“Well, that’s good at least.” Apple Bloom replied. She thought for a moment, then her eyes grew wide as she made the connections between what her brother and sister had been saying. “Wait a minute. Are you sayin’ that you’re gonna be kicked out of the family for gettin’ turned into a pegasus?”

“Ah didn’t say that, exactly... but you saw how Granny took it when Ah came home with wings.”

“She doesn’t run the farm any more. You and Mac do.”

“She’s still head of our branch of the Apple Family, Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom stepped up to her sister, ears laid back and mouth grim. “I don’t care! If you get kicked out of the family, then I’m goin’ out of the family with you!”

“Eeyup.” added Big Mac.

Applejack looked between her siblings, emotions playing over her face. “You two are talkin’ crazy. Ya cain’t just leave the family like that!”

“Wouldn’t be leaving them. They’d be leaving us.” Mac drawled.

“That’s right. I’d rather change my name to, to Pomme Floraison than not have you for my sister. Nopony gets to do that, not even Granny!” Apple Bloom added.

“Ah... Dang it, Ah got somethin’ in my eye here.” Applejack wiped at her eyes with a hoof.

“I bet cousin Fuji would let us be part of her family. We should go visit her instead of goin’ to the Summer Sun get-together.”

“Oh mah stars. That’s just two weeks away, ain’t it? Plum slipped mah mind. No wonder Granny was so put out.”

“So what are ya gonna do?” asked Apple Bloom.

Applejack shook her head. “Fer now, Ah’m not gonna worry about it. Takin’ care of the farm is the most important thing.” She looked around, noticing several ponies waiting a short distance away. “And not scarin’ away customers is part of that. Step up, the best apple products around for sale here!”

Big Mac turned toward the road. “Won’t say anything to Granny, then. You want me ta come back at closing time?”

“Nah, Ah kin handle the harness, now that Ah know what not ta do.”

“See you at home, then. Don’t forget to eat lunch.”

“Not a chance of that.”

Applejack spent the next few hours answering the same questions from curious ponies while making sales: yes, she and Fluttershy would be staying the way they were now; no, she hadn’t gotten the hang of flying yet but yes, she intended to learn; yes, she intended to keep working the farm and no, she didn’t know how being a pegasus would affect that yet; and no, she didn’t plan on changing teams for Winter Wrap-Up but that was a ways down the road. In the middle of it Apple Bloom’s fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders showed up, and Applejack sent them off with the rest of the day-old apple muffins and an admonition to be careful, to which the fillies gave their usual breezy assurances.

It was after the usual lunch time, and Applejack’s stomach rumbled as she looked over a depleted apple cart. “Ah guess this whole thing didn’t hurt business none. Guess Ah can afford to take a little time off.” She shut up the cart, hung up an Out To Lunch sign on it, and headed over to Sugarcube Corner.

Entering the shop, she noted that the lunch rush seemed to be over in there as well, with Pinkie Pie behind the counter of an otherwise empty shop. “Howdy, Pinkie. What ya got that’s sweet and substantial?”

“Ooh, we still have some chocolate chip banana nut bread left and that should put some spring in your wings!”

“Sounds like a plan. Ah’ll have it for here, thanks.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie! Mind if I join you?” Pinkie stuck her head through the kitchen door and called “Mrs. Cake, I’m taking my break now!” before grabbing up the banana bread platter, two plates, and two bottles of milk and carrying them over to a table. “It’s on me today.”

“Aw, Pinkie, you don’t have ta do that.”

“But I want to do that! Even if you don’t want an Applejack’s A Pegasus Now party, I can at least treat you to lunch.”

Applejack joined Pinkie at the table. “Thanks, sugarcube, Ah appreciate the thought. Ah don’t want anypony ta make a big fuss about this.”

“Because you aren’t sure that your traditional farming family is going to be understanding about your nature.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Oh mah gosh, Pinkie. Ah didn’t think about it, but Ah guess you have a pretty good idea about how Ah’m feelin’ right now. Come to think of it, you’re a quarter pegasus yourself, ain’tcha?”

“You remembered about Granny Pie! Sometimes I wonder how things might of been if Daddy had been a pegasus, but then I think that’s silly, because then I’d be somepony else, and if I wasn’t me then who would be?”

Applejack laughed. “Pinkie, you’re just what Ah needed right now.”

Pinkie smiled back. “So it’s OK if I’m just a teensy weensy bit jealous?” she said quietly. “Don’t tell Fluttershy.”

“It’s our secret. You were right about the bread, by the way. Hits the spot.”


After cleaning up from breakfast, Rarity decided to take advantage of market day to restock her larder, levitating her shopping bags from stall to stall and shop to shop with practiced ease as she picked through the edibles offered. It didn’t take long for her to also pick up the gossip of the day, which not surprisingly contained that morning’s development in Applejack and Fluttershy’s situation. Following the trail of talk to the grain store, she was rewarded by the sight of Fluttershy emerging well-laden from the entrance.

“Goodness, Fluttershy, would you like some help with that?”

“Oh, good morning Rarity! I wanted to thank you again for your gifts, especially since it seems that I’ll be getting good use out of them from now on.”

“So I had gathered. Is there anything I can do for you, dear?”

“Well, if you get a chance could you go by Applejack’s cart and let her know that I won’t be by today after all? I got such a good deal on corn feed and I need to take all my purchases back home.”

“Most certainly, but are you sure that’s all you need?”

“Yes, please, if you don’t mind. If I don’t see you again today, we’re still on for the spa tomorrow, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“See you later, then.” smiled Fluttershy, turning and stepping smartly down the road towards her home.

Rarity watched the yellow pony leave. “She certainly seems to be taking all this rather well,” she mused.


Rainbow Dash hadn’t slept especially well. She couldn’t remember the exact details from her nightmares; she was fairly sure that plummeting was involved, but whether it was her, Fluttershy, or even Applejack doing it wasn’t clear. Fortunately, the weather schedule was clear (barring anything unexpected blowing in from the Everfree), so she had the luxury of taking her sweet time pulling herself together in the morning and making sure her wings were in tip-top condition before launching herself from her cloud home down into Ponyville for a late breakfast (or for most other ponies, an early lunch).

Circling over the town as she set course for Sugarcube Corner, she caught sight of a familiar yellow pony; she was wearing oversized saddlebags, but Rainbow didn’t see any sign of wings. Angling across the marketplace, she spotted Applejack talking to her siblings, still obviously a pegasus. “Taking their sweet time about it.” she muttered as she swooped down to a landing.

Walking into the bakery, she got in line behind a couple of other customers who were chatting with Pinkie Pie at the counter.

“Yeah, I heard it too, Bon Bon came in and she heard it directly from Fluttershy while they were buying sugar.”

“Heard what?” Rainbow put in.

“Oh, hi Dashie! We were talking about Fluttershy and Applejack, they’re telling everypony that they have to stay the way they are.”

“What? You mean Fluttershy doesn’t get her wings back?”

“Nopey-wopey, but from how I heard it she...” but Dash was already back out the door.

Rocketing into the air, it struck Rainbow that she had no idea what she should do. She was really upset, but it made no sense to her to be mad at Fluttershy and she’d given up on being mad at Applejack. Only one other possibility occurred to her, so she shot toward the Golden Oaks Library, bursting through the front door.

Spike jumped his own height into the air at the sudden intrusion. “Aah! What the...?”

“Spike! Where’s Twilight?”

“Ah, well, uh, now’s not a good time.”

Twilight walked in from the next room. “It’s all right, Spike.” she said, wiping her face with a hoof.

Rainbow took in the sight of the purple unicorn. “Twilight? Have you been... crying?”

Spike started to say something, but Twilight held up a hoof to stop him. “Yes. Yes, I have. I’ve been bawling my eyes out like a little filly, as a matter of fact.” she answered.

“Oh.” Between losing sleep and the amount of mood whiplash she’d been through, Dash was starting to feel dizzy. “Um, sorry?”

“It’s not anything you did, Rainbow.”

“I... That’s good, I guess.”

“But you’re not the only one that hates losing.”

“Excuse me?”

“I assume from the way you burst in here that you heard the latest about Fluttershy and Applejack.”

“Well, yeah.”

“So you know that we couldn’t do anything. Not me, not the magic college, not the, the Princesses, not all the spiral horns in the world could do a blasted thing.”

Rainbow absorbed the statement, then walked up to Twilight and looked her in the eyes. “I know you did everything you could, Twi. You’re the most awesome unicorn in Equestria.”

Twilight looked down. “I don’t feel very awesome, but thanks.”

“Trust me, I’m an expert on awesome.” Dash rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “Look, you want to get some lunch? We can go over to that café you like. My treat. You too, Spike, to make up for startling you like that.”

“That would be nice. Just let me wash my face and brush my mane.”
